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Why are the Light/Dark side reward companions both female?


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Do you have another rebuttal besides being incorrect? Luke says that line about T-16s just as they're discussing the trench run, to another character (Wedge? Biggs? Can't remember now) specifically to point out how they have relevant experience. It's airtight justification unless you have some reason to disbelieve Luke (hint: you don't). And using the Force to "sense" a shot and instinctually do it is something else entirely from straight up manipulating someone's mind or engaging in martial combat with an unfamiliar weapon that previously caused you to freak out, against a (admittedly wounded) but very pissed and very well trained dark Jedi.


As for Will Smith, the controls in that ship were clearly adapted to human pilots. You can call out how that was possible and you'd be right. But if you accept that the scientists adapted those controls, then Will Smith could totally fly that ship.


Well, let's just say that I don't share your optimism and if you are willing to believe such explanations in these movies as even remotely realistic then I am sure that any further discussion about this between us will not go anywhere useful.

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Then your point has no relevance to what you quoted since the argument was about Rey being trained. If she was trained then maybe she could pull off mind tricking the storm trooper but that just opens up a new hole on notTatooine. If she wasn't trained, the hole(s) on the notDeath Star stand(s).




Not really, it's the Force, have you not figured this out yet?

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Well, let's just say that I don't share your optimism and if you are willing to believe such explanations in these movies as even remotely realistic then I am sure that any further discussion about this between us will not go anywhere useful.

Don't move the goal posts, realism was never the criteria being discussed. What was being called out was the (lack of) justification in A New Hope (2015) vs A New Hope (1979).

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"The Force" is a little more complicated than handwaving, even though literal handwaving is some times incorporated. How have you not figured this out yet?


It's as complicated as the plot needs it to be, or as simplistic as the plot needs it to be.

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Don't move the goal posts, realism was never the criteria being discussed. What was being called out was the (lack of) justification in A New Hope (2015) vs A New Hope (1979).


Like I said, I don't see this discussion going anywhere so just leave it. We are never going to see eye to eye on this, that much is clear. And it's 1977, not 1979

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Maybe under Mickey that'll prove true. I'm of the older guard who hold it to a more consistent standard.


It's space magic, always has been, always will be. Under Lucas, Mickey or any other person, that is what it is. A plot device.

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Anyway, on-topic, I'm skeptical that a lot of work went into these companions to begin with so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape as to why they don't address some specific player desire. The Sith one in particular seems as generic as they come. Maybe they put more work into the Chiss. I know if I get her I'll be swapping out those damned crossguard sabers asap.
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Anyway, on-topic, I'm skeptical that a lot of work went into these companions to begin with so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape as to why they don't address some specific player desire. The Sith one in particular seems as generic as they come. Maybe they put more work into the Chiss. I know if I get her I'll be swapping out those damned crossguard sabers asap.


And there we agree :)

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Nerd card revoked. I'll see myself out.:(


It's okay, we're getting old and dates get jumbled in our heads :p


plus, it was the seventies, if you lived through them, then I think we should get a pass on trying to remember them.

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I appreciate that some of you tried to stay on topic about a matter that I felt strongly about. I'm disappointed that the thread has been derailed and turned into...I don't even know what this has become honestly.


I try and be respectful of the other people here as much as I can, and I know people who create threads often do so because the topic is important to them. I do my best not to derail or mock the person posting and I feel pretty let down because I feel like something that mattered to me was turned into a three ring circus.


Anyways, Bioware, you may as well just close this thread please, it's been derailed way beyond recognition. :(

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I appreciate that some of you tried to stay on topic about a matter that I felt strongly about. I'm disappointed that the thread has been derailed and turned into...I don't even know what this has become honestly.


I try and be respectful of the other people here as much as I can, and I know people who create threads often do so because the topic is important to them. I do my best not to derail or mock the person posting and I feel pretty let down because I feel like something that mattered to me was turned into a three ring circus.


Anyways, Bioware, you may as well just close this thread please, it's been derailed way beyond recognition. :(


Sorry for taking part in that. I'm sure others will agree that the rhetoric and nonsense that you see here is just that. I will honestly and genuinely be excited for either companion. They both look super cool and I'm looking forward to see the story behind them, etc.

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Sorry for taking part in that. I'm sure others will agree that the rhetoric and nonsense that you see here is just that. I will honestly and genuinely be excited for either companion. They both look super cool and I'm looking forward to see the story behind them, etc.


Thanks. I hope people will enjoy them too, and that maybe for next time, Bioware, will give us a choice of male and female comps. :)

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Thanks. I hope people will enjoy them too, and that maybe for next time, Bioware, will give us a choice of male and female comps. :)


More in the spirit of the OP and the original thread... "Please, Bioware, get rid of the false binary options. Variety is a spice that should be enjoyed in life."

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