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Relnex Chest has no secondary colour


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I notice something happens with the tint of the cloth, but it doesn't colourize at all. Only the outer cloth (primary) changes colour, the secondary does nothing.

It's not the only thing with messed up dye zones. I had a pair of boots at one time where the part above the ankles was all secondary colour. (This mean that when unified on black/deep red, everything else was black with red trim, and the boots were red with black trim.)

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Relnex robes suffers from the dreaded "phantom third color" syndrome, where there are sections of color on the item that are not labled "primary" or "secondary" but are part of some mystery "tertiary" category that players have no access too. Those middle lapel panels will always be a neutral cream color no matter what you do, because they were never marked as part of the dye slot system. If you ask me, the boots on that set are the weirdest of all, however, since the entire set only takes primary color dye, except for the boots, which are secondary. So you end up having these stand-out boots that never match the rest of the outfit. (Unless the two dyes are the same color.)


It annoys me that those inner robes don't take dye color as well, but since there is some secondary color there (the boots), it's probably not a bug. I wish they would limit the amount of tertiary color spots on armor though.

Edited by CloudCastle
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