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Heroic payout nerf


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it was giving out way to many credit especially when in a group which was one the thing causing Infiltration and it might be a hated change but probably needed. That why bots started doing heroic. But yeah I agree increase drop rate. Edited by commanderwar
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You have difficulty buying things? Augments? Augment kits? Dyes? Room unlocks? CM items on the GTN? I sure don't.


The majority of those things just move money to other players, which doesn't lower the amount of money in the economy.

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it was giving out way to many credit especially when in a group which was one the thing causing Infiltration and it might be a hated change but probably needed. That why bots started doing heroic. But yeah I agree increase drop rate.

Well, we can't have the downward movement of water into soil spoil our fun...

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You have difficulty buying things? Augments? Augment kits? Dyes? Room unlocks? CM items on the GTN? I sure don't.


Augments and Augment kits have steadily risen in price, at least on JC. Dyes too. Room unlocks not so much. Cartel Market Items are usually ridiculous in price. I make a lot more credits than most people because I play the GTN a lot, on top of my usual cash farming method, but there's plenty of items I can't afford. A statue of Satele Shan is like 35 mil last I checked. Popular items like Senuous Dress, Revan Reborn, etc. are usually at 5-10 mil an armor piece at least.


~ Eudoxia

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This might have been acceptable if they announced it, but instead they chose to omit it from the patch notes and let all of the hard-working heroic farmers find out this morning in the nastiest way possible. The fact that they didn't say anything about it makes me think they knew it would be unpopular and wanted to curb some of the forthcoming toxicity. Whoever at their company assured them that this approach would be more amenable to players should be sent somewhere dark and lonely to contemplate his or her failures.


This "fix" could work out well in the long run by helping to deflate GTN prices, but it was handled badly. Very badly. If they had the time and resources to nerf heroic payouts, they had the time and resources to nerf Treasure Hunting payouts too.

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Do they seriously think that this is going to do anything vis-a-vis all the creds in the economy by now?


Do they, really?


Holy ****, the depths of cluelessness to which this farm-team sinks never cease to just leave me flabbergasted :(


How is it that these people even still have jobs?

Edited by midianlord
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Those 3 new QOL perks cost 14.7 million credits per character.


All the other per character perks combined cost 5.675 million.


The per legacy perks cost 22.34 million combined.


I'm frankly surprised they didn't triple the costs of the older per character perks. Maybe they'll realize their mistake there and hotfix that after the liestream on Thursday.

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I think I know why they've done this.


They are trying to drive down the value of running heroics so that people will just throw their hands up and quit running them, having decided that running LS/DS is more rewarding.


I know I, personally, was planning to focus on heroics (which I don't do often) while the "event" is live. Not sure what I'm going to do now.


Probably, I will finish KotFE and then take my first subscription break since I started playing in Feb. of 2012. :t_frown:

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No words can express how stupid of a change this is. Instead of going after exploiters and credit spammers you decided to punish your players. Heroics was one of the sure fire ways players could make a million in an hour. Just terrible design and direction overall I don't what to say at this point.
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Augments and Augment kits have steadily risen in price, at least on JC. Dyes too. Room unlocks not so much. Cartel Market Items are usually ridiculous in price. I make a lot more credits than most people because I play the GTN a lot, on top of my usual cash farming method, but there's plenty of items I can't afford. A statue of Satele Shan is like 35 mil last I checked. Popular items like Senuous Dress, Revan Reborn, etc. are usually at 5-10 mil an armor piece at least.


~ Eudoxia


Hmm, I really should clear out my closet, erm, legacy storage hold. I've got tons of these that are selling for mint, I'm just too lazy, it's such a hassle to go to my legacy hold, get the item out of the storage. Press the A key on the keyboard until I am facing my GTN terminal and put it up for sale. Just too much work. Maybe later.

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And that's a large part of the problem.


Not really, I think too many people assume players spend hours a day running heroics. The reality is, most people have lives, and if they can play, sometimes it's only for a couple hours a day. Making a mil in an hour is great for someone who runs ops, where most of their time is going, who then has to spend like 500K a week on adrenals, medpacks, and stims. Same for people who spend their time PvP'ing, or having fun in general.


~ Eudoxia

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No words can express how stupid of a change this is. Instead of going after exploiters and credit spammers you decided to punish your players. Heroics was one of the sure fire ways players could make a million in an hour. Just terrible design and direction overall I don't what to say at this point.


But million a credit per hour is the problem causing infiltration on gtn like one of the crew skill is doing then leading thing now being sell for 1 billion credits on gtn. But believe me I hate this change but Right now gtn is a mess because of it

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With everything going on, I was on the fence about keeping my sub, this put me over the edge, Sub cancelled. I have plenty of other games to choose from, why should I stay with the one that doesn't respect my time spent playing it?
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FYI, this only affects solo heroics, and you don't make a million credits an hour doing solo heroics. You get that doing them in group, which wasn't nerfed.


The real solution is to leave the heroic reward at 18K, but not make it scale with group size. With 4 people it's like 48K or something a mission.


~ Eudoxia

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Not really, I think too many people assume players spend hours a day running heroics. The reality is, most people have lives, and if they can play, sometimes it's only for a couple hours a day. Making a mil in an hour is great for someone who runs ops, where most of their time is going, who then has to spend like 500K a week on adrenals, medpacks, and stims. Same for people who spend their time PvP'ing, or having fun in general.


~ Eudoxia

Yup! 30-45min, once a week before Ops is what I'd spend...nothing more. It was a great way to get people doing stuff together and the credits were motivation to join a group...even PuG groups.

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WTseriousF? really?

What possible reason would they have for doing this.

The economy is completely out of control and they kill earnings?

Art imitates life to the extreme... pathetic.


They raise Cartel Market prices and diminish the most popular credit earning activity....Translation: We will force you to buy the armor and stuff you want with real money because you wont have enough credits.....

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FYI, this only affects solo heroics, and you don't make a million credits an hour doing solo heroics. You get that doing them in group, which wasn't nerfed.


The real solution is to leave the heroic reward at 18K, but not make it scale with group size. With 4 people it's like 48K or something a mission.


~ Eudoxia


Truth. This only hurts the solo players, which I include myself in that group. I haven't run heroics at max level in months, but I do them as I level, and this makes them much less worth the effort.

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FYI, this only affects solo heroics, and you don't make a million credits an hour doing solo heroics. You get that doing them in group, which wasn't nerfed.


The real solution is to leave the heroic reward at 18K, but not make it scale with group size. With 4 people it's like 48K or something a mission.


~ Eudoxia

That's dumb. This is an MMO (or it was)...they SHOULD reward grouping. If you want to do it solo, go for it, but in a group, it should absolutely pay more. Groups are good for this game and they should be encouraged.

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FYI, this only affects solo heroics, and you don't make a million credits an hour doing solo heroics. You get that doing them in group, which wasn't nerfed.


The real solution is to leave the heroic reward at 18K, but not make it scale with group size. With 4 people it's like 48K or something a mission.


~ Eudoxia


precicely. what they did seems pretty backwards.. unless the whole point was to force people into grouping... which WILL backfire on them, given how much they have been pushing solo play for the last year.


That's dumb. This is an MMO (or it was)...they SHOULD reward grouping. If you want to do it solo, go for it, but in a group, it should absolutely pay more. Groups are good for this game and they should be encouraged.


should it? by this much? you are already "rewarded" for grouping by being able to finish heroics up to 4 times faster

Edited by Jeweledleah
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That's dumb. This is an MMO (or it was)...they SHOULD reward grouping. If you want to do it solo, go for it, but in a group, it should absolutely pay more. Groups are good for this game and they should be encouraged.


I think they should reward grouping, 100%. I'm one of those people who have been pissed at the lack of group content.


But not through credits, to be honest. Increased deco drop rate would be a great way to reward grouping, especially adding more decos to the drop areas on Heroic missions. That would kill two birds with patch. :p


~ Eudoxia

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