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Space combat


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The space combat is a fun distraction for easy XP. I don't mind it and it's a good looking section and a few of the missions are fairly challenging the first time around. I am sure they will do something in the future, but for now I am enjoying how it is for what it is.
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They didn't forget. It was left turned off (its there just not accessible to us) deliberately. You can not like the decision all you want but it wasn't a 'oops' it was a 'not for users right now'.

I like that they left combat logs out. Its a little harder to pigeonhole each class into a certain spec without the ability to read and parse combat logs. I hated other mmos because you couldn't play the way you wanted and still be in a raiding guild or good heroic groups if the way you wanted was not the number 1 spec for your class. Want to raid as a hunter? Only if you're not BM!


Space combat in this game is very bland. I finish most of the missions with a couple minutes left to spare and am stuck flying around with no purpose for the remainder. Am I able to quit the mission when I'm done to get around this? SWG had awesome space combat, complete with separate XP and levels and loot, and they still managed to keep it optional for the players. So it can be done.

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The current space combat system was fun for the first 10 times or so but utterly boring now. It's just a prettier and nominally 3D version of space invaders. I would have preferred a X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter or even the more simplified SW: Battlefront 1/2 system. Any flight combat game that doesn't allow for the use of joystick (even optional) is a bit mind numbing considering we are in the uh, 21st century.
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I was one of the many people displeased when it was announce that space combat was a tunnel shooter.


Now that I’ve played it, I can honestly say it’s one of the better tunnel shooters I’ve played, but being the best of the worst styles of gameplay is still blah.


Here’s hoping they at least add some kind of multiplayer element to it in the future.

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To me, this game is ultimately the chance...to make, A. the number 1 SW game of all time, B. The number 1 MMO of all time, C THE...THE....BEST game of all time. Some people don't seem to think that space...is a huge...HUGE part of Star Wars. In that argument...your wrong. Just looking at the title Star Wars....should explain itself.


I don't know how you can do it but I just know that it isn't impossible. If SONY can make free roam space in a MMO Bioware w/ Lucas Arts darn well can and make it 50 billion times better in ever angle. I personally believe Battle Front 2 had the best of Star Wars flight combat. You could board an enemy capital ship and destroy it from inside or just take it out from the outside. Just think...how EPIC it would be instead of coming out of your ship in the enemy Captial...as a clone, come out as YOUR TOR character. Baddassness in its glory.

Edited by JediMasterRevan
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Freelancer was pretty awesome and a great example of flight controls that give the player freedom without requiring a joystiq. A control method for swtor's space combat similar to freelancer's would ba a vast improvement over current confines.


Bigtime +1 on this.

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I could argue that allowing full control of the avatar on the ground and interaction with the environment, whilst NOT keeping those qualities in other gamplay IS actually trying to force two different forms of gameplay together. Which is precisely the situation with SWTOR and it's space combat.


Of course, some like this Tunnel Shooter.

But does that mean people think that space combat shouldn't be "better" and possibly include a form of "full control"? From my experience, that isn't the case. A sizeable portion of people are ultimately hoping for something greater than a mere tunnel shooter.


I was thinking this exactly. Two different games are already in. Three actually.


Ground Gameplay

Space fail rail

Multiple choice companion affection gain game

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space missions are fine.

Space missions are terrible.

it's like star fox which is good.

It's like Star Fox which is cheap trash.

can't wait for more new missions though.

Why bother waiting? Just redo the current missions, new missions will be exactly like that.

i would like to see more big missions like cartel station where you need multiple passes on a big ship or station to take out all the turrets etc...

Again, just replay the current.


maybe they can make some canyon runs or space station trench runs where you're really close to the surface. that would be cool

That would be no different then the current missions, only the 'backdrop' would be different.


they could always add space missions that are NOT on your own ship. perhaps a ship where you man the guns like on the falcon. 2 man group space mission :)

That is the same as what is in game, just stop pretending you're flying the ship.



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