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All companions for all players!!


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I am asking to change the companion system that all imperial side companions will be to all empire players

on Dromuund Kaas.

That includes BH Sith warrior and Inquisitor and Agent.

What I mean is player can choose whichever companion he likes to hire and not to depend on player class.

For example sith warrior will be able able to hire all companions of other classes such as:Bounty Hunter and Agent

and Inquisitor.


Also includes republic side.

Jedi guardian will be able to hire all companions of other classes such as:Jedi Consular and Trooper and Smuggler.


I am aware of such possibility on the new expansion but only sub players are can play that expansion.

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Whenever I see one of these threads, I'm always curious. Why is this a good idea? I'm sure there must be some "kewl" factor at play. But how does this make sense from a story perspective? Why would Khem serve a Bounty Hunter? Kaliyo would last about two minutes before her Sith Warrior "master" decapitates her. Would Qyzen deign to associate with a roguish smuggler? How would Aric react to my diplomat-Sage who prefers to avoid fights?


Then there are the technical issues. Revisiting all the convos in every Class mission (granted, they could just copy/paste indiscriminate grunting by Qyzen or Khem).


I get that all Companions are homogeneous, which makes throwing a Character and Companion "key party" feasible from a game mechanics context. But someone needs to explain to me why it's a good idea to do so. And someone needs to figure out how we reprogram the entire game (e.g., when my new Consular first visits Yuon at the Tython Temple, he is introduced to Qyzen. Would SWTOR have to allow options in which he meets every other Republic Companion?).

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My idea was that republic toon meets first companion as vanilla and only on Coruscant he meets the rest and chooses which ones he wants to recruit.

Same for Empire player.Starting planet goes as vanilla and on Dromuund Kaas player can choose his party.

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But what about players who are not subbed?

I am sith warrior juggernaut tank and on hoth they give me useless animal tank companion.

I would gladly exchange him for a healer.


Yeah, so what about them? :rolleyes:


In case you didn't realize, you can right click on your companion portrait and change their role (DPS, tank, healer).

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But what about players who are not subbed?

I am sith warrior juggernaut tank and on hoth they give me useless animal tank companion.

I would gladly exchange him for a healer.


Broonmark rules.


Pay a sub and do KotFE/KotET or roll 8 toons and enjoy the full diversity of choices. The "vanilla story" is where the identities of companions really matter. A lot of the action in the story is built around companions. I can think of at least 3 instances off the top of my head (and those were the most obvious) where they would actually have to redo the story (a story that is the good part of the game and doesn't need changing) .

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Whenever I see one of these threads, I'm always curious. Why is this a good idea? I'm sure there must be some "kewl" factor at play. But how does this make sense from a story perspective? Why would Khem serve a Bounty Hunter? Kaliyo would last about two minutes before her Sith Warrior "master" decapitates her. Would Qyzen deign to associate with a roguish smuggler? How would Aric react to my diplomat-Sage who prefers to avoid fights?


It comes across as one of those things that sound great in the head, but when you start thinking the logistics of it, that's where it falls apart. For example, my Smuggler would get along famously with Gault but since he's on the run, there's not much chance for him to connect with where my Smuggler's tromping around. It also opens up other tangles such as how are romance companions get handled. Do they open up those romances to the other classes or not? I can only imagine the forums explosion over not being able to have the chance to romance one of the romanceables.


Technical factor's a nightmare considering how easy some things break in the engine even if they go with something like a recruiting kiosk. Then there's cost factors such as while they can reuse some dialog, they're likely going to need something new recorded for certain scenarios.

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First off Empire companions will be avalible only to Empire players.

So smuggler cant get BH companion.


Is there supposed to be a "second off" to that retort? (or a point?) You've already been informed how companions are being released as part of the KotFE questline, and if you think they're going to completely revamp the companion system for non-subs or impatient kids, then I just have this to say:

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Also another thing.I don't know if this already been posted so Im not gonna start another thread .

So why not allow Sith Warrior have some Force lightning(like Malgus in the trailer)and

Inquisitor have some small force chocke?


Also I supported the game.I bought it.What more do you want from me?

Im not rich and I work for a living.

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Also I supported the game.I bought it.What more do you want from me?

Im not rich and I work for a living.

People are saying that you should support the game on an ongoing basis by subscribing. That"s what more they want from you.


And you aren't the only SWTOR player who works for a living. *I* work for a living, and that means I can afford a subscription.

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Also another thing.I don't know if this already been posted so Im not gonna start another thread .

So why not allow Sith Warrior have some Force lightning(like Malgus in the trailer)and

Inquisitor have some small force chocke?


Also I supported the game.I bought it.What more do you want from me?

Im not rich and I work for a living.


Most of us work for a living here as well. Also most are not rich here either. I work 9 to 5 every day, pay bills, have debts etc. However, just because you bought the game once doesn't entitle you to all the benefits that a subscriber gets.


So, if you want more companions, support the game by subbing and earn them.

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