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Petition: Retroactive For Dark Vs Light Event For Veteran Players and...


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Also, making the items from the rewarded Dark vs Light packs BoE rather than BoP would tank the economy and ruin GTN prices, so gotta say /notsigned to that as well. :cool:


Oh so people can't milk what they want out of players anymore, so what? Better that then what's going on. But hey you're choice. Not a lot agree especially when you probably be stuck with items you don't want and have to destroy.

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If and I say this again, IF, you get an entire armor set, which likelihood is not, you unlock it in collections like any other item you get in the CM minus decors.


And the likelihood is that you won't get them. Not worth the hassle, since it is BoP, the chances of getting anything worthwhile is so minuscule as to not even be worthy of an event.

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So, how do I get the rewards on my main?


The majority of rewards from this event will be available to your main. Armor sets, mounts, titles, companion. For the packs, you would need to unlock things in collections, which is already required for getting cartel items on more than one toon :cool:

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The majority of rewards from this event will be available to your main. Armor sets, mounts, titles, companion. For the packs, you would need to unlock things in collections, which is already required for getting cartel items on more than one toon :cool:


So, what's the odds of getting a set? And, why can't I just use my main to start with to do some of this? Why waste my time with throw away characters? Not that it matters really, but it was horribly designed and thought out. You are not guaranteed a full set in the packs, you might only receive part of the set, which is more likely, yeah sounds like a fun time.

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So, what's the odds of getting a set? And, why can't I just use my main to start with to do some of this? Why waste my time with throw away characters? Not that it matters really, but it was horribly designed and thought out. You are not guaranteed a full set in the packs, you might only receive part of the set, which is more likely, yeah sounds like a fun time.


It's no different than a normal cartel pack, where you might get part of a set and would need to hit the GTN to complete it. Additionally, there will be Dark vs Light packs available on the CM so you can buy them to your heart's content until you get the items you want (and those ones won't be BoP I believe). You would still need to unlock in collections to get it on other toons. Again, no different than the other cartel packs. The only difference here is that they are giving away pack items for FREE for leveling a few new toons and completing some objectives. Why is that bad?


Maybe I'm just being too logical here, but I still don't understand the hate for this event? It's not meant for your main toons, it's meant to give you something to work towards while waiting for the next expansion. It's a well thought-out, more incentive to play, better rewards version of the 12xp event. On top of that, it will hopefully help bring in new players and prepare them for KOTFE season 2.


How is any of the above bad?

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It's no different than a normal cartel pack, where you might get part of a set and would need to hit the GTN to complete it. Additionally, there will be Dark vs Light packs available on the CM so you can buy them to your heart's content until you get the items you want (and those ones won't be BoP I believe). You would still need to unlock in collections to get it on other toons. Again, no different than the other cartel packs. The only difference here is that they are giving away pack items for FREE for leveling a few new toons and completing some objectives. Why is that bad?


Maybe I'm just being too logical here, but I still don't understand the hate for this event? It's not meant for your main toons, it's meant to give you something to work towards while waiting for the next expansion. It's a well thought-out, more incentive to play, better rewards version of the 12xp event. On top of that, it will hopefully help bring in new players and prepare them for KOTFE season 2.


How is any of the above bad?


How's it bad:


(1) Some of us have been here since launch or before (myself June 2009) and we already have a number of toons that we have worked on.


(2) We have worked on our mains and those are the ones that we like to play and it is stupid to expect people not to want to use their mains in flashpoints, operations,etc when our mains our geared with good gear and with augments that we have taken the time to gear our mains. Augments are not cheap and then to install them into new ones again not cheap.


(3) We have the outfits designer unlocked with 12-16 outfits and even if we have them all in our collections, we have to pay to unlock the outfits and pay to have the outfits stamped. Not Cheap.


(4) Some people are at the limit of characters and they cannot make any new ones on the server they enjoy playing on and do not want to go to another server and NO they do not want to delete toons. Some of us do not willy nilly create toons. We figure out a back story and how the fit with the rest of our toons.


(5) There is no gurantee you are going to get a complete armor set and in fact some of those armor sets people may already have and they can't be sold even to a vendor so they are stuck with them.


NO bioware did not think this thorough. I know a couple that will not be doing it as they still have toons to level but guess what bioware said tough luck they don't count so they said guess what no subs either.

Edited by casirabit
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Not signed, nobody cares that you already have maxed characters :D Maxing a character is easy, it only takes a few hours or a day. Stop being lazy and go out and make some characters.


P.S don't say your character slots are full, as you just made 40 level 1 characters in order to make that comment.




P.P.S If it was retroactive all the kids would just have their level 60 character token characters at max and finished with KOTFE.

Edited by CMBMOP
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How's it bad:


(1) Some of us have been here since launch or before (myself June 2009) and we already have a number of toons that we have worked on.


(2) We have worked on our mains and those are the ones that we like to play and it is stupid to expect people not to want to use their mains in flashpoints, operations,etc when our mains our geared with good gear and with augments that we have taken the time to gear our mains. Augments are not cheap and then to install them into new ones again not cheap.


(3) We have the outfits designer unlocked with 12-16 outfits and even if we have them all in our collections, we have to pay to unlock the outfits and pay to have the outfits stamped. Not Cheap.


(4) Some people are at the limit of characters and they cannot make any new ones on the server they enjoy playing on and do not want to go to another server and NO they do not want to delete toons. Some of us do not willy nilly create toons. We figure out a back story and how the fit with the rest of our toons.


(5) There is no gurantee you are going to get a complete armor set and in fact some of those armor sets people may already have and they can't be sold even to a vendor so they are stuck with them.


NO bioware did not think this thorough. I know a couple that will not be doing it as they still have toons to level but guess what bioware said tough luck they don't count so they said guess what no subs either.

Add-on: NO WHERE was it said Dark Vs Light packs would be available on the Cartel Market. They are rewards given two levels in the event. Where'd he get that idea?

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It's no different than a normal cartel pack, where you might get part of a set and would need to hit the GTN to complete it. Additionally, there will be Dark vs Light packs available on the CM so you can buy them to your heart's content until you get the items you want (and those ones won't be BoP I believe). You would still need to unlock in collections to get it on other toons. Again, no different than the other cartel packs. The only difference here is that they are giving away pack items for FREE for leveling a few new toons and completing some objectives. Why is that bad?


Except both the packs and the items in them are BOP so I can't even use the items on the toons I'd want to. They're literally worthless if I don't get tunings (which I can shuffle around using BOL weapons).


Add-on: NO WHERE was it said Dark Vs Light packs would be available on the Cartel Market. They are rewards given two levels in the event. Where'd he get that idea?


CM-edition LS/DS packs were datamined by Dulfy. There's a very good chance they'll hit the CM at some point in the next month or two (although it's possible they'll be made available after the event ends).

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Except both the packs and the items in them are BOP so I can't even use the items on the toons I'd want to. They're literally worthless if I don't get tunings (which I can shuffle around using BOL weapons).[/Quote]



CM-edition LS/DS packs were datamined by Dulfy. There's a very good chance they'll hit the CM at some point in the next month or two (although it's possible they'll be made available after the event ends).


i don't pay much attention to dulfy for announcements about the game. I come to the official source. Dulfy I mostly use for the guides that's it. Lol!


This gives me some hope, though not much:

Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!



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I get it. There are a few longstanding subbers out there that feel butt hurt that they have to roll a new character to participate in the new event. They are also butt hurt that they aren't getting any retroactive participation as well.




It's a great change to bring in new players and have a chance to start some characters anew.


So if you're that butthurt that you are gonna leave, Can I haz your stuffs?

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I get it. There are a few longstanding subbers out there that feel butt hurt that they have to roll a new character to participate in the new event. They are also butt hurt that they aren't getting any retroactive participation as well.




It's a great change to bring in new players and have a chance to start some characters anew.


So if you're that butthurt that you are gonna leave, Can I haz your stuffs?


Yes, because using insults to get your point across is always the best thing to do! It's one thing to take a humorous stab or something, but this one is just a blatant stab meant to cause distress. If you don't want to participate in useful constructive arguments and always resort to name, then you can please leave and return upon better social skills being obtained.

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This event is an insult to the veteran players, a cheap marketing strategy thats purely offensive to those of us who were faithfully playing this game and subscribing for the last 5 years. I have 18 Lvl65 characters and I'm not making more. In fact, odds are I will unsubscribe after this nonsense.


I get it. There are a few longstanding subbers out there that feel butt hurt that they have to roll a new character to participate in the new event. They are also butt hurt that they aren't getting any retroactive participation as well.




It's a great change to bring in new players and have a chance to start some characters anew.


So if you're that butthurt that you are gonna leave, Can I haz your stuffs?



If you played this game since launch, you'd be pissed about this just as much as all the veterans are.

Edited by Gladeguardian
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This event is an insult to the veteran players, a cheap marketing strategy thats purely offensive to those of us who were faithfully playing this game and subscribing for the last 5 years. I have 18 Lvl65 characters and I'm not making more. In fact, odds are I will unsubscribe after this nonsense.


Why wait til the event is over? Why not unsubscribe now, since you won't be participating in the event?





If you played this game since launch, you'd be pissed about this just as much as all the veterans are.


I have played since launch, since early release, in fact.


I am not pissed about this event.


I am reasonable and mature enough to recognize that I WAS rewarded when I got a character to level 50, to level 60, etc. The rewards were the the rewards in place AT THAT TIME. I do NOT expect to receive all FUTURE rewards RETROACTIVELY for something I did IN THE PAST.


When you receive a raise at work, do you go to your boss and demand to receive that raise RETROACTIVELY for the past umpteen years? If you do, let me know how that works out for you. If you do not, then why would you expect new rewards to be retroactively applied to PAST efforts and achievements in this game?

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