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HK-55 for non subscribers


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What makes PVP rewards able to be exclusive (after all, new players never had the chance to play in those seasons) but not subscriber rewards?


Aside from it being off topic (as you well know) there is a difference.


Subscriber reward - gained through being paid for.

PvP reward / NiM raiding rewards (time sensitive ones) - gained through participation.


There is a difference.

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Aside from it being off topic (as you well know) there is a difference.


Subscriber reward - gained through being paid for.

PvP reward / NiM raiding rewards (time sensitive ones) - gained through participation.


There is a difference.


I can only speak for myself, but i don't buy that excuse at all. In fact, I would not even rent that excuse.


What you say may be true, but those new players you are soooooooo adamant about defending never got the chance to earn either type of reward, either by participation or by subscribing.



Sounds kind of hypocritical to claim that new players need access to one type of reward they never got the chance to earn, but not the other type.


I find it far more likely that some people have those PVP or other types of exclusive rewards but KNOW they are NOT entitled to have those subscriber rewards and want to hide behind "defending the new players".

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If you don't like the reasoning, that's your own problem, you did ask :)


I recognize the difference you stated. I simply find your condemnation of subscriber rewards which new players did not have the chance to earn while at the same time praising things like PVP rewards,etc that those same new players never had the chance to earn, VERY hypocritical.


In my experience and opinion, there is usually a VERY SELFISH reason for such hypocrisy.

Edited by Ratajack
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Aside from it being off topic (as you well know) there is a difference.


Subscriber reward - gained through being paid for.

PvP reward / NiM raiding rewards (time sensitive ones) - gained through participation.


There is a difference.


Flawed logic. Both of those require a subscription.


You can only do 5 pvp matches per week without a pass or subscription. There are currently no passes on the GTN on JC and when they are on there, they sell for 1-2 mil. No F2P/Pref can afford that. BW even took away the ability to piggy-back with a subscriber to enter WZ's.


Operations require a pass or subscription as well. And those passes are currently non-existant on JC's GTN as well. And when they are available, like the WZ passes, they're 1+ mil to buy.


The terms and conditions were laid out 6 weeks in advance of the date required to get HK-55. There was plenty of notification. If someone started playing after that date, then it's too late for them. I'm not condoning it, or condemning it. I'm just saying it like it is. Learn to deal.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Wasn't the point of a subscriber reward system to reward loyalty in the form of time spent subbed? If that was the original premise, which I think was what the community asked for, why would a new player be in the discussion? They haven't "proved" loyal yet.

Not sure what you're responding to, specifically, but probably it's in the discussion because the sub reward program not only ignored pre-existing loyalty, but after the end of the special period, it doesn't reward loyalty anymore at all.


It's not at all implausible that you could have a vet who was subbed to the game the whole time leading up to this reward phase, stopped subbing for XYZ reasons right around when it started, and then New Player Jimbob comes in with no prior loyalty, subs for the duration, and gets everything.


Point being, "proven loyalty" might have been the spirit of it, but it's hardly how it plays out in reality.


If you meant "new" as in "a day old" then I don't know what you're referring to.

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It's not at all implausible that you could have a vet who was subbed to the game the whole time leading up to this reward phase, stopped subbing for XYZ reasons right around when it started, and then New Player Jimbob comes in with no prior loyalty, subs for the duration, and gets everything.



Yes, it is plausible that that could have happened.


The thing is that New Player Jimbob MET the clearly and explicitly stated criteria to "get everything" while the4 'vet" who CHOSE to unsubscribe did NOT meet those criteria.

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Not sure what you're responding to, specifically, but probably it's in the discussion because the sub reward program not only ignored pre-existing loyalty, but after the end of the special period, it doesn't reward loyalty anymore at all.


It's not at all implausible that you could have a vet who was subbed to the game the whole time leading up to this reward phase, stopped subbing for XYZ reasons right around when it started, and then New Player Jimbob comes in with no prior loyalty, subs for the duration, and gets everything.


Point being, "proven loyalty" might have been the spirit of it, but it's hardly how it plays out in reality.


If you meant "new" as in "a day old" then I don't know what you're referring to.


If the vet didn't meet the requirements, he missed out. Just like I have missed on on sub rewards before. Big deal. He can put his big boy pants on and deal with it. There is a few things I missed out on cause my sub lapsed for 3 months, I am not on here crying about it and demanding special treatment.

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this has nothing to do with new players, stop trying to act like your some kind of advocate for them. New players probably could care less about the HK companion. This is about existing, part time subs, that are mad because they didnt meet the advertised requirements to get the companion or the bonus chapter.


I really find it funny when people wrap their own personal interests in some cheese, portraying themselves as some kind of advocate for new players.



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This isn't Walmart.


As to the other part of your post, how would I know, I don't follow the other MMO titles (which is kind of making my point clear here, in a roundabout way).


The point, people seem to be missing isn't about exclusivity of other rewards (way to off on a tangent here Ratajack :rolleyes:), this is purely about subscriber rewards. As to defending the new players? Why shouldn't I exactly? Because you've all been here longer than them and are more invested in the game than they are? Because you've all collected your exclusive subscriber rewards and no-one else is allowed to have them because you all say so?


Well excuse me for actually thinking this probably isn't the best way to entice new players into an established title. If I wondered off to another MMO title, and read the forums with the elitist attitudes I'm seeing in this thread, I'd be pretty put off from even wanting to join the game. This is why I don't play any moba games, the community essentially seems like a bunch of children. Is this what SWTOR is now?




You need some laxatives or something cause I see you F.O.S. You ain't defending new players, you trying to get something you didn't qualify for. It's THAT simple so stop lying to yourself. :rolleyes: Calling ME elitist.... REALLY? Check my history pimpin.... I'm one of the most laid back easy going cats on here. :rolleyes:


Yea.... I've been a sub since damn near launch, and there are things that "I" wanted, but didn't qualify for. "I" missed out on the founders title by a few days. Not once have I gotten on here belly aching about making it available again because "I want it too". "I" wanted that black rancor, but I don't do PvP so "I" didn't do what it took to get one. You didn't see me on here boohoo'n to BW to make THAT item available for me. "I" waited to buy the RotHC expansion because I didn't have a character even close to lvl 50 at the time. "I" didn't get the Hutt trainer (even tho now I'd really like one) but "I" didn't get on here acting like some spoiled kid demanding BW change their policies to suit me. "I" accepted the fact that I missed out and took that "L" like a man. THAT'S tha difference between me and you cuz. "I" don't get on the forums like some entitled valley girl crying and *****in talking about "I deserve one too" :(


They're called "subscriber rewards"...... you want em....subscribe.... It's that simple. It's not Walmart... guess what.... It's not burger king either. You can't have it your way. ;) I stand by what I said earlier in this thread...


I gotta say NO..... only YOU are responsible for YOU not being eligible for HK. If you really wanted it, you'd have done what it took to be sure you got it. Sub rewards are obtainable ONLY if you sub and it should stay that way.


To any new players following this thread...I say this


"Aie new folks....BW gives free **** to subscribers every month. Some of its cool as hell... Some of it's garbage.... depending on your taste. But $15 gets you that months reward, 500-600 cartel coins, and unlimited access to everything going in the game. If you think it's worth it, buy a sub. If not....you can still do quite a bit of the content as a preferred/f2p player. Dulfy.net is imo the best place to go for info you can't find here on the main site. I hope you enjoy SWTOR as much as I have." :cool:


*drops mic and continues to sub not because of the monthly goodies, but because I enjoy the game.

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Flawed logic. Both of those require a subscription.


You can only do 5 pvp matches per week without a pass or subscription. There are currently no passes on the GTN on JC and when they are on there, they sell for 1-2 mil. No F2P/Pref can afford that. BW even took away the ability to piggy-back with a subscriber to enter WZ's.


Operations require a pass or subscription as well. And those passes are currently non-existant on JC's GTN as well. And when they are available, like the WZ passes, they're 1+ mil to buy.


The terms and conditions were laid out 6 weeks in advance of the date required to get HK-55. There was plenty of notification. If someone started playing after that date, then it's too late for them. I'm not condoning it, or condemning it. I'm just saying it like it is. Learn to deal.


Flawed logic.


You can buy the passes without requiring a subscription, directly from the Cartel Market. Stop arguiing semantics.

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You need some laxatives or something cause I see you F.O.S. You ain't defending new players, you trying to get something you didn't qualify for.


Actually, FYI, I haven't even run the mission to rebuild HK-55. So why would I want a mission to play as that droid? Stop trying to argue a point from your own perspective and trying to make the shoe fit.

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this has nothing to do with new players, stop trying to act like your some kind of advocate for them. New players probably could care less about the HK companion. This is about existing, part time subs, that are mad because they didnt meet the advertised requirements to get the companion or the bonus chapter..


As a full-time sub who has HK and Nico, please allow me to voice how utterly full of it you are. I could care less if they are given away to everyone, so stop trying to protect your own entitlement.

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This is pretty much what the SWTOR community is. A bunch of kids whining about keeping their precious to make themselves feel special. It's pretty sad, but whatever.


So because I have something others don't and I want to keep it that way I'm a kid, right? So what would you call the other people who want what I have but know they can't get it but throw tantrums to try and get it?

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So because I have something others don't and I want to keep it that way I'm a kid, right? So what would you call the other people who want what I have but know they can't get it but throw tantrums to try and get it?


Didn't your mama ever tell you that sharing is caring?

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The terms and conditions for the subscriber rewards have been linked many times in this thread, but I guess some people are too averse to the effort required to actually read them.


Here they are:


*Terms and Conditions


* To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PST//7:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward. Knights of the Fallen Empire rewards are delivered through in-game mail or mission and are redeemable as of the launch of the monthly chapter(s). Players must have an active Subscription status to unlock 2 Days of Early Access for each Chapter.

*Players must have completed Chapters 1-9 to access their HK-55 Companion. After completing Chapter 9, players will receive an Alliance Alert that will take them on a mission to recruit HK-55.

** To qualify for the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, the account must continuously be in active Subscription status between January 11 - August 1, 2016. Once you qualify and the Bonus Chapter is released, you may enter and play the Bonus Chapter after you complete Chapters 1-16.



As I said, CLEAR AND EXPLICIT conditions (rules) which MUST be met to receive the subscriber rewards




To satisfy my request, you must show that they have said that not only the reward (FREE CONTENT) is exclusive to subscriptions, but that the content itself is exclusive to subscriber rewards. Like I've said a thousand times, I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying you're not giving any good reason to believe you're right.


2) Can you link the source of the terms and conditions, or can you point me to where I can find them?


Notice that it does NOT say "until and/or unless we decide to sell it to the whiners for a pittance of what you will pay to subscribe for those 8 months."


They don't need to. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Nobody in my state has told me there's a lion in my state, does that mean there is no lion in my state? Nope. Them not saying this content can be received other than subscriber rewards, does not in any way imply that it can ONLY be received through subscriber rewards FOREVERMORE. For now that may be the case, and as such it is temporarily exclusive, but I've not seen any evidence it's permanently so.


No, it says in no uncertain terms " * To qualify for the Knights of the Fallen Empire Subscriber Rewards, the account must be in a Subscriber status as of 11:59PM PST//7:59AM GMT on the date listed by the reward.


You need to differentiate between a program (subscriber rewards) and the reward itself (the content). To qualify for a free laptop you may have to enter a sweepstake by X time on Y date, that does not imply the laptop is FOREVERMORE exclusive to said sweepstake. A star may be generally circular, but not all stars are circles. HK-55 may be free to subscribers, and they may have to qualify for that exclusive offer, but that doesn't mean HK-55 cannot be attained any other way potentially unless they outright say it cannot be.


In other words, subscriber rewards as a system are exclusive, this does not mean that which they reward you is implied to be forever exclusive. It MAY be, but you need a statement from Bioware saying this content is forever exclusive to said rewards, otherwise you can understand why some people may be confused.

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dude no one has to satisfy your request for anything, or prove anything. You can tear their advertisement apart, and argue semantics all you want. They were quite explicit in the qualifications. If you werent subbed for those periods of time, you dont get the bonus chapter.


just deal with it man. It isnt going to change because you just want to debate it over and over. BW is not going to say OMG, they were so right, we should just give it to everyone....


put your big boy pants on and just move on...


and NO, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE CONFUSED over text that anyone with a 7th grade reading comprehension could read and clearly understand.

Edited by lightSaberAddiCt
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First off; I don't assume you, or anyone else is human. I see a lot of donkeys posting on these forums as well.




And second: You show me where they have ever given out any subscriber reward to anyone that did not meet the requirements. The burden is on you, and those requesting. There is no precedent for it.


Asking if they've clarified whether or not these things are forever exclusive doesn't put a burden on me. I'd have a burden if I had stated they weren't exclusive, but I haven't nor do I believe they're not (in fact, it might surprise you to know, I think they probably ARE exclusive and Bioware is just being sloppy about clarifying it).


Your analogy is flawed. That would be a promotional "Give-away" to an existing product that is already on the Open Market. Subscriber rewards are not, nor have ever been, on the Open Market.


Analogies are by definition different, otherwise they would have to be the exact same thing. Saying that my analogy isn't the exact same doesn't mean it's disanalogous. The analogue I'm referring to is an object you must meet exclusive criteria to obtain under specific circumstances, that you can also obtain through other means.


Sony Playstations can be received for free through certain exclusive giveaways or sweepstakes (hypothetically). They can also be bought for money.


It's also possible that Subscriber Rewards can exclusively be received through subscriptions. But the objects of said rewards (content such as HK-55) may be attainable another way in the future. *MAY*.


Unless Bioware explicitly states this content is (NOT the rewards, the CONTENT) forever exclusive to this subscriber reward program at this point in time, then the best statement we can make is PROBABLY they're exclusive.


I believe I did, and you even quoted it, but I'll copy and paste it to reiterate it. Unlimited Warzones, and operations, are not rewards for being a subscriber. They are part of the full access that are paid for through subscribing.


Again, because they're different does not mean they're disanalogous. Let's assume for a moment that a reward (in this case) is meaningfully different from something you purchase (which I don't believe it is). This does not mean that it's disanalogous, analogies are by definition different and many times are meaningfully so.


That's the "Lure" or "Bait" advertisement to entice people. Do you see those little asterisks? Most people with common sense know that that means you need to read the "Fine Print." It means there are Terms and Conditions that must be met to receive those things. The Terms and Conditions are usually at the bottom of advertisements.


Oh I know. My point is to show that simply because Bioware says "Do X by Y date to receive Z" does not mean that Z is only attainable by doing X and Y date.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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dude no one has to satisfy your request for anything, or prove anything. You can tear their advertisement apart, and argue semantics all you want. They were quite explicit in the qualifications. If you werent subbed for those periods of time, you dont get the bonus chapter.


I didn't say anyone did. Your entire post is literally useless to anything. You're just saying "it's like we say, haha".


just deal with it man. It isnt going to change because you just want to debate it over and over. BW is not going to say OMG, they were so right, we should just give it to everyone....


I'm not trying to change anything. I'm asking to see why people believe it's exclusive. You don't challenge your own beliefs much, do you?


put your big boy pants on and just move on...


Your entire post is immature and pointless, and you're telling me to put my big boy pants on? Seriously? You realize, just because you disagree with someone, doesn't mean you have to reply to them. You're adding nothing to conversation, just saying "we're right lololol *insert insult here*". Grow up.


and NO, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE CONFUSED over text that anyone with a 7th grade reading comprehension could read and clearly understand.


Okay thanks for your opinion, I'll let you know if I start caring.

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