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How to fix inflation is swtor and remove credit buyers


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1. Tax HARDER. the galactic market has been to benevolent on the taxes triple digits to put it on display,b*tch please that is nothing. take like a 10% cut and delete the money from the game. this is the best method if you ask me OR take it to the next level with a progressive tax that liberals love so much so the more expensive the item the more tax it has

2. Introduce the credits for subscription just like in WoW where people can trade in their legit gold for a subscription token people buy for real money and YOU MUST TAX IT WITH CREDITS!!! or else inflation will get worse

3. Reduce credit earnings from higher level missions. simple :p

4. Reduce the amount of drops, resources and maybe mobs in the game


What do you guys think? i really should think the galactic market needs to be taxed more heavily because its never getting rid of the money in game. The market is one if not the biggest source of inflation.


I just realize the market does take a cut but its so small i didn't even notice haha

Edited by Decxswx
typo and forgot to mention something
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1. Would be ok with that.


2. Totally /signed. This way, a lot of the rmt goes into the wallets of BW instead of the gold seller's. But don't tax it, because you would tax real money with ingame taxes. IMO, this should not be taken to withdraw currency out of the game but to equalize the currency between the haves and the have nots. A player who buys credits with real money normally has a practical need and will spend most of the credits just after purchase, so the credits would be pulled out of the economy this way, either as taxes from the gtn or completely when used for legacy unlocks etc.


3. and 4. No. The more you cut down the regular income of the average player the more likely they will buy money from a goldseller. BW should cut down h2 group bonus credits, not the income of the single players.


Just for info, BW did something to withdraw currency out of the game with the new legacy perks. Over 8 mil. credits for legacy storage field droid unlocks and 6 mil. for the personal storage. Per character !

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1. Tax HARDER. the galactic market has been to benevolent on the taxes triple digits to put it on display,b*tch please that is nothing. take like a 10% cut and delete the money from the game. this is the best method if you ask me OR take it to the next level with a progressive tax that liberals love so much so the more expensive the item the more tax it has

2. Introduce the credits for subscription just like in WoW where people can trade in their legit credits for a subscription token people buy for real money and YOU MUST TAX IT WITH CREDITS!!! or else inflation will get worse

3. Reduce credit earnings from higher level missions. simple :p

4. Reduce the amount of drops, resources and maybe mobs in the game


What do you guys think? i really should think the galactic market needs to be taxed more heavily because its never getting rid of the money in game. The market is one if not the biggest source of inflation.


So, serious sellers would start flooding chat channels. Some enterprising soul would create a third party seller site with a handy java based front end where buyers could connect with sellers and make their trade arrangements elsewhere, completely bypassing your draconian AH altogether.


You've solved nothing and your entire suggestion, if followed, would completely remove bioware from being a participant entity in mitigating trade.


What then? Restrict trading outright between players?


Good luck with selling that.

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So, serious sellers would start flooding chat channels. Some enterprising soul would create a third party seller site with a handy java based front end where buyers could connect with sellers and make their trade arrangements elsewhere, completely bypassing your draconian AH altogether.


You've solved nothing and your entire suggestion, if followed, would completely remove bioware from being a participant entity in mitigating trade.


What then? Restrict trading outright between players?


Good luck with selling that.


Completely this.

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As long as players can trade credits and gear (either by chat or by email), a GTN tax can be evaded. And if you start taxing the other channels, then you start impacting legitimate player non-trading activity.


Bigger credit sinks (check - the new QoL improvements)

Lowering the money supply (check, heroic nerf)

Banning botters (not seen, but I wouldn't expect to)

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So, serious sellers would start flooding chat channels. Some enterprising soul would create a third party seller site with a handy java based front end where buyers could connect with sellers and make their trade arrangements elsewhere, completely bypassing your draconian AH altogether.


You've solved nothing and your entire suggestion, if followed, would completely remove bioware from being a participant entity in mitigating trade.


What then? Restrict trading outright between players?


Good luck with selling that.


Ah, guess I misunderstood the OP. I thought he wants to rise the fee when an item is sold, instead he meant the starting fee should be 10%, not refundable when the item isn't sold ? If so, then no to the first point. 10% is way too much, but I agree that the starting fee should be based on the price the seller wants to get, maybe 2%, and should not be refundable. This would also stop people from putting items on the gtn for an absurd high amount of credits, trying to boost the average price.


Also, it would be arguable to increase the offer from 2 to up to 7 days.

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OP what you propose wont change anything, as long as CM items, Cartel packs and the items in them can be put on the GTN, then you will always have inflation, and credit sellers.

Many people are "desperate" to own the items in the packs, but most refuse to pay real cash on a gamble, and as a result will bust a nut getting the credits to buy them.

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Any changes to sinking more money via GTN will force more people to not use the GTN to sell stuff.


I agree with Ian, they just won't use the GTN, and I could totally see, as someone already mentioned, people moving off-game for their exchanges to avoid any credit sink for GTN trades.

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It's funny that the OP actually started a few topics with useless ideas he is trying to sell as the ultimate cure for SWTOR.... considering his limited experience with this game, I suggest we just take all this as a joke.

Not to mention that generally I am very suspicious to every comment that includes a "make it like WoW" part.

High taxes are only encouraging the grey economy, both in real life and in games.

Edited by Kokomah
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1. Tax HARDER. the galactic market has been to benevolent on the taxes triple digits to put it on display,b*tch please that is nothing. take like a 10% cut and delete the money from the game. this is the best method if you ask me OR take it to the next level with a progressive tax that liberals love so much so the more expensive the item the more tax it has


What do you guys think? i really should think the galactic market needs to be taxed more heavily because its never getting rid of the money in game. The market is one if not the biggest source of inflation.

The only way a tax system could work, is if it applies to all incoming credits, regardless of the source - including from in-game mail, and trading between players.


Doubtful something like that would be implemented.

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What you do to help with inflation is to provide a more thorough and comprehensive alternative means to obtain the product that is being sold on the GTN. They need to create multiple sources to where a person could obtain gear, mats and so forth with comms or in game credits. They could start updating existing vendors with items that can be obtained via the GTN. And for the rare cartel market clothing and armor pieces they could have a vendor on fleet selling said items in exchange of cartel coins. It's all about providing more ways and means to obtain items instead of having a single source.
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I bought a vented single bladed lightsaber off GTN today for 15 mil. what inflation? :D


If anything prices have been in a free fall over the past few months, at least on my server. It's only because of rare drops like unstable arbiters, and vented sabers, the items everybody seems to want, get listed very high, and all of a sudden we have an inflation problem.


if you want one of these super rare items, check GTN everyday and don't rush to buy something at their peak prices. a little patients and persistence will pay off.

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I bought a vented single bladed lightsaber off GTN today for 15 mil. what inflation? :D


If anything prices have been in a free fall over the past few months, at least on my server. It's only because of rare drops like unstable arbiters, and vented sabers, the items everybody seems to want, get listed very high, and all of a sudden we have an inflation problem.


if you want one of these super rare items, check GTN everyday and don't rush to buy something at their peak prices. a little patients and persistence will pay off.


Words to live by.

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The thing about imposing restrictions like heavy taxes is you have to go all the way. You need a system that can support it. Simply adding taxes haphazardly will make a mess.


As it is, with how little economic oversight this game has, a laissez-faire design may be the best choice. Unless they hire a dedicated economist, I just see attempts to fix inflation causing more harm than good.


As I have stated in other threads, as long as items are super rare, they will be super hard to obtain, no matter whether they are being sold for 1mil or 100mil. The only benefit I can see to clamping down on inflation is to players who have a credit cap. But BW would need to clamp down really really hard, to bring things to a level where the average preferred or F2P is going to be able to easily participate in buying super rare items off the GTN.


I am of the opinion that given the ongoing inflation, preferred should either have their credit cap removed, or at least have it regularly updated to account for inflation (a good number for the current market might be something like 10mil). F2P can understandably stay at 200k, to crimp credit sellers in amassing a high amount of credits.


(Also, FWIW, I'm proposing this as a subscriber. I have nothing to gain, personally, from preferred having an increased credit cap. In fact, when shopping for rare items, I would likely face more competition. But I do feel this is the simplest way to alleviate concerns about inflation. On the other hand, if it is largely subscribers who are concerned about inflation, then I think you are misunderstanding how inflation works and how it impacts your ability to get what you want.)

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Or if they really wanted a credit sink, remove the credit caps completely but have a credit fee from buying something as Pref / F2p.


IE: F2p = 50% Tax when buying something

Pref = 40% Tax when buying something

Sub = 0% Tax

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There's already a deposit expense for the seller. Any tax scheme for the buyer is a bad idea.


Brand new players with few credits who haven't really learned yet how to make money from heroics or what have you might go to the GTN for the first time, just wanting to buy something small, nothing major. A couple of rubat crystals, a 46-rated glove to replace their 28-rated green drop -- whatever. Don't get lost in pondering what the item may be, NOT the point I'm trying to make and irrelevant.


They see the item -- whatever it may be -- on the GTN for 100 credits. Cool! They have 104 credits. They're good to go. Then they see that the item is 150 credits plus tax.


They're reaction: "What? Tax? Screw that, I'm not using this dumb GTN! How stupid!"'

Or worse: "Now I need to go to a credit farmer to get the credits to buy something off the GTN!" which would only INCREASE demand for the credit farmer's transactions, not lower it.


The entire consideration of a tax scheme aimed at the buyer is not well thought out at all.

Try again and think of something else.

Like blocking the IP addresses of gold farmers.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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You need more high end credit sinks.


For example prestige items that are not essential but nice to have that are expensive to unlock.


The game has always had these, from the 5 million credit ship GTN terminal, to the 10 million mount on Odessen, to the current character perk unlocks of sumonable bank and legacy bank.


I would even go as far as to say the direct sale of CM pack items for high credits to keep their GTN sale price in check and to make sure there is always a source for new players to get the old sets or complete a set.

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I always get a laugh out of these threads. With the most minimum effort you can get the credits needed to buy whatever you need (besides the cool stuff from the CM). In regards to regular game items, the prices are fine. These threads are generally started by solo focused players, that don't want to be bothered doing group heroics, or use their monthly CC intelligently to maximize credits.


Even on EH, which has a serious inflated economy, nothing related to actual gameplay is that high, besides once again, the cool lightsabers, or CM items.


If you don't want to take advantage of the group heroic bonus, that is on you. Not the game developers.

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You need more high end credit sinks.


For example prestige items that are not essential but nice to have that are expensive to unlock.


The game has always had these, from the 5 million credit ship GTN terminal, to the 10 million mount on Odessen, to the current character perk unlocks of sumonable bank and legacy bank.


I would even go as far as to say the direct sale of CM pack items for high credits to keep their GTN sale price in check and to make sure there is always a source for new players to get the old sets or complete a set.


And they have started the high end sinks with the new legacy unlocks etc. What they need to do is do more. Perfect example...Have Marr as a legacy unlock for a companion, and charge like 500m credits or even a billion. That would get out a serious number of credits, and would affect the whales, not the regular players.

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Even on EH, which has a serious inflated economy, nothing related to actual gameplay is that high, besides once again, the cool lightsabers, or CM items.


Exactly. And in many cases.. prices are better on EH right now then on Harbinger for those super rare collectables.


Now, some might think that more credit sinks in game would be good... but in reality these tend to penalize players with lesser wallets. If they only put in cosmetic super rare very credit expensive items in the game.. that would mostly fail because the wealthy in MMOs are wealthy because they generally don't spend frivolously.. even though they have created personal wealth plans and worked them to the point where they have more then they know what to do with. Like in real life, these folks tend to accumulate more wealth over time because they keep their expenses well within their income curves.


Minor Segway of topic..... man the event is really firing up the buying market for lower end CM items (the bronze and silver items from prior packs). I can't keep them on the shelves right now.... I have to resupply at least twice a day it seems. These are items typically purchased at their dumping prices of a few K during pack sell off frenzies... which later sell easily for 50k-200K each (which is still a bargain given their real rarity levels, given embargoed packs). Personally, I am doing my part to keep prices down as I significantly undercut many listing prices and still make excellent profit margins. I generally will not sell something for more than 10x what I bought it for.. no matter what absurd prices the competitors are listing for.

Edited by Andryah
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And they have started the high end sinks with the new legacy unlocks etc. What they need to do is do more. Perfect example...Have Marr as a legacy unlock for a companion, and charge like 500m credits or even a billion. That would get out a serious number of credits, and would affect the whales, not the regular players.


Even though I am wealthy in game, I find the new legacy unlocks to be over priced, and not worth the credits. I'm sure I am not alone in this.


They do need high end credit sinks for sure... but they are going to have to be a lot smarter about it IMO.


You know what the best credit sinks in the game are today? Players that have more credits then they can spend and so they simply sit unused in their in game wallets. Also all the players that stopped playing.. but left millions in their on their characters.. sitting dormant. Of course they could eventually enter circulation... but as long as they sit dormant.. they are not doing anything to the server economies.

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