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Heroic payout nerf


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That....actually makes sense. Thank you. :) I'm thinking that's the way I'm thinking but could be wrong. Also maybe others don't want to, but for the "There's more, but I'm tired to get into it." part, I for one would love to see to understand it more, I love learning, especially something I get angry at because I don't understand it. So up to you. :)

You're welcome. :) My brain is a muddled mess right now that can't seem to form coherent, complex thoughts, but if I remember what the "more" was that I had in mind last night, I'll see about posting it for you.


You probably understand the spirit of it, either way.

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?? Neither of those statements made sense


Running a bot violated the Terms of Service of the game, it's a bannable offense.


If you're running a bot, you can't also be playing the game; the bot has to be free to run through its script.

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Running a bot violated the Terms of Service of the game, it's a bannable offense.


If you're running a bot, you can't also be playing the game; the bot has to be free to run through its script.


all the evidence is that they don't ban people botting treasure boxes.

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Running a bot violated the Terms of Service of the game, it's a bannable offense.


If you're running a bot, you can't also be playing the game; the bot has to be free to run through its script.


I didn't see any mention of running a bot in that statement. But now that you've included that information, your post makes more sense.

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So let me get this straight. BW makes heroics "relevant" again, so people will do them. People actually doing them, so yay. However BW decides to nerf the payout so people most probably loose interest doing them. #logic


That sums up BioWare Austin.

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I didn't see any mention of running a bot in that statement. But now that you've included that information, your post makes more sense.


If you're not running a bot, then the numbers given for TH don't work - you literally have to run the missions 24x7 with seconds between to get those numbers.


Heroics don't have to be botted to get the max payouts (though you do have to have a lot of free time and a high resistance ot boredom)

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in the last year or two of star wars galaxies they announced that they would let people bot things while afk. i think this is what swtor is doing now but they just didn't announce it. it looks like they don't mind people botting treasure boxes 24/7 because they didn't fix it and they never ban anyone doing it. Edited by Akostt
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Which is why I multiplied the per-day rate for TH in my analysis by 7, to get a final ratio of 10x heroics pre-nerf, roughly 15-20x post-nerf. Except those are max theoretical numbers assuming you run the bot 24x7 and never play the game.


The gains aren't big enough when you consider than only a tiny fraction of the player base is gonna bot, and a fraction of that will run it 24x7.

OK...thank you. Botting is the real issue, which Bioware does nothing about...it's not groups and players playing the game "normally" and making credits that way.

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OK...thank you. Botting is the real issue, which Bioware does nothing about...it's not groups and players playing the game "normally" and making credits that way.


I'm not going to say it's not an issue they need to look at. I'm just saying it's not a big enough issue to have caused the inflation.


And I owe some people a show of me eating crow - I had earlier claimed that BW "meant to do that" with the increase in heroic payouts and the huge increase in money supply. Maybe not so much, with the recent nerf. On the other hand, roasted and seasoned from all the flames and salt on this forum, the crow almost tastes like chicken :)

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There were certain heroics on JC (which you're on, too, no?) that were filled with players. The bonus mission attached to The Face Merchants was basically uncompletable during the day, and there's a couple of DK heroics where you couldn't even do the main part without waiting your turn. Likewise some of the Rep Tarisian ones.


I never did a whole lot of heroics, basically the Coruscant ones, the 2 easy ones on Alderaan, one or two on Hoth, a handful on Tatooine, maybe a couple of the Imp Voss ones. I always some at least one or two people hanging around the heroics zones while I was doing them. And it was sufficient unto my GTN needs. As long as I don't need That One Item from backs, I can get most anything else I put my mind to.


Correct, and I have stated in another forum that when I did those on DK and Taris and maybe a few on Tatooine, but that's only in the afternoon, I would ask to group up or when I got there and saw someone waiting. Only about 4 times did people accept it. More offen then not, I had to fight with other people over it. (If there were people there, which 3/4 of the time there was not.) With not running into many other people during my heroic runs, is it just because of the time of day I ran them then? And then when I was in ops or offline is when the massive wave of people would do them to where they got the metrics for everyone is running them and ruining the economy?


Also, because I doubt the prices will get lower anytime soon, and doubt they will anytime at all, any ideas on how to make creds now? Or is just sitting there and spaming crew skills it now? Because I liked running around with my companion and doing heroics on multiple different classes.

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So let me get this straight:


A) BioWare introduces nerf level-sync, making heroics take much longer then they should. I obviously leveled up for no reason. I had only found out about this dumb feature when I started doing Heroics to obtain alliance crates.


B) It is impossible to queue for Operations (and Hardmode Flashpoints) making earning Radiant Crystals almost impossible.


C) Due to above, my only recourse is to farm credits to buy 220 mods off the GTN (that can go for 5 million credits).


D) And now, BioWare nerfs both the payout and bonus credits on Heroics.


Ya, definitely not resubscribing.

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Voicing my opinion: this change to h2 is total fail...maybe just nerf payouts for group payouts but pls leave alone solo rewards for those heroics. :(


Also this is absurd with new perks' prices.


Ive been here since the beginning. Beta tested two or 3 builds. Early access. Launch day... the whole nine.


And Bots have been a problem since the beginning. Its a vicious cycle.


The whales buy cartel packs and sell the items at stupid high prices.


The whales can sell them at stupid high prices because the Bots are flooding the economy with credits.


This causes inflation


The Normal players have barely been able to keep up with the inflation by running these Heroics.


With this Nerf it really only hurts the Normal subbed player because it doesnt stop the bots from flooding the economy with creds so it wont bring prices down.


Most non subbed players wont be affected since they have a credit cap any way.


Normal subbed players will now just farm companion gifts or turn to regular planetary dailies since the dailies now pay almost double what the Heroics do.


Which will lead to more complaints since most of the dailies are open world and the competition for completing them will increase.


Ya, I think this is a bad move by Bioware.


Edit- Im calling it now... Incoming nerf to companion gifts

Edited by Apache
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So let me get this straight:


A) BioWare introduces nerf level-sync, making heroics take much longer then they should. I obviously leveled up for no reason. I had only found out about this dumb feature when I started doing Heroics to obtain alliance crates.


B) It is impossible to queue for Operations (and Hardmode Flashpoints) making earning Radiant Crystals almost impossible.


C) Due to above, my only recourse is to farm credits to buy 220 mods off the GTN (that can go for 5 million credits).


D) And now, BioWare nerfs both the payout and bonus credits on Heroics.


Ya, definitely not resubscribing.


You can do like a lot of people and pay a gold farmer and get credits. They don't seem to mind that to much apparently.

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Ive been here since the beginning. Beta tested two or 3 builds. Early access. Launch day... the whole nine.


Ya, I think this is a bad move by Bioware.


Edit- Im calling it now... Incoming nerf to companion gifts


Also I predict daily missions income nerf...apparently we players can't have fun...

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Also I predict daily missions income nerf...apparently we players can't have fun...

Yeah, too many of us were still playing the game and some of us were even "grouping"...how gross huh?! I'm glad Bioware is making sure us "groupers" cease that activity...

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That is utter bull. If they wanted to reduce credits they needed to nerf the credit botters who are directly responsible. Everyone knows its slicing nodes that produce unlimited bot income that is what the sellers are using to sell millions of credits.


Credit sellers earning billions of credits via botting is irrelevant, their money isn't in circulation and thus has no impact on the in game economy until a buyer (breaching ToS) has elected to buy credits. Players buying credits is a different issue.


Likewise players botting TH, ban them, don't nerf treasure hunting, if someone is willing to sit their all day everyday spamming those missions I'd hope they'd earn a significant amount.


However, the sheer number of players able to earn in excess of a million credits for 45mins work as the leading cause of inflation bar the known exploits.


The issue was never with the super rich players in game. The issue is with significantly more players having tens of millions instead of just millions.


Personally I'd like to see a new stronghold costing more then Tatooine and Yavin IV, as well as a doubled GTN tax in addition to this nerf.

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This thread affirms that many players have become dependent on the credit payouts in Heroics at level cap.


And while I agree that steep nerfs like this are the wrong way to go by the studio... as players.. we do have to keep mindful that MMOs change and what used to be.... can very well no longer be after any given patch.


Always best in MMOs to diversify your income methods for in game currency.


SWTOR is like a box of chocolates.. you never know what you are going to get.

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