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Disjointed list of suggestions I have thought of over the past few months (spoilers?)


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Since I'm not going to spam by making dozens of topics, I'm just going to put every suggestion that I have here, and will edit this post in the future. Sorry if this is rambly or incoherent, I'm writing this half-asleep.



In no order at all:


1: Batch sell/delete items, both from inventory and vaults. (Not stacking, I mean multiple different items).


2: More vault tabs.


3: Sort items by category (IE, have all Gifts together, then all pets, then all regen items, etc)


4: Companion quests for the Star Fortress companions after recruiting them.


5: Dialog in future storylines (IE if we ever go to Bothawui) should acknowledge if we completed the Star Fortresses.


6: Have the bonus missions change things. For example, have us get a letter from the prisoners we can rescue in Chapter X.


7: SGR romances for all 1.0 companoons. Or at least give us Flirt options even if they reject them, my SW wants her shot at Vette!


8: More non-story related sidequests, like we had in the pre-Makeb game. They made the world feel more alive.


9: Move to target upon right clicking it instead of just saying "too far away". (Add an option to disable this feature)


10: The "Space Station Assault" space mission teased in the Makeb trailer.


11: GSF: release the stealth ships (and I remember rumors of a Smugglers Run mode too)


12: New PvE space missions, have us go against the Eternal Fleet. (I know KOTET is now over, but maybe it could be rogue ships?)


13: Flashpoints or operations on Vandin.


14: A codex entry telling us more about Vandin.


15: Daily quests around Odessen along with an associated reputation faction. Earning reputation with the new faction will cause Odessen and the Gravestone to be more fixed up, more nicely decorated, have more/happier people there, etc.


16: The "tame animal" skill from Visions in the Dark was neat, I'd like to see that put to more use.


17: The Inquisitor needs to at least ATTEMPT to eat Valkorion's soul. I'm sure the results would be hilariously disastrous, but I still want to try. I'm still sad I didn't get to eat Revan. (Didn't happen. Sadness.)


18: 64-bit client and DX11/DX12 support.


19: Changes to how "locking" an enemy to yourself works. Basically, take a cue from LOTRO (and ESO, and probably other MMOs), where anyone who hits an enemy gets the loot/achievement/quest counter/etc. Everyone gets the same loot, so there's no loot stealing or kill stealing, and it encourages players to assist each other in combat.


20: Stop the automatically spawning and aggroing enemies. What's the point of being a stealth class?


21: Allow us to decorate the interiors of our starships.


22: Manaan Stronghold. (ADDED!)


23: Daily quests on Zakuul. Reputation faction can be the "Zakuul Underclass" or something, have us earn the trust of some of the less fortunate people of Zakuul.


24: I've heard that there is a cut bonus boss in Dread Palace/Fortress (not sure which) that would have followed from the bonus bosses in TfB/SnV: the spirit of Darth Vitus, inventor of the Phobis devices. I'd like that to be a reality.


25: Bonus series quests on Yavin IV. it can be based on the cut Yavin IV quests that were dug up by a certain person on reddit - basically, from what I can tell, it involved Naga Sadow (one of the quests was called "The Cursed Legacy of Naga Sadow" -https://torcommunity.com/database/mission/rYMKWIC/the+cursed+legacy+of+naga+sadow/, info on all the other cut Yavin quests is there too). And we know from the videos from Gnost-Dural that Sadow HATED Vitiate, so it makes perfect sense that Vitiate using the Temple of Sacrifice to revive himself would piss Naga Sadow off enough to make him go after anyone still on Yavin (like our troops), and it still makes sense even post-KOTET - Sadow could have sensed Valkorion's defeat and been empowered by it. (also, will we ever meet Gnost-Dural in-game?)


26: Just a few loose ends - what happened to the Inquisitor's cult? What happened to Nomen Karr if you spared him? What about Dread Master Calphayus? The First Son? Overseers Harkon and Tremel? Ardun Kothe? Jadus? Cytharat? Timmns? Not asking for major story changes, but a quick mail at some point might be nice.


27: Not my idea, but I don't remember who came up with it (sorry): Instead of giving us unique items every month, give us "subscriber tokens" that we can redeem at a special vendor. The vendor will sell all the subscriber rewards, which we can purchase with Subscriber Tokens. So an item like the HK-Inspired Helmet would only cost one month's worth of tokens, but to buy the HK bonus chapter we'd have to save up seven months worth of tokens. That way the rewards will still be subscriber exclusive, and new items can be added to the vendor every month, but if players aren't interested in one month's reward they can instead claim the reward for a month they missed (instead of simply canceling their sub for that month). More incentive to subscribe, subscriber rewards feel more fair, and players still need to be subscribed every month if they want to be able to afford all the rewards - this just lets them choose the order they get the rewards in, or opt out of getting the rewards for a few months in exchange for a more valuable reward (like Niko Okaar or the HK bonus chapter) after a few months. And they'd still have to be subscribed all those months in order to gain the subscriber tokens needed to buy those better rewards.


28: Add some Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid Easter eggs to new content.


29: Add legacy perks to decrease cast time of Seeker Droids instead of needing to buy the items over and over.


30: In the beta of patch 1.3, there were three legacy "celerity" perks that increased out of combat run speed (basically they were improved versions of Sprint). They were removed, either for PvP reasons or for engine reasons. Well, the engine can certainly handle that now, and I see no reason they couldn't just be disabled while in PvP instances. Personally, I'd very much like them added.


31: Achievements for 10/20/30/40/50 Influence with each companion. Give us a reason to max out Marr/Acina/Dramath


32: new legacy perk: once you hit 50 influence with a companion, make it much easier to gain influence with them on all other characters.


33: I just really want an Anzati NPC. Or better yet, to visit Anzat. (There's precedent, the Anzati served Revan in the Civil War)





34: Make "That's Just Wrong!" a hidden achievement.


35: Lower the cooldown on the Party Jawa.


36: Now that bug reports are separate from normal tickets, I think Preferred players should be able to submit bug reports. A bug's a bug no matter who finds it, right?


37: More ways to increase Influence with Specialists instead of just giving them presents (daily missions for them?).


38: Repeatable versions of the final Macrobinocular/Seeker Droid heroics.





39: Second chances to kill companions we decided not to kill the first time (Xalek, Kaliyo, etc)


40: Codex entry on what Isotope X is.


41: Knock it off with fights where we win the fight and then get beaten up in a cutscene. I'd rather have an unwinnable fight with a cutscene that triggers when we lose.


42: make the crew skill unlock in the Preferred Friends Bundle a legacy-wide one so we don't have to manually use it on each character. Minor change but makes it more convenient.


43: Achievements for getting Crew Skills to 550. (Added in 4.6)


44: Allow us to preview emotes and moods.


45: Have the automatically bound cartel items be bound to legacy - sometimes I forget which character I'm on when I buy them, and it annoying to wait two days just to transfer it.


46: Pazaak.


47: The swoop race style speeders from Ziost - more of those please.


48: Actual swoop races, KOTOR style. The engine can probably handle them by now, if it could handle the Ziost stuff.






49: Restore the cut quests "Keeping Up Appearances (Kaas, not to be confused with the Voss one), "Awkward Conversations", and "Ravaged Reconstruction". (Info: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=761990, http://www.swtor-spy.com/quests/heroic-4-ravaged-reconstruction/6534/, http://www.swtor-spy.com/quests/awkward-conversations/1213/).

Possessed Hunter got restored in 4.0, so Bioware is clearly willing to restore cut content.

I feel these quests are important, since "Keeping Up Appearances" is part of the main Kaas storyline, "Awkward Conversations" introduces the idea of the Kaggath, and "Ravaged Reconstruction"...well, more Heroics is always better.


50: Give us the option to manually turn in Heroic missions so we can see the ending cutscene. Maybe let us use the

Heroic Transport to return ourselves to the questgiver? At least add an option to turn them in via holocall.


51: (community) Bring back the class representative system.


52: Take advantage of the phasing that's used in KotFE to show Tython and Korriban in their destroyed states, and add daily quests there to help rebuild after both SoR and the Eternal Fleet devastated them.


53: Level 65/70 Matrix Cubes.


54: Neutral-Only gear/titles.


55: Option to automatically ignore people when reporting them for spam/harassment.




56: Let Companions equip weapons (cosmetically).


57: Companion customization for Fallen Empire companions. (Currently being added, yay)


58: Bring back unique companion abilities (Assassinate for HK-51)


59: Field GTN Terminal perk, like the Field Mailbox and Field Repair Droid.


60: Titles before and after names (IE, "Flygirl PlayerName The Merciless").


61: Controller support for GSF.


62: Loosen the chat restrictions on Preferred players once they hit level 30 (if gold sellers want to waste time leveling to 30 only to get banned as soon as they start spamming, let them.)


63: Neutral NPCs that become hostile if you're near them too long. (IE, a Gangster NPC on Nar Shaddaa that will "Glare Menacingly" at you when you get too close, then aggro if you don't move)


64: Have NPCs react to emotes (friendly NPCs /wave if you /wave to them, for example, though this could be tricky to do well, since I doubt Marr would be the kind to wave happily back or anything)


65: When a player is /ignored, hide emotes from them too.


66: Don't put us in warzone queues with people we've /ignored.


67: Larger ignore lists.


68: Account-wide ignore lists.




69: Increase the spawn rates of older named mobs (Harbinger of Fear, Martinique Dessler, the named Grophets, the Commandant on Yavin)


70: HK-51 Watchtower Customization.


71: Let us choose what parts of Dark Side corruption to show (for example, show the eyes but not the skin)


72: Restore the cut Codex entries mentioned here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Cut_content_from_Star_Wars:_The_Old_Republic





73: "Kill x enemies" achievements for Nico Okarr, Z0-0M, Shae Viszla, the Cartel companions, and the Nightlife Gamorrean. Make them all Hidden Achievements that don't count towards the overall score, in the interest of fairness.


74: Legacy Perk to give Macrobinoculars to lower-level characters once the Macrobinocular questline has been completed once on one character. That way we can look for the MCR droids while leveling alts.


75: Let us kill 2V-R8 please?


76: Add a special chat channel for guild recruitment.





77: Krayt Dragon world boss on Tatooine? *Cough*QueenoftheSands*Cough*


78: Have Valin Korik (for the Possessed Hunter heroic) respawn much faster.


79: Add the Victorious Pioneer set to Collections.


80: Add Armoring slots to the Victorious Pioneer items.


81: enable exploration missions by default. When a player gets their first exploration mission, open a tutorial window explaining what exploration missions are, how they work, and how to disable them.


82: Separate achievements for choosing Khem or Zash in the end of Khem's companion quest. We have achievements for rejecting KOTFE companions and different achievements for LS/DS Jaesa, why should this be any different?





83: Let us leave our Strongholds open when logged out.


84: Award social points for visiting other people's strongholds or having people visit yours.


85: Ability to have a weapon cosmetically equipped in the Outfit Designer (so I can equip a lightsaber for the stats, but still look like I'm wielding a vibroblade).


86: A special Crafting Bag that holds all crafting materials, so they don't take up inventory space. Give it to all subscribers as long as their sub is active, and also allow players to purchase it account-wide from the Cartel Market. (in other MMOs I've seen these sorts of things go for anywhere from $5 to $20). I've also seen it work as a major incentive to stay subscribed when used as a subscriber only perk, with a lot of players in ESO saying they sub entirely for the crafting bag and consider it worth it.


87: Achievement for killing the Worldbreaker Monolith (Retroactive, please!)


88: Add achievements for killing Lord Khandrex and Blademaster Lorain on Ziost.


89: Add more monoliths throughout the Ziost Daily Area and make the Devastator/Raging Monoliths respawn faster.


90: Add a "Survivors of Ziost" reputation faction (or a "Ziost Salvage Team" faction, or something like that). Make it so reputation is earned in the Ziost daily area.


91: Have it so that all reputation factions are hidden until we first earn a reputation point with them. (That way, no spoilers in reputation faction descriptions)


92: Add a hidden achievement for being killed by the damaged walker (with the exposed wiring) in the Ziost daily area.


93: With all future storyline: Show, don't tell. By putting us in Carbonite and just telling us how awesome Zakuul is, you make it harder for us to believe it. Because for all the talk about how tough Zakuul and Arcann and Vaylin are...I haven't seen it. I've seen tons of easily killed cannon fodder that the Empire and Republic should easily beat, and the only reason Arcann is still alive is because the developers said I can't kill him yet. If you want us to take these people seriously, SHOW US. Don't say "oh, Arcann wiped out five planets". SHOW US THE PLANETS BEING DESTROYED. Show us cutscenes of the invasions of Dromund Kass and Coruscant. Don't just say "by the way the Eternal Empire totally wiped the floor with us".






94: Add Zakuul to the list of planets with achievements, and add some achievements there (Killed X Skytroopers, killed X Heralds of Zakuul, Killed X Enemies in the Swamps, Explored all of the Swamps, Explored all of Breaktown, etc. Could also add some named enemies throughout Zakuul with achievements for killing all of them, or some secret Macrobinocular targets, or Zakullan datacrons...).


95: Easy way to return to the Zakuul swamps and to Breaktown.


96: A world boss in the Zakuul Swamps.


97: More opportunities to start relationships with Lana/Koth/Theron than just one line of dialog in Chapter 9.


98: Daily quests in the Zakuul Swamps. Reputation faction can be the Zakuul Exiles.


99: Ditch the weekly reputation cap, or at least dramatically increase it.


100: Reputation boosts from the cartel market.


101: if you're going to be making any callbacks to older content, let's not forget that the Voss never called in their "boon" with the Inquisitor (unless the Inquisitor killed them, of course).

Also, please don't forget that the Inquisitor may well still have 4 or 5 powerful Force Ghosts bound to them...at the very least Valkorion should have made a passing remark about it.


102: Record some new Zash lines for Khem. It's annoying to hear Khems voice during combat/crew skill runs or when I give him a gift, even though I've already locked Khem's brain in a little box on Taris and replaced him with Zash.



EDIT 10:


103: Add a feature to the Legacy panel where we can write little bios for each of our characters. Other players could view this when they Inspect us.


104: More Legacy Family Tree options - "Aunt, Uncle, cousin, sibling, apprentice/master" etc.


105: Make it possible for other players to view our Legacy family trees (Inspect player).


106: Sort Companions/Contacts by Influence level.


107: Add a manual refresh button to the crafting window.



EDIT 11:


108: Change how companion customizations work. Instead of equipping a customization into a slot, make it so that there's just a dropdown menu of all unlocked customizations. Items that currently act as companion customizations would instead be used to unlock that customization in the dropdown menu.



EDIT 12:


109: Either make Speeder Piloting IV and V legacy-wide unlocks, or make it so that they can be trained normally upon reaching level 60 and level 70, respectively. (The purchase option for them in the Cartel market actually currently says that they ARE available for credits at those levels, which is just not true)


110: Nerf Veteran Temple of Sacrifice and Ravagers, and add Master Mode versions.


111: Veteran/Master difficulty versions of class quests, and the ability to replay class quests (and maybe for the world arc storylines too?).


112: Update class quest cutscenes to KOTFE quality.


113: Add Rocket Boost Level IV and V upgrades, equivalent to the Improved Speeder Piloting IV and V.


114: Add a slider to reduce particle density.


115: Restore Locked Supply Crates to Silas Fleetfire on Odessen.


116: Change from the "bit" DXGI model present mode to the "flip" model found in DX12. This will fix issues such as diagonal screen tearing on laptops with hybrid GPUs, as well as improve performance. more info: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh706346%28v=vs.85%29.aspx.


117: Clarify what happened to Quinn/Elara after Iokath if we chose to side with the other faction. They attack us, they run away, and...that's it. Personally, I want to hunt them down and finish it.


118: (Community): Strikethrough text option for the forum.


EDIT 13:


119: Add hidden easter eggs to Iokath daily area - hidden interactables, secret Macrobinocular scans a la CZ-198, stuff like that.


120: Bring back class-unique "destroying" animations. it's awkward to click something to destroy it and see it just magically explode, instead of shooting it or firing lighting at it.


121: A fire-themed title. My newest character is a pyromaniac Sith and I'd like a title that reflects that. :p


122: Add the upgraded Sith eyes seen on characters like Valkorion and Lana Beniko as a possible eye color for players.


123: More types of scars during character creation.


124: Allow non-cyborg races to have cybernetics during customization.


125: A special Flair for founders, and another for Collectors Edition players.


126: A special chat channel just for guild recruitment.


127: Bring back the cut titles that would have been awarded for finishing world arc/bonus series storylines. (Ie, Venom Drinker, Venomous, Bane Brigade, etc - more info here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=222805)


128: An Oricon stronghold.


129: Korriban stronghold.


130: Add mount flourish to the Czerka CR-17 Incendia, LD-1 Celebrator, Lucky-77, Red/Blue Sphere, and Kurtob Alliance speeders.


131: Option to enable/disable individual unlocked Datacron bonuses from a character's legacy window.


132: Hide some special named enemies throughout Iokath with an achievement for killing them.


133: Let us follow through on our vow to kill the Scions of Zakuul.


134: Add a few Seeker Droid (optional) dig spots to current content (Zakuul Swamps could have salvage items, Iokath can have old droid parts, etc)


135: Add new quests to the Gree event, and a second set of Bounty Hunter event targets (tracked in achievements as a second season of quests, separate from the first). Could have us hunt Eternal Empire rebels, surviving Revanites, etc.


136: Option to enable chat bubbles.


137: Continue updating cutscenes, update all of the class quest cutscenes, and maybe world arc and bonus series too.


139: More bonus missions for current story content. (killing lots of enemies is somehow less tedious when you have a bonus quest for it)


140: Vary the Rakghoul tunnels and quests inside the tunnels slightly based on which planet we're on.


141: (community): Update the forum so that if we change the title of a topic the changed title will actually be visible instead of still showing the old one.



EDIT 14:


142: what players like about their companions is that every companion has a unique personality and story. But since KOTFE, we've been given a huge number of companions with no story whatsoever, and so we never really get any connection to them. We don't want just an endless amount of mooks to do the fighting for us, we want companions with interesting storylines and involvement in the main plot.


143: Rebalance Solo Eternal Championship now that all the classes have had pretty major changes made.


144: Increase the CXP back to how it was during double cxp week. I've never seen queues pop as quickly or had as much fun leveling as during that.

Edited by DarthVitrial
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1: Batch sell/delete items, both from inventory and vaults. (Not stacking, I mean multiple different items).

An interesting idea. Not without risks for the user, but at least there is a buy-back page in vendors.

2: More vault tabs.

What are you thinking of when you say "vault"? Do you mean the per-character cargo hold, the legacy storage pages, or guild banks?

3: Sort items by category (IE, have all Gifts together, then all pets, then all regen items, etc)


4: Companion quests for the Star Fortress companions after recruiting them.

You mean, I guess, like the companion stories in the classic part of the game? Could be interesting, and for some, e.g. the Gormak, would add interesting backstory.

5: Dialog in future storylines (IE if we ever go to Bothawui) should acknowledge if we completed the Star Fortresses.

So long as it is just conversation and doesn't involve significant stuff, sure.

6: Have the bonus missions change things. For example, have us get a letter from the prisoners we can rescue in Chapter X.


7: SGR romances for all 1.0 companoons.

No matter how desirable this might be to some (I'm totally indifferent to it myself, even if my future trooperettes would probably romance Elara Dorne), it has already been stated to be not happening.

8: More non-story related sidequests, like we had in the pre-Makeb game. They made the world feel more alive.


9: Move to target upon right clicking it instead of just saying "too far away". (Add an option to disable this feature)

I think I'd disable it, but sure, I'll give it my vote.

10: Give us the "Space Station Assault" space mission teased in the Makeb trailer.

No opinion.

11: GSF: release the stealth ships (and I remember rumors of a Smugglers Run mode too)

No opinion

12: New PvE space missions, have us go against the Eternal Fleet.

No opinion

13: Flashpoints or operations on Vandin.

No opinion

14: A codex entry telling us more about Vandin.

More backstory is always good.

15: Daily quests around Odessen along with an associated reputation faction. Earning reputation with the new faction will cause Odessen and the Gravestone to be more fixed up, more nicely decorated, have more/happier people there, etc.

There are already happiness changes as you level up the Specialists, so you can argue that this already exists in the game.

16: The "tame animal" skill from Visions in the Dark was neat, I'd like to see that put to more use.

No opinion

17: The Inquisitor needs to at least ATTEMPT to eat Valkorion's soul. I'm sure the results would be hilariously disastrous, but I still want to try. I'm still sad I didn't get to eat Revan.

It's at least theoretically possible to reach KotFE without even finishing chapter 1 of the classic game. It makes the cinematic at the beginning of an SI's KtoFE a bit strange if you haven't done Tatooine, but you can do it.

18: 64-bit client and DX11/DX12 support.

Good idea, although it's not clear how easy that would be with the current hacked-together FrankenEngine.

19: Changes to how "locking" an enemy to yourself works. Basically, take a cue from LOTRO, where anyone who hits an enemy gets the loot/achievement/quest counter/etc. Everyone gets the same loot, so there's no loot stealing or kill stealing, and it encourages players to assist each other in combat.

GW2 does the same thing, although it's open to a mild form of abuse, because it would let me claim loot for doing one basic attack against the Champion that you just hammered into the ground.

20: Stop the automatically spawning and aggroing skytroopers. What's the point of being a stealth class?

Autospawn is OK, but having them aggro on the player just because they've spawned isn't right. (That said, if done right, it can create a sense of urgency that very little else in this game can do. I'd argue that Chapter X didn't do it right.)

21: Allow us to decorate the interiors of our starships.

There are ... issues around this one, related to the fact that these interiors are also the locations of some cinematics. The issues can be solved, but there isn't one single satisfactory solution.

22: Manaan Stronghold.

No opinion.

23: Daily quests on Zakuul. Reputation faction can be the "Zakuul Underclass" or something, have us earn the trust of some of the less fortunate people of Zakuul.

Separately for Zakuul/Spire and Zakuul/Breaktown?

24: I've heard that there is a cut bonus boss in Dread Palace/Fortress (not sure which) that would have followed from the bonus bosses in TfB/SnV: the spirit of Darth Vitus, inventor of the Phobis devices. I'd like that to be a reality.

No opinion

25: Bonus series quests on Yavin IV. it can be based on the cut Yavin IV quests that were dug up by a certain person on reddit - basically, from what I can tell, it involved Naga Sadow (one of the quests was called "The Cursed Legacy of Naga Sadow"). And we know from the videos from Gnost-Dural that Sadow HATED Vitiate, so it makes perfect sense that Vitiate using the Temple of Sacrifice to revive himself would piss Naga Sadow off enough to make him go after anyone still on Yavin (like our troops). (also, will we ever meet Gnost-Dural in-game?)


26: Just a few loose ends - what happened to the Inquisitor's cult? What happened to Nomen Karr if you spared him? What about Dread Master Calphayus? The First Son? Overseers Harkon and Tremel? Ardun Kothe? Jadus? Not asking for major story changes, but a quick mail in KotFE at some point might be nice.

Well, I know what happened to Tremel in my original SW's story, and it wasn't pretty, and nor would there have been a letter from him afterwards.

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An interesting idea. Not without risks for the user, but at least there is a buy-back page in vendors.


What are you thinking of when you say "vault"? Do you mean the per-character cargo hold, the legacy storage pages, or guild banks?



Per character cargo hold, mainly.


So long as it is just conversation and doesn't involve significant stuff, sure.


Yeah, I don't like it when optional stuff ends up having major impact (I definitely don't want to lose a battle because I didn't give Oggurobb enough presents...)



No matter how desirable this might be to some (I'm totally indifferent to it myself, even if my future trooperettes would probably romance Elara Dorne), it has already been stated to be not happening.


Yeah, but I can dream...

My Warrior wants her chance to [Flirt] with Vette.


There are already happiness changes as you level up the Specialists, so you can argue that this already exists in the game.

Yeah, I guess I'm mainly asking for an expanded version of this. More ways to level up the base without giving presents to the Specialists - as well as letting us go back to the Gravestone whenever we want and help clean it up too.



Separately for Zakuul/Spire and Zakuul/Breaktown?

Probably just Breaktown and the other lower-class areas.



GW2 does the same thing, although it's open to a mild form of abuse, because it would let me claim loot for doing one basic attack against the Champion that you just hammered into the ground.

Yeah, they'd need some sort of safeguard. Minimum damage inflicted on enemy before it counts, or something.



It's at least theoretically possible to reach KotFE without even finishing chapter 1 of the classic game. It makes the cinematic at the beginning of an SI's KtoFE a bit strange if you haven't done Tatooine, but you can do it.

True, but the story still acts like you did the class quests, doesn't it?



You mean, I guess, like the companion stories in the classic part of the game? Could be interesting, and for some, e.g. the Gormak, would add interesting backstory.

Yeah, exactly. They feel underutilized at the moment, I'd love more story for them.



Autospawn is OK, but having them aggro on the player just because they've spawned isn't right. (That said, if done right, it can create a sense of urgency that very little else in this game can do. I'd argue that Chapter X didn't do it right.)

Chapter X definitely didn't do it right. I think Disavowed did it a bit better...and Visions in the Dark didn't do it very well either, with the enemies spawning far away and still autoaggroing.



Also added a bit to my main list.

Edited by DarthVitrial
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Yeah, they'd need some sort of safeguard. Minimum damage inflicted on enemy before it counts, or something.

Maybe. It's a fairly mild form of abuse, on the scale of things, and you have to also prevent the counter-abuse if you put in such a rule, where I start the fight with an ordinary at-level character, and you come in with an uber-geared max-level monster and smash it. I don't get anything because the one attack I managed to make before "Hulk smash!" happened is below the threshold. That's actually worse. So no, leave the mild abuse possible, so as to avoid the malicious abuse.


For "event"(1) bosses in GW2, they have tiers of contribution, but if you are doing an "Event Completer" daily objective, you merely have to participate in some way in the event in order to get a success on your event completer award.


(1) This word means a "dynamic event" - a minor piece of recurring storytelling in open areas. The closest you get to it in SWTOR is World Bosses. GW2 Dynamic Event bosses (not all events have bosses) are NOT soloable except by the most skillful players, and maybe not even then, because of Level Scaling.

True, but the story still acts like you did the class quests, doesn't it?

I don't know what happens if you abandon your class quests in favour of doing KotFE. It should do, to be like creating an insta-60 character. Curiously, I do have one character who's nearly in a position to do that, a Commando who gets played only during Double XP events and does all available quests, including one trip through each planet's H2 quests. She's about to do Tatooine (so not finished Chapter One) and is level 59.

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Maybe. It's a fairly mild form of abuse, on the scale of things, and you have to also prevent the counter-abuse if you put in such a rule, where I start the fight with an ordinary at-level character, and you come in with an uber-geared max-level monster and smash it. I don't get anything because the one attack I managed to make before "Hulk smash!" happened is below the threshold. That's actually worse. So no, leave the mild abuse possible, so as to avoid the malicious abuse.


For "event"(1) bosses in GW2, they have tiers of contribution, but if you are doing an "Event Completer" daily objective, you merely have to participate in some way in the event in order to get a success on your event completer award.


(1) This word means a "dynamic event" - a minor piece of recurring storytelling in open areas. The closest you get to it in SWTOR is World Bosses. GW2 Dynamic Event bosses (not all events have bosses) are NOT soloable except by the most skillful players, and maybe not even then, because of Level Scaling.


I don't know what happens if you abandon your class quests in favour of doing KotFE. It should do, to be like creating an insta-60 character. Curiously, I do have one character who's nearly in a position to do that, a Commando who gets played only during Double XP events and does all available quests, including one trip through each planet's H2 quests. She's about to do Tatooine (so not finished Chapter One) and is level 59.


1: I suppose one way to check would be "person who first aggros gets credit, all others must do x damage (with the amount of damage needed based on the level of the enemy) for credit to count". Not foolproof, but it works well enough.


2: Sounds like time for an experiment!

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Wow! That is a lot of ideas. I was actually thinking of posting my own list. Mind if I do that here?


1. Expand beyond existing areas on existing planets and add exploration missions to give people a reason to go back and explore exisitng planets.


2. Replace "exhaustion zones" with impassable terrain. I love to explore the maps but hate getting killed just because I strayed a little too far. I understand the maps must be finite, but why try to kill PCs just because they are exploring?


3. Restore option to kill Quinn in original story.


4. Legacy credit bank. Yes I have read some objections to this, but non-subscribers could just have a legacy-wide cedit limit.


5. Allow changing outfits on new companions. (Lana, Koth, etc.)


6. Allow partial buys from GTN. Meaning, if someone is selling a stack of 50 somethings at 200 credits per unit but I can only afford to buy 25 at that price, I should be able to buy 25, leaving 25 still on the market.


7. In Companions and Contacts window allow sorting by influence level.


8. Since there is a bug in the crafting interface that seems to interfere with automatic refreshing, add a manual refresh button. As it is I must look at each individual schematic to see if I have the materials to make it. And other times it shows I can make something when in fact I no longer have the materials.


9. In addition to current material harvesting nodes, add a prospector droid that we can deploy that will look for hidden material nodes that can then be harvested.


That's all for now.

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Wow! That is a lot of ideas. I was actually thinking of posting my own list. Mind if I do that here?


1. Expand beyond existing areas on existing planets and add exploration missions to give people a reason to go back and explore exisitng planets.


2. Replace "exhaustion zones" with impassable terrain. I love to explore the maps but hate getting killed just because I strayed a little too far. I understand the maps must be finite, but why try to kill PCs just because they are exploring?


3. Restore option to kill Quinn in original story.


4. Legacy credit bank. Yes I have read some objections to this, but non-subscribers could just have a legacy-wide cedit limit.


5. Allow changing outfits on new companions. (Lana, Koth, etc.)


6. Allow partial buys from GTN. Meaning, if someone is selling a stack of 50 somethings at 200 credits per unit but I can only afford to buy 25 at that price, I should be able to buy 25, leaving 25 still on the market.


7. In Companions and Contacts window allow sorting by influence level.


8. Since there is a bug in the crafting interface that seems to interfere with automatic refreshing, add a manual refresh button. As it is I must look at each individual schematic to see if I have the materials to make it. And other times it shows I can make something when in fact I no longer have the materials.


9. In addition to current material harvesting nodes, add a prospector droid that we can deploy that will look for hidden material nodes that can then be harvested.


That's all for now.


1: I'd love a reason to return to existing planets. Especially the starter worlds.


2: Or at least make the exhaustion zones a little more forgiving - like, the further we go into them, the stronger the effect. Let us explore a little at least...


3: Can we have a similar option for Skadge?


4: Or make the bank a subscriber-only perk.


5: Wait, we can't do that? What the heck, Bioware?


6: Mixed feelings on this.


7: yes please.


8: Yeah, that would be neat.


9: I love it.

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3: Can we have a similar option for Skadge?



Heck, if it were up to me we'd be able to kill any companion at any time for any reason. Or at least fire them from your crew if you're being all light-sided and object to murdering them.


I think they could actually do this if they could figure out some way to replace killed companions that have parts in the ongoing story.

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Heck, if it were up to me we'd be able to kill any companion at any time for any reason. Or at least fire them from your crew if you're being all light-sided and object to murdering them.


I think they could actually do this if they could figure out some way to replace killed companions that have parts in the ongoing story.


Yeah, but as much as I'd love a big update to the vanilla game (SGR romances, updated cutscenes using the same cinematic stuff we see in Oricon and later, updated models for Vanilla characters to match KotFE quality, killable companions pre-KotFE) I highly doubt anything like that will ever happen.



list updated.

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This can be problematic, since the question of before vs. after is a function not only of the title but of the language in which the viewer is playing.


True. I guess they could do it differently for each language, but that could be a lot of work.

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True. I guess they could do it differently for each language, but that could be a lot of work.

And flaky as anything, since on some servers there is a mix of languages in use by players. (I play in English now, on a French server. What is supposed to happen if I pick a title combination that is before/after for me, and after/after for the French-client-users around me?)

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And flaky as anything, since on some servers there is a mix of languages in use by players. (I play in English now, on a French server. What is supposed to happen if I pick a title combination that is before/after for me, and after/after for the French-client-users around me?)



Yeah, I suppose so. Maybe just allow players to put whatever titles they want where they want? it might be a little odd "The Relentless Playename Flyboy", but it might work.

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17: The Inquisitor needs to at least ATTEMPT to eat Valkorion's soul. I'm sure the results would be hilariously disastrous, but I still want to try. I'm still sad I didn't get to eat Revan.


Me too! This was so disappointing! My poor Inqs is starving!


24: I've heard that there is a cut bonus boss in Dread Palace/Fortress (not sure which) that would have followed from the bonus bosses in TfB/SnV: the spirit of Darth Vitus, inventor of the Phobis devices. I'd like that to be a reality.


According to the lore, the rakata invented the Phobis devices...and they didn't call themselves Sith or Lords or Darths...so yeah. complication there.


77: Krayt Dragon world boss on Tatooine? *Cough*QueenoftheSands*Cough*


All I can say is, she better be enormous. AT LEAST as big as the krayt dragon skeleton you can see near the Republic Outpost in the Dune Sea (the one near the Smuggler's final quest for Tattoine.)


3. Restore option to kill Quinn in original story.


Yes. This^. why is this^ not a thing yet? Why?

Edited by MayhemofChaonus
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A couple from me:


1. Our ships are lonely now. Put our droid back on and allow us to choose five non-essential companions from our list to occupy the ship when we're in it. They would just stand/sit/rest in the places the old companions used to be in.


2. Add the TAB function to the GTN menu.


3. I made a post earlier about player created Heroics. That would definitely be here.


And I agree with everything on the original list or more importantly I don't disagree with anything on the list.

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Me too! This was so disappointing! My poor Inqs is starving!




According to the lore, the rakata invented the Phobis devices...and they didn't call themselves Sith or Lords or Darths...so yeah. complication there.



My bad. According to this he only "conducted experiments" on Oricon. I assumed that meant he invented the Phobis devices. Still, he's tied to Oricon, so my original point (mostly) stands.



A couple from me:


1. Our ships are lonely now. Put our droid back on and allow us to choose five non-essential companions from our list to occupy the ship when we're in it. They would just stand/sit/rest in the places the old companions used to be in.


2. Add the TAB function to the GTN menu.


No objections to either of those ideas. Adding companions to our ships could connect to my "decorate the ships" idea, like how companions in Strongholds work.


I'm not too keen on player created quests at the moment...let's let Bioware get the official content actually working properly before creating a custom-content framework. :p



List updated.

Edited by DarthVitrial
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