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Heroic payout nerf


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That depends on the server, on JC the prices on most stuff has gone up. In large part due to scarcity, but also due to inflation too. Auugment kits are at like 80K now where they used to be at 50K a piece, for example. Although crafting isn't the best example of this.


~ Eudoxia


Figures I have to be on the most expensive server with you Eudoxia :( Yes I'm JC, I do GSF every once in a while and see you there. :p

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I would prefer common crystal nerf in heroics or even gear boxes nerf because these boxes made mods vendors less relevant during leveling. For me - there is always the place when I can spend all my creds - stronghold, flagship, adaptives, decorations, species, legacy perks unlocks and other things, so nerfing heroics is nerfing my interest in the game, I do not want to spend twice more time to farm the same amount of money as it was before. Especially when I do not give any about that gosh darn event.


Yep, same.

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Prices on gtn won't go down my friend. Because the reason they rised up is not in heroic missions but maaaaany other exploits + credit sellers. Now they just punished fair players...


That's what I think also. :(

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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The problem with this, as someone just mentioned, is drop rates are ridiculous. It's like they reduced drop rates thinking more players would be playing to keep it even, and didn't realize that everyone's leaving so less people are doing content meaning fewer items are dropping and as such it's driving the prices through the roof.


You know how much a Rakata Palm Deco costs? 4 mil. If i'm lucky, I can find one for about 1 mil, minimum. The drop rates on Decos have annihilated the market for them, and if you want decos your best bet is to buy the cheesy, cheap ones from the vendor on fleet at this point. I've burnt 200 mil on my stronghold, easy, because of deco prices, and I only have one stronghold decorated.


TDLR; They need to increase the drop rates on decos back to what they were before 4.0 because the prices are nutz.


And an increase in drop rates from the packs would do well to fix this problem. People might actually buy the Hypercrates if they were actually going to get what they expect to pay for them. It's a huge trade-off: either you increase the drop rates of good items from hypercrates, meaning more people buy hypercrates, meaning there's less demand on the GTN for these items, or they keep the drop rate where it is, meaning only the whales get them and put them on the GTN, lowering supply but increasing demand, and encouraging people to go to the credit farmers.


TDLR; Increasing drop rates of good shiz from the Hypercrates will encourage more people to buy the crates.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The problem with this, as someone just mentioned, is drop rates are ridiculous. It's like they reduced drop rates thinking more players would be playing to keep it even, and didn't realize that everyone's leaving so less people are doing content meaning fewer items are dropping and as such it's driving the prices through the roof.


You know how much a Rakata Palm Deco costs? 4 mil. If i'm lucky, I can find one for about 1 mil, minimum. The drop rates on Decos have annihilated the market for them, and if you want decos your best bet is to buy the cheesy, cheap ones from the vendor on fleet at this point. I've burnt 200 mil on my stronghold, easy, because of deco prices, and I only have one stronghold decorated.


TDLR; They need to increase the drop rates on decos back to what they were before 4.0 because the prices are nutz.


And an increase in drop rates from the packs would do well to fix this problem. People might actually buy the Hypercrates if they were actually going to get what they expect to pay for them. It's a huge trade-off: either you increase the drop rates of good items from hypercrates, meaning more people buy hypercrates, meaning there's less demand on the GTN for these items, or they keep the drop rate where it is, meaning only the whales get them and put them on the GTN, lowering supply but increasing demand, and encouraging people to go to the credit farmers.


TDLR; Increasing drop rates of good shiz from the Hypercrates will encourage more people to buy the crates.


~ Eudoxia


^^^ This. I have been talking about the deco rates being gutted since the first flashpoint I ran after 4.0 dropped. Most people I talked to until about 2 months ago didn't believe me, even guildys. And yes they need to up the drop rates. PLEASE.

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If there was a credits issue with Heroics it was due to group bonuses not Solo(+)


I rarely did them with a group, most of the time solo as I don't like waiting for other people or missing a objective and having to back track or having it bug and them not get credit for the entire heroic. The only person I would run them with is my mom, because...well shes my mom. :D But they reduced the creds from the mission itself, not the group bonuses. So its not that the issue was with group bonuses, but rather people like me running them solo and not grouping with people, and they want to force grouping because the group content has died out. (But for guildys and friends.)

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I hope the servers and sales reflect our disgust.


I was going to sign in and do the "event", but when I got back online after the patch this surprised, maddened and disgusted me for them not having this in the patch notes. Yes, I know things slip through the cracks but COME ON!!! This is just a MASSIVE change and shift. Plus....didn't they WANT us to farm heroics with 4.0 because people wern't doing them? Now they go and shift it because people arnt doing fps and such anymore? *sigh* Doesn't make any sense at all. And I HATE not understanding things, I want clear answers to things. Even if it is "Yeah we don't care about you, so screw you." Yes, I hate that but at least your honest. I HATE dishonesty.:mad:

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This is not a good change, they should only make good changes :tran_wink:


Yes. Need Hood Toggle and Backhanded Lightsaber stance and extra character slots. Not reducing are interest in playing because we now need to farm more or do more to get the same or less amount of creds in the same period of time. :mad:-_-:mad: I knew doing a couple of hours of heroics I could get 500k-1 mil, and then I could plan, "Ok that item is 3.5 million, ok I need to farm heroics for...5-7 days and then I get the item I wanted. Yay!" Now I need to farm for 2 weeks!?!? Well my interest is going down the blackhole very fast.

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This was very much needed. There's too much money coming into the economy.

And there are plenty of ways for players to spend it. All this nerf does is stifle participation in Heroics and harm activity in-game...nothing else.

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This is not a good change, they should only make good changes :tran_wink:


Honestly, it's too soon to tell if it's a good change or a bad change. The forum is quite raw over the event parameters... so there is a lot of hair trigger knee jerk reaction to anything they do right now.


But over the years, they have often nerfed credit rewards from a wide range of activities in game. Just like they have reduced the credit sinks over time in many cases. They tend to release something with generous credit rewards, and come back later and tone them down. My guess is they prefer to be generous, but when they see it working counter to what they want for the over all economy on the servers, they come back in and make adjustments. Other MMOs tend to go the opposite route in my experience. I'm not sure which is the better approach in the long run.


Now...it's not like they don't over-nerf things.. they do.. but they also generally come back and readjust if their data shows them they went to far.


So... did they also nerf the group credit bonus? If not... that would lead me to believe they are trying to incent players to do the heroics in groups ahead of the next expac. Will it work? Don't know. Time will tell.

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Prices on gtn won't go down my friend. Because the reason they rised up is not in heroic missions but maaaaany other exploits + credit sellers. Now they just punished fair players...


nothing stopping you from doing it. it's a good and easy source of credits.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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