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Lol Carbine Burst DoT spread


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Give me a break. Seriously, just give me a break already. Why has this not been addressed?? How long does an awful decision have to stick around in this game? Carbine Burst is 100% undeniably the single worst ability in our entire kit, yet is given the responsibility of one of the most crucial aspects of the spec. No ground effect, no radius detection, nothing. It's literally an unusable skill. Why has this not been addressed and changed already? The other DoT specs are superior ONLY because of their ability to spread. I have to waste an extra 4-5 GCDs just to get my dart on people. It's so clunky and underthought that it makes my head spin. Either give carbine burst a ground effect and let us choose where where to place it, just like the merc spammable aoe, or make Frag grenade spread dart, problem solved. It's that easy.
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Carbine Burst is by far the worst ability in the entire game. I think it needs to be replaced entirely, no amount of tweaking of its current parameters will make it useful.


Exactly, i mean flamethrower/pulse cannon at least do damage and their tank upgrades, carbine burst and blaster volley just me :p

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If we are lucky they will give us a little help since it's a pain to aim, like +20% damage and Spread of both dots (handy as new ads come in). Changing how it's aimed would kind of faceroll things. In general, since we're a melee, it should be comparable to Assassin's Lacerate, Warriors Sweeping Slash, and PT's flame sweep. Since warriors can spread dots using smash, maybe we could also spread using normal grenades? I just wouldn't want to wait on a CD to spread.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would prefer if they removed Carbine Burst and gave us an entirely new Grenade ability.

This ability would be a 10m range, 5m AoE, energy attack that is placed rather than requiring a target. Same damage and same cost as Carbine Burst, and of course spammable.

Only problem is what to call it.

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  • 1 month later...

Agreed carbine burst is awful. I don`t understand why it can`t be just like sweeping gunfire (gunslinger) which is great ability. My smuggler is only at level 16 but at the moment i use it constantly. I NEVER use carbine burst.

Sweeping gunfire basically fills the same role as carbine burst, but it actually is amazing ability instead of being awful.


Carbine burst certainly gets my vote for worst ability in entire game.

Edited by TheRomanRuler
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  • 4 weeks later...
I think toxic grenade should spread your dots.

Do you mean the current Discipline ability Corrosive Grenade or the new 5.0 ability Toxic Haze? If the former, yeah, it'd be nice, since I believe that's how Snipers get it, too. If the latter, I dunno. While a PBAoE spread is nicer than a cone, I don't think I want to be reliant on an ability that has both a cooldown and a Tactical Advantage requirement for spread.

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I add to 360 pirouette sentiment. I would also like my toon to either have a distinctive "AAAAAAH" yell or Ciril Figus, from Archer, yelling his classic "SUPPRESSING FIRE" added to the sound effects of the ability. But for real, I saw Musco playing an operative last night on a live stream. Be our champion eric, push this one to the top of that white board of ideas that'll never happen please.
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  • 3 weeks later...
For anyone who is keeping their eye on the changes made to Operative but may be unsubbed, rest assured that the new Noxious Knives ability is functionally, cosmetically, and over all much better than carbine burst, and after playing a few warzones, I'm convinced that it can be used for reliable dot spread.
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