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Let´s make all classes immort.. hm more attractive!


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so what should be done then? are we just supposed to ignore it for another two years? you have labeled me a sorc hater and accuse me of wanting to destroy the class so that i can make other, unspecified classes look better. looking back over our conversations i can't see why you would think that, since i'm the one who kept trying to avoid talking about the other classes, but the truth is i don't really have a favorite. i have run all the classes in pvp, and right now, have 5 classes that i rotate between depending on what mood i am in. but i have a dream, that one day all classes will be treated equally and be welcomed into matches. that they will be judged by the quality of their play, and not by whether or not they are a sorc.


He is a good man!

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Your anecdotal experience does not prove anything enough


I always see this expression in discussions ... Apart from being true - statistically 1 experience doesn't count for 100 experiences - it is also what I call an "shield argument" : It's oh so easy to hide behind that and block all other discussions with it. The German language has the expression "Totschlagargument" = "Beating to death argument", roughly translated. It's the kind of argument with which one can shut down ANY discussion immediately - especially BECAUSE it is true. BUT it also shows how much uninterested the person using it is in FURTHER discussions.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Anyone talking about sorcs or any other class in lowbies or midbies should leave the balance discussion immediately. Low level toons are irrelevant to this discussion. Just stop. You will never know what you are talking about until you are playing the class you are discussing at max level against other fully geared max level toons. And to the guy who said sorc dps out performs all other ranged classes by far..... what reality do you come from, and how did you get here. Lightning is mediocre at best and madness is fluff damage in 95% (this is not a real statistic so shut up :p) of the situations you end up in.
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Anyone talking about sorcs or any other class in lowbies or midbies should leave the balance discussion immediately. Low level toons are irrelevant to this discussion. Just stop.


this thread is full of a lot of exaggeration (from both camps), but this tidbit is the most true. guys, lowbie -- especially lowbie -- is crazy unbalanced. 30s-40 have a full slate of class abilities while 10s have literally 1 or 2 things w/o any procs or buffs. it's like trying to duel an op with roll immunity and dodge while you're only using rapid shots and grav round (no demo or rail). it doesn't matter at all even if a lvl 20 sorc is 5x better than a lvl 20 merc. he's still a lvl 20 sorc who is 5x worse off than a lvl 30 merc. and they're all in the same WZ. lowbies have issues, but class balance ain't it.

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If Sorcs/Sages are OP the solution is to look at the other classes and see how they can be brought up to the sorcs level, nerfing has only ever broken stuff.


Granted, I've been away for 2 years and just recently started playing again and not properly taken out my sorc for a spin yet. I did however notice that my Marauder could actually do dmg again, unlike the situation 2 years ago, and my Juggs dmg was overall laughable despite having more experience playing that one this time around than my other chars.


Overall there has been a few rather big changes in how the talents work since I last played, so need to work on learning that.

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Take away barrier and most problems would be solved the phase walk is minor


Take away Sorcerer whining and most problems would be solved as well. I suspect both of us will be disappointed.


The class just went through a major round of nerfs hitting many of the major powers of the class. I'm not going to bother to argue why Barrier and Bastion exist. Go back to the 2.0 era and read the posts from that time.

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