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Can anyone identify this armor set?


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Between the awesome Tor-Fashion site and my own Google-Fu, I've gotten pretty decent at tracking down and identifying armor that I see on NPCs. I was just going through the Ziost missions again, and I'm at a loss here. Can anyone tell me about the set this NPC is wearing? It's the orange guy that the possessed Master Surro stops and beheads(?) starting at about the 2:08 mark in this video. Looks like maybe a version of the game's various pilot armors, but with the chest tubes unplugged, leaving those glowing blue sockets visible in the ribcage area. Also noticed the Imperial insignia on the shoulder. Digging those sockets though. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


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You pretty well picked it already, a modified covert pilot suit with some generic boots and gloves.

That top is not available anywhere in the game.

They do this from time to time, modify pieces to suit their needs. One only has to look at the trooper outfits and the 9 variations of it that are not available to anyone, including the CE.

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  • 1 year later...
I used the Dread guard chestpiece, dynamic brawlers belt, the pants and boots, gloves are not exact so I use the Havoc squad parts for those and the color that comes close is the Black and light brown dye. Edited by rlowndes
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You pretty well picked it already, a modified covert pilot suit with some generic boots and gloves.

That top is not available anywhere in the game.

They do this from time to time, modify pieces to suit their needs. One only has to look at the trooper outfits and the 9 variations of it that are not available to anyone, including the CE.


^^ I agree with this assessment.

Edited by Andryah
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