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Hug a Dev Month


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So I've been on both sides. I've hated on and lambasted the devs in the past, and I would get called out for being negative. So I switched gears, accepted things for what they are, and tried to enjoy things. Then I was accused of being a white knight defender. Then I decide to just have fun on the forums and stir up debate, but then I'm told I'm a doom monger.


HOWEVER, there is one take away from all of that. Players are fickle and mean. They will always find reasons to nitpick and attack. And while some players may have more valid reasons than others, we all sort of forget one thing. And that is Love them, or hate them, the devs are the whipping post for all our grievances. I'm sure the reality is that many work hard, and maybe even long hours, yet they have to endure the constant abuse and hatred. Sure it may come with the territory, but I want to try win them with honey for once.


So I'm declaring the rest of this month as national "Hug-A-Dev" month! Here is the first dev to get my ultra premium hug of thanks...... MMMMMMMMMM..........feels so good, doesn't it!



Post a pic showing which dev you would hug, during this show of good will.

Edited by Holocron
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I like to think that I'm not as "mean" to the devs as others, but I'm sure I've said some unkind things about them.


In actuality, it isn't the devs who make me annoyed, it's the people holding the purse that make the decisions that the devs have to put into action. I wonder if the developers actually think XYZ is in the works, but because of gag orders, they don't know that instead LMNO is in the works (with LMNO being stuff that brings EA more money right away like CM packs, and XYZ being bug fixes, "GSF", "Ops")

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Then follow them, instead of being the inspiration for them being needed to be said.


I think you are totally off the mark here. If anything I personify your quote, and if you had happened to take a mere look throughout my post history you would see that (minus the deleted post of-course). I change my stance depending on the situation all the time. Which requires plenty of forethought and critical thinking. Heck even my OP is basically saying that I've been on all sides of the coin. So I disagree with you, that I'm not doing exactly that. Also, being hateful or kind is not necessarily an example of extremes either. It's about the results of those actions that matter.




oh and, stop trying to put me in a box, bro! :eek:

Edited by Holocron
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I like to think that I'm not as "mean" to the devs as others, but I'm sure I've said some unkind things about them.


In actuality, it isn't the devs who make me annoyed, it's the people holding the purse that make the decisions that the devs have to put into action. I wonder if the developers actually think XYZ is in the works, but because of gag orders, they don't know that instead LMNO is in the works (with LMNO being stuff that brings EA more money right away like CM packs, and XYZ being bug fixes, "GSF", "Ops")


There is a special hell for bean counters and the corporate suits. :D

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There is a special hell for bean counters and the corporate suits. :D


The bean counters and corporate suits who sabotage or impair their product, I hope is what you meant. Some bean counters are good people who don't know that they're working for the truly evil people. Like Amidala and Jar Jar when she helped him become Supreme Chancellor, and then when he helped him get Emergency Powers To Stay Forever this is disregarding the Robot Chicken Darth Binks theory.

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I've a touch aversion to do with being evenly touched in real life but I will say that I appreciate the developers and I'd appreciate them all the more if they'd just put some older sets that aren't obtainable up directly on CM. Also, if they'd fix the Heroic nerf when they originally planned to release Chapter XVI. I don't think I've hated them unless we're talking when I first started pre 4.0 and almost quit mid Hoth because of the sheer grind/heal/die because companions were bloody useless and please, could someone come help me with a quest. I needed to put myself five levels ahead just to stop the worst of the painful bits.


That's when I might have said some unkind things.

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I will just spread my hug out over the next 6 months.


Each month, I will get 4" closer, and finally I will give them an HK themed hug while wearing my HK helmet.




Observation: Meatbags place undue value to useless tactile motions.


*cough* That being said, I may not hug a developer out of his/her personal space considerations, but I do appreciate them.

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I have no problem with individual developers - they are typically passionate, extremely overworked people who are doing the best with what they are allowed to do. I usually lay the blame on combination of team leads and publishers, more so publishers, but at least some blame lays with team leads. as they are the ones that actualy decide what developers can or cannot do.
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I find it interesting that a number of people aren't able to just pull themselves out of the negativity and just on a human level appreciate other human beings.


I currently stopped playing the game, though my sub isn't out just yet, but I don't blame the developers for the reasons why. I do also realise that some people do not distinguish between the developers and other members of BW like for example the ones in charge who make the decisions. I have problems with what I perceive as the leadership but I can only have respect what the developers have accomplished in spite of all the circumstances they undoubtedly have set against them.


I certainly have been critical of the game and particularly at the moment but I still am able to send a hug and warm greetings to the developers and I could do the same for the management, because at the end of the day we are all human beings with flaws and we need to be able to set our differences aside for at least a moment and acknowledge each other in a positive way. No matter how angry we can get, they are not criminals, they didn't kill any real people (even the npcs in game have a tendency to come back from the dead on more than one occasion ;) ). So yeh, I'm not happy with some of the aspects of the game and how it's run but I am also able to be grateful for all the positives that are there and for that I shall say thank you Bioware.

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Hugs for all! :) At the end of the day we only have things to complain about because you guys made this wonderful game that stole many hours of my time in the first place, for that I will always have a hug ready for each and every one! :)
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I refuse to hug any developers until they fix the huge hug imbalance introduced in 4.6. Why should they get hugs when they haven't even acknowledged the issue exists? If we don't have a dev comment on the great hug disparity by the end of the day, I'm going to cancel my sub, and the game will be doomed.


Furthermore, I'm struggling with figuring out why anyone would even try to get the hug-a-dev achievement when you know they are going to put hugs up on the CM in a month anyway. I mean, why work for a hug when you can just buy them?


Hugs are OP! They are breaking the economy, raiding, PvP and my ability to meditate at the fleet without interruption.


Bring balance to hugs or else!

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