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Non-interactive NPCs Don't Spawn


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It appears since the Dark vs Light event, the NPCs have gone on vacation. They have stopped spawning. For instance, the Jedi Temple on Tython is quite vacant: None of the classrooms are populated, no one's in the library studying, etc. On Coruscant, nobody's in the Senate Tower, taxi platform is really empty, and probably elsewhere as well.


I did notice however, that engaging in a conversation with an interactive NPC seems to trigger the ambience NPCs to spawn, as they show up afterwards. This happens on new Dark vs Light characters and old characters created before the event.


Please correct this. The environments lose much of their immersion without these NPCs bringing life to the areas.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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Please fix this. The NPCs and their random conversations really add to the atmosphere and without them the environments feel lifeless. Unfortunately the interactive NPC trick didn't work for me.
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It appears since the Dark vs Light event, the NPCs have gone on vacation. They have stopped spawning. For instance, the Jedi Temple on Tython is quite vacant: None of the classrooms are populated, no one's in the library studying, etc. On Coruscant, nobody's in the Senate Tower, taxi platform is really empty, and probably elsewhere as well.


I did notice however, that engaging in a conversation with an interactive NPC seems to trigger the ambience NPCs to spawn, as they show up afterwards. This happens on new Dark vs Light characters and old characters created before the event.


Please correct this. The environments lose much of their immersion without these NPCs bringing life to the areas.


Have same exact problem, starting conversation or accepting mission terminal spawn ambient npc's nearby i didnt play for like 6 months ( before this event ) and never had that problem 2 days ago i started new toon and sith academy was literally empty. After story zones half of academy respawned ( part where mission is ). This is actually ridiciolus and it seems nothing fix it from client side....


Please fix this. The NPCs and their random conversations really add to the atmosphere and without them the environments feel lifeless. Unfortunately the interactive NPC trick didn't work for me.


I have all those npc's. They are actually have nameplates, the problem occurs with npc's without nameplates...

Edited by Engik
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