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Let´s make all classes immort.. hm more attractive!


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A pvp group with two or more sorcerer is so attractive, but what about the other classes. If you play dd an you get so much dmg that you can not do more dmg than 350k ( so unattractive! pff!:mad: ) give them a powerbuff ( some kind of shield for 30 sec ) no harm for 30 sec more dmg more fun! :D

Also the stealth player, they could have so much fun if they could heal themselves to 100% without harm!

I mean, if I play as a jugger in pvp I am thinking: my gosh! If the jugger would be so powerful and attractive like the socerer. What do they have for an attractive pvp? Fearbubble and the hide and seek walk? Why not a ability to control other players chars to make them kill the own people?:rolleyes:


I bet the first answers are like ( if you bla bla only 350k bla bla looser...bla bla learn to play bla bla...Im a sorcerer an they are not attractive enough. bla bla I am the greatest and you are a bob...! :D ) but who cares!:p

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You mean it would make sorcerers disappear from pvp completely, since that would make them unplayable.


That sumquy is a troll anyway. His points have already been debunked in the thread n the gen section.

He does not want balance. He wants the death of a class.

Edited by Ethern
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You mean it would make sorcerers disappear from pvp completely, since that would make them unplayable.


That sumquy is a troll anyway. His points have already been debunked in the thread n the gen section.

He does not want balance. He wants the death of a class.


troll is it? nobody debunked anything, they just kept repeating the same thing as here: "that would destroy the class." and for the noobs and bads that is correct. it would immediately remove them from the lol i win again, faceroll, fotm status they have had for years now. are you saying that cutting the number of sorcs in wz down by half would be a bad thing? are they not still a problem? are we seeing mercs and op heals in ranked now? since nothing has changed, it seems very obvious that what was done was not enough.


contrary to what you and so many others seem to think, i love my sorc and have a lot of fun playing him. i just don't lie to myself about how op he is.

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troll is it? nobody debunked anything, they just kept repeating the same thing as here: "that would destroy the class." and for the noobs and bads that is correct. it would immediately remove them from the lol i win again, faceroll, fotm status they have had for years now. are you saying that cutting the number of sorcs in wz down by half would be a bad thing? are they not still a problem? are we seeing mercs and op heals in ranked now? since nothing has changed, it seems very obvious that what was done was not enough.


contrary to what you and so many others seem to think, i love my sorc and have a lot of fun playing him. i just don't lie to myself about how op he is.

You're a troll yes because sorcerer is not even FOTM. Juggernauts and operatives are by far. And yet you still want to destroy the sorcerers, just so you can have free kills if all else fails.

Cutting the number of sorcerers in warzones by half? please that would make them totally disappear. The only scenario in which sorcs would be viable are the ones in which they can free cast, aka almost never. One focus by anywho and they're dead. They're squishy as hell. If you remove bubble and phase walks, then remove vanish from ops and assassin, remove heavy armor from juggernauts and remove all gap closers so at least sorcerers can hope to survive by kitting.

Survavibility is everything in pvp and what you suggest is to nerf it or remove it from sorcerers. You claim you're high ranked but I seriously doubt that. I think you have no clues about what you're talking about.

Edited by Ethern
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There do exist different definitions of the term "FOTM". In my definition, Sorc IS FOTM, because the Leaderboards are so full with it, and in Unranked it appears so often as well.
Ranked is another beast altogether, good teams know how to coordinate and protect their sorcerers; and in regs I rarely see low survavibility classes. Mercs and sorcerers are a dying bred. Yes even with phase walk and bubbles, since most of the people know how to handle them. His suggestions would sign the death of this class in pvp. And would make them below average in pve. Healing trance while moving is totally mandatory.
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I bet the first answers are like ( if you bla bla only 350k bla bla looser.

I would never call you that because i have no idea what sort of things you loosen up in your day to day routine. Do you carry around a pipe wrench, maybe some channel locks and some WD-40 loosen rusted nuts and bolts for a living? If so, then calling you a looser might be appropriate but without specifics I cannot speculate that you are in fact, a looser.


I am the greatest and you are a bob

Yes, I am.

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Ranked is another beast altogether, good teams know how to coordinate and protect their sorcerers; and in regs I rarely see low survavibility classes. Mercs and sorcerers are a dying bred. Yes even with phase walk and bubbles, since most of the people know how to handle them. His suggestions would sign the death of this class in pvp. And would make them below average in pve. Healing trance while moving is totally mandatory.




All "high-rated" sorcs I've seen in ranked can only HOPE for ONE flashbang/awe only to break it immediately with death field/knockback. Nobody "coordinates their sorcs" as you've described... And people don't even need to.


I recently tried sage with a 60 token and I feel like a f*ucking god in regs. Bubble stun/affliction root/knockbact root/hard stun/ force speed/phasewalk to heal to full at last second and if I really wanted to troll someone I'd use barrier cleanse to get a killing blow. I'm not even a good player and I get as much damage as the next 3 dps COMBINED and half the heals of a mando in heal spec...



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You're a troll yes because sorcerer is not even FOTM. Juggernauts and operatives are by far. And yet you still want to destroy the sorcerers, just so you can have free kills if all else fails.

Cutting the number of sorcerers in warzones by half? please that would make them totally disappear. The only scenario in which sorcs would be viable are the ones in which they can free cast, aka almost never. One focus by anywho and they're dead. They're squishy as hell. If you remove bubble and phase walks, then remove vanish from ops and assassin, remove heavy armor from juggernauts and remove all gap closers so at least sorcerers can hope to survive by kitting.

Survavibility is everything in pvp and what you suggest is to nerf it or remove it from sorcerers. You claim you're high ranked but I seriously doubt that. I think you have no clues about what you're talking about.


this level of delusion is why it is impossible to have a conversation about it. claiming that sorcs are not fotm destroys any credibility you might have had, and the last time i checked, any number divided by two has no way of equaling zero no matter what number you start with. as for the rest, the situation you describe is exactly what snipers and mercs have to deal with. i've never heard a good explanation for turning sorcs into their own special snowflakes, but that is where were at with it, and people like you fight tooth and nail to keep it that way as if it is your natural born right as a sorc.


i never said anything about rank, in this thread or any other. i said i have 90's valor, which indicates a lot of experience with the class. for funsies, i will repeat what i asked in the other thread and see if i can get an answer that isn't an outright lie, or other bullhsit: iwhy should one class have the best damage, the best heals, and the fewest deaths because they also have the best escapes? is that not the definition of overpowered? and now i will repeat the questions you ignored: are sorcs not a problem anymore? mercs and ops are welcome as healers now?

Edited by sumquy
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this level of delusion is why it is impossible to have a conversation about it. claiming that sorcs are not fotm destroys any credibility you might have had, and the last time i checked, any number divided by two has no way of equaling zero no matter what number you start with. as for the rest, the situation you describe is exactly what snipers and mercs have to deal with. i've never heard a good explanation for turning sorcs into their own special snowflakes, but that is where were at with it, and people like you fight tooth and nail to keep it that way as if it is your natural born right as a sorc.


i never said anything about rank, in this thread or any other. i said i have 90's valor, which indicates a lot of experience with the class. for funsies, i will repeat what i asked in the other thread and see if i can get an answer that isn't an outright lie, or other bullhsit: iwhy should one class have the best damage, the best heals, and the fewest deaths because they also have the best escapes? is that not the definition of overpowered? and now i will repeat the questions you ignored: are sorcs not a problem anymore? mercs and ops are welcome as healers now?


^ This...


I reiterate that I feel like an immortal damage god in midbies with my level 61 sage... I wonder how the absolutely unkillable heal spec would feel?


I've played operative + marauder at a respectable level since the beginning of the year but I've never felt as though I were THIS good at pvp until I tokened a 60 sage and played it for the first time.

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this level of delusion is why it is impossible to have a conversation about it. claiming that sorcs are not fotm destroys any credibility you might have had, and the last time i checked, any number divided by two has no way of equaling zero no matter what number you start with. as for the rest, the situation you describe is exactly what snipers and mercs have to deal with. i've never heard a good explanation for turning sorcs into their own special snowflakes, but that is where were at with it, and people like you fight tooth and nail to keep it that way as if it is your natural born right as a sorc.


i never said anything about rank, in this thread or any other. i said i have 90's valor, which indicates a lot of experience with the class. for funsies, i will repeat what i asked in the other thread and see if i can get an answer that isn't an outright lie, or other bullhsit: iwhy should one class have the best damage, the best heals, and the fewest deaths because they also have the best escapes? is that not the definition of overpowered? and now i will repeat the questions you ignored: are sorcs not a problem anymore? mercs and ops are welcome as healers now?

This level of delusion, duh that's my line.

And why should I not ignore your questions while you ignore all the other factors just to fit your narrative that sorcerers need to be nerf"ed to oblivion? Aren't they squishy? aren't they wearing light armor? aren't they killed in 3 globals?

You're the one lying by omission.

People are also asking to buff up mercs and snipers because survavibility like I said is everything. Instead of asking to nerf sorcerers to make you feel better, ask for neglected classes to get buffed rather. The buff for mercs and snipers is long overdue, and trust me obliterating sorcerers out of the pvp scene is not the solution.

Also you keep ignoring the place juggernauts and operatives are right now. No word about you for them, they're fine right? Yeah let's nerf sorcerers so that juggy and ops can chew through them not in 3 globals but in 1.


And yes you also suggested to remove healing trance while moving, so your concern is absolutely no balance. It's destroying the class even in pve. What are we supposed to do during high movement phases? Hope that our hots are enough to keep the tank alive?


I'm glad you're not in charge of balance. Stop trolling please and let sorcerers alone, thank you very much.

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^ This...


I reiterate that I feel like an immortal damage god in midbies with my level 61 sage... I wonder how the absolutely unkillable heal spec would feel?


I've played operative + marauder at a respectable level since the beginning of the year but I've never felt as though I were THIS good at pvp until I tokened a 60 sage and played it for the first time.

Your anecdotal experience does not prove anything enough to weigh into the balance discussion. Come back when you have faced real pvp'ers that do not let you free cast. Trust me one operative onto you 24/7 is enough to make you regret playing a light armour class. Sorcerers wiithout their huge cd are food for any dps class with decent gap closers. That people do not bother to apply pressure on you is irrelevant and is not the norm.

Guess what? When I can free cast, I also feel like a god. And that goes for snipers and mercs too.

Edited by Ethern
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This level of delusion, duh that's my line.

And why should I not ignore your questions while you ignore all the other factors just to fit your narrative that sorcerers need to be nerf"ed to oblivion? Aren't they squishy? aren't they wearing light armor? aren't they killed in 3 globals?

You're the one lying by omission.

People are also asking to buff up mercs and snipers because survavibility like I said is everything. Instead of asking to nerf sorcerers to make you feel better, ask for neglected classes to get buffed rather. The buff for mercs and snipers is long overdue, and trust me obliterating sorcerers out of the pvp scene is not the solution.

Also you keep ignoring the place juggernauts and operatives are right now. No word about you for them, they're fine right? Yeah let's nerf sorcerers so that juggy and ops can chew through them not in 3 globals but in 1.


And yes you also suggested to remove healing trance while moving, so your concern is absolutely no balance. It's destroying the class even in pve. What are we supposed to do during high movement phases? Hope that our hots are enough to keep the tank alive?


I'm glad you're not in charge of balance. Stop trolling please and let sorcerers alone, thank you very much.


in spite of the sarcastic tone, i feel like this is real progress. i'm not sure why you think nerfing sorcs is about making me feel better, but at least now you are acknowledging that they are outperforming other classes, that should be filling the exact same role. since you insist, i can say a few words about ops and juggs. i would agree that jugg survivability is higher than it should be. as for ops, they have a pretty nice pvp tool set, but they pay for it with the weakest damage in pvp and being a bad joke in pve. changing the subject to other classes does not make you right on sorcs, though, and the whole "but they have X, so there is no problem with me having Y" is the weakest argument we see over and over on the forums. apples to oranges and whatnot.


so, now that we agree that something needs to be done, would you like to hear why i think these changes are appropriate, or are you just going to go crawl back into your denial?

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in spite of the sarcastic tone, i feel like this is real progress. i'm not sure why you think nerfing sorcs is about making me feel better, but at least now you are acknowledging that they are outperforming other classes, that should be filling the exact same role. since you insist, i can say a few words about ops and juggs. i would agree that jugg survivability is higher than it should be. as for ops, they have a pretty nice pvp tool set, but they pay for it with the weakest damage in pvp and being a bad joke in pve. changing the subject to other classes does not make you right on sorcs, though, and the whole "but they have X, so there is no problem with me having Y" is the weakest argument we see over and over on the forums. apples to oranges and whatnot.


so, now that we agree that something needs to be done, would you like to hear why i think these changes are appropriate, or are you just going to go crawl back into your denial?

The heck? ow you've proven you're a troll even more. Where did I say that sorcerers outperform other healing classes? wth is wrong with you.

Like I said leave sorcerers alone. I have nothing to discuss further with some guy who wants to remove the possibility to cast healing trance while moving. Not only you want to make sorcs useless in pvp, but you want to make them subpar in pve too.

You wanting to remove a class from the picture just so other classes can shine more is the weakest argument we see over and over on the forums. apples to oranges and whatnot.

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The heck? ow you've proven you're a troll even more. Where did I say that sorcerers outperform other healing classes? wth is wrong with you.

Like I said leave sorcerers alone. I have nothing to discuss further with some guy who wants to remove the possibility to cast healing trance while moving. Not only you want to make sorcs useless in pvp, but you want to make them subpar in pve too.

You wanting to remove a class from the picture just so other classes can shine more is the weakest argument we see over and over on the forums. apples to oranges and whatnot.


my bad then, i thought we had a break through. let's start with first principles then. as you yourself acknowledged earlier, sorc dps is outperforming the other ranged dps classes. it is also outperforming all the other dps classes. i'm not sure why, in this post, you try to deny that sorc healers are outperforming mercs and ops, but that is very obviously to everyone, not true, and doesn't even deserve a rebuttal. if you start paying attention to the number of deaths column, you will soon learn that they also have the least deaths of any class, including stealth who should be lowest. best damage, best heals, and least deaths, all in one class, is a problem.


so what should be done then? are we just supposed to ignore it for another two years? you have labeled me a sorc hater and accuse me of wanting to destroy the class so that i can make other, unspecified classes look better. looking back over our conversations i can't see why you would think that, since i'm the one who kept trying to avoid talking about the other classes, but the truth is i don't really have a favorite. i have run all the classes in pvp, and right now, have 5 classes that i rotate between depending on what mood i am in. but i have a dream, that one day all classes will be treated equally and be welcomed into matches. that they will be judged by the quality of their play, and not by whether or not they are a sorc.

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