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What's my motivation to do LvD?


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I know what you're thinking, another complaint thread. I've already written my complaints in detail, about the event. This is a more of a "curiosity killed the cat" thread. Whatever that means.


Today, I thought: What the heck, I'll try the event to level 25, get the first reward set, see how I feel about it.


I ended up feeling kind of aimless and stupid. Some context: I've been playing for all of like 2 months. There's a lot I haven't done yet. Redoing old content on new characters is not something that I see any motivation to do.


I have a bunch of characters I'm still in the process of leveling, but I've already got significant progress on every class. Making a new character at this point is just setting aside my in-progress characters to make a throwaway. I only have one slot I feel like using as a discard and I see no motivation to buy more.


What do I get for participating that I can't otherwise get? Character bound rewards, across the board, pretty much, on a throwaway character that I'm not at all invested in. I look to the future of this event and see myself with a throwaway character who has a bunch of half-unlock character bound rewards that I can't transfer to any other character and are therefore going to be thrown out, unless I keep the character.


You see my conundrum here? If the rewards were legacy-bound, I could simply transfer them over to characters I plan to keep using. The rewards, in fact, are basically my only motivation to do the event. But if they are character bound on a throwaway, then there is no motivation.


You might say: Then don't do the event.


Well yeah, I probably won't. I just felt like putting into words why. It's bizarre for me to encounter a situation in a game where an event actually prompts me to examine my motivations and leads to such a staggeringly obvious "no point in doing it" conclusion. It's not something I'm used to.

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There is literally no reason. All the rewards are bound to the freshly rolled character. Which if you've been playing SWTOR for a while, you're unlikely to have any attachment to, since you've probably leveled all eight classes by now (to get the legendary status).


It is a horribly considered event, and the person whose idea it was, does not deserve to get paid for game design. He (or she) is incompetent.

Edited by clearsighted
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Here's my honest reason for participating in this event: I've been meaning to level a female character in the first place. The event itself didn't make me consider to roll a new character, but it only decided the time as to when I would do it. I've been playing TOR ever since beta, and I honestly can't hear the male VO anymore - at least not exclusively. That's why I've been meaning to play at least a single female character to 65.


The event itself wouldn't give me enough reason to do it. The rewards are most likely bound to that character, the packs you receive have weapon tunings bound to that new character, and the new companions are most likely more of the same old - a static 3D model that is very devoid of story. Which is a detriment to the design actually, seeing that a light sided Chiss Jedi holds some potential for a great conversation story arc. One that could be, undoubtedly, on par with some of the old companions.


The event is a bit meh. It's not exactly bad for new players, or players who started with 4.0, but it's not great overall. It wouldn't give me an incentive to play an alt by itself. It only made me think: Well, I can level that cathar in a week, and then get five extra rewards for it. Why not wait a week. Might as well play Wildstar and Overwatch until then. That's exactly what I did.

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The items are intended to unlock in collections, however they are currently bugged and are not.

I realize that. However, I'm not seeing a good scenario for such items, regardless. Here is how I see it playing out, for a throwaway character:


I get some of the pieces for a set, but not all. Which means to make them useful on other characters (unlock in collections) I either have to invest in the rest of the pieces through the GTN, assuming I can afford that. Or, say bye bye to those pieces (e.g. they were pointless to get).


Unless they are supposed to unlock piece by piece, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. It's full set or bust, if it's like the normal versions of the sets.

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