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Companions STILL doesn't unify colours!


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On the spaceship, Kaliyo who is wearing the same outfit as my agent still, after all this time, hasn't got unified colouring when dialogues start. Are you REALLY this bad at fixing things, after all this time, ever since the start of you introducing this feature...


I am astonished. The only reason for it must be that you are ignoring it. This should not have survived this long, it speaks a lot of the quality from your developers.


Just sit down and FIX it.

Edited by Wintermist
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I returned to subscribe after four years (Thinking I could finally play the way I want to "A mass effect styled MMO set in the Star Wars Universe") with all the things that I had wished for at launch (with the exception of a costume slot for weapons too) and lots of shiny new content to play through and the wonderful ability to do Flashpoints solo. only to find out that things don't work... I'm very disappointed to find that all the effort and time I've put into trying to get my crew looking the way I want them is for not... they look RAINBOW themed during cut-scenes/conversations.

I'm also very irritated by all the Micro transactions (EA is such a money grubbing company) designing things to "Force you" from the perspective of frustration, into giving them more $$$ to make your gameplay less of a hassle so you can actually enjoy the effort they have put into the story in a underhanded way of making everything locked behind a pay wall and sliced into every category possible just to try and appear as tho you have endless options, when in fact all they are doing is promoting more sales of their "Packs" an other various Micro Transactions (which after all is said and done AREN'T VARY MICRO).... it's so despicable!

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