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new monitor, new settings = game won't load


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title says it all. I moved and changed monitor setup (from dual to single), thus changed settings. Went into SWTOR (which loaded correctly, at first) but needed to change settings as the new size was not appropriate for the current setup (cut off at the edges). Long story short, the first attempt at new settings was a slight miss, and reverting back to old settings locked the game up completely.


Shutting the game down and reloading came up with progressively smaller and increasingly narrow versions of the load screen image, with no discernable action happening. On none of the next several tries did the game music ever come up as though the game had loaded and I just couldn't see it.


I have tried the repair function to no avail.


1. Why would this lock the game up?

2. How do I work around this and/or fix it?

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Go to "C:\users\[username]\AppData\local\SWTOR\swtor\settings\" and delete "client_settings.ini"

The game will then start with default values and the "ini" file will be recreated.


AppData is a hidden folder, so you'd have change folder options (Control Panel) to see it. You can just type the path into search, though.

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