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Heroic payout nerf


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Me, I'm just baffled by how long they needed to do it.


The inflation was visible even much before 4.5 ...




Why ... unethical ... ?


I don't disagree that it is a problem, my only problem is when game devs just sneak in a pretty significant change and not put it out there that they are doing it, how hard would it have been to put a line in patch notes about the reduction in payout for heroics. To me this says they knew it would generate backlash and rather than take it head on which is what they get paid to do they decided to be sneaky. They want to be greedy? Fine, they want to push towards different content because of the event? not ideal but MMOs do it all the time, just be up front about it. Just the typical bumbling way they go about things I guess.

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So I assume I will never unlock the last 2 rooms on my Y4 stronghold and some collection's adaptives (purchased on GTN with unlocking them with CC in the fututre).


I have some old CM items to sell on GTN, but I spent last 2-3 months to sell them with no luck (on high or low prices) and now heroics are nerfed it terms of credits (I would prefer nerf in terms of gear, cuz I have adaptive armor and tons of green crystals to gear up during my leveling). Looks like I will not continue my sub for another 2-3 month until some more info about un-nerfs, KotFE season 2 and other stuff will appear. I am tired of this uncertanty in their actions to please some... I don't know who in the game they are trying to please.

Edited by Pateytos
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I don't disagree that it is a problem, my only problem is when game devs just sneak in a pretty significant change and not put it out there that they are doing it, how hard would it have been to put a line in patch notes about the reduction in payout for heroics. To me this says they knew it would generate backlash and rather than take it head on which is what they get paid to do they decided to be sneaky. They want to be greedy? Fine, they want to push towards different content because of the event? not ideal but MMOs do it all the time, just be up front about it. Just the typical bumbling way they go about things I guess.


Announce a big economic change like this prior? Are you mad? There's enough silliness in the GTN without this.

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NONONONONONO! WAIT they JUST CAN'T do it. It will kill this game fully. While economy is already dead (everything got expensive because of credit sellers and exploits) non-exploiters had only one good source of credit farm - heroic missions and now they just take it from us???This is not a good joke.


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I don't trust credit farmers with credit card, PayPal, or anything else. It's a game, virtual money isn't worth that kind of risk. Even if they didn't mess with your PayPal account somehow, good luck appealing if they overcharge you. PayPal doesn't care about customers.


I sold an Xbox over eBay and the customer paid via PayPal. I sent him the package with delivery confirmation, signature required, and every other form of protection. A month later, the buyer told PayPal that he never received the Xbox. I scanned and submit proof to PayPal, all the shipping receipts, even a PDF scan of the receiver's signature. The buyer had no evidence but his word. PayPal sided with him. He got the Xbox and the money.



As for the game needing more money, I'd think that with the success of the latest Star Wars movie and all the publicity for upcoming movies, they'd be jumping on the bandwagon and getting plenty of new players.



I don't think there's going to be a problem adding a lot of credits to the economy due to the Light vs. Dark event. First of all, based on forum threads, a lot of people aren't going to participate. Those who do, many of them will play around with new characters and get whatever they get. I'll be surprised if many people do a multi-month speed grind to get to the top tiers of reward.


Besides, this is one of the legitimate ways to earn money. It's not bots and macros and farming. With the escalating GTN prices, we could use the influx of "legal" credits. Work is supposed to pay off.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Honestly I don't see the problem. It makes credit spammers have to work harder and it means prices on the GTN will have to go down by the price gougers who wanna suck the fun out of the game for people by putting stuff out of reasonably reachable price ranges. I did warn that price gouging about sucking the fun out of the game for other people was bad and I knew they'd get theirs in the end and boom they did.


I'm actually glad they nerfed Heroics. I see it as not a big issue for me because it means the credit spammers are gonna be less of a problems and prices are gonna go down on the GTN. So yay!

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Seriously? Wow. And it was a stealth change.


I'm disappointed in the situation, and how it was handled.

Good grief. It's getting to the point where I should just put that in my sig and type, "5/chars."


Thanks for the heads up.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Me, I'm just baffled by how long they needed to do it.


The inflation was visible even much before 4.5 ...




Why ... unethical ... ?


i have bad news for you.Economy is dead BECAUSe of many credit exploits which allows people to farm billions per day and because of credit sellers. Reducing heroic mission payout will just punish fair players.

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I do not believe it would impact on GTN. Not very soon at least. One of the last price growth was influented by those lightning tunnings and unstable blades which have a very little drop chance in the CM crates. The item rarity was the reason, not only "ez creds". I can be wrong, but I think making people earn less money (in a half) with the same efforts wont help the prices. Edited by Pateytos
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If you play the GTN to make credits.. then you know full well that the vast majority of items listed on the GTN have gone down in price over the last year. It is only the select super rare items that are running at high prices, and that is sellers playing on buyers cravings and inability to not spend if the price is high.


That depends on the server, on JC the prices on most stuff has gone up. In large part due to scarcity, but also due to inflation too. Auugment kits are at like 80K now where they used to be at 50K a piece, for example. Although crafting isn't the best example of this.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I would prefer common crystal nerf in heroics or even gear boxes nerf because these boxes made mods vendors less relevant during leveling. For me - there is always the place when I can spend all my creds - stronghold, flagship, adaptives, decorations, species, legacy perks unlocks and other things, so nerfing heroics is nerfing my interest in the game, I do not want to spend twice more time to farm the same amount of money as it was before. Especially when I do not give any about that gosh darn event. Edited by Pateytos
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Honestly I don't see the problem. It makes credit spammers have to work harder and it means prices on the GTN will have to go down by the price gougers who wanna suck the fun out of the game for people by putting stuff out of reasonably reachable price ranges. I did warn that price gouging about sucking the fun out of the game for other people was bad and I knew they'd get theirs in the end and boom they did.


I'm actually glad they nerfed Heroics. I see it as not a big issue for me because it means the credit spammers are gonna be less of a problems and prices are gonna go down on the GTN. So yay!

Credit spammers run Heroics once a week for credits to sell? That doesn't sound right. Go check out Yavin. Packs of Shadows scooping up every mat and slice node. Exploits that went on far too long allowed a lot of credits to flood the game. The main ones hit by cutting Heroic rewards are regular players.

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This is terrible EAWare. Just terrible. This seems to be your week for making your biggest blunders ever.


So now, people who play the game legitimately can't earn enough credits to buy anything in the inflated-out-the-wazoo economy. Said economy being severely inflated because of credit sellers you do nothing about and exploits you took literal MONTHS to fix. And you make this "screw you loyal customers" change on the down-low, without putting into your patch notes. Was this in the childish hope no one would notice? Who's running things in Austin right now, 6-year-olds?

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i have bad news for you.Economy is dead BECAUSe of many credit exploits which allows people to farm billions per day and because of credit sellers. Reducing heroic mission payout will just punish fair players.


Inflation would go on no matter what. All in all, it's like some kind of arms race between legitimate credit farmers and credit sellers / exploiters.


The prices won't go down, I do know that, but I believe that this will be because of the greed of those who want that many credits.


A part of what's called "inflation" is, as far as I've undersood it, trying to sell things at "inflated prices" - hence the term "inflation".


And, yes, a few whales do have that money.


Welcome at the RL equivalent of the SWTOR economy : The rich ones drive EVERYTHING.


Prices on gtn won't go down my friend. Because the reason they rised up is not in heroic missions but maaaaany other exploits + credit sellers. Now they just punished fair players...


I still don't and won't believe so - in my opinion, Credit farming via Heroics is the main reason why EVERYONE suddenly has got lots of credits ... Not only a few exploiters.


In my view, blaming exploiters is only a kind of Chewbacca Defense.

Not entirely - because surely exploiters DO add up to the thing - but at least in part.

Because simply : There just won't be SO MANY exploiters to be able to steer THE WHOLE system ...

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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Prices on gtn won't go down my friend. Because the reason they rised up is not in heroic missions but maaaaany other exploits + credit sellers. Now they just punished fair players...


I don't feel punished. I'm glad the credit sellers won't be able to have it easy. And if prices don't go down, well, Bioware may find another way to get it to happen. It definetly looks like they are trying to deal with the issue of unfair pricing on the GTN, credit sellers, etc. which is a good thing, even if it pisses off the people who want to sell high prices. Honestly, the game had way too much easy cash in flow or so I've been told but I honestly think that nerfing the heroics is one of the best things they've done.


And you obviously haven't heard people tell people who want things that are ridiculously priced saying "Go do Heroics and group with people." etc. But Bioware obviously did, if you can trust Ben's statement that they see everything we talk about here on the forum then they likely saw that and finally decided to put a stop to it using the DvL Event as a means to do so so the economy wouldn't get worse by players who are participating in this event.


Credit spammers run Heroics once a week for credits to sell? That doesn't sound right. Go check out Yavin. Packs of Shadows scooping up every mat and slice node. Exploits that went on far too long allowed a lot of credits to flood the game. The main ones hit by cutting Heroic rewards are regular players.

Read above. And it is very possibly, think of it like this, all toons on an account can run heroics once per week and with a maximum of 40 toons on a server all they have to do is transfer the earnings from the heroics to their main. If we who legitly grind credits do it, don't be surprised if credit sellers do it.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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I think they figured that many would grind heroics to level for the event and the amount of credits that would add to the ecomony would be huge.


And that's a bad thing?:confused: I am not a economist, so correct me if I'm wrong, but when prices for the things people want are 6-100 millions, people have to get more credits and its ether farm ingame or buy form the credit sellers. (mind you I never do, but I understand why other people do it.) And farming heroics was what I would do while waiting for a pvp queue pop or my raids to start and I could make repair funds and some extra creds to start saving up for something, and then don't even get me started on the decos, those are COMPLETLY out of control expensive because of the drop rates. So they are saying " Yeah you know that stuff you want? Were making it harder for you to get, even though it was really hard in the first place. Have fun!:D" :mad: Please Eric, ask the devs as to why this change was put into effect and why it was not on the patch notes. Please, we NEED a answer. And if this can be undone and unnerfed, please ask the devs to do it. Even if it takes a couple of months, at least give us a "Hey, yeah, you know the heroic nerf? Well it is going to take a couple of months, but we will get to fixing it." Just like with the Ashara mission, some of the Ops bugs (which there are still some btw.) or the romance bugs with KotFE. *sigh* :(

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And that's a bad thing?:confused: I am not a economist, so correct me if I'm wrong, but when prices for the things people want are 6-100 millions, people have to get more credits and its ether farm ingame or buy form the credit sellers.


It's essentially a vicious circle :


People have money.

Prices go up.

People need more money to be able to buy that.

Prices go up.

People need more money ...

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