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Male Consular Voice Acting


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I noticed that my male Trooper sounds much different in SoR, but in a way I don't like
I'm a bit of a "Trooper" connoisseur...the male Trooper voice has not changed. There are a few lines in SoR that may have been ripped from other areas, but still, by far, the best damn voice in-game imo. It fits my characters like a glove :D
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The female trooper is also the voice of the leader of the Jedi Order. Sounds more and more like the later when you take female trooper to KOTFE.


That's just proof that Satele isn't really on Odessan, just a figment of Vitiates overactive imagination lulling you into a trap.



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I'm a bit of a "Trooper" connoisseur...the male Trooper voice has not changed. There are a few lines in SoR that may have been ripped from other areas, but still, by far, the best damn voice in-game imo. It fits my characters like a glove :D


Oh, that is good to know! I love the male Trooper voice, but thought he sounded rather bounty hunter-ish when I started Forged Alliances on him. I don't play him much though, so I guess I didn't play him long enough to judge! I'm glad to hear that it is still an awesome voice in SoR and beyond (I've been thinking of remaking him as a Commando) . :)

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Consular and jedi knight male are both terrible, Can't stand the "soft" jedi knight voice...

You do know that the male Consular is Nolan North aka Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video game series, among many, many other VA roles and the male Jedi Knight is David Hayter aka Solid Snake from the Metal Gear video game series, among many, many other VA roles. Both voice actors are highly respected in their field, they get work very frequently and have been working for a long, long time. You should IMDB them both sometime and you'll see that they're both doing fine regardless of you thinking that they are terrible.

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Oh, that is good to know! I love the male Trooper voice, but thought he sounded rather bounty hunter-ish when I started Forged Alliances on him. I don't play him much though, so I guess I didn't play him long enough to judge! I'm glad to hear that it is still an awesome voice in SoR and beyond (I've been thinking of remaking him as a Commando) . :)

Best voice by far :D I'd tell you how many Commando/VG's I have, but it's a bit embarrassing...I've even deleted a few >.<

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As did Liam Neeson?


As did Hayden Christensen?


The director of the prequels was the problem, not the actors.


Yeah I've seen Hayden really knock it out of the park, but he's totally wooden in the prequels, and I have been 100% convinced for a long time that it laid directly at the feet of George Lucas. George thinks that all the audience cares about are bad jokes and cool CGI battles, and the prequels are full of them. But he focuses on them to the exclusion of the dialogue. A lot of the terrible dialogue in those movies could have been repaired with a bit of ad-libbing and a director that let his actors actually act.


I think what's really telling is that when Force Awakens came out, he said (paraphrase) "the fans should love it, it's what they've been asking for for 20 years". Like, no kidding, right?


But he doesn't have to care, I'm pretty sure he also said something like "I can afford to fail for the rest of my life".


I think Anakin's portrayal really upsets me. Anakin should have come off as contemplative and conflicted, even depressed. Anakin has a lot pulling at him from multiple sides, there would be so much stress on him, of course he would snap. But we don't get any of that, because apparently any time the actors try to add any nuance, the director ignored it and just used the first take and moved on to cool CGI battle scenes.


It could have been so so much better, but it just wasn't there. I know Hayden is happily married and enjoying his life right now (good for him), but I felt sad for him for such a long time. Playing DARTH VADER in a STAR WARS movie should never be responsible for destroying a career. It's like the prequels are from bizarro world or something.





Edited by Eleonora
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Best voice by far :D I'd tell you how many Commando/VG's I have, but it's a bit embarrassing...I've even deleted a few >.<

Yes! I also love Brian Bloom's voice, so sexy. That's why my main is Vanguard. :D


Someone said the JK voice is "soft". I think the VA or the director wanted to portray male JK as gentle yet strong, charismatic Jedi Commander. So for me it just makes sense and I really enjoyed playing as male JK, especially in KoTFE. I feel that David Hayter has done a great job in that. (Especially that chapter with Gault. :D )


In fact, I enjoy all the voice of male Pub classes. The first time I played SWTOR I chose to play as male smuggler and I remember loving Maury Sterling's voice so much. :D

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Yes! I also love Brian Bloom's voice, so sexy. That's why my main is Vanguard. :D


Someone said the JK voice is "soft". I think the VA or the director wanted to portray male JK as gentle yet strong, charismatic Jedi Commander. So for me it just makes sense and I really enjoyed playing as male JK, especially in KoTFE. I feel that David Hayter has done a great job in that. (Especially that chapter with Gault. :D )


In fact, I enjoy all the voice of male Pub classes. The first time I played SWTOR I chose to play as male smuggler and I remember loving Maury Sterling's voice so much. :D


I love almost all of the voice actors, which is a big part of why I still play the game. I'll play the same stories over and over again just to listen to them. I poke my companions too for the same reason :o I really wish some of them would branch out into audiobooks...

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Perhaps it takes a player of a certain age to appreciate the Jedi Consular voice. I'm middle-aged and I like the Consular's voice (second for me behind only Male Bounty Hunter ... female Inquisitor is a close third). Lace the voice with a dollop of molasses or a brush of Memphis BBQ sauce, and it's my voice. Which works for me, because my Sage is an old man too.


Like someone said, the Consular voice definitely does not work for an action hero. But my Consulars are all diplomats, healers, counselors, and ... only as a last resort ... reluctant heroes. I appreciate the measured tenor of the Consular's voice.


Tastes and preferences vary, and there is no "correct" answer to such a subjective issue. But I felt the Consular deserved a little love in this opinion-based thread.

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Yes! I also love Brian Bloom's voice, so sexy. That's why my main is Vanguard. :D
I'm glad you mentioned him by name :) He deserves credit imo...extremely well done acting job. He delivers most lines EXACTLY like I would like him to.

Perhaps it takes a player of a certain age to appreciate the Jedi Consular voice. I'm middle-aged and I like the Consular's voice (second for me behind only Male Bounty Hunter ... female Inquisitor is a close third). Lace the voice with a dollop of molasses or a brush of Memphis BBQ sauce, and it's my voice. Which works for me, because my Sage is an old man too.
My only Sage is a female toon (and my only female character), and I LOVE her voice. I've been contemplating rolling a Shadow, so it's good to know your thought on the voice. It's the only male character I haven't rolled yet...I'll need to do that sooner rather than later now :) Edited by TUXs
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You do know that the male Consular is Nolan North aka Nathan Drake from the Uncharted video game series, among many, many other VA roles and the male Jedi Knight is David Hayter aka Solid Snake from the Metal Gear video game series, among many, many other VA roles. Both voice actors are highly respected in their field, they get work very frequently and have been working for a long, long time. You should IMDB them both sometime and you'll see that they're both doing fine regardless of you thinking that they are terrible.


hey, you can appreciate them as the actors (and as much as I adore Nathan Drake - seriously, you do not want to know how obsessed I am with Uncharted games, its not IMO is even North's best role, though it is his breakout one) and STILL be unhappy with their performance in this particular instance.


Even the greatest actors can have bad performances, especially if direction is not great.


its fascinating though just how different options can get.


there was another reply saying that maybe it takes someone older to appreciate Jedi Consular's voice. eh. I don't think so. its not about the age, otherwise, I'd be loving Jedi Consular to pieces. (and I actualy enjoy the story itself, its just voice performances that leave me lukewarm). when given an opportunity for snark and/or dark side choices - they are bearable. but overall its just... think Dinklage's Ghost in Destiny. there is such thing as a little too flat. (although, his performance, just like that of Jedi Consular - still has its fans, so... /shrug)


P.S. of male voices, I have to say me three top ones are Sith warrior, Smuggler and trooper. I liked my Femshep trooper, in part becasue femshep, but.. my Trooper's voice is probably number one reason I'm managing to get through KOTFE at all. (kinda like with my fem sorc)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I think it depends on the type of character you play your consular as. My male consular is very scholarly and calm, but he's not above the occasional (read: often) snark or witty comment. The awkward, almost-stilted, oddly-accented voice actually helped flesh out his character. He's a Chiss - he already doesn't fit in with the rest of the Jedi Order (or the rest of the Republic, for that matter), so a voice like that fits him. It sounds out of place, just as he looks out of place.

...and later on - Makeb onwards - his voice loses the bordering-on-arrogant tone in normal conversation. Yay. :D

(Female consular, however? *plugs ears* My female sage is very pretty, I love the outfit I have her in, I like playing a Balance sage, and even her lightsaber color [almond-blue] is cool bUT HER VOICE OH DEAR STARS IT DRIVES ME UP THE WAAAAAAAAAAALLS! ...ahem. She sounds like she's either about to be sick, or fall asleep. It doesn't help that I once had a science teacher who sounded much the same way...I think I would have liked Earth Science if not for that teacher with the hideous voice.)


As for the worst voice, in my opinion? Either the female consular, male trooper, or male bounty hunter. Female consular for reasons already described... male trooper because he sounds like he's really, REALLY tired and would just love to fall asleep and have everybody stop bothering him (which, I suppose, makes sense for the trooper's war-weary character, but still)...and male bounty hunter because oh my dear heavens GET A THROAT LOZENGE, DUDE, PLEEEEEEASE!! Or at the very least stop gargling with battery acid...

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I think it depends on the type of character you play your consular as. My male consular is very scholarly and calm, but he's not above the occasional (read: often) snark or witty comment. The awkward, almost-stilted, oddly-accented voice actually helped flesh out his character. He's a Chiss - he already doesn't fit in with the rest of the Jedi Order (or the rest of the Republic, for that matter), so a voice like that fits him. It sounds out of place, just as he looks out of place.

...and later on - Makeb onwards - his voice loses the bordering-on-arrogant tone in normal conversation. Yay. :D

(Female consular, however? *plugs ears* My female sage is very pretty, I love the outfit I have her in, I like playing a Balance sage, and even her lightsaber color [almond-blue] is cool bUT HER VOICE OH DEAR STARS IT DRIVES ME UP THE WAAAAAAAAAAALLS! ...ahem. She sounds like she's either about to be sick, or fall asleep. It doesn't help that I once had a science teacher who sounded much the same way...I think I would have liked Earth Science if not for that teacher with the hideous voice.)


As for the worst voice, in my opinion? Either the female consular, male trooper, or male bounty hunter. Female consular for reasons already described... male trooper because he sounds like he's really, REALLY tired and would just love to fall asleep and have everybody stop bothering him (which, I suppose, makes sense for the trooper's war-weary character, but still)...and male bounty hunter because oh my dear heavens GET A THROAT LOZENGE, DUDE, PLEEEEEEASE!! Or at the very least stop gargling with battery acid...




I love Councilor voice ! here , I trade you for JK female voice? Her voice isn't bad . But damn...give me Teenager vibes and in comparison feel forced . While I feel like the JC voice is perfect for that still harmony glowing goodness Jeeday . It doesn't feel forced is what I mean , it come naturally . The voice actress lower her tone and feel fine . While JK...she just feel like she is ''pretending'' and doesn't have..the same quality .


Female JK is the only voice that grate on my nerve . (well I only play female , so can't speak about the males ones)


But my favorite are femSorc (she litteraly purr) , femwroth lol and Smuggler (she got that perfect bratty voice) and of course FemHawke :o and Jennifer Hail (trooper).

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As someone else mentioned in this thread, the calm, thoughtful, perhaps a bit boring way the male counselar is voice acted, fits the class well. It's a diplomat, a scholar, more so than a warrior or hero.


My favorite by far is the male Sith warrior's voice, that guy 's voice is so awesome. It's not overly typical Brit voice acting, it's calm, confident, bit cocky/arrogant, brilliant voice.

Male smuggler is second on my list. The way he delivers those mostly funny/flirty lines is just hilarious. The guy who voiced the smuggler is a perfect cast.

I did like the male Bounty hunter a lot as well, typical bad *** voice, reminded me a bit of Sam Elliot.


Special mention goes to Jennifer Hale, so versatile and brilliant. Her portrayal of Satele is great, as was that of Bastilla. Fem trooper is basically Fem Shep, but I'd assume that was a voice director decision.


The thing I missed a bit in the male voice acting (don't have female chars) of Republic force users, is a wider range of expressions and emotion. I get their mostly supposed to be calm and collected, but a little emotion couldn't hurt.

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The quest you get from a padawan if you take the road to upper Kaleth on Tython, where she says her master is scary looking, when you get to the master and he says he doesn't understand why people try to shoot him, if you pick option 3 the male consular makes me cry I laugh so hard..... every single time. I know this doesn't make up for everything else, but good god is that funny. I think you need to be human for the response. Edited by roldaugh
Think you must be human or pure blooded Sith
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The quest you get from a padawan if you take the road to upper Kaleth on Tython, where she says her master is scary looking, when you get to the master and he says he doesn't understand why people try to shoot him, if you pick option 3 the male consular makes me cry I laugh so hard..... every single time. I know this doesn't make up for everything else, but good god is that funny. I think you need to be human for the response.


Damn you! Now I have to go make a male human consular so I can check that out. So much for Not making more alts :rak_04:

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