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T7 no longer meets requirements?***??


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My T7 (I'm lvl 14, Corusant) has a flashing red icon now that say it no longer meets requirements of practically EVERYTHING it has. Whats the deal??

Damn, I wish this game had a proper freaking MANUAL or at least a SEARCH function on the forums so I wouldnt have to post a new thread in the middle of my session!!

Help is appreciated.


BTW, why does my Jedi now have a blaster rifle slung over his shoulder?? (not in use)

Edited by GhostNine
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Very strange, I've never seen that. Best i can say to do is try dismissing him/resummoning him and even relogging. That's fixed most bugs i run into. Because it seems like its not recognizing that T7 has the passives to equip them (which he obviously does)


Maybe submit a ticket if that doesn't work, though who knows how long that'll take to get a reply on


Edit:: Good to see you got it fixed, bad to see you had to die for it :p

Edited by MiraBindo
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