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Guardian dps on NIM TFB-Terror Question

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Hi All,


My group is working on the terror in TFB currently. On a dummy I can pull about 6.7k with vigilance , sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, so I know that i can get my numbers up there. But when it comes to the three waves of tentacles in phase one, I can't seem to get my numbers to get even remotely close to my parse numbers. I'm aware that there is always a bit of a deviation when comparing dummy to raid numbers, but it feels somewhat drastic in this case. Does anyone have any advice for this fight? Any help is appreciated.



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Not much to say, go all out on the tentacle, maybe get the anomalies, or how they are called. But be sure your healers know about it, cause it needs to be cleansed at 4 stacks, at 5 you'll die.

Also, reflect the Slam. That's the big front cleave the tentacles do once in a while, where they don't "tip" on the tank, but slam flat on the ground. Takes a while to know the timing,but it's free damage. ;)


Other than that there's not much you can do. On the first tentacle, your dps should be equal to the dummy, after that, because of forced downtime between tentacle sets, it'll get lower.

Edited by Torvai
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Nonsense. Guardians can pull their weight on every fight in this game. Maybe it's harder, yeah. So what?


Pull their own weight sure, if played to it's optimal level, but they're not going to pump out near the numbers a VG or sent can unless the fight has lots of stuff to AOE down or something to reflect, really only one thing to reflect on TfB (other than scream) as far as I'm aware and really nothing to AOE.

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Pull their own weight sure, if played to it's optimal level, but they're not going to pump out near the numbers a VG or sent can unless the fight has lots of stuff to AOE down or something to reflect, really only one thing to reflect on TfB (other than scream) as far as I'm aware and really nothing to AOE.


Sure. But since it's possible to bring the numbers, telling someone who obviously wants to play Guardian and is asking for advice, to reroll to another class is Kind of a d*ck move, imo. ;)

Edited by Torvai
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Sure. But since it's possible to bring the numbers, telling someone who obviously wants to play Guardian and is asking for advice, to reroll to another class is Kind of a d*ck move, imo. ;)


Possibly, but it's a hard fight with heavy DPS requirements, a player who is doing Nightmare should imo be open to do what is best for the group, regardless if that means swapping specc, role or even class. I agree that Guardian DPS is able to pull the numbers needed if played optimally but OP is saying he is not even remotely close to the numbers he needs to. So one solution would be to swap to another class where you are able to pull higher numbers despite not playing the class to the highest level.


Regardless, it would be interesting to hear more from OP what his numbers are on each tentacle (as in DPS and total damage per set) as well as the other players numbers on the fight, where you use cooldowns (adrenals, grenades, classbuffs) and at which % you normally get enrage.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Possibly, but it's a hard fight with heavy DPS requirements, a player who is doing Nightmare should imo be open to do what is best for the group, regardless if that means swapping specc, role or even class. I agree that Guardian DPS is able to pull the numbers needed if played optimally but OP is saying he is not even remotely close to the numbers he needs to. So one solution would be to swap to another class where you are able to pull higher numbers despite not playing the class to the highest level.[/Quote]

Depends, I guess. If you're going for world/server-firsts, sure, you should do what is needed.

In every other case, which we have atm since there is no progression, people should play what they have fun playing, imo, as long as you don't need to be carried by the rest of the group. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

But I'm pretty biased on that matter, since I've never been in a guild where we aimed for anything like server firsts. We played what we had fun with, often with more than suboptimal setups such as 2 sents and a Guardian as dps :D

Regardless, it would be interesting to hear more from OP what his numbers are on each tentacle (as in DPS and total damage per set) as well as the other players numbers on the fight, where you use cooldowns (adrenals, grenades, classbuffs) and at which % you normally get enrage.

Pretty much this :)

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Pick up the swirling orb (2 people can get it if they run into it at once, so make sure to coordinate), make sure the other character on your tentacle is a rdps so you can stay on tentacle when adds pop up (unless the add gets close to the tank, in which case spread those dots from the tentacle and then help kill it).


Also, reflecting the slam would help too.

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If it helps OP, this is an entire night of TFB prog where we got our first TFB kill.




I will freely admit I was playing like an idiot :p I went the long way for a lot of anomalies cause I have the directional ability of a blind seal, but it's very possible to kill the fight on a Jugg.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Pull their own weight sure, if played to it's optimal level, but they're not going to pump out near the numbers a VG or sent can unless the fight has lots of stuff to AOE down or something to reflect, really only one thing to reflect on TfB (other than scream) as far as I'm aware and really nothing to AOE.



Wrong post. My fault.

Edited by shermanwizard
Wrong response to quote
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Sure. But since it's possible to bring the numbers, telling someone who obviously wants to play Guardian and is asking for advice, to reroll to another class is Kind of a d*ck move, imo. ;)


I totally agree and that kind of elitist attitude that is one of the causes of more people to give up on trying these ops. I can guarantee Vanguards and Sentinels don't pull their dummy parse numbers on that fight, either.

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I totally agree and that kind of elitist attitude that is one of the causes of more people to give up on trying these ops. I can guarantee Vanguards and Sentinels don't pull their dummy parse numbers on that fight, either.


Going to echo my opinion that game is dead, play what you want if you're good enough to play it. If it was day 1 wrld first go hrd or bust prog, yeah, reroll all you want. It isn't? Game is dead? Play what you want unless it is actually dragging the team down. If you're doing numbers on par with the group? Screw it.

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If it helps OP, this is an entire night of TFB prog where we got our first TFB kill.




I will freely admit I was playing like an idiot :p I went the long way for a lot of anomalies cause I have the directional ability of a blind seal, but it's very possible to kill the fight on a Jugg.


Not trying to sound rude or anything; but this stream is kinda irrelevant. The hardest part of this fight is the p2 dps check. You did anomalies. Ideally groups will put their worst dps on anomalies because that job can be done by even the worst specs. So this isn't really the best argument for them.


I've seen a jug clear it doing tentacles and he did great numbers so yes; jugs can clear the fight fine. Just saying, this evidence here isn't the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi All,


My group is working on the terror in TFB currently. On a dummy I can pull about 6.7k with vigilance , sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, so I know that i can get my numbers up there. But when it comes to the three waves of tentacles in phase one, I can't seem to get my numbers to get even remotely close to my parse numbers. I'm aware that there is always a bit of a deviation when comparing dummy to raid numbers, but it feels somewhat drastic in this case. Does anyone have any advice for this fight? Any help is appreciated.




the way you state the problem in your post is a bit confusing. you are never going to get dps numbers anywhere close to a dummy parse on that fight, because there is just too much downtime. at the moment the first tentacle dies, you should be close to what you can do on a dummy, but from there you are going to drop. there is usually an add chasing the tank there that you can beat on, but until the next tentacle spawns, you are mostly just twiddling your saber.


a couple questions: what is your dps at when the first tentacle dies? what is your dps at when the third tentacle dies. in my experience, you want the first number to be above 6k and the last one above 5.5k. obviously, more is better here, but that is about the minimum you can have from 4 dps and still beat the check.

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If it helps OP, this is an entire night of TFB prog where we got our first TFB kill.




I will freely admit I was playing like an idiot :p I went the long way for a lot of anomalies cause I have the directional ability of a blind seal, but it's very possible to kill the fight on a Jugg.


I showed this stream to my NiM team who was stuck on Terror for about 2 months and were able to beat it on their next run. So I would like to thank you for sharing it and they did with 2 guardian dps.

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Don't know if anyone is still interested, but i got bored with the downtime yesterday and uploaded this video
. Shows how to properly utilize void disturbances in phase 1 to kill both adds and damage the tentacle. Also shows the perspective of a juggernaut on tentacles in phase 2 and how to take slams.
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don't know if anyone is still interested, but i got bored with the downtime yesterday and uploaded this video https://youtu.be/lh3fhocatk8 . Shows how to properly utilize void disturbances in phase 1 to kill both adds and damage the tentacle. Also shows the perspective of a juggernaut on tentacles in phase 2 and how to take slams.


dongo yousa god


Big fan fam

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Not exactly related to this topic but I thought I'd ask since I've noticed this on parsley and dongo's video. Is it now preferable to sunder then apply dots before ravage? I used to always Sunder > Impale > Rav > Sh > FS. Been kinda out of the game for while but figured I'd ask. I do notice Ravage doesn't seem to be as high as % of dmg anymore.
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Not exactly related to this topic but I thought I'd ask since I've noticed this on parsley and dongo's video. Is it now preferable to sunder then apply dots before ravage? I used to always Sunder > Impale > Rav > Sh > FS. Been kinda out of the game for while but figured I'd ask. I do notice Ravage doesn't seem to be as high as % of dmg anymore.


I've done both. It doesn't matter to me. Maybe he feels differently.

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dongo yousa god


Big fan fam




Not exactly related to this topic but I thought I'd ask since I've noticed this on parsley and dongo's video. Is it now preferable to sunder then apply dots before ravage? I used to always Sunder > Impale > Rav > Sh > FS. Been kinda out of the game for while but figured I'd ask. I do notice Ravage doesn't seem to be as high as % of dmg anymore.


Either way is fine imo, im not sure it makes much of a difference. I personally prefer using the dots before ravage because i like the way the rest of the rotation flows afterwards.

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Don't know if anyone is still interested, but i got bored with the downtime yesterday and uploaded this video
. Shows how to properly utilize void disturbances in phase 1 to kill both adds and damage the tentacle. Also shows the perspective of a juggernaut on tentacles in phase 2 and how to take slams.


Nice work, but the music is a pita :D

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In our mainraid there are two Jugg mains. maybe we are not the strongest and espacially I have to improve somewhat on certain fights but we cleard all except Brontes and Styrak so far.


so maybe there are more jugg main dps out there than you think ;)



anyway, has someone a video for brontes endphase? I struggle a little bit with dps. :rak_03:

Edited by CarlGustaf
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