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Male Consular Voice Acting


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Female JK is the only voice that grate on my nerve . (well I only play female , so can't speak about the males ones)




The female Jedi Knight is one of my favorite VA's. I think she's perfect for my Jedi Knight. I think my favorites are Female Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor. The one I like least is Jennifer Hale's trooper voice. She's fine as Satele Shan, but I really wish they'd hired another voice for the Trooper, cause I hear Satele too much in the trooper voice.


As for the male VA's I think my favorites are Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor. :)


And for me both Consular VA's need to get off the valium.

Edited by Lunafox
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The female Jedi Knight is one of my favorite VA's. I think she's perfect for my Jedi Knight.


Same, she's my favorite. Especially when reading light side lines, she sounds like such a sweetheart, and has a truly compassionate quality to her voice. I adore it.

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Maybe it depends on how you perceive the character.


My own Male Consular is one of my favorite characters. His monotone of a voice fits his personality perfectly; since I view him as over-young and over-prone to an extreme interpretation of the Jedi Code. I even left him a body-type 1 character to illustrate his sheer youth. He would tell you, if you asked him that eventually time and experience will likely shape him, his personality, his character -- and even maybe his tone. But in the meantime, he is precocious, diplomatic and intelligent, and powerful. And he acts it. The voice fits him.


My own favorite voices in-game belong to the males Smuggler and Agent and the female Warrior, though.

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The female Jedi Knight is one of my favorite VA's. I think she's perfect for my Jedi Knight. I think my favorites are Female Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor. The one I like least is Jennifer Hale's trooper voice. She's fine as Satele Shan, but I really wish they'd hired another voice for the Trooper, cause I hear Satele too much in the trooper voice.


As for the male VA's I think my favorites are Sith Warrior, Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor. :)


And for me both Consular VA's need to get off the valium.


It's Xanax! :p


Let's exchange (hand over JK) and you give me another JC... lol cose her voice is just...make me cringe everytime . Wich is a shame , cose while I'm not a big fan of the JK story (find it overrated) , it's good to play something else then Sith warrior . (have too many already lol) .


Hey hey..no no no..leave Jennifer Hale as Trooper ! that's the only reason I was able to go trough it :p

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The female Jedi Knight is one of my favorite VA's. I think she's perfect for my Jedi Knight. I think my favorites are Female Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor. The one I like least is Jennifer Hale's trooper voice. She's fine as Satele Shan, but I really wish they'd hired another voice for the Trooper, cause I hear Satele too much in the trooper voice.

JK is my favorite female VA for pc. Although... I wish I could have, like, a Mako or Vette voice for some of my characters. :p I think I'd die from the cuteness of some of the more tough lines in the game being read by them.


I actually don't mind consular of either. I think my only issue with them is that, to memory, neither of their voices work well for going outside of the LS pious sage role. I would say male SW is one of the best in terms of sounding equally believable as cruel DS or calm LS.

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Same, she's my favorite. Especially when reading light side lines, she sounds like such a sweetheart, and has a truly compassionate quality to her voice. I adore it.


I've played her both ways, and my favorite is still the dark Jedi. The VA has a real talent, she can sound like a sweetheart, but she also has the ability to sound like there is an edge to her sweetness and a flirtatiousness too. I do enjoy her very much.



It's Xanax! :p


Let's exchange (hand over JK) and you give me another JC... lol cose her voice is just...make me cringe everytime . Wich is a shame , cose while I'm not a big fan of the JK story (find it overrated) , it's good to play something else then Sith warrior . (have too many already lol) .


Hey hey..no no no..leave Jennifer Hale as Trooper ! that's the only reason I was able to go trough it :p


Or maybe Thorazine...I'm sure that outpost on Tatooine will have some lol.


Ok, deal :D Funny how it goes...I for one love JK story and find JC snoreworthy...but there are those like yourself that seem to enjoy the more sedate and thoughtful story of the JC. But you're right variety is good, I have like 8 SW's so it's good to play something different lol.


Ok, you can have her, I honestly don't think I could slog through Trooper again. I'll just be content with my Jonas Balkar clone, cause he was the best part of that story for me :D



JK is my favorite female VA for pc. Although... I wish I could have, like, a Mako or Vette voice for some of my characters. :p I think I'd die from the cuteness of some of the more tough lines in the game being read by them.


I actually don't mind consular of either. I think my only issue with them is that, to memory, neither of their voices work well for going outside of the LS pious sage role. I would say male SW is one of the best in terms of sounding equally believable as cruel DS or calm LS.


It would be brilliant if they paid a few more VA's to come in and record all the lines and then give subs a choice of voice. I'd welcome that, because I have so many generations of characters in my legacy now, it would be nice if I could vary their voices a bit. I was also remiss before...I forgot to mention, how much I love the Female Imperial Agent's voice as well. The actress who does Vette does a lot of voices, so it would be great if they got her in to do one of the classes as well.


I tried doing a darkside consular and it was painful...so I've got a light side female...and a neutralish male I'm trying to make myself play up to 65. He's still stuck at 55.


And agreed, Male SW is very adept at passing for both light and dark. I feel that way about male Agent too...but I prefer him dark :D I love the darkside :D

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I've played her both ways, and my favorite is still the dark Jedi. The VA has a real talent, she can sound like a sweetheart, but she also has the ability to sound like there is an edge to her sweetness and a flirtatiousness too. I do enjoy her very much.


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It would be brilliant if they paid a few more VA's to come in and record all the lines and then give subs a choice of voice. I'd welcome that, because I have so many generations of characters in my legacy now, it would be nice if I could vary their voices a bit. I was also remiss before...I forgot to mention, how much I love the Female Imperial Agent's voice as well. The actress who does Vette does a lot of voices, so it would be great if they got her in to do one of the classes as well.


I tried doing a darkside consular and it was painful...so I've got a light side female...and a neutralish male I'm trying to make myself play up to 65. He's still stuck at 55.


And agreed, Male SW is very adept at passing for both light and dark. I feel that way about male Agent too...but I prefer him dark :D I love the darkside :D

Yessss... I would pay money for that. :D


Female IA is definitely a good one. She fits the spy role really well.


Yeah, I tried doing some DS consular choices earlier on one of my mid-level characters to see if I was remembering right... painful is about the right word for it. It's just hard to take it seriously, with how it's voiced.


I've yet to try a male agent, but it's one of the ones I want to try. I'll have to try darkside with him and see how it goes. Sounds like fun.

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Ok, deal Funny how it goes...I for one love JK story and find JC snoreworthy...but there are those like yourself that seem to enjoy the more sedate and thoughtful story of the JC. But you're right variety is good, I have like 8 SW's so it's good to play something different lol.


Ok, you can have her, I honestly don't think I could slog through Trooper again. I'll just be content with my Jonas Balkar clone, cause he was the best part of that story for me


Oh Jedi consular story is boring . I never denie that , I do love chapter 1..but once ya get to chapter 2...I was snorkling hard .


But I worked hard on my JC , and while there were part of the game where I was bored to death , there were part that lifted the dull ambiance . And if you get attached to your toon....thats half a battle won . And I do love her voice , and how I role played her . So that kinda take away alot of the ''Story is so boring shoot me someone!'' .


There were (and probably is buried somewhere here on this board) . But a guy made a Long comparison between Sith warrior and Jedi consular . Comparing Sith warrior story wich is filled with lot of battle to Skywalker , and Jedi consular to being Obi . I never saw the movies , but the guy worded his comparaison so well...that gave me a reason to make a Jedi consular :D wanted to see it for myself .


As for JK , it's the tone . There is this big large difference . Maybe cose I got used to the JC voice , but when JK speak..it just feel forced . Like it isn't her natural tone . And that irk me lol


I think the main issue with JK , is that alot of peoples told me it's amazing , mind blowing! Just Wow...and I did sith warrior first . So was expecting ALOT...and it fell short of it .

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Gonna toss my opinion at you here as well-


I like to think of Consular as the Child Prodigy Who Really Doesn't Want To Be, and to be a -good little youngling- Consular (male and female) took up at a young age how to act like an older and -supposedly- wiser Jedi. So the stilted wooden voice could essentially be a shield the JC had been using to keep the older instructors proud of him/her and to avoid disappointing those instructors, but the JC spent so long using that voice that s/he uses it all the time, never reverting back to a voice to match his/her age (assuming the JC is even slightly younger than s/he sounds).


Though I have a JC I also like to think of as "growing into" the voice, when at first she uses it to sound impressive and to keep the non-Jedi preoccupied while she figures out what exactly she's trying to do until she gets the self confidence and it is her voice (so at first I like to think her voice isn't her voice yet, but she's talking slightly younger, and then later on in Act One or so, she aged into the voice more). Though DS choice conversation lines also don't have quite the same wooden sound.


As for the others...


I like to think of my JKs as being similar to Anakin, except this era does not restrict new padawans to only the very youngest of the younglings, and so similar to JC, s/he tries a little too hard to be a proper Jedi (Like LS Jaesa sounds *winces* or DS Jaesa does for being a Sith), but in DS choices the voice (like the JC) also loses some of the stiff stuffy tones.


My FemShep- I mean FemTrooper, is uh, Star Wars FemShep, right down to pursuing (usually) her XO Sniper follower. I haven't played a MaleTroop thorugh Act One for a long time, however since I prefer FemSh-Troop's voice. At first I didn't like it, but then i played ME so... Trooper voices are also ones I tend to think of characters as "aging into" as the timeline goes one or so. I honestly don't expect my greenhorn out-of-the-academy promoted-by-default-but-was-only-the-new-guy-at-the-start Trooper to sound all awesome and commanding like Commander Effing Shepard who had been in the Human Alliance Military for a number of years regardless of what Shepard Background and Military History you chose.


I love Smugglers. I like male smug more, but that's because Corso doesn't seem nearly as annoying to a male smug.


I prefer FemInq over MaleInq, but both make sense and I like the accents.


Agents are awesome.


I like the warriors as well, but FemWarrior seems to deliver LS lines better than MaleWarrior.


I prefer FemHunter to MAleHunter, but it's the gargling rocks that unnerves me listening to him flirt with Mako. What did Male Hunter do before Hutta, deathsticks? Spice? Something else that can make a voice sound uncomfortable to speak with? FemHunter can also be considered a voice the character grows into.


Uh, my two credits anyway.

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My god, both voice actors for consular were awful. Drab and lifeless doesn't even begin to describe them. Great VA's would have made that bland story a lot better.


I actually liked the male VA for the consular I though it fit the type of Jedi he's meant to be. I'm less thrilled with the female, now that's just plan bad. I'm not sure how much more I want to play her before I hit the big delete button.

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I actually liked the male VA for the consular I though it fit the type of Jedi he's meant to be. I'm less thrilled with the female, now that's just plan bad. I'm not sure how much more I want to play her before I hit the big delete button.


Honestly, I can't fathom playing either ever again, the voices and story just aren't for me at all.

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