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Why are the Light/Dark side reward companions both female?


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Why are there no male companions? Do you hate your female players? I would have loved to have a male force using companion...


Oh well, more reason to keep away from this asinine event. Thanks for nothing. You'll be fortunate if I don't cancel my sub by the end of the day. :mad:


This is perhaps because most of the new companions introduced with KotFE that have anything to do with the actual story (not including the star fortress comps) are, in fact, male. You have Theron, Koth, Nico, and HK-55 can even be considered male, whereas there's only Lana and Senya who are female. The other "new" companions are either new to you, having been originally from other classes, they are unable to even pretend to be romanced (aliens that you couldn't have a relationship with because of biological differences being too great - i.e. that one with the snail head, don't know what species it is offhand...), or they're already male so they don't count.


A couple more females won't hurt. And they may have plans for another event to introduce two new male companions, who knows? I don't particularly care, though. These "companions" will just be two new skins of everything we already have in our existing companions. Meh.

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Enough with the female humanoid force user companions already. My rage is building and I want to shoot Ashara, Lana, Raina Temple, Jaesa, and Senya out the airlock. More women with guns! More men with laser swords! Edited by Tamyn
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I like my female force companions as much as the next guy, but it would be nice to get a male near-human force user companion.


I'd personally like a Pureblood female Sith Lord or a male version of Veeroa Denz (Nautolan). I like the idea of Master Ranos being a Chiss Jedi Master.


I just hope that before the event is over, these two companions are updated so they look like actual companions, rather than players with the newest CM gear or recent endgame PvE gear.

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There needs to be more force using companions I mean there only 2 or possibly 3 one of them is Lord Scourge a very awesome companion and quite strong and well looks great the second a Kaleesh who well lets say its Grevious of his era. There great companion but there just 2. Third could be Khem Vel who might be force sensitive I mean how do you get stronger by eating force sensitives and only force sensitives. We need more male force using companions. Oh yeah there is the smuggler's companion who is also force sensitive well barely.
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Enough with the female humanoid force user companions already. My rage is building and I want to shoot Ashara, Lana, Raina Temple, Jaesa, and Senya out the airlock. More women with guns! More men with laser swords!


Why are Kira and Nadia exempt? :p Seriously though, there have been 7 female force users as companions(who have actual dialogue and everything) and all of them except Senya have been romance options for male characters, meanwhile the only male force using companion is Scourge (and he is just there to taunt us with his refusal to love us! T_T ) *edit* I always forget about Xalek-and now not even one of the two event pet companions can be male force users? It would have been awesome to have a male Chiss jedi.


As a side note, did you guys realize that aside from SCORPIO, Senya is the only female companion who isn't a romance option?

Edited by Nefla
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You're probably right lol. But as a Bioware consumer, I love husbando with older intelligent and sexxxy male force users...though some non force users are also desirable (Quinn, Vector, Theron and Jonas Balkar) :D


I'm really surprised Ashara wasn't more of an Ahsoka clone honestly lol.


I get the surprise, initially. Thinking about it though, TCW and Swtor started development around the same time so I imagine much of the writing work (companions, class stories, planet arcs) were done before everything else was. I also don't think Ashara even comments much on being a Togruta, if at all. So its highly possible, that was changed to be a Togruta later after Ahsoka became the popular character (if overrated depending on the PoV) that she is.


We're men, we want women. Want a Ken doll, go play Barbie.


I am a man. I don't want women, ever.


No offense women, its not you, its me.

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I could not for the life of me remember who the 1 force using male comp was, until I looked it up and found it was Xalek. Funny how the word count for the only force-using male comp is about the same as any 1-off npc.


Never thought about it before, but you're right. Three of the four force using classes get female apprentices (and even the ones who get Xalek and Scourge also gets a female apprentice, and neither guy is romance-able). The four non force using classes get no "overt" force using companions, and the one that gets one with latent force abilities....also a gal......and no....Guss doesn't count ~lol~.

Edited by NSStember
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As a side note, did you guys realize that aside from SCORPIO, Senya is the only female companion who isn't a romance option?


Yet you can still flirt with them both :rolleyes: How many non-romanceble male companions can be flirted with (aside from Pierce & Tharan?). Talos has one, but I can't think of any others.

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Why are there no male companions? Do you hate your female players (and male players who prefer guys or for any other reason would like a male companion)? I would have loved to have a sexy Chiss male force using companion...


There, made a slight adjustment to OP's original post to fully support it ^^


Seriously, my first thougts on seeing the companions were: "Cool, a Chiss force user - Bléh, they're both chicks :mad:"


We're men, we want women. Want a Ken doll, go play Barbie.


Uhm... nope --> We're men, we want men (unless you're some kind of hetero, which is nothing wrong with of course - I don't want to come off as sexist as you). So, want a Barbie doll, go play... well... Barbie. But then we all already do because that's exactly what our toons and OLD (yes, that's a jab @Bioware) companions are: virtual dress up dolls. I just want my virtual force wielding Ken doll!

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Has Bioware confirmed Darth Hexid and Jedi Master Ranos are those gals in the first pic?

I was really wondering that myself. When I first saw them splashed all over the event page, I simply assumed that they were "poster characters" for the event, especially since in terms of their appearance and armor they could easily be PC's. And when I saw them shown in the image for the "Eternal" level, I assumed it was to represent that you had to level a character to 65 on both factions.


But then everyone on the forums was talking about them being the possible new companions, and Bioware has not commented to correct this assumption (or answer questions such as yours), so I'm not sure anymore. It does strike me as a bit odd that they would show us a screenshot of the in-game companions instead of concept art, though, especially if we are only actually getting one or the other.


Watch, they wind up being something like a Rodian and a Kel Dor that speak alien gibberish and have no armor slots. Male, of course. :p

Edited by Gwena
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"Why are the Light/Dark side reward companions both female?"


Because last free comp was male.




Also up to this point, there are more male companions than there are female. Makes sense for a free, unrelated-to-story companion to be female under those circumstances.

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I get the surprise, initially. Thinking about it though, TCW and Swtor started development around the same time so I imagine much of the writing work (companions, class stories, planet arcs) were done before everything else was. I also don't think Ashara even comments much on being a Togruta, if at all. So its highly possible, that was changed to be a Togruta later after Ahsoka became the popular character (if overrated depending on the PoV) that she is.


I am a man. I don't want women, ever.


No offense women, its not you, its me.


You know I hadn't thought of it that way, but that could be so, cause she doesn't say much about being Togruta and doesn't act in any disguishable way for her culture/race/species.


And thank you for your support. :)


lol female players think they matter

there's nothing wrong with this


We do matter! Our dollar is worth every bit as much as yours. I do suspect you're trolling me though. Naughty! *wags finger* And there is everything wrong here...it needs to be fair.


Why are there no male companions? Do you hate your female players (and male players who prefer guys or for any other reason would like a male companion)? I would have loved to have a sexy Chiss male force using companion...


There, made a slight adjustment to OP's original post to fully support it ^^


Seriously, my first thougts on seeing the companions were: "Cool, a Chiss force user - Bléh, they're both chicks :mad:"




Uhm... nope --> We're men, we want men (unless you're some kind of hetero, which is nothing wrong with of course - I don't want to come off as sexist as you). So, want a Barbie doll, go play... well... Barbie. But then we all already do because that's exactly what our toons and OLD (yes, that's a jab @Bioware) companions are: virtual dress up dolls. I just want my virtual force wielding Ken doll!


Thank you for making my statement more inclusive. I was a bit ticked off when I first posted, so I didn't phrase a few things as well as I could have. And thanks for the support!


hmm how is making female companions hate against the female sex


She said female *players* I don't believe anyone said anything about them hating the female gender :)


Well, as I said to another poster, I could have phrased things better, I wasn't inclusive enough, even though I'd intended it to be that way. I just feel making it a fair choice would be better, so that players of either gender could choose a companion of the gender they preferred to have as a reward.


Has Bioware confirmed Darth Hexid and Jedi Master Ranos are those gals in the first pic? The web site also shows a picture of two guys below. Maybe there is a choice?




That's interesting, I hope you're right, and that we get a choice.


A Rodian would make a lovely Jedi or Sith :)
Sure, Rodians are cool, though personally I prefer a more humanoid sort of being that could be romanced.



I particularly found it humorous that the decided to troll everyone, giving the 1 companion not 1, but 2 of the vented lightsabers lol. One of the most sought after weapons, that people spends millions of credits to get, and they give you a companion with 2 of them you cant use :p


You know, I didn't notice that lol. Figures. Thanks for pointing it out.

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