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Which species is impossible to become sith?


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A novelization of "Revenge of the Sith" suggested that the more of one's body is replaced by machinery, the less powerful one is with the Force. Which contradicts several Sith in SWTOR being "more machine than Man,"



like Darth Skotia and Lord Grathan, for example,



But the movie's novelization offered a sensible explanation:


"The Force, dark side as well as light, was generated by living beings, and it took living flesh to manipulate it." The novelization suggested this was why Darth Vader could never use Force Lightning; "that required living hands, not mechanical ones."


Again, this directly contradicts both a number of examples in SWTOR as well as a number of other Star Wars sources, but it's still a sensible explanation. The movies tied midi-chlorian count to Force Sensitivity, and therefore one's power with it, and midi-chlorians aren't generated by machinery.

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A novelization of "Revenge of the Sith" suggested that the more of one's body is replaced by machinery, the less powerful one is with the Force. Which contradicts several Sith in SWTOR being "more machine than Man,"



like Darth Skotia and Lord Grathan, for example,



But the movie's novelization offered a sensible explanation:


"The Force, dark side as well as light, was generated by living beings, and it took living flesh to manipulate it." The novelization suggested this was why Darth Vader could never use Force Lightning; "that required living hands, not mechanical ones."


Again, this directly contradicts both a number of examples in SWTOR as well as a number of other Star Wars sources, but it's still a sensible explanation. The movies tied midi-chlorian count to Force Sensitivity, and therefore one's power with it, and midi-chlorians aren't generated by machinery.

Not really.

Skotia for example had this weakness directly exploited. If he could've called upon the dark side sufficiently, the SI sabotaging his cybernetics wouldn't have mattered.


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Not really.

Skotia for example had this weakness directly exploited. If he could've called upon the dark side sufficiently, the SI sabotaging his cybernetics wouldn't have mattered.


Not to mention



You are able to kill Darth Grathan as a level 15 apprentice as a warrior anyway. Not too impressive imho


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A novelization of "Revenge of the Sith" suggested that the more of one's body is replaced by machinery, the less powerful one is with the Force. Which contradicts several Sith in SWTOR being "more machine than Man,"



like Darth Skotia and Lord Grathan, for example,



But the movie's novelization offered a sensible explanation:


"The Force, dark side as well as light, was generated by living beings, and it took living flesh to manipulate it." The novelization suggested this was why Darth Vader could never use Force Lightning; "that required living hands, not mechanical ones."


Again, this directly contradicts both a number of examples in SWTOR as well as a number of other Star Wars sources, but it's still a sensible explanation. The movies tied midi-chlorian count to Force Sensitivity, and therefore one's power with it, and midi-chlorians aren't generated by machinery.



Warrior, if choosing to do the LS option to deal with Grathan, easily overthrows the guy, but it is suggested that his power was more in the sciences, not his ability with the Force as he got older.



And following the path to Marr (who was in a lifesupport suit or something, iirc, not on my computer ATM), Marr was powerful not necessarily with the Force, but with cunning and his military prowess. And his (seemingly, and I hope it isn't just seemingly) pragmatism.


Darth Malgus could be defeated with a grenade object at one time, one of my old 55+ characters still has that plot item in her Plot Item inventory.


Those Sith I also don't remember seeing lightning bolts from either. Maybe Skotia, but he always died quickly for me (because I used that wonderful plot item there too, so I was never one of those "help me with Skotia, please!" genchatters).


Cyborg Player Characters also aren't missing limbs (armor doesn't actually change the story in any way, I have had my Trooper wander into Garza's office and then later a meeting with Senate wearing nothing or a bikini dress, no response), so they still have organic bits.

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A little late to the party, but Sev'Rance Tann was a Force Sensitive Chiss, and one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes, though as far as I know she only appears in the Clone Campaigns expansion of Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.


In Thrawn's time (and quite possibly even now) the Chiss may not have a native Force Tradition, but Force Sensitivity can still happen. They may have changed things more recently, but for years the general consensus was that without training, pretty much all Force Sensitive individuals would be limited to passive abilities like foresight, insight, and unconsciously applying the Force to make themselves better at mundane skills.

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Darth Malgus could be defeated with a grenade object at one time, one of my old 55+ characters still has that plot item in her Plot Item inventory.

My very first trooper, created in 2013, still has a piece of the Umbra thing in her mission inventory. Curiously, when my DvL trooper went through Hoth, she successfully picked up all the pieces, then got a mail from the system saying that it had detected that I had had a problem picking up a mission item and here it is. Of course, I didn't actually read the mail until after I had successfully delivered the Umbra to Yuun's boss, so I can't claim the item from the mail...

Cyborg Player Characters also aren't missing limbs (armor doesn't actually change the story in any way, I have had my Trooper wander into Garza's office and then later a meeting with Senate wearing nothing or a bikini dress, no response), so they still have organic bits.

I'm always slightly distressed when, as part of my RP-lite(1) thing, I put my characters in the K-23 Hazmat suit, and it doesn't do anything to protect me against pools of toxic slime, like the one mission on Belsavis where you have to go wading in pools of green goop to retrieve stuff from broken droids.


(1) RP-lite: I play the story provided by the game but change stuff about my character according to the situation, e.g. no XoXaan gear on Hoth (too cold for nearly-bare feet) or Quesh (not wading in green slime in nearly-bare feet, thanks), use a battered-wreck looking speeder (e.g. Aratech Basic) on planets full of criminals like Belsavis or the scuzzy parts of Nar Shaddaa) but a nice-looking one in Kaas City or the Senate area of Coruscant, that sort of thing. Never put Ashara's default look in undyed XoXaan gear, by the way, because her yellow toes just look really, really weird peeking out from under the skirt.

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I'm always slightly distressed when, as part of my RP-lite(1) thing, I put my characters in the K-23 Hazmat suit, and it doesn't do anything to protect me against pools of toxic slime, like the one mission on Belsavis where you have to go wading in pools of green goop to retrieve stuff from broken droids.


I thought that was Balmorra.

Anyway, I know what you mean. I used to find it quite perplexing that the Rakghoul Vaccine didn't make a scrap of difference on Taris or in the Kaon Under Siege, and Lost Island flashpoints.

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I thought that was Balmorra.

Anyway, I know what you mean. I used to find it quite perplexing that the Rakghoul Vaccine didn't make a scrap of difference on Taris or in the Kaon Under Siege, and Lost Island flashpoints.

D'oh, yes, you're quite right, it was indeed Balmorra. I think I probably *meant* Balmorra, but typed it with too many esses and vees.


And of course for Republic Taris, there's that one mission to help develop the vaccine, but...

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My very first trooper, created in 2013, still has a piece of the Umbra thing in her mission inventory. Curiously, when my DvL trooper went through Hoth, she successfully picked up all the pieces, then got a mail from the system saying that it had detected that I had had a problem picking up a mission item and here it is. Of course, I didn't actually read the mail until after I had successfully delivered the Umbra to Yuun's boss, so I can't claim the item from the mail...


I'm always slightly distressed when, as part of my RP-lite(1) thing, I put my characters in the K-23 Hazmat suit, and it doesn't do anything to protect me against pools of toxic slime, like the one mission on Belsavis where you have to go wading in pools of green goop to retrieve stuff from broken droids.


(1) RP-lite: I play the story provided by the game but change stuff about my character according to the situation, e.g. no XoXaan gear on Hoth (too cold for nearly-bare feet) or Quesh (not wading in green slime in nearly-bare feet, thanks), use a battered-wreck looking speeder (e.g. Aratech Basic) on planets full of criminals like Belsavis or the scuzzy parts of Nar Shaddaa) but a nice-looking one in Kaas City or the Senate area of Coruscant, that sort of thing. Never put Ashara's default look in undyed XoXaan gear, by the way, because her yellow toes just look really, really weird peeking out from under the skirt.


I only did that on accident with the outfits, most of the time I keep myself reasonable on characters- My Trooper has two armor sets, on white-orange and the other white-red, and an armored casual-wear outfit, My knight doesn't quite follow reasonable but she's wearing armor that lets her move easily as a tank, Consular wears stuff she can walk/fight around in and still look like a Jedi, Smuggler wears armored casuals, Juggernaut Sith warrior wears Clandestine Officer set for tactical reasons about misleading the enemy, Inquisitor is like Consular's outfit, Agent dresses in armored casuals, BH is in armor.


The mail thing is weird, I think all of my troopers still have that. At least one Bounty Hunter still has a Shuttle Pass to Dromund Kaas (or was it Imperial Fleet?).

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