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My DvL comments


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Not that anyone cares what I think :) I wanted to post before my subscription expires again in a few days.


Until this recent stint I had not played since January. I resubbed for the DvL event in part to see how easy it was and in part to play KotFE.


I started on a new server (Bergeron Colony) with no legacy or other perks. I leveled a bounty hunter and a smuggler. I only did class story and the planetary heroics until I was done on Chapter 3 for each class.


Bounty hunter: played 2 days, 12 hours, 29 minutes to get to level 65. Once I was done with Chapter 3 I just did the flashpoints (solo and tactical) needed for the tier needed. Approximately 2.5 million credits earned (no GTN sales, but slicing on the way).


Smuggler played 2 days 12 hours 49 minutes before I started KotFE. I was at 2 days, 20 hours 26 min after Chapter 9. After KotFE I was at 3 days 14 hours 42 min. This was with a couple of hours running around Outlaw Den looking for the Tome of Ancient Wisdom. Approximately 4 million credits after KotFE (no GTN sales, but slicing on the way). I hit legacy level 18 at the end of Chapter 16.


Comments on leveling - very easy up until the Eternal Championship and final Chapter. I set my companion to tank for 99% of the content. Everything except the heroics I would open with an AoE and then move on to the next group. I was able to do most heroics this way too, but every once in awhile I would have to pay attention. In the solo flashpoints I dismissed the Jesus droid and just used my companion (except for a couple that I had previously done - on those I used the droid just so I could burn through it faster).


The story for KotFE was ok. I kind of felt like I was playing Dragon Age: Inquisition, but it was ok. It did feel like it was designed around force using classes (my smuggler didn't buy the whole using the force to power a blaster bit). The last chapter fights were entertaining and even challenging - I couldn't just press 5 keys in a somewhat random order until the boss was dead like I had done for the previous the main class story, SoR, and chapter 1 - 15.


I played all of KotFE during the last week and a half. I could see where they would be better with 3 - 4 week gaps between them.


So I subbed for 2 months and I got Eternal Level. Now I'll be unsubbed until the end of the next expansion unless there is something really phenomenal that draws me back in (and the current style of subscriber benefits are not it :) ).


TD:LR Decent story, but disappointed at the lack of challenge until the end. My sub has gone from every month from release to January 2015 to a month or two per year. I hope this business model keeps the lights on for them.

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Been saying since ch 13 that the first expansion would be a data gathering one, so its imo a high chance choices will matter in KotET.


Do you have any inclination on doing legendary? May seam intimidating but its actually quit simple if you have time to chip away at it, you got at least 1 more month until any deadline will come, maybe 2. But ya just attempting nets you some achievement points to boost your score :D (im 29995 right now).


But glad you had fun thats what matters.

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Been saying since ch 13 that the first expansion would be a data gathering one, so its imo a high chance choices will matter in KotET.


Do you have any inclination on doing legendary? May seam intimidating but its actually quit simple if you have time to chip away at it, you got at least 1 more month until any deadline will come, maybe 2. But ya just attempting nets you some achievement points to boost your score :D (im 29995 right now).


But glad you had fun thats what matters.


Yeah, I had fun. Doing the tactical flashpoints was the first time I had used group finder. I didn't have any complaints there (no matter the horror stories I had heard before :) ). I made sure to say that it was my first time through the flashpoint and to let me know if I needed to do anything special at the boss fights and everyone was really nice. Nobody yelled at me to space bar or anything :)


I don't have any inclination to get to legendary. I would have to get 6 more characters to 50 and honestly I just don't have the will to do it (I have about 20 characters over 3 servers now). I'm also not interested in hard mode flashpoints or world bosses so eternal was a good place to stop. My sub will run out in a day or two and I probably won't play as a preferred (do to not being able to get lock boxes). Building my alliance seems pointless - I already finished chapter 16.

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I don't have any inclination to get to legendary. I would have to get 6 more characters to 50 and honestly I just don't have the will to do it (I have about 20 characters over 3 servers now). I'm also not interested in hard mode flashpoints or world bosses so eternal was a good place to stop. My sub will run out in a day or two and I probably won't play as a preferred (do to not being able to get lock boxes). Building my alliance seems pointless - I already finished chapter 16.


I only went up to Eternal too. Looking over Legendary, the rewards just aren't worth the effort put into all the requirements. I originally planned on just doing up to Valiant level and calling it there, but then a guildie returned and challenged me to join him in seeing how far we could make it through Legendary. I called it at Eternal since classes started up for me but he's still giving it a go.


Bound lockboxwise, I did pretty decent. Got a few nice looking armors and weapons, only had to pick up a missing box here and there which was reasonably priced. Got loads of color crystals, mounts and decorations, and did well on the GTN selling off XP boosts. Overall the event while not amazing, was pretty good to me since it did give me the incentive to finally finish off the class completions I needed for my Legendary Player gold seal and explore the content that came out after Chapter 3 along with doing a ton of flashpoints I hadn't given any thought to before.

Edited by Limariko
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nice that you had fun. I have to say i hated the event cause they only forced people to do old stuff again for achievments (which I am hunting). Still, yes it was fun to lvl the toons, since i leveled with occastional PVP in lowbie which is alwasy fun to kill poor noobs that dont know how to play the game.


Anyway, i also got a Merc to 65 did all the story with him including KOTFE for the achievments and xp gear. Then got a Sentinel to 65 rep side. The rest of the toons I was always trying to beat my time in lvling to lvl 50, best was 4:38 hours. I SM fps were easy as i did the solo versions, the HM fps took me 2 evening cause its a lot of them and sometimes people did fail. However my empty xp gear healers/tanks were enough for that.


As for the business model, yeah, its just as you did it. Basically Bioware wanted to make statistics look good again with many people subbing when the last chapter of KOTFE came out and then they all unsubbed. This way they basically got all the story till now, could do the event and leave the game since there will again be several months of NOTHING in the game.


I dont think they will be able to keep this up and if KOTET fails, the game fails.

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sadly, i believe i have missed this event that i would have probably enjoyed. It started in early May with a failing cpu cooling fan. several weeks of research due to high profile ram bricks. added liquid cooling and replaced 4 fans. intermittent with two hospital stays and some PT. may have to replace cpu due to a red light i cant get to go away., but if one of the slots are bad then it will need to be the whole MB.


my point is, looking forward to getting back soon and maybe having a a little time to try some of this out... if it hasnt ended by then.

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