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Why are the Light/Dark side reward companions both female?


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Now that I think about it, Lana Beniko (the Sith LI after Chapter 5) is a body 3, I think. So, that is two for B3.


Lana is also type 2 (as is Senya)


Type 1: Vette, Mako, Nadia(I think, it's been a while), Kaliyo (again, it's been a while)

Type 2: Elara, Kira, Risha, Temple, Ashara, Jaessa, SCORPIO, Senya, Lana

Type 3: Akaavi

Type 4: None

Edited by Nefla
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Lana is also type 2 (as is Senya)


Can't point to a B3 or B4 other than Dorne, then. It'd be nice to see some B4s.


I'd like to reiterate my desire to have the ability to body form companions via the image designer station (appearance designer, whatever they call it).

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Lana is also type 2 (as is Senya)


Type 1: Vette, Mako, Nadia(I think, it's been a while), Kaliyo (again, it's been a while)

Type 2: Elara, Kira, Risha, Temple, Ashara, Jaessa, SCORPIO, Senya, Lana

Type 3: Akaavi

Type 4: None


Meh body type 4 doesn't matter then since there are none for males either.

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I'm a male and I want a new near-human male force user. Its one thing I certainly miss from KOTOR. We have plenty of cool force using females of different tastes to choose from, but no human male jedi guys to run into battle with us. Scourge and Xalek are awesome, and Guss is...well, an idiot, but thats it. At least in KOTOR we had Jolee and in KOTOR 2 we had Bao-Dur, Atton, and the Disciple.


I don't care much for cutscenes, as nice as they may be. As long as he had a few simple voice clips ("Yeah?" "And Stay Down!" "Time to even the Odds!" etc.) I'd love a new near-human force sensitive bro to leap into battle with. Body Type two would be nice <_<.

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Why are there no male companions? Do you hate your female players or any player who would prefer a male companion? I would have loved to have a male force using companion...


More force using romanceable males should be added to the game. I think in addition to the two female force using comps being offered, two males force using comps should also be offered, so people can choose one of their preference from the winning side.


*Edited to reflect that I'm not so much angry as disappointed now*


Why are they both female? Because the new fashionable thing to do is force feed Girl Power to everyone as much as humanly possible.


- Hunger Games

- Divergent

- Zootopia

- Ghost Busters

- The Force Awakens

- Rogue One


Everywhere you turn we are being bombarded with this. It's like they don't have a creative bone in their bodies. "OH look at Hunger Games! Quick, let's come up with our own Hunger Games starring 'Not Katniss'".


The Rogue One character should just be called Skatniss or Ratniss or Splatniss or w/e. It's a total and transparent rip off of the character. Young girl who despises the big bad central government leads a rebellion and takes them down with her amazing girl power skills. Whatever.

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While I do agree with everything that has been said, in this thread, and please don't mistake what I'm going to say, for defending BW. But, I always viewed BT 1 as youthful, like, late teens/early 20s, so in that regard it makes sense for the padawans, such as Kira and Nadia to be BT1. Mako, and Vette, again, are both supposed to be late teens/early 20s.


Dorne, and Kaliyo are a little more mature, as is Akaavi. I believe that they're either BT 2//3 to so they're a little older.


I, myself have the majority, male and female BT 1s, because of that youthful look. I guess, it would be different if Kira and Nadia were Jedi knights, then I would expect them to have one of the other body types.

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Why are they both female? Because the new fashionable thing to do is force feed Girl Power to everyone as much as humanly possible.


- Hunger Games

- Divergent

- Zootopia

- Ghost Busters

- The Force Awakens

- Rogue One


Everywhere you turn we are being bombarded with this. It's like they don't have a creative bone in their bodies. "OH look at Hunger Games! Quick, let's come up with our own Hunger Games starring 'Not Katniss'".


The Rogue One character should just be called Skatniss or Ratniss or Splatniss or w/e. It's a total and transparent rip off of the character. Young girl who despises the big bad central government leads a rebellion and takes them down with her amazing girl power skills. Whatever.


Yeah that Rouce One girl seems like a bad character and her acting was cringe in the trailer...

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Why are they both female? Because the new fashionable thing to do is force feed Girl Power to everyone as much as humanly possible.


- Hunger Games

- Divergent

- Zootopia

- Ghost Busters

- The Force Awakens

- Rogue One


Everywhere you turn we are being bombarded with this. It's like they don't have a creative bone in their bodies. "OH look at Hunger Games! Quick, let's come up with our own Hunger Games starring 'Not Katniss'".


The Rogue One character should just be called Skatniss or Ratniss or Splatniss or w/e. It's a total and transparent rip off of the character. Young girl who despises the big bad central government leads a rebellion and takes them down with her amazing girl power skills. Whatever.


Oh, I know what you're saying, and while I don't have anything against girl power type movies and such, (well except Ghostbusters cause I'm sick of reboots and rehashes and reimaginings, but I digress) but I would think that Bioware would be hopefully savvy enough to realize there are people here who would like to have a male force using companion, preferrably a romanceable, at least for me. I really don't see why they can't make a male and female model for each side and whichever side wins, gets to choose from the male and female comps offered. :/ Silly me for wanting fair treatment. :o

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Oh, I know what you're saying, and while I don't have anything against girl power type movies and such, (well except Ghostbusters cause I'm sick of reboots and rehashes and reimaginings, but I digress) but I would think that Bioware would be hopefully savvy enough to realize there are people here who would like to have a male force using companion, preferrably a romanceable, at least for me. I really don't see why they can't make a male and female model for each side and whichever side wins, gets to choose from the male and female comps offered. :/ Silly me for wanting fair treatment. :o


It's an NPC though, it's not really unfair treatment to give you what Bioware decides on for companions.

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Why are they both female? Because the new fashionable thing to do is force feed Girl Power to everyone as much as humanly possible.


- Hunger Games

- Divergent

- Zootopia

- Ghost Busters

- The Force Awakens

- Rogue One


Everywhere you turn we are being bombarded with this. It's like they don't have a creative bone in their bodies. "OH look at Hunger Games! Quick, let's come up with our own Hunger Games starring 'Not Katniss'".


The Rogue One character should just be called Skatniss or Ratniss or Splatniss or w/e. It's a total and transparent rip off of the character. Young girl who despises the big bad central government leads a rebellion and takes them down with her amazing girl power skills. Whatever.

The fact that you think any female led movie that isn't a "chick flick" is "force fed" or "girl power" and that even though there are still very few of these compared to male dominated movies you feel you are being "bombarded" with them is pretty telling. Far too many are so used to seeing male dominated games, movies, etc...that when female characters take up more than the one "token female, also a love interest for the male hero" slot it's seen as shocking and those who are used to the extreme male bias feel that there is now a female bias when in 99.9% of non "chick flick" cases the opposite is still true. We don't see movies like the Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy and call them "boy power" movies or complain that we are being bombarded with them (even though we are and have been for longer than I've been alive). You don't see NEAR the same kind of hate for male-led movie reboots (Total Recall, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, etc...) no matter how bad they are as we've seen for the new Ghostbusters.

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Why are they both female? Because the new fashionable thing to do is force feed Girl Power to everyone as much as humanly possible.


- Hunger Games

- Divergent

- Zootopia

- Ghost Busters

- The Force Awakens

- Rogue One


Everywhere you turn we are being bombarded with this. It's like they don't have a creative bone in their bodies. "OH look at Hunger Games! Quick, let's come up with our own Hunger Games starring 'Not Katniss'".


The Rogue One character should just be called Skatniss or Ratniss or Splatniss or w/e. It's a total and transparent rip off of the character. Young girl who despises the big bad central government leads a rebellion and takes them down with her amazing girl power skills. Whatever.


That's very selective of you. There are still plenty of male heroes out there. What you call being force-fed isn't even remotely that. You mention Rogue one but you know that the other 2 spin off movies are going to be about Han Solo and Boba Fett right?


It's all about context and it just isn't fair to take it out of context like this just by listing a few movies out of the hundreds or thousands that came out in recent years. Trust me, there's still plenty of male representation there.


And again most companions in SWTOR are male, before this we had Nico Okarr, a male companion joining. The pattern you see isn't there, you're just making it up because that's what you want to believe.


Also look at games out there, particularly RPGs that have male protagonists only. There's still plenty of those like Witcher and Deus Ex out there that have male protagonists and not even the choice of a female alternative like Mass Effect has for example. So really, considering the facts out there, I think that you are exaggerating.

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There's still plenty of those like Witcher and Deus Ex out there that have male protagonists and not even the choice of a female alternative like Mass Effect has for example.


Well choices are good and everything but i don't think Andrzej Sapkowski would approve of female witcher.

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Haven't the majority of the KOTFE companions been male? Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like there's an over abundance of masculine companions...not so much "force using" ones, but male characters.
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You don't see NEAR the same kind of hate for male-led movie reboots (Total Recall, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, etc...) no matter how bad they are as we've seen for the new Ghostbusters.

Funny you should mention Total Recall- Kate Beckinsale's character in that one completely took over as the main antagonist, replacing the need for a Michael Ironside character like in the original. She was also the best part of that movie. It was a crap movie, but it was crap because it was just low quality not because they tried to please SJWs. So it's still vastly superior to the new Ghostbusters for that reason alone.


Also Crystal Skull was a plain old sequel, not a reboot, so not sure what you're on about. And it got plenty of hate for sucking and for Shia Lebeouf because people can complain/***** about more than just gender issues.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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Well, back on topic. For me the new companions are neither male nor female. They are a little more than the Akk Dog from the CM in the sense that all new companions have no stories, no meaningful interaction with the PC, no character at all. That's my biggest gripe with all the new companions we get.
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Why are they both female? Because the new fashionable thing to do is force feed Girl Power to everyone as much as humanly possible.


- Hunger Games

- Divergent

- Zootopia

- Ghost Busters

- The Force Awakens

- Rogue One


Everywhere you turn we are being bombarded with this. It's like they don't have a creative bone in their bodies. "OH look at Hunger Games! Quick, let's come up with our own Hunger Games starring 'Not Katniss'".


The Rogue One character should just be called Skatniss or Ratniss or Splatniss or w/e. It's a total and transparent rip off of the character. Young girl who despises the big bad central government leads a rebellion and takes them down with her amazing girl power skills. Whatever.

I'll let other posters with a much keener axe to grind address the overall point of this post. I just had to offer an official Thor /chuckle at citing Zootopia as "force-fed Girl Power" fodder. If anything, it's force-fed Bunny Power, right? ;)


And I disagree that The Force Awakens lauds Girl Power ... it simply reveals how effective a woman can appear when all the men around her are lame. Add a credible male lead to that movie, and Daisy wilts.


As for Hunger Games, it's not just for girls. The gender dynamics seem to waffle from movie to movie. For every Katniss, there's a <whatever the guy's name is in Maze Runner>. These films are not trite because they always feature a female lead. They're trite because they recycle the same plot: Young folks + mystery + big, bad evil government-type-thingy-or-maybe-aliens-or-could-be-scientists + running + vomiting in my mouth = "The Fifth Wave" (or whatever).

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I'll let other posters with a much keener axe to grind address the overall point of this post. I just had to offer an official Thor /chuckle at citing Zootopia as "force-fed Girl Power" fodder. If anything, it's force-fed Bunny Power, right? ;)


And I disagree that The Force Awakens lauds Girl Power ... it simply reveals how effective a woman can appear when all the men around her are lame. Add a credible male lead to that movie, and Daisy wilts.


As for Hunger Games, it's not just for girls. The gender dynamics seem to waffle from movie to movie. For every Katniss, there's a <whatever the guy's name is in Maze Runner>. These films are not trite because they always feature a female lead. They're trite because they recycle the same plot: Young folks + mystery + big, bad evil government-type-thingy-or-maybe-aliens-or-could-be-scientists + running + vomiting in my mouth = "The Fifth Wave" (or whatever).


So first, go read through the trivia on IMDB for Zootopia:


"Originally, the film revolved around Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman). However, test audiences reported that they had a hard time connecting with him emotionally and instead found themselves drawn to Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), so the story was changed."


Second, I don't have a problem with "Girl Power" or female roles, etc. I'm just so sick of being force fed the same story over and over again. It's like Rambo in the 80's. How many Rambo clones did we have with Dolf Lundgren, Steven Seagall and Van Damme??? I mean, it was so boring after a while. I remember feeling like, "OK, I get it. Special Forces guys are badAF.". That's how it is right now with the, "Look how tough girls can be!". OK, I get it.

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So first, go read through the trivia on IMDB for Zootopia:


"Originally, the film revolved around Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman). However, test audiences reported that they had a hard time connecting with him emotionally and instead found themselves drawn to Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), so the story was changed."


Second, I don't have a problem with "Girl Power" or female roles, etc. I'm just so sick of being force fed the same story over and over again. It's like Rambo in the 80's. How many Rambo clones did we have with Dolf Lundgren, Steven Seagall and Van Damme??? I mean, it was so boring after a while. I remember feeling like, "OK, I get it. Special Forces guys are badAF.". That's how it is right now with the, "Look how tough girls can be!". OK, I get it.


You are not being force fed anything, unless of course someone from the studio or publishing house is sitting next to you, which if they are, Heeey Nick, How's it going? Erm, I mean, I don't know the studio enforcers. Personally. but yeah, say hi to Nick, kay? He is still assigned to force you to watch girl power movies, right?


As to copy cats? Yeah, when something does well, guess what? Copy cat! But, you are in no way shape or form being forced into it, except yeah, say hi to Nick for me. Love ya Nick.

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