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What classifies as "complete?"


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Hello all - I'm not technically a new player, I started at launch and later left ... then returned recently after a long hiatus, and I pretty much feel like a new player with all of the changes since my departure. Prior to my leaving, I had two classes completed - it seems that you have to do more (MUCH more) to get that "completion" status now, I guess my old guys are grandfathered in. Anyways - is there something in game that explicitly tells you which missions you have to do? I feel silly that I cannot find it.


The reason I'm asking is because I'm at a bit of a decision point - I've done everything class-wise (on Consular) except The Hunt and Day of Dread, though I'm not entirely sure Day of Dread is a class mission. I can hit PLAY for Chapter I: The Hunt, which warns me that everything will break and the galaxy will be forever changed, and I also have Day of Dread (Oricon) yet to do. The Oricon mission is not purple ... does the Oricon mission complete the class, The Hunt? Or both?

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What do you mean with "complete"? If you are going for the class story achievements "complete" means that you finished your classes mains story line (In the case of the counsular it ends after you defeat the first son of the Emperor on Corellia).

Or do you want to complete the games overall storyline. In that case the progression would be:

Class story + planetary quest lines (all pink now) + some important flashpoint (Black Talon/Esseles, boarding party/Taral V and Maelstrom prison/The foundry) ->

Ilium Questline (you get it on the fleet after finishing your class story)->

Rise of the Hutt cartel expansion on Makeb (I think you get this on your ship) ->

Shadow of Revan prelude (it's four flashpoints that set up the Shadow of Revan questline) ->

Shadow of Revan expansion ->

Ziost questline ->

The Hunt (First chapter of the Knights of the fallen empire expansion) ->

Further chapters of the Knights of the fallen Empire expansion.


Oricron isn't really that important. It basically just finishes up the Dread master arc, that is pretty much only told in Operations and daily areas anyways. So unless you played those before as well it's negliable.

Edited by fovzwk
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Hm, perhaps I've found a bug then? Prior to my leaving I had completed Smuggler and Jedi Knight (this was before any additional content, Corellia was the last mission). When I returned a few weeks ago, I logged in it shows 2/8 complete on the log-in screen. I've since completed Corellia for both my Trooper and Consular, but that hasn't updated on the log-in, it still shows 2/8. I assumed that in order to get that complete status, I had to do the extra content. Am I confused, or is this a bug?
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Hm, perhaps I've found a bug then? Prior to my leaving I had completed Smuggler and Jedi Knight (this was before any additional content, Corellia was the last mission). When I returned a few weeks ago, I logged in it shows 2/8 complete on the log-in screen. I've since completed Corellia for both my Trooper and Consular, but that hasn't updated on the log-in, it still shows 2/8. I assumed that in order to get that complete status, I had to do the extra content. Am I confused, or is this a bug?

It's one of those comes-and-goes bugs. They said it was fixed, but there have been a few people - like yourself - saying things that suggest that it's back.

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So is this something that generally is fixed automatically, or only via ticket?

Varies a bit. Tickets can be effective (but not always), and sometimes they've fixed it automatically. And the very first time, all you had to do to fix it was play for a few seconds on a character of the affected class who had qualified. (That is, if you lost, say, Imperial Agent - as I did - then play an IA who had already finished the class story / gained level 50 / whatever, just for a few seconds.)

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