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HK-55 for non subscribers


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1) Who cares about Pokemon? Do you seriously want me to start listing off played hours on Duck Hunt Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy titles, and the hundreds upon hundreds of other games I've been playing since the early 90s? Are you for real?


2) I looked into at least the 1 game name you provided. Eldavin. That's a browser game, and was released in November of 2013. That's not that long ago, (Hell this game came out 2 years prior to that) and being a browser game I assume it failed for a variety of other reasons. and most likely not one of which was subscriber rewards given to none subs for money. In fact I can't even find anything about subscriber rewards, that go above and beyond what you'd normally get for subbing. (Not saying it definitely didn't happen, I just did a quick search) but I just don't see anything about it anywhere. So talking about a game, that's barely 3 years old, that's on patch 1.43 as of right now, as if it was a long, long time ago, and not listing off another game, saying oh I don't remember just seems bogus to me, on so many, many levels.


Point 1: Ya and such and such FF1-13, etc, im a handheld and PC gamer holic. i clocked 3147 hours on Sid Meiers Civ 5. Ya i just through out pokemon because it was one of the first games to pop into my mind that i have been grinding alot lately for competitive VGC.


Point 2: One of the games was a browser game the other downloadable, and i said i think it was Elvadin, i dont remember every single game i played. Ya i got that one wrong but i dont feel like going through lists of older downloads, notebooks i have written on game stratagies, ideas on stratagies, etc. Which probably is a fire hazzard where i have a bunch stacked up in the attic XD where i would have the games listed down somewhere.

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Point 1: Ya and such and such FF1-13, etc, im a handheld and PC gamer holic. i clocked 3147 hours on Sid Meiers Civ 5. Ya i just through out pokemon because it was one of the first games to pop into my mind that i have been grinding alot lately for competitive VGC.


Point 2: One of the games was a browser game the other downloadable, and i said i think it was Elvadin, i dont remember every single game i played. Ya i got that one wrong but i dont feel like going through lists of older downloads, notebooks i have written on game stratagies, ideas on stratagies, etc. Which probably is a fire hazzard where i have a bunch stacked up in the attic XD where i would have the games listed down somewhere.


1) What does this have to do with anything? Who gives a ****?


2) Again your argument looses all credibility when you can't even back it up in the slightest.

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1) What does this have to do with anything? Who gives a ****?


2) Again your argument looses all credibility when you can't even back it up in the slightest.


Yes, as of right now i cannot back it up, and i dont want to go through hundreds on notebooks to dig up the games. So thus point 1 to you.

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We're not supposed to discuss moderation actions, but I feel ya. Been there with him before. You can't reason with the guy. Guess he needs to step up his meds or something.


Anyway, back on topic:


OP: No. You missed out on the promo. You don't get HK-55. Even if you subscribed now, you wouldn't qualify for it.


I guess when all the "give me the Party Jawa", "give me Nico", "give me HK-55" posts finally run their course, people will start asking to be to get the Infernal and Unyielding titles reinstated. :rolleyes:


The funny thing is after the orange post, basically calling him out for BS, he hasnt been back to the thread. Maybe they gave him time off in the bad boys room...

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I think it would only be fair if you would make HK-55 available in cartel market for people who couldn't or weren't subscribed on January 11th 2016 instead of making it seem like a punishment for the people who weren't subscribed.


I am not sure if this works any more, it did in the past.

Get section X access pass from GTN, hopefully there is some seller not braindead enough to believe non subs can afford much more then 350K


So get that section X pass, then go get the mission where you pic up HK there.

It has been ages since I got mine, but I am unsure if you need to go twice to the place.

After you have been there, taken the mission you don't need to be back, the mission chain spans several planets



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Add-on: They need to make it a rule on this forum if you aren't agreeing with the subject matter then you're post needs to be removed as it going off topic.


Ok when this happens there is no longer a need for the forums. Because then its no long a discussion thread, its a pat each other on the back for being the same single minded [please excuse the Star Trek ref] Borg collective.


I do agree post that revert to insults should be removed. But removing every post that simply disagrees is censorship:rolleyes:.

Edited by shadowrouge
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The option was already available months ago.


Those that missed that option or did not take advantage of it when it was available are now out of luck. There is nothing wrong with this.


Oh to the ranting once DvL event is over, when the only thing required is owning the Expansion, and not nessisarly subscribing. In no way does the DvL say it require a subscription. But I wonder how many of those non subscribers bought the expansion which is a one time payment, have Eternal Level done? I subscribe and I got eternal level done early this morning.... Thank the force! ;)

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I am not sure if this works any more, it did in the past.

Get section X access pass from GTN, hopefully there is some seller not braindead enough to believe non subs can afford much more then 350K


So get that section X pass, then go get the mission where you pic up HK there.

It has been ages since I got mine, but I am unsure if you need to go twice to the place.

After you have been there, taken the mission you don't need to be back, the mission chain spans several planets




OP posted about HK-55, which was a limited time subscriber reward. What you describe is how to get HK-51, and is still available to anyone who has access to Section X.

Edited by PiiTarr
Clarification / typo
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although being one of those people who couldnt afford the sub straight through to get this unlock chapter , i do think itd be totally unfair to offer it up to those who didnt sub the whole time . this was a special perk for subbing and these people deserve it .. i can see bio putting a spin on it later towards xmas or something though to rake it some $$$


did they ever actually say exclusive? or are people assuming exclusivity? I purchased the first xpac and now they are just giving it away. should I be upset? If they did say exclusive, then that would be different.

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I purchased the first xpac and now they are just giving it away. should I be upset?


They did not change the cost or terms prior to it being available but after a few years, most accept that prices change for older content once it is overshadowed by newer, but here they are asking for changes a month prior to it being available!

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Bottom line is, in the past five years they have never givin or sold a subscription reward once it was offered, the only thing I can recal though is adding the feature or reward a second time for a week, or extending the time to subscribe for the reward. So basically if you don't qualify now for a reward that was offered at the beginning of KOTFE but is not now. You most likely have lost any chance of receiving the reward, unfortunately.
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did they ever actually say exclusive? or are people assuming exclusivity? I purchased the first xpac and now they are just giving it away. should I be upset? If they did say exclusive, then that would be different.


Unfortunately, the web pages have changed in the numerous months of the various HK-55 themed promotions.


However, we can look at a similar "exclusive subscriber reward" (namely Nico Okarr) and an official BW statement regarding that "exclusive reward".


Hey folks,


As I mentioned in my previous post, the plan for getting Nico in Fallen Empire was that you would recruit him into your Alliance as you were playing through the storyline. However, knowing the concerns about how you access Nico, we are also going to send you a token in the mail which will allow you to have Nico right away. If you want to get Nico as a part of playing through Fallen Empire, you can still do that. Just delete the token from your mail and you will get him naturally. On the flip side, if you claim the token we will still let you do his recruitment mission later on, you will just already have him.


This way the decision is in your hands on whether you want to get him as a part of the recruitment, or if you just want him right away. And it is worth repeating, that Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him.


Hopefully that clears up any confusion (which I created ;)).




I think it is reasonable to expect BW to handle any other "exclusive subscriber rewards" in a similar manner.

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Unfortunately, the web pages have changed in the numerous months of the various HK-55 themed promotions.


However, we can look at a similar "exclusive subscriber reward" (namely Nico Okarr) and an official BW statement regarding that "exclusive reward".




I think it is reasonable to expect BW to handle any other "exclusive subscriber rewards" in a similar manner.


he was clarifing that you could not recruit him if you hadnt gotten him from the sub date deal. not that they would never give him away at a later date for some other deal.

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he was clarifing that you could not recruit him if you hadnt gotten him from the sub date deal. not that they would never give him away at a later date for some other deal.




I could have sworn it said "Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him." and not "Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him, unless we decide to make him available again."


I guess I just missed the ultra-fine print.

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I could have sworn it said "Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him." and not "Nico is only accessible to those subscribers who qualified for him, unless we decide to make him available again."


I guess I just missed the ultra-fine print.


he was telling you that the alliance alert would not happen if you hadnt been subbed at the trigger date. he said nothing about biowares future plans

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he was telling you that the alliance alert would not happen if you hadnt been subbed at the trigger date. he said nothing about biowares future plans


Perhaps in future plans they will offer HK-65. So maybe then you would subscribe? Not trying to sound sarcastic but if you like the perks support the game and subscribe! :)

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Perhaps in future plans they will offer HK-65. So maybe then you would subscribe? Not trying to sound sarcastic but if you like the perks support the game and subscribe! :)


I already subscribed. I am just pointing out that bioware never promised you it would be exclusive. they arent going to paint themselves into a corner. I aready have all the rewards, and dont care if they recycle the companions for another purpose.

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I don't mind that it's gated content, correct but I actually said I'd love the opportunity to pay for it as well. No one who purchased the old cartel packs at the time should feel cheated, they still cost money to buy just like they did originally. I spent several hundred dollars this weekend buying those old creates trying to 100% complete them. I've invested just as much money as they have so we're on even ground.


Have you invested as much money as them though? Were you also a subscriber supporting the game through that period of time in addition to those purchases at the same time? It's not just a case of slapping the money down on the counter to buy something, players have been supporting this game so it is still here for you to get the opportunity to do the same now.


Content is gated for a reason, as for the whole HK-55 for subscribers thing? I would take no issues with the CM team sticking him in a future Cartel Pack along with the Party Jawa and many other miscellaneous content gated items at a rarer than Platinum rarity, Bind on Pickup (so they can't be sold on the GTN).


That way if players truly want them, they'll have to support the game financially to get them.

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Perhaps in future plans they will offer HK-65. So maybe then you would subscribe? Not trying to sound sarcastic but if you like the perks support the game and subscribe! :)


I don't understand this logic. See I sub I get rewards, (I've been here since beta) and I'm perfectly fine with these rare items being on the Cartel Market. You wanna know why? Because if Nico, or HK 1 through 10k, or any other companion, (or items even) cost say like 5000 cartel coins, that's almost 40 dollars worth of CC. Would they not be supporting the game if they bought them?


But let's face it really most people did not sub specifically because of said item. They sub like I said earlier in this thread, because they wanted none restrictive access to the game. At least that's why I sub, not cause of some virtual reality trinket I won't even use. I mean with all companions being more or less the same, and there being dozens of them who cares if the none subs got that one special one they missed before. How does it effect you in any way shape or form? Realistically speaking sub rewards are just cherries on top. If they even put these companions around 3k or so in cost (Treek was 2400 originally I believe now 2100) would it not be the same thing? This would have all the people who didn't get said items that want said items to blow 30 to 40 dollars if they have no cc currently. $20 gets you 2400 so you'd need at least another $10 worth for the additional 1050 to break the 3k CC, or just spend 40 bucks for 5500 cc. It would get whales to buy said items to and put in on the GTN for credits giving Bioware more money.


That to me, makes more sense. These people get what they want. Bioware makes more money, and hopefully them making more money means more content for us subs. It's a win / win / win. Instead I see way to many special snowflakes wanting their super leet uniqueness by having virtually reality items others don't have. I really do feel bad for these people that they feel they gotta keep someone else down to feel better about themselves.

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I don't understand this logic. See I sub I get rewards, (I've been here since beta) and I'm perfectly fine with these rare items being on the Cartel Market. You wanna know why? Because if Nico, or HK 1 through 10k, or any other companion, (or items even) cost say like 5000 cartel coins, that's almost 40 dollars worth of CC. Would they not be supporting the game if they bought them?


But let's face it really most people did not sub specifically because of said item. They sub like I said earlier in this thread, because they wanted none restrictive access to the game. At least that's why I sub, not cause of some virtual reality trinket I won't even use. I mean with all companions being more or less the same, and there being dozens of them who cares if the none subs got that one special one they missed before. How does it effect you in any way shape or form? Realistically speaking sub rewards are just cherries on top. If they even put these companions around 3k or so in cost (Treek was 2400 originally I believe now 2100) would it not be the same thing? This would have all the people who didn't get said items that want said items to blow 30 to 40 dollars if they have no cc currently. $20 gets you 2400 so you'd need at least another $10 worth for the additional 1050 to break the 3k CC, or just spend 40 bucks for 5500 cc. It would get whales to buy said items to and put in on the GTN for credits giving Bioware more money.


That to me, makes more sense. These people get what they want. Bioware makes more money, and hopefully them making more money means more content for us subs. It's a win / win / win. Instead I see way to many special snowflakes wanting their super leet uniqueness by having virtually reality items others don't have. I really do feel bad for these people that they feel they gotta keep someone else down to feel better about themselves.


It's not about being elitist or anything like that, at least not for me. it was plain as day when they offered these items, they will continue to offer them. Only difference is this time anyone can participate to earn what rewards they want during an event. Personally I rather see it this way then just being subscribed.


I have said time and again that this DvL event is for now a one shot chance. I even tell new people I come across in game and friends to not miss out. For some reason people either brush it off OR decide for some reason not to do it. It's taken me under two weeks to get the eternal level for the next companion.


Whether they offer it in the CC store is really up to BW, whether they do or not is completely out of my control. Would I be upset? Not really but I would hope if they did this, they would have to do it for EVERY item that required a subscription since launch. Which mean there would no longer be any "Special little Snowflakes" it would also mean that I would get items I am missing, seems fair to me. :)


With all these perks being wanted by people who weren't subscribed, I made a thread in suggestion forums about a lifetime subscription, feel free to add your thoughts! :)

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