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Chapter 16 -- Final Battle Feedback -- WARNING SPOILERS!


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Many parts of the Chapter 16 story were amazing. I loved picking which companions would fulfill certain tasks. I especially enjoyed the dialog with Koth and Lana. Every scene with Theron is awesome.


I was looking forward to the final battle with Arcann. I loved the scenes in which I crafted the special lightsaber.

Unfortunately, the lightsaber didn't matter. All that mattered was using that clumsy shield.


It was especially frustrating because there was so much lag on the shield button. I waited up to 3 seconds for it to activate or deactivate and the button didn't always change state to let me know if it was going to work.


I should have had an epic, memorable battle with Arcann, using my amazing new lightsaber. I should have had time to play with my newfound Force powers. Instead, I spent a miserable time fighting with shield and lightning mechanics. The only time I did anything good with my lightsaber was in the cut scenes.


In the end, it didn't matter. It wasn't even my choice to kill or spare him.


It's hard to express how disappointed I am. All I can hope is that the next "mano a mano" fight is more like the final lightsaber battles in the movies.


Was it any better for you? Did non-Force user classes have a more satisfying showdown?

Edited by Xina_LA
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The final battle was OK. I have yet to see what, if any difference, the 'special' weapon makes. I had my special blaster equipped first time through, but I have a bunch more characters I'll be taking through it, and I can try doing it without the 'special' blaster or weapon, etc.


I'd have to admit that I was very disappointed with the way you couldn't actually kill Arcann (or Vaylin). I realize that they did that for "story" reasons - Arcann and Vaylin obviously are involved in the next expansion - but it was a bit of a let down.

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The final battle was OK. I have yet to see what, if any difference, the 'special' weapon makes.
My Vanguard didn't have it...I didn't notice any difference. I would have equipped it had I had a chance, but it's cut-scene, cut-scene, cut-scene...never really had the opportunity.
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The final battle was OK. I have yet to see what, if any difference, the 'special' weapon makes. I had my special blaster equipped first time through, but I have a bunch more characters I'll be taking through it, and I can try doing it without the 'special' blaster or weapon, etc.


I'd have to admit that I was very disappointed with the way you couldn't actually kill Arcann (or Vaylin). I realize that they did that for "story" reasons - Arcann and Vaylin obviously are involved in the next expansion - but it was a bit of a let down.


On my DvL character I had the special weapon because that was the best weapon I had gotten lol.


I forgot which buff I chose, but my special weapon made the fight awesomely fun to play. Essentially, I clicked on some buff thing that popped up (no idea what it was) and my character started zooming around the screen like The Flash. It was great.


Battle took forever because I was just running around everywhere.


Oh wait--did you mean affect the outcome of the fight? The fight is fun enough, but it looks like the Revan fight in SoR, where it seems like you almost have to try to get yourself killed. I know failure is possible but I don't know how anyone does it.

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I liked how for the final "BIG" fight they couldn't be bothered to choreograph the cut scene fights for Double bladed light sabers so my Shadow swung his around like a moron, I mean come on. It looks terrible. Really feeling the extra love in that...


As for chapter 16 itself, well for me personally the whole thing was massively anti climatic.

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The final battle was awful pretty much for the use of the shield.


I have 2 main bars full of Sith Marauder skills, I've spent 4 and a bit years becoming OK with my lightsabers so what do I use in this big fight.... A shield.


I killer Arcann with a shield and I have no idea how the mechanics worked, it some how reflected attacks and then I would bash him with it.


More and more in Kofte the class abilities become secondary to a temporary tool bar, hell up until that fight all I needed to do was drop turrets. The only thing stopping me was that I was playing a Sith Warrior not an Engineer from Star Trek Online.


Its become the point that one story fits all classes and now one set of abilities fits all classes.


How is anybody coming out of this fight going that was amazing, Valkorian heals you faster than you take damage, you would have to be sleeping (or really really bad) to be taken down by Arcann and the big mechanic is hide behind a shield, build charges and bash him with it. Only people that I can think used shields like that are the Gungans.

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I liked how for the final "BIG" fight they couldn't be bothered to choreograph the cut scene fights for Double bladed light sabers so my Shadow swung his around like a moron, I mean come on. It looks terrible. Really feeling the extra love in that...


As for chapter 16 itself, well for me personally the whole thing was massively anti climatic.

I feel that has been a problem even before KOtFE since I don't think Kira is correctly wielding her saber in the Jedi Knight intro cutscene to SOR

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No scions. We go through two chapters of scions, we're told they will show up to aid us and die doing so but they don't. After talking to their foolish leader they are never heard from again. I was expecting them to appear in chapter 16. They didn't.


Valkorian heals? He wasn't there, as my character had to repeatedly say. He only appeared at the end just long enough to say "you're ready". For what?

Edited by RameiArashi
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I liked how for the final "BIG" fight they couldn't be bothered to choreograph the cut scene fights for Double bladed light sabers so my Shadow swung his around like a moron, I mean come on. It looks terrible. Really feeling the extra love in that...


As for chapter 16 itself, well for me personally the whole thing was massively anti climatic.


I ran it last night with my shadow to finish out the DLvLS.


I had the same feeling as you. It was terribly designed for a double bladed sabre. I think I blocked more than half the hits with the freaky long handle.


Just terrible and thats before I go into the massively anticlimactic and worthless ending.

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The buildup was great, but the final battle became far too chaotic, just trying to figure out what to do. As a ranged DPS, it is not natural for me to approach a boss, it took me forever to figure that out. I was convinced the force abnormalities were the key. It was confusing.


More dissapointed with the outcome than anything.

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I hate when Arcann go ''AH AH AH AHA AH'' ..Thats so annoying . Do they know how annoying it was?


Final battle is something I would call ''Worst Battle ever'' . I was hoping for some me pushing back Arcann in the duel , I did keep that hard to make Lightsaber . So I was all ready to try it out ! Woot finally he doesn't push us around no more ! We won't look like amateur who have no experience wielding a Lightsaber no more !


Guess what ? you still do , and he still push you . And I had to use a freaking shield ? and stand there and wait for it to recharge to smack him down with it ? and that's between him throwing me off all over the place .


yeah , worst fight ever . Not fun .


It kinda sad that the Dev believe that was fun , I wrote them about early access and got a reply this morning and the dev said that he hoped I enjoy the final battle cose its fun .


I didn't like revan fight , so I certainly didn't like arcann fight or even fighting Valk .

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I can not kill him after the 1st cut seen in the fight.


I try to use the shield but it doesn't stay long only 15 or so seconds at a time and I have to keep putting it on over and over and then I get him down to under 100 k and he keeps hitting me with something that kills me.. I give up/ 11 times and failed each time. I am a Jedi sentinel and very frustrated.


This is hard for an old gamer like me that is slowed by age.


Can anyone tell me the secret?

I sure hope someone can help me


yay did it this time

The secret is just use the shield only and there it is.

Fallen is over

Edited by Varune
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After having fought Arcann with this "special" lightsaber, wouldn't it have been cool if the Chapter had dropped us a special tuning for it?


I can understand why the specially forged lightsaber didn't affect the fight much. There were threads of people who didn't want to stop using their beloved, favorite weapon. Some people sold it. Plus, not everyone is a Force user. I don't mind that it didn't have a big impact on the battle. I just really didn't like having to use the shield.


Couldn't I have used my lightsaber to contain and even parry-reflect the lightning? We see this in the animated series and movies. That would have made it special, indeed!

Edited by Xina_LA
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I can not kill him after the 1st cut seen in the fight.


I try to use the shield but it doesn't stay long only 15 or so seconds at a time and I have to keep putting it on over and over and then I get him down to under 100 k and he keeps hitting me with something that kills me.. I give up/ 11 times and failed each time. I am a Jedi sentinel and very frustrated.


This is hard for an old gamer like me that is slowed by age.


Can anyone tell me the secret?

I sure hope someone can help me


Took me three tries to get him, but here's what I did:


- used the "special" lightsaber to lower the damage of Arcann's attacks

- when he starts his Force lightning, raise the shield and walk towards him. Once you're close enough, bash him.

- Without the shield, you can't move (at least I couldn't).


I hate that fight with a passion, it doesn't feel like Star Wars and it certainly isn't fun. Beating on a hitpoint sponge definitely doesn't make me feel heroic...

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I can not kill him after the 1st cut seen in the fight.


I try to use the shield but it doesn't stay long only 15 or so seconds at a time and I have to keep putting it on over and over and then I get him down to under 100 k and he keeps hitting me with something that kills me.. I give up/ 11 times and failed each time. I am a Jedi sentinel and very frustrated.


This is hard for an old gamer like me that is slowed by age.


Can anyone tell me the secret?

I sure hope someone can help me


You don't really have to use the shield the whole time. When the yellow arrows appear on screen showing he's charging up an attack, raise the shield, once the attack fires off and the shield absorbs it, get close, click the fist icon and it will knock him down, lower the shield and just hit him with your normal attacks. Once he leaps to the stairs and gets flanked by gold glowing orbs, it's final phase. Equip the shield and just walk slooooowly all the way up to him. When the fist icon on your temporary ability bar lights up, click it to initiate another round of endless cutscenes.


I've beaten him a couple times at this point and last time, on my merc, I just equipped the shield and walked away to do laundry and go to the bathroom. Came back and I was still at 90% health. Essentially, it's Revan Reborn solo fight 2.0. I wasn't even sure it was possible to die until I saw people complaining about the fight on the forum.

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The final battle definetely tailored for Juggernauts or Guardians. It was epic to see my SW and Arcann dueling, lightsabers clashing, etc.


Whille my PT was just shooting at Arcann and had all his shots reflected. Not impressive at all.


Didn't use special weapon and it wasn't acknowledged by the game, nor do you need a special weapon.


The worst part, however, is that my SW is actually a Marauder. But he apparently forgot all about his offhand.

***, Bioware? Yes, I know, cutscenes always had one lighsaber, but you could make an exeption for KOTFE and its final fight!

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I never saw a special light saber, just the shield

Its the weapon you get after Visions in the Darkness. A mainhand. I never used it so i dont know how it works. but it has to be on your char. (i had it in my inventory and naturally it didn't do anything)

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Using the shield makes sense... for the tech classes.

The Force classes should have been able to block Arcann's uber-Lightning with the Arcann-Buster 5000 lightsabre (or dualsabre for Assassin/Shadow). At least then it would have felt a bit more worthwhile making the stupid thing.


I'm still displeased that we weren't allowed to finish him off, but I kind of agree with whoever said Arcann saving Senya from Vaylin is a good parallel to Thexan saving Valkorian from Arcann.

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It's awful. Did the developers even bother to ask themselves "is this fight fun?". I enjoyed the story up until this stupid episode. After going through it, I just didn't care any more. Run though meaningless battles, fight a battle contrary to every other battle (didn't even shoot), then sit through unalterable cut scenes, have the victory taken away from me, then run some more, and then yet more scenes to sit through after my investment in the story was destroyed. Complete failure to understand basic game psychology. As a successful project leader, I'd love to hear what the heck these people thought they were doing that would make us (the customers) happy. Edited by ColoradoSkier
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I guess the best way to express feelings about this "epic" fight will be like this:


You and your girlfriend having amazing sex. And here you are about to "finish" but... Suddenly she just walk away saying: Well, im done!

Edited by Kingsbount
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Yeah I don't like gimmicky fights like the shield.


I prefer if you still use your main abilities, then lure Arcann to a spot, break something like an explosion, to weaken him. Which is quite common in boss fights in FPs.


Lightsaber abilities could be magnified, for roleplay reasons. You learn the combined teachings of Satele and Marr (2 heavyweight lore figures), and the key to the fight is actually the shield. It feels underwhelming.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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