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Which species is impossible to become sith?


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Thrawn's story takes place almost 3700 ish years after this game, so it's possible the Chiss have managed to find some method of "breeding out" the Force Sensitivity. There's a lot of "truths" that are up in the air now, and in this game Chiss aren't a default option for Sith or Jedi to follow the lore of Chiss Jedi/Sith being rare, if not nonexistent.


Actually the predecessor of Grevious in the clone wars as leader of the droid army was a chiss and a force sensitive and sith acolyte it was not because she was a force sensitive it was because she was a very good strategist defeating the Republic army quite a few times that she was the second in command.

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Droids despite the claim of one the flashpoints are not living creatures, so they cannot access the Force.


Dashade being Force resistant presumably cannot be sith or jedi.


The Chiss are allies of the Empire. Apparently they've had enough military strength that they Empire didn't want to try to conquer them as they normally would and made an alliance with them instead. And hopefully whenever this Dark vs Light event ends I'll have a chiss jedi master traveling with me.

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I would think it would be a Twi'ilek as they are hated by the Sith & viewed as slaves for the most part. So it would be near impossible, like fighting up hill all the way to be a Sith as a Twi'ilek.


Darth Talon. *cough*

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I would think it would be a Twi'ilek as they are hated by the Sith & viewed as slaves for the most part. So it would be near impossible, like fighting up hill all the way to be a Sith as a Twi'ilek.


umm.... aside from Darth Talon... Twi'leks are one of the base races for Inquisitor. you can start out as slave, but if you make it through Korriban and can hold your own? welcome to Sith.

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I don't see many Rattataki Sith. (Dunno about the lore and Rattataki.) Of course, I see *one* Rattataki Sorc every day at the moment, because she's *my* character. Rattataki Jedi would seem a bit ... weird.


(Cue seventeen people telling me about a big long list of Rattataki Sith and Jedi in the lore.)

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I don't see many Rattataki Sith. (Dunno about the lore and Rattataki.) Of course, I see *one* Rattataki Sorc every day at the moment, because she's *my* character. Rattataki Jedi would seem a bit ... weird.


(Cue seventeen people telling me about a big long list of Rattataki Sith and Jedi in the lore.)


Do padawans and sith acolyte count?

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Darth Talon. *cough*


Ok had to search who that was. Not that it matters seeing as the emperor hated Twi'leks so my original statement still stands. At least in the context of this game, which is what the OP was asking. Not a history lesson in the ever changing EU. lol

But if you're going into the EU in all the history of the sith there was only two. Darth Talon & her master who she killed Darth Ruyn.



umm.... aside from Darth Talon... Twi'leks are one of the base races for Inquisitor. you can start out as slave, but if you make it through Korriban and can hold your own? welcome to Sith.


Base races?

You start out as a slave no matter what you pick for inquisitor.

Start out as a Mara & your first companion is a Twi'lek slave.

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Thinking through all the player races, the Chiss are literally the only non-Force sensitive lore-friendly race.


Rattataki, the founding member of the race (before the ret-con) was Asajj Ventress herself. So, yes... SIthy.

Cyborg/Human: Vader.

Miraluka: Visas Marr

Mirialan: Seventh Sister

Zabrak: Maul.

Cathar: Dam-Powl (think about it)

Togruta: Kalatosh Zavros

Twi'lek: Talon


-Leaving out the obvious Sith Pureblood.

Pretty much every other race (than the Chiss) have Sith or near-Sith Darksiders to claim, so...

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Thinking through all the player races, the Chiss are literally the only non-Force sensitive lore-friendly race.


Rattataki, the founding member of the race (before the ret-con) was Asajj Ventress herself. So, yes... SIthy.

Cyborg/Human: Vader.

Miraluka: Visas Marr

Mirialan: Seventh Sister

Zabrak: Maul.

Cathar: Dam-Powl (think about it)

Togruta: Kalatosh Zavros

Twi'lek: Talon


-Leaving out the obvious Sith Pureblood.

Pretty much every other race (than the Chiss) have Sith or near-Sith Darksiders to claim, so...


No Chiss became a sith before? :eek:

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No Chiss became a sith before? :eek:


Or Jedi. Part of the whole thing about a Skywalker-Solo marrying into the House of Fel was sort of the introduction that their kids might be the first Force Sensitive Chiss. Ever.


That's one of the reasons the DvL companions are so... intriguing. The lightside choice of a Chiss Jedi, well.

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Ok had to search who that was. Not that it matters seeing as the emperor hated Twi'leks so my original statement still stands. At least in the context of this game, which is what the OP was asking. Not a history lesson in the ever changing EU. lol

But if you're going into the EU in all the history of the sith there was only two. Darth Talon & her master who she killed Darth Ruyn.


Base races?

You start out as a slave no matter what you pick for inquisitor.

Start out as a Mara & your first companion is a Twi'lek slave.


yes you do. including pure blood sith. but when I say base, I mean baseline races that availabel to every new account that is a subscriber - no extra unlocking necessary. aka - its assumed that twi'leks can very much be sith. (and by that same merit, just becasue you are pureblood, doesn't mean you cannot be a slave)


where are you getting the "Emperor hated Twi'leks" idea though

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At least in the context of this game, which is what the OP was asking. Not a history lesson in the ever changing EU. lol

But if you're going into the EU in all the history of the sith there was only two. Darth Talon & her master who she killed Darth Ruyn.

In the context of the game, any playable race can be any playable class (though some require unlocks at first).


But lore is much more fun to discuss, no?


Sith (or at least dark side) Twi'leks in lore? There have been several. In addition to those already mentioned:


Kas'im and his master Na'daz- the former was Darth Bane's combat instructor.

Darth Gean- apprentice to Darth Gravid (Order of the Sith Lords aka Bane's Rule of Two)

Alora- Dark Jedi under Tavion in the New Republic era.

Alema Rar- Dark Jedi post Yuuzhan Vong invasion

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The Nar Shadda, star fortress quest has a non-human/non-pureblood sith companion.



Sad acolyte (as she was still training) could have very easily been one of the aforementioned slaves given a chance at being a Sith in the same manner as the SI.



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Sad acolyte (as she was still training) could have very easily been one of the aforementioned slaves given a chance at being a Sith in the same manner as the SI.




Ah, very tru. I completely forgot she didn't get a chance to finish her training.


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Ah, very tru. I completely forgot she didn't get a chance to finish her training.



Easy to forget as she's powerful as all get-out by the time you meet her. She is nearly as talented as the player-character SI... and stubborn about finishing her Sith training (you can offer to finish her training, and she refuses)


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It's one of those things that (Thankfully) they will never reveal. Always nice to have a universe with some mystery.


Nevertheless, all three members of his species known (Yoda, Yaddle, and Vandar) were either Grandmasters or Council Members too. It is possible their species could be either rare or highly reclusive, highly force sensitive, or able to attune only to the lightside, or a variety of other possibilities.


~ Eudoxia


Don't forget Fleet Admiral Oteg, who was also a Jedi Master.

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Thinking through all the player races, the Chiss are literally the only non-Force sensitive lore-friendly race.


Miraluka: Visas Marr

She was tormented to become Sith and even after that she was more like mentally broken then evil.

In that state she could even join mandalorians if Nihuls desire that. She was to scared of him to become a proper sith.

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She was tormented to become Sith and even after that she was more like mentally broken then evil.

In that state she could even join mandalorians if Nihuls desire that. She was to scared of him to become a proper sith.


Visas was still a dark-sider though.


And whoops, forgot Oteg lol. My point is still valid though.


~ Eudoxia

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Basically, none of the species within the SW Galaxy.

Pure-blood and human are the Empire's "preferred" races with all others seen as being inferior. But there is a fundamental rule that runs against that, which is that any individual with the power and the strength of Will to seize and hold power will become Sith, assuming they go to Korriban, go through the training, and so on.

So in order for a species to be completely unable to become Sith, the species itself would have to be totally incapable of using the Force. The only such that I can remember from the books I have read is the Yuuzhan Vong (iirc, as they come from outside the Galaxy, they are incompatible with using the Force).


Yea and I reckon non human or pureblood sith would have to be exceptionally gifted and pretty dangerous to make it through Korriban and become a Sith Lord since others would look down on them and constantly be plotting their demise. In reality I don't think there would very many...


Most sith I have seen in game are human and pureblood, or just have masks on so can't really tell.

Also have seen a fair amount of zabrak, rattataki, and twi'lek Sith. Chiss, cathar, and togruta are uncommon but I do see them from time to time. miruluka or mirialan sith are a very rare sight.

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She was tormented to become Sith and even after that she was more like mentally broken then evil.

In that state she could even join mandalorians if Nihuls desire that. She was to scared of him to become a proper sith.


...and, I bet that Darth Marr is a relation to her. Which is one of the reasons he was always in his armor. Speculation, of course, but everything lines up a bit too perfectly from her personalities, loyalties, etc. for this not to be an aspect of Darth Marr's history (he might be human; but I bet he's more of a many times distant relation or descendant of hers who has a particular devotion). I am fairly certain he is also of her race.

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