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Petition: Retroactive For Dark Vs Light Event For Veteran Players and...


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I saw that... it's vague and troubling.


What's really "funny" is that players are being encouraged to rush through a bunch of disposable characters for rewards, some of which include warping the character's choices to maximize "light" or dark" ( :rolleyes: ), in a game where we've been told repeatedly that the focus is character and story, and that those disposable warped choices are going to "shape the fate of the galaxy" in some way.



Even more so after we just got reprimanded for not looking beyond dark & light by valkorian in episode 12.

:confused: First they attempt to steer us towards a more neutral play style and now they want us to play extremist? ._. Which is it?

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Don't be silly you got to do the content and enjoy it and get whatever rewards it might have paid out.


Now you want something for nothing whilst others have to work at it.


The only people who "have to work at it" should be the ones who haven't done the work. I've done the work and a lot of other legendary players have done the work. There's nothing silly about wanting credit for the work we've done. It certainly isn't asking asking to get "something for nothing."

Edited by Hebruixe
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The only people who "have to work at it" should be the ones who haven't done the work. I've done the work and a lot of other legendary players have done the work. There's nothing silly about wanting credit for the work we've done. It certainly isn't asking asking to get "something for nothing."


*sigh* it's not work ... well it's not meant to be. If you feel it's work then you should really reconsider why you bothered doing any of it and certainly why you pay to "work" this game.


You got all the reward and credit that was coming to you the first time you did the content. You want these rewards you do it during the time frame given as everyone else has to do on a level footing.


Also there is nothing "legendary" about doing the content over a few years and in terms of getting actual legendary status Bioware have shown how this can be accomplished for the even. If you can't be bothered doing it that's your problem, no rewards for you.

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That should go in one ear and out the other. They aren't going anywhere. For years I've watched users on this forum holler they're going to quit and 3 months later they're still posting. Won't name shame but I watched a user earlier this year make a big sensationalized post about how bioware was breaking her heart with the lack of bugfixes and how she was leaving after being here since beta and never coming back. Two months later when muso announced the new crafting changes, she was still there in the thick of everyone else inquiring about it, on this forum that requires a sub to post. It's a bluff, nothing more.


Not always. I have two friends who actually did stop their accounts and one was the guild leader of the guild I am in. She turned the guild over to me and my boyfriend and cancelled her sub. She read about this was going to come back but decided not to and she was here at launch.

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Not always. I have two friends who actually did stop their accounts and one was the guild leader of the guild I am in. She turned the guild over to me and my boyfriend and cancelled her sub. She read about this was going to come back but decided not to and she was here at launch.


Exactly. Even squirrelballz has canceled his and his sub ends August 5th. No more squirrel burns or him spreading rabies. :(

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I would even be happy if some of it was retroactive. To me, this event is saying that nothing we have done for the past 4+ years matters. I remember seeing an analogy that someone had said "its like you go through highschool and get a hug from your parents at the end. Then your younger sibling goes through and gets a car at the end. You are then told if you go through highschool again, you can get a car too".


Now some of the content is worth repeating or even fun. But there are some things that feel more like pulling teeth for me than actual fun.

Edited by walrusRus
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Petition: Retroactive For Dark Vs Light Event For Veteran Players and players who have already done part of the achievements and allow people who fall short of legendary player to get it with currently active characters.


Also, make items inside the DarkvLight packs Bind on-equip not bind on-pickup as they are Cartel Market items.


It's fair to all. Sign below.


Side note: Surprised this petition hasn't been started.


Are you that high that you think any thing will be changed in such a short window of time?! Look I'm with you, achievements should definitely have been retroactive but expecting them to change it is beyond ridiculous :rolleyes:

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Are you that high that you think any thing will be changed in such a short window of time?! Look I'm with you, achievements should definitely have been retroactive but expecting them to change it is beyond ridiculous :rolleyes:


Considering the track record (look at all the unanswered petitions during the "slot machine debacle"), you are probably right. But I still think it's good we have this outlet to let Bioware know how we veteran players feel.

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So doesn't this go live like tomorrow? Are they going to even respond? There are like 100 threads about this. The forums are on fire and Musco is off somewhere playing his fiddle or mandolin or whatever up on a hill just watching it all burn. What's up guys? Can we get someone to weigh in here?
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Or make it so you only need to level one light and one dark not all 8


A reasonable compromise would be that the retroactive achievements wouldn't count until after your did the light and dark character runs to level 50/chapter 3 completion and one through KofTE.

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At the very least allow us to earn the achievements with existing characters.


Well, for all the poor coding and scripting this game has there's a slight chance you might get them anyway just because of bug.


Hey, it could happen! It probably won't, but it could!

Edited by Drachehexe
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So doesn't this go live like tomorrow? Are they going to even respond? There are like 100 threads about this. The forums are on fire and Musco is off somewhere playing his fiddle or mandolin or whatever up on a hill just watching it all burn. What's up guys? Can we get someone to weigh in here?


My guess: No.


We'll know when the patch notes are released, though. If they haven't responded before then, don't expect a response ever.

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