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Problem with keybinding for starfighter


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I cannot bind 'A' to strafe left and 'D' to strafe right.

It seems the key binding for starfighter does not work at all.

Can someone help me? Please!!!.

(Sorry for my English)


Strafing isn't very effective in GSF. On most ships it's barely noticeable. There is a good chance you ahve bound those buttons correctly, but you just don't notice their effect. I suggest leaving A and D bound to roll, so you can get into a position to pitch instead of yaw more easily. Personally I only strafe upwards sometimes - strafing up/down has a more noticeable effect than strafing left/right.

Edited by Danalon
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Strafing isn't very effective in GSF. On most ships it's barely noticeable. There is a good chance you ahve bound those buttons correctly, but you just don't notice their effect. I suggest leaving A and D bound to roll, so you can get into a position to pitch instead of yaw more easily. Personally I only strafe upwards sometimes - strafing up/down has a more noticeable effect than strafing left/right.


Thank you for advice but I need a solution of my problem. As I said key binding for starfighter does not work. I have unbound keys left, right, up, down but they continue to work.

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Thank you for advice but I need a solution of my problem. As I said key binding for starfighter does not work. I have unbound keys left, right, up, down but they continue to work.


Sorry, I've never experienced those keybind problems with GSF.

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Strafing isn't very effective in GSF. On most ships it's barely noticeable..

A small correction Strafing does not break sniper mode when flying gunship, so you can charge railgun behind an obstacle then come out just for firing a fully charged shot... also, you can use it to fine-tune tick bomber position near a sat. In those situations it is VERY effective...

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Yea strafing is super important in a gunship. In a gunship war, if you're strafing and your enemy isn't, you should be able to win the duel every time.


Bolo is right about the tick thing. It can also be super useful to strafe while making an attack run with a scout (especially quad/pod) vs a gunship. The extra bit of movement makes it that much harder to center a shot on the scout. It's usually less useful if you're using BLC with turning upgrades, but it can still be effective in some scenarios.


I use a lot of strafing while flying bomber. It's really useful for getting in those extra centered shots on targets hit with interdiction mines.


To answer OP's question - just learn to hold down shift and press WASD to strafe. It might be tricky at first but you'll get used to it.

Edited by RickDagles
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