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Heroic payout nerf


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Ok, I am done buying cartel packs, before they were rediculous with the drop rates, now they are going to do something like that. Guess what if you goal was to get more money, you will not, at least not from me. I have bought my last pack and possibly will not renew my sub either.


There are solo players in this game that do not have time to do FPs or OPs that take forever and just play kill and loot.


All you have done is make me :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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All this talk that the devs did this to reduce inflation is just nonsense.


Inflation is defined as an increase in the money supply. Rising prices are the result of inflation, not the definition of.


There is an unlimited amount of credits in the game. The money supply keeps increasing every time you kill something. Nerfing heroics is not going to cause deflation (a reduction in the money supply). It is just going to increase the amount of time in takes to accumulate credits.


The GTN will not reduce it's prices if only a handful of people are crafting rare items. Go check and see what a 220/43 mod costs. Considering it's almost impossible to queue up a group for Ops (at least on BC), good lucking obtaining the Radiant Crystals to buy gear (220 mods).

Edited by SithSpits
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Quoted for truth. At the rate BW is going with this, there won't be any fun content left to enjoy. First heroics then what?


So.. the same exact heroics are no longer fun........because the credit rewards were reduced?


Heroics are for more then just credits.

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BW you can count on a few things from me, I will continue to play through your staff changes, and I will continue to play through this absolutely RETARDED nerfing spree you guys have going on. Lastly I will continue to pray and wish someone in upper management actually grows some ears and possibly a pair of balls to speak out against the team that keeps having these ideas that are so frustrating toward the player community. That being said, I can only assume you guys have lost one hundred percent of your marbles because these "changes for the better" are so terrible they almost hold a comedic shock value.


Please take note that my obvious lack of posting on forums shows how much I actually play the game, instead of logging on forums just to type trash talk.

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Everybody keeps talking about people buying credits.. doesn't that get you banned? :eek: Why spend money to risk losing everything?


Bless all of those people that think Bioware is making any kind of dent in the goldseller/buyer side of the game. I've reported players and seen them weeks/months later still sending out ads.

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The prices on the GTN should be coming down to match the reduction in credit supply; might take a bit before some of the more irrational players bow to the inevitable.


I'll probably cycle a couple of daily grinds back in to my own activities; at least CZ-198 and Black Hole. They're no worse than some of the more involved heroics were. CZ-198 in particular is shorter than some heroics, and pays out decently enough.


A grind's a grind. I liked the heroics because I didn't have to do them all; or even do very many, to keep up what I considered a decent amount of income. I might do a couple more heroics a week now to stay on the curve. Or I might not. Credits were always a means to an end (buying fripperies on the GTN) that was purely optional for me, and I've got more unused junk from the GTN than I really know what to do with. I'll worry about it if I ever do anything with the strongholds I haven't decorated out yet, or if the enormity of the awful deco job I did on my NS stronghold ever hits me.


Give it a couple of weeks for the non-irrational part of the GTN to settle out, and see how much you need then. (Assuming you don't want the stuff that was irrationally priced to begin with)


the money supply is not going to go down. new money will slow down but those with 500+million will still have every single last credit. people with a large cash supply will continue to make money from the gtn, but little money will be destroyed. cutting the credit cap per toon to 100 million and deleting all credits over that amount would "fix" the gtn. every account would be treated the same so it would be a fair fix.

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rofl, treasure hunting generates 15 mil per day if you do it on one character. you can go it on 3 characters for 45 million per day if you want to go all out. then that doesn't even count the super rare crate o matics that you can get and other items that sell for more if you're smart about it.

how exactly do you write a bot to keep 3 characters on 24 hours a day? please elaborate

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I'm sorry for everyone here who's had their sole source on income halved however this change was necessary, there was simply too many credits floating around in the economy and apart from exploits heroics were the sole cause. The next step in balancing this would be for BW to introduce a new credit sink to further reduce the pool of credits in circulation.


proof please. please show us the metrics you used to come to this conclusion. and remember to show your work.

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Everybody keeps talking about people buying credits.. doesn't that get you banned? :eek: Why spend money to risk losing everything?


I think at this point Bioware's making the game and atmosphere so enjoyable that alot of people just don't care anymore weither they get banned or not.

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The most baffling thing about this decision is that the dailies were not nerfed and remain dailies.

That means that instead of around 20 to 30 (At best) doable heroics per character per week, we'll probably soon get 6 (Black Hole, Makeb, Ziost, CZ, Oricon, Yavin) daily zones repeatable each day for a total income far superior to what Solo Heroics were getting.

Plus I'm on the side of those who say that money isn't going to disappear just because it's harder to get by. Hoarders will keep theirs, heck, I'll keep it since it's going to be in escrow!


All in all, I'm curious to see how its going to evolve but I suspect this is not going to work out like BW expects it to.

Time will tell.

Honestly, if prices do go down as a result of this nerf, I'll be inclined to resub, right now I'm not.

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Ok... I just don't see where the money is coming from. The lockboxes themselves sell for 1 credit at vendors and the gear inside (mostly greens) sell for roughly the same amount as the reward from slicing lockboxes.

Do I need to find a different vendor to sell them or how is this supposed to work?


Opening the boxes gives an item and also generates some credits. The latter usually is already enough to cover the costs of running the mission with a tiny profit.

Criticals give you 2 boxes. So 2x credits / 2x item.

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i don't get why people are so upset. sure they nerfed heroics but they left treasure hunting lockboxes as the best source of credits in the game. just run those lockbox missions with max influence companions and you will have lots of credits.


then if that isn't enough at least the treasure box missions will keep the price of credits cheap.


Depending on which crafts you do you may not have access to TH.

Many people don't have access to many, or in some cases any, max Influence companions.


Everyone had access to H2s.


All The Best

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Hey, look, it's companion nerf all over again. Vital change for the better of the game that should have been done after the first week of 4.0 release, not after half a year when everybody is already accostumed to it.
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Hello, I just checked on my new Consular and I have to ask - did they also remove armor boxes rewards from Heroics?


You get armor boxes for Heroics at levels 10-61. Before 10 it's just credits and crystals and after 61 it's credits, crystals, and Alliance crates.

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Meh might as well and join the bandwagon on this and throw my 2 cents in as well.


1. This was a 100% idiotic move hands down no questions asked. Yes heroics were heavily inflated I mean 18k per heroic... and I believe 15k for the starter worlds and such., yeah that's a lot, but look at it this way that's 2 major sources of credits gone down the drain. First was the delet- er I mean reduction of credits earned from drops. (( Before 4.0 I could make a couple hundred K from an Op. Now, I'll be in the whole by round 60-70k due to repair costs and I'll have barely earned even 1k in credits from he ENTIRE Operation. Now onto what they SHOULD have done in order to fix this.


2. Ok in terms of heroics... let's say they set the heroics that used to be at 18k down to say... 12k? And the one's that were at 12k... say make them 10k... seems fair it drops it down by a bit, but still makes them viable. Now onto the group bonus... say instead of 4 players making say 48k per heroic say have them make 30k by making the group bonus half of what the heroic earns so instead of 12k per person, you earn 6k per person. That would give solo players a reason to solo, groups a reason to group, and a way to eventually curve SOME inflation without ticking off a lot of people like they have.


3. Onto what has also been brought up... deco drops. Now, I do think they should change deco drops back to what they were before 4.0 because that means more decos in the system, less inflation, and more money that EA is being earned since more people can get things easier thus they're more likely to sub or stay subbed and to make new players want to join. I also agree with making deco's appearing more often in heroics... say they were to do that right now and keep the 7k we earn from heroics, then I could stomach that since deco prices WOULD go down since more and more flood the system. Finally and idk if this was brought up a ton, but a way to fix armor inflation. Ok. 1. Get rid of chance cubes period. 2. Set hypercrates to actually lower than what they previously cost. Lower the cost of a normal pack down to it's original. And as a way to offset the lack of chance cubes, you can add actual bronze items back to the packs AND from time to time put up old packs as well on the market to be bought so that way we can get new cool items, and new old items.... more money for you, less inflation for us, and we're both happy in the end.


4. Since people have been saying if they'll unsub or not... I for one won't... not out of my love for EA or anything, but just because you can't run a guild without being a sub, mainly due to restrictions and escrow... especially escrow.



I'm not sure if this made sense or just seemed like a large rambling... but either way that's my 2 cents for you all.

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Honestly, for a person that prefers to solo, a lot of the heroics have not been worth doing simply due to the amount of time to do them, the return has been lacking in relation to time/effort and now it is even worse. After you get to know them, it just makes more sense to bypass the time sinks and grab another toon to do the less time burdened ones, and that is truer now than ever.


Another problem is so many of them need to be in an instance but are not. Even trying to group in these is next to impossible, for some reason people just refuse to group, I know that is not the companies fault but it does magnify the problems. It could take over an hour (to do a 15 minute mission) due to multiple people in the same mission competing for mobs with extremely slow spawn rates. Examples are the "Mutations" irradiated rakghoul mission on Taris or the "Down the Hole" mando at the bottom of the dungeon on tatooine. That is just two of several.


Between the mundane (some players have called them far worse things) sub rewards, 30 day delay on sub CC disbursement, 29 day billing rather than 30, nerf after nerf of the casual player, lack of any real customer support, useful web pages being deleted, and no moderation in chat (sometimes the filth would scare a old sailor), I'm really losing interest in the game fast.

Edited by katanaacredus
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You get armor boxes for Heroics at levels 10-61. Before 10 it's just credits and crystals and after 61 it's credits, crystals, and Alliance crates.


Thank you so much for clarification:). All my other toons are 65s, so I didn't have any other way to check this.

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I would love to hear the logic on this. In the PvP interview that Eric gave, he mentioned they were trying to do a better job of explaining what they're going after with balance changes, and frankly, they should be detailing their reasons for this as well. If this is an attempt to stop bot farmers or whatever, it will just fail while punishing everyone else.


Unless they physically code things so that bots or other farming tools they use would never work, which I don't really think is possible, they are always going to have farmers. The system will always be abused, so attempts to stop it by reducing the payout only punish those of us who have real lives and can't farm all day. You will either drive us to use their services or punish us by not having as many credits to use the GTN or whatever. Given that you're asking everyone to create 8 new toons for your L/D event, I would have thought you'd want to give everyone as many credits as possible.


Everywhere we turn, the decisions coming down have the consequence of punishing and pissing people off, I am sure this is not intentional, but darn people, start thinking about the unintended consequences.

Edited by Kirtastropohe
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Come on BioWare, I try not to complain about things, but as a non-guilded non-grouping solo player, this was my only decent source of income and it's still slow and tedious. Scaling back the group multiplier or disabling it for Heroics would have been a better option. Groups would still have the benefit of moving through it easily and quickly versus solo guys like me.
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The Bioware mission statement: If it's worth nerfing, it's worth nerfing into the ground to piss off 3/4 of the player-base.


To make it worse, there was absolutely no reason for this nerf in the first place- for many of us it was our primary source of income. And we shouldn't be forced to run stuff like that in groups if we don't want to. I hate getting hung up on people that don't know the fast way of doing missions, or, worse yet, don't space bar through conversations. MMOs need to have their solo content as well as group content.


Un-nerf this crap, Bioware. This was a terrible decision.

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The Bioware mission statement: If it's worth nerfing, it's worth nerfing into the ground to piss off 3/4 of the player-base.


To make it worse, there was absolutely no reason for this nerf in the first place- for many of us it was our primary source of income. And we shouldn't be forced to run stuff like that in groups if we don't want to. I hate getting hung up on people that don't know the fast way of doing missions, or, worse yet, don't space bar through conversations. MMOs need to have their solo content as well as group content.


Un-nerf this crap, Bioware. This was a terrible decision.


Sadly they've already gone and done that. I too agree that this was a terrible decision, Bioware needs to own up to their mistake instead of lying to us (That whole oh we forgot to add the nerf heroics to the patch notes was an obvious one). I won't be surprised if this comment gets removed.

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