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HK-55 for non subscribers


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at 63 pages in I think all that can be said has been said.


Some want EA/BW to remain true to a time limited sub reward to be exclusive, some want them to open it up to cartel market at a later date. People are on both sides of the line and have stated their cases.


Now it is up to EA/BW to decide what they want to do and deal with the ramifications either way.

Except they have never said "exclusive"...have they?

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Except they have never said "exclusive"...have they?


Well, that's why I used the term making a time limited reward as exclusive as a desire vs the devs calling it an exclusive reward


I agree that the developers never explicitly called it exclusive. Some infer exclusivity by time sensitive others see the choice of words as a "loophole/leaving themselves an out"


Either way, no one on either side who is in dispute over choice of words will see the other side. How BW interprets it is all that matters.

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at 63 pages in I think all that can be said has been said.


Some want EA/BW to remain true to a time limited sub reward to be exclusive, some want them to open it up to cartel market at a later date. People are on both sides of the line and have stated their cases.


Now it is up to EA/BW to decide what they want to do and deal with the ramifications either way.

I think your summation of the arguments overlooked the third group of posters: We who don't care if EA/BE sells the date-specific subscriber rewards, as long as they sell them for the same price we paid for them. I'd never get upset over Johnny Newplayer buying that shiny widget I earned back in the day by walking to school ... barefoot ... uphill both ways ... on Hoth ... in the snow (obviously). I might pitch a fit if I acquired the Doohickie of Infamy because I paid for several months of subscriptions fees that Johnny never has to pay to get the same item.


For the players I represent (which, by means of creative, borderline illegal, use of eminent domain, I have condemned the voices of all like-minded players for the public good), it's not a matter of whether they sell the swag, as long as any buyers pay the same price (i.e., the cost of several months sub fees for the HK chapter).


For the record, I believe date-gated subscriber rewards were a mistake. I fully support tenure-based rewards. But EA/BW made its bed. Having set the terms to qualify for a specific reward, thus inducing me to remain subbed in order to acquire said reward, I'd be perturbed if they recanted on that implied exclusivity and sold the swag at a lower price. If they decide to do so, I hope they realize that, under that precedent, we could never believe any future implied exclusivity in any promotion.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Just got to ask Ratajack, are you blue in the face yet? Because I think even then, it is arguing a fact that some people are refusing to accept. Personally, I have given up on trying to point out facts to people that refuse to acknowledge them.


Heh... yeah......refusing to listen to reasoned discussion and facts is the curse of the internetz.


Why? Because it is almost always possible to find someone somewhere on the internet that can/will/did state something that fits any persons biased narrative. And it does not matter if you site 1000 other internet comments that disagree with their narrative .... all they need is one random post somewhere on the internet ... even if they have to spoof it out using a different identiy on the internet so they can then quote it as "fact".


I think the core issue here is that there is absolutely no downside to someone digging in and taking the position that they believe they deserve access to a promotional item that has since expired in terms of eligibility to obtain it. And they simply disregard the very nature of how marketing promtions work in the real world.. and stick to their personal narrative.

Edited by Andryah
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I can see it now:


"You had to complete ALL the required flashpoints to earn the rewards in the Dark Vs Light event. As you CLEARLY did not complete the Missing Details Data flashpoint you didn't earn them, and have therefore lost your time-limited opportunity. Perhaps you will learn from this and EARN your rewards next time."

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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I can see it now:


"You had to complete ALL the required flashpoints to earn the rewards in the Dark Vs Light event. As you CLEARLY did not complete the Missing Details Data flashpoint you didn't earn them, and have therefore lost your time-limited opportunity. Perhaps you will learn from this and EARN your rewards next time."


The event to get the eternal level and the companion dont require the HM FPs.

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I can see it now:


"You had to complete ALL the required flashpoints to earn the rewards in the Dark Vs Light event. As you CLEARLY did not complete the Missing Details Data flashpoint you didn't earn them, and have therefore lost your time-limited opportunity. Perhaps you will learn from this and EARN your rewards next time."



Actually, if EA/BW makes date-specific subscriber rewards available for sale to players who did not qualify to receive said rewards, then I fully expect to be allowed to purchase any DvL swag I want ... even though I haven't participated at all.

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Heh... yeah......refusing to listen to reasoned discussion and facts is the curse of the internetz.


Why? Because it is almost always possible to find someone somewhere on the internet that can/will/did state something that fits any persons biased narrative. And it does not matter if you site 1000 other internet comments that disagree with their narrative .... all they need is one random post somewhere on the internet ... even if they have to spoof it out using a different identiy on the internet so they can then quote it as "fact".


I think the core issue here is that there is absolutely no downside to someone digging in and taking the position that they believe they deserve access to a promotional item that has since expired in terms of eligibility to obtain it. And they simply disregard the very nature of how marketing promtions work in the real world.. and stick to their personal narrative.


You mean a random post like this?




Which oddly enough seems to dispute Ratajack's 'facts'.

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The event to get the eternal level and the companion dont require the HM FPs.


You still have to do the FP Expert or whatever it is for the normal flashpoints, and the flashpoint formerly known as Manaan, and DBA Missing Data, and probably will change it's name tomorrow to ♣, is till required for champion level, I think. I still have like 8 to do just for the normal ones, ugh.

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Actually, if EA/BW makes date-specific subscriber rewards available for sale to players who did not qualify to receive said rewards, then I fully expect to be allowed to purchase any DvL swag I want ... even though I haven't participated at all.


Sounds good to me- you win, EA wins, doesn't affect me in the slightest.

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It doesn't say "this is and will be the only way to qualify for the HK-55 Bonus Chapter, make sure you seize the opportunity. This is a one-time offer, BUY NOW."


All you're doing is proving my point.


It tells you you need to be subscribed continuously from Jan to August. My husband was not, so he does not get the bonus chapter. I WAS so I get the bonus chapter. It's not game breaking to not get it because people wanted to be a goober and not stay subbed. It your (general your) choice when subscribing or not in order to get rewards/perks/bonuses/companions.


If a player, really and truly wanted HK-55, Nico, or the Bonus Chapter, they would have done EXACTLY what Bioware told them to. Be subscribed by such and such date, or be continuously subscribed.


They have never placed ANY rewards or perks into the cartel market. Hell, the cartel market didn't come out until patch 2.0 when Rise of the Hutt Cartel came out.

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How about you try again.


Selling my special, limited edition car to someone else is not the same as the manufacturer making another one for someone who couldn't get it when it was originally produced, but still wants one of their own. And then making another one, and another one, for every other person who wants one too.


And when the last one of those rare limited edition cars, or just old classics, gets wrapped around a telephone pole or otherwise destroyed, then yes, I am physically prevented from ever getting one of those ever again.


And no, getting "something just like it, at any custom shop", is not the same as having the real deal, not remotely. If you think it is, just do the missions for HK-47, and you'll have a droid that's "just as good" as the HK-55 subscriber reward droid.


HK-51 is the Section X mission. Not 47.

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They are quite specific on Cartel Market 'exclusives' as well- I'm still getting free boxes for this event (too bad there's so much rubbish after a good start). So much for 'not getting them any other way' or whatever the exact quote is during the loading screen.


You're actually comparing a Olympic gold medal to subbing to an MMO for six months (even less in the case of Nico)? Talk about entitlement issues.


Again, if they were sold for coins no one would be able to tell who 'earned' it and who merely bought it so the whole feeling of 'special snowflake' would melt away. That's what apparently can't be tolerated- "How will people know I'm a REAL supporter unless I have a special pacifier to show off?"


I have the Founder title- if you've been playing for more than 4 months over the past five years you're more of a 'veteran' than I am as I quit years ago. I take no pride in it. Apparently others need to feel proud about their video game 'accomplishments' like "I bought a six month sub fee!".


No, I'm proud of the fact I've been here come five years on December 25th 2016. I have been subbed this entire time. Sure, I take breaks, who doesn't, but I have continuously supported this game, which I enjoy, by staying subbed, buying coins, and doing some in game things to show my support. Yes, the game has issues, what game doesn't, but for the measly $15 per month I spend, I get my money's worth. I play my characters, role play sometimes, do operations and flashpoints, do the vanilla-kotfe content, craft, etc. When I'm bored I'll come in and do some things I haven't done in years, or just run around and look for things I need to do that are one timers, like the quests for some raids/missions I missed my first go around. I've done the event thing up to and including Eternal because I want the companion.


I do take breaks, but I always come back. I have too much real life crap going on to have 500 different games I play and I certainly don't let anyone (spouse, children, parents) dictate to me when and how long I can play. I'm a grown adult, if they want me to be happy, they let me play.


But if you're not happy with the game, or things changed too much or whatever, that's not the game's fault for you being gone for years, that's on you.

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It tells you you need to be subscribed continuously from Jan to August. My husband was not, so he does not get the bonus chapter. I WAS so I get the bonus chapter. It's not game breaking to not get it because people wanted to be a goober and not stay subbed. It your (general your) choice when subscribing or not in order to get rewards/perks/bonuses/companions.


If a player, really and truly wanted HK-55, Nico, or the Bonus Chapter, they would have done EXACTLY what Bioware told them to. Be subscribed by such and such date, or be continuously subscribed.


They have never placed ANY rewards or perks into the cartel market. Hell, the cartel market didn't come out until patch 2.0 when Rise of the Hutt Cartel came out.


So pay $15 this month only for Nico, and anyone that would be willing to pay $15 later is out of luck? Apparently $15 was magically worth more that month?


At least with the DvL companion there is some in-game effort required to acquire it.


HK and Nico were purchased- no different than Treek.


I think everything should be available for purchase. On noes, a newbie has a Chiss Jedi and they didn't grind through the DvL event? Who cares?

Edited by CorellianWannabe
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I can see it now:


"You had to complete ALL the required flashpoints to earn the rewards in the Dark Vs Light event. As you CLEARLY did not complete the Missing Details Data flashpoint you didn't earn them, and have therefore lost your time-limited opportunity. Perhaps you will learn from this and EARN your rewards next time."


Exactly how does an acknowledged bug that is to be fixed next week in any relationship to this threads topics or posts?

Pretty sure you are bored and just trolling now

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I want a cherry red, 1957 Chevy Impala SS, all original parts and not have to pay more than the original cost of around $2000.


Maybe I can be like all these people here and whine to General Motors and get some others to rationalize out the reasons I can't have one. It doesn't matter that it's a 60 year old model. Am I not entitled to have one because others have one? Am I not entitled to have one at the original cost like the original owners? It doesn't matter that I wasn't even born yet! I want it! I deserve it!


Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?


Now all you pro "gimme stuff I don't qualify for" people see how ridiculous you look as well. :rolleyes:

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So pay $15 this month only for Nico, and anyone that would be willing to pay $15 later is out of luck? Apparently $15 was magically worth more that month?


At least with the DvL companion there is some in-game effort required to acquire it.


HK and Nico were purchased- no different than Treek.


I think everything should be available for purchase. On noes, a newbie has a Chiss Jedi and they didn't grind through the DvL event? Who cares?


Hey you want to pay 7 months sub to receive the HK chapter I am fine with that. Be around roughly $111

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I want a cherry red, 1957 Chevy Impala SS, all original parts and not have to pay more than the original cost of around $2000.


Maybe I can be like all these people here and whine to General Motors and get some others to rationalize out the reasons I can't have one. It doesn't matter that it's a 60 year old model. Am I not entitled to have one because others have one? Am I not entitled to have one at the original cost like the original owners? It doesn't matter that I wasn't even born yet! I want it! I deserve it!


Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?


Now all you pro "gimme stuff I don't qualify for" people see how ridiculous you look as well. :rolleyes:


I generally hate analogies, but that one was epic :)

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"I don't like the reward system that BW implemented, so they have to change it to suit me."?


Let me know how that works out for you.


The terms and conditions were very clear and explicit.


Sure, I got more for my $15 month than just the subscriber rewards and the bonus chapter for maintaining that continuous subscription from January through August. The fact that I got more than just those rewards and the bonus chapter does NOT negate the clear and explicit terms and conditions for receiving those rewards and that bonus chapter, though.


No where did I state that the reward system should be changed to suit me, and look at any other games loyalty system, their far better including rewards not from continuous subbing, but just by subbing at all and over time eventually getting a reward. So you finally agree that if they do release the HK chapter, in theory, that it isn't worth $120$ :p?

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I want a cherry red, 1957 Chevy Impala SS, all original parts and not have to pay more than the original cost of around $2000.


Maybe I can be like all these people here and whine to General Motors and get some others to rationalize out the reasons I can't have one. It doesn't matter that it's a 60 year old model. Am I not entitled to have one because others have one? Am I not entitled to have one at the original cost like the original owners? It doesn't matter that I wasn't even born yet! I want it! I deserve it!


Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?


Now all you pro "gimme stuff I don't qualify for" people see how ridiculous you look as well. :rolleyes:


Funny thing is you can buy a car. EA seems to frown on people buying accounts.


Apparently inflation has also skyrocketed in the last year as well, since $15 just doesn't buy what it used to.

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So pay $15 this month only for Nico, and anyone that would be willing to pay $15 later is out of luck?


Pretty much, and there is nothing wrong with this.


People miss sales all the time. I rarely see those people go to the store management demanding to get the sale price after the sale ends, though.


Apparently $15 was magically worth more that month?


It's not the $15 that is worth more. It's the fact that that $15 was spent DURING THE SALE, that is "worth more".


At least with the DvL companion there is some in-game effort required to acquire it.


True, but that will not stop the entitled who do not meet the requirements for that companion from coming to the forums to demand that BW cater to them and give them the companion because <insert reason here>. Some examples of reasons or excuses I expect to see include: "I couldn't be arsed to do all the BS that was the DvL event", "I had 'X' to do in RL", etc.


HK and Nico were purchased- no different than Treek.


More specifically, HK and Nico were "purchased" during a LIMITED and FINITE time frame, while Treek is available for purchase at all times.


I think everything should be available for purchase. On noes, a newbie has a Chiss Jedi and they didn't grind through the DvL event? Who cares?


Guess what? Those two companions, HK and Nico, WERE available for "purchase", just during a LIMITED and FINITE time frame. That time frame has EXPIRED and they are no longer available for "purchase". Those who did not "purchase" them during that LIMITED and FINITE time frame missed their chance.

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Hey you want to pay 7 months sub to receive the HK chapter I am fine with that. Be around roughly $111


Not according to EA.




"During the Chapter releases of Knights of the Fallen Empire, you’ll earn additional rewards if you are a Subscriber on these dates:


January 11, 2016:


Recruit HK-55 in Game Update 4.1

You will recieve an Alliance Alert to recruit HK-55 in once your character has completed Chapter IX: The Alliance."


Be a Subscriber from January 11 through to August 1, 2016:


"Bonus Chapter! If you’re subscribed continually from January 11 to August 1, you’ll gain access to an exclusive Chapter where you play as HK-55.

This bonus chapter, Shroud of Memory, will be available to play on September 7 for all eligible players."


I don't see anything about a continuous subscription to receive the companion, that is for the bonus chapter.


Looks like it was $15 for HK, just like it was for Nico. What an accomplishment- players bought a companion.

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$15$ (until I get a answer!!!)


$15 or USD 15 (or fifteen dollars [uS]).


However his chapter is another story completely as it moves on from merely cosmetic and dives into missing out on gameplay, dialogue, and story, the fundamentals of this game... well... at least story. The reward system should be revised and only 6 months of sub required at any time, not a certain amount of continuous monthly subs.


I fully support real, actual content being used as a subscriber incentive. A chapter is worth far more than a reskinned weapon or pet, and may incentivise people to stay subscribed (thereby supporting the game and driving future content development) to earn it.


I would also fully support the much-beloved 'veteran' system as suggested by yourself and others. I would not, however, support a retroactive implementation of such a system. I did not qualify for the Party Jawa, the Doctor Oggurobb trainer, or a good number of other previous rewards - I've learned to live with it. The current 'generation' can learn to get by without Nico or HK-55 (or the latter's chapter). Yes, the scarcity of the trinkets aforementioned does add to their value.


There is also a precedence for content enjoyed only by veteran players - I understand there was a 'Chevin' event some years back? And the original Rakghoul event was different as well, was it not? New players, and those not subscribed at the time, will never get to partake in those events. Players that didn't keep their sub from 11 January through 1 August will never have the chance to play Shroud of Memory.


Again, I'm all for changing the subscriber incentive/reward system going forward. But that's not what this thread is for. This thread is specifically about obtaining HK-55, which is bound by the constraints of the current reward system, and requires players to have been subscribed on 11 January in order to get the Alliance Alert to unlock the droid following its unfortunate demise. Debate upon the merits of a new subscriber reward system or the flaws inherent in the current one really belongs in another thread.

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Exactly how does an acknowledged bug that is to be fixed next week in any relationship to this threads topics or posts?

Pretty sure you are bored and just trolling now


Just like it was fixed last time, right?


If it isn't fixed then players would have no grounds to disagree since the requirements were clearly stated.

A number of players managed to complete the flashpoint and receive credit before the first 'fix', so if players didn't get it in time too bad for them. The players that managed to earn their companion can stand proudly on the station, knowing how exclusive their Chiss/Zabrak truly is.


Isn't that the way this works?

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