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Weapon Tunings

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pretty disappointing that it is a cartel market item in the first place


Exactly, they should have a few generic ones based on reputation and have better ones as CM only.


For ex:


Tuning:Lightning (copies color crystal) from a vendor for reputation or even EC

Tuning:Lightning Green, Blue, Red, Purple, Yellow etc. Doesn't match your color crystal and CM only.


The lightning is way more noticeable on Guns than it is on sabers. Plus the sound is annoying

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Thanks, but I did quote Dan's response in my post you quoted.

And if you read Dan's answer to that question, how are people getting this:



They have already stated that more tunings are coming, and from differing sources in game.

And this:

The OP is over the top and out of line. BioWare stated that weapon tuning will be available through a multitude of avenues over time.

There are more but I'm not going to search back further but i've seen quite a few since the blog went up last week.

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Something I don't particularly care about, since Bioware felt like only putting the slot on Cartel Market weaponry. Sorry, but I LOVE my Lord Kallig's Scorching Lightsaber.


I'm somewhat amused they didn't even give the Chapter 12 weapon a tuning slot.


Anyhow, they dropped the ball on that, so I shan't be throwing my money at the screen any time soon for a graphical effect on my lightsaber.

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Something I don't particularly care about, since Bioware felt like only putting the slot on Cartel Market weaponry. Sorry, but I LOVE my Lord Kallig's Scorching Lightsaber.


I'm somewhat amused they didn't even give the Chapter 12 weapon a tuning slot.


Anyhow, they dropped the ball on that, so I shan't be throwing my money at the screen any time soon for a graphical effect on my lightsaber.


I'd go for some smoking animation on my old flashpoint blasters, but since that one doesn't have a tuning slot and such tuning isn't available yet, the same goes for me.


Making them as rare as they are in this pack also doesn't seem like a smart move. I'm not against rare items, but that kind of rarity only drives prices up and combined with the super-low credit seller offers just adds to the temptation.

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Once again, the only cool thing in the new packs have an abysmal drop rate. Several guildies have bought hypercrates and didn't get a single one and one guy on fleet opened up 5 hypercrates and only got 1.


Bioware, if you're going to promote things like these weapons tunings, you have to actually make it so they're available to players, not people with 30+mil sitting to burn on cosmetic stuff. Please fix this.


I was having a look at the GTN yesterday to see what they are like. Since they are brand new I figured there would be an outstanding demand for them and actually buying one would not be viable for me, so I only wanted to check whether you can preview the effect, see what it's like.


However, I didn't see a single one of them on my server by midnight (server "The Progenitor" at central european summer time, UTC+2) meaning there must have been only very few which folks either used for themselves or where sold right away.


If they are really just like the ones we've seen in the advertisement I wouldn't use them for free, same as I wouldn't dress up my character in a pink and neon green bikini combined with the bulkiest heavy armor boots I can find: It's about similarly tasteless imho.


Either way, it's probably best to wait a few months, see how things turn out and see them in action.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I was having a look at the GTN yesterday to see what they are like. Since they are brand new I figured there would be an outstanding demand for them and actually buying one would not be viable for me, so I only wanted to check whether you can preview the effect, see what it's like.


However, I didn't see a single one of them on my server by midnight (server "The Progenitor" at central european summer time, UTC+2) meaning there must have been only very few which folks either used for themselves or where sold right away.


If they are really just like the ones we've seen in the advertisement I wouldn't use them for free, same as I wouldn't dress up my character in a pink and neon green bikini combined with the bulkiest heavy armor boots I can find: It's about similarly tasteless imho.


Either way, it's probably best to wait a few months, see how things turn out and see them in action.


Is this your first time trying to buy new item from GTN after new pack release? You forgot that all new items from GTN have 2 days timer. They cant be sold until timer expires. Earliest you can expect it to appear in GTN is tomorrow morning. Then the first CM whales or tycoon will always try to sell new pack items for ridiculous prices. Do NOT ever buy items on first day since the cost is highest that time.

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I was having a look at the GTN yesterday to see what they are like. Since they are brand new I figured there would be an outstanding demand for them and actually buying one would not be viable for me, so I only wanted to check whether you can preview the effect, see what it's like.


However, I didn't see a single one of them on my server by midnight (server "The Progenitor" at central european summer time, UTC+2) meaning there must have been only very few which folks either used for themselves or where sold right away.


If they are really just like the ones we've seen in the advertisement I wouldn't use them for free, same as I wouldn't dress up my character in a pink and neon green bikini combined with the bulkiest heavy armor boots I can find: It's about similarly tasteless imho.


Either way, it's probably best to wait a few months, see how things turn out and see them in action.


There's a 36 hour bind timer on CM items :)


People can't even list the new packs yet nor anything in them.

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Is this your first time trying to buy new item from GTN after new pack release? You forgot that all new items from GTN have 2 days timer. They cant be sold until timer expires. Earliest you can expect it to appear in GTN is tomorrow morning. Then the first CM whales or tycoon will always try to sell new pack items for ridiculous prices. Do NOT ever buy items on first day since the cost is highest that time.


I would say first 2 weeks personally if you can help it ... prices tend to stabilize around then to where they are likely to stay.


All those exploited credits floating around aren't helping the non cheating players afford any rare CM items though which is why the rare item market is so damn over inflated imo ( not that it bothers me since I've so many rare items to sell, it's just annoying to see honest players get screwed over by pricing due to exploits ).

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I would say first 2 weeks personally if you can help it ... prices tend to stabilize around then to where they are likely to stay.


All those exploited credits floating around aren't helping the non cheating players afford any rare CM items though which is why the rare item market is so damn over inflated imo ( not that it bothers me since I've so many rare items to sell, it's just annoying to see honest players get screwed over by pricing due to exploits ).


It really depends on what kind of items we are talking about. Most cases all prices will drop the longer they are available on market until that shipment is embargoed. I have bought some items in first 2-3 days cheaper when price went back up again but that does not happen often. Btw i never bought unstable lightsaber since price is not worth it. I did bought unstable saberstaff on second day of release because price was ok for me and has not lowered since then pretty much at all.

Weapon tuning however is different matter because you cant add it to collection. Therefor price for one item does not justify asking tens of millions for it that most likely will be. If someone is angry at their credits then they can get rid of it easy :)

Edited by Divona
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I'm not against rare items, but that kind of rarity only drives prices up and combined with the super-low credit seller offers just adds to the temptation.




In my darker moments I wonder if Bioware has shares in the Gold sellers, they do nothing to stop them advertising in game and they practically encourage with their ridiculously low drop rates

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In my darker moments I wonder if Bioware has shares in the Gold sellers, they do nothing to stop them advertising in game and they practically encourage with their ridiculously low drop rates


It is by design to make some new fluff drop rate ultra low. Then people will open their wallets and lots of money will go to EA. The moment saw that small gif teaser i knew it will be ultra rare being gold rarity. Bioware did not respond to question also if this will be again made not obtainable for majority players. This will not stop here i can assure you. Next packs will have same items trying to ge people buy tons of backs while still having old chance cubes in it that so many dislike.

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Please tell me why BW would go to the trouble of all of this, if they weren't going to be common.


If you're ok with the drop rate, then move on and enjoy the game.


To sell more packs?


Tell us where in any of those links BW said the weapon tunings would be anywhere near common?

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Exactly. Unfortunately people have become accustomed to BW screwing them over with the arbiters saber that they're just rolling over on this. Couldn't imagine how people would have responded if they had made dye modules ultra rare at the beginning.



There will likely be more weapon tunings and there will likely be ones that are far easier and cheaper to obtain. This first one just happens to be the "black/black" of weapon tunings.

Edited by Ratajack
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Screenshot of the pack I opened yesterday:



I think this goes a bit farther than being disappointed there wasn't a Tuning inside.

There was almost nothing inside.


Only three possibilities here. You altered the screenshot, removed some items and reopened (not sure if possible), or the most likely issue, it was a bug. All packs give you at least some junk you don't want with them and if that was missing, it should be easy enough to log your ticket to BW.

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Screenshot of the pack I opened yesterday:



I think this goes a bit farther than being disappointed there wasn't a Tuning inside.

There was almost nothing inside.


This can be done if you open pack with just ONE free space in inventory. It will place only one item from pack into your inventory while gift will stay in pack. And if you open same pack again it is there.

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Only three possibilities here. You altered the screenshot, removed some items and reopened (not sure if possible), or the most likely issue, it was a bug. All packs give you at least some junk you don't want with them and if that was missing, it should be easy enough to log your ticket to BW.

I didn't alter the screenshot, nor did I remove some items. It's not a problem with inventory space, because that screen would show all the items in the pack, regardless. I just wouldn't have been able to claim them all. (Plus, I'm one of those neat freaks who cleans up their inventory before logging out each day.)


I have reported it as a Bug, in the dim hope that it actually is a bug and not simply possible if you're really unlucky. I've heard from a couple of other people in PMs that they had this same result, just one item. Maybe it's a new bug and I'll get a nice message back from customer service. Maybe this is how packs work now if you're just wildly unlucky. I'll let you know when I hear back.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Thanks, but I did quote Dan's response in my post you quoted.

And if you read Dan's answer to that question, how are people getting this:



And this:


There are more but I'm not going to search back further but i've seen quite a few since the blog went up last week.


Learn studio speak, IMO. This is a common communications practice by corporations.


They use the word "may" so that what they do, when they do it, and how often, is completely up to them. A simple word inoculates them from all manner of complaints from emotional players, and gives them wide flexibility as to how future weapon tunings are released into the game.


Besides.. if they used the word "will" it would spawn all sorts of forum demands for them to drop via X, Y, or Z.


Note that they have not committed to a future expac either, only hinted around a bit about it. Yet we all know that one will come.


Of course in this case... the use of a vague word gets some players very emotional.

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Something I don't particularly care about, since Bioware felt like only putting the slot on Cartel Market weaponry. Sorry, but I LOVE my Lord Kallig's Scorching Lightsaber.


I'm somewhat amused they didn't even give the Chapter 12 weapon a tuning slot.


Anyhow, they dropped the ball on that, so I shan't be throwing my money at the screen any time soon for a graphical effect on my lightsaber.


Except I have seen weapon tuning slots on a good number of non CM weapons since the patch.


So, no.. it is not CM weapon specific, nor did all CM weapons receive tuning slots.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


I wanted to stop in to this thread and address some of the questions/concerns that have arisen since we introduced Weapon Tunings yesterday. First off, please keep the feedback coming. We have seen a lot of feedback relating to things like drop rates, adding the tuning to Collections, etc. The team is actively looking at all of your feedback and considering what future changes, if any, need to occur. Here are a few of the common questions we have seen:


Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.


Are Weapon Tunings only going to drop from the Cartel Market?

Although we introduced the system through the Cartel Market, there are plans moving forward to have Weapon Tunings that are not a part of the Cartel Market. That being said, future packs will likely contain them as well.


My favorite item doesn't have a Weapon Tuning Slot, will you be adding more?

Yup! In fact, we will be making a thread in the Suggestion Box forum where you can let us know specific weapons that you would like to see a Tuning Slot added to.


Thanks everyone.



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You want feedback?

Stop wasting resource on stupid **** and add things that players have been asking for since launch.


Weapon customization?


The only thing I would like to see is that they are added to the collection so that I can unlock it for my dual wielders. And make the drop rate higher - silver item.

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In terms of weapons requiring tuning slots;


1. Gree Weapons from the Rep/Event Vendor

2. Vibroswords - especially the classic, fira and Cathar Honor Swords and Polestaves.

3. The Chapter 13 reward weapons (or better still make the special ability a tuneing power)

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