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I thought Eternal Championship was supposed to be hard...


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I make over a quarter million dollars a year and, like, everything's just so affordable for me. Like, you know, food and stuff? I thought lobster was supposed to be crrrrrazy expensive, and it's just. ..you know, like, totally not.


Bioware, Y U ruin everything?

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I just got the impression from watching the live stream that it would be semi-difficult. I expected to be able to do it pretty easy, but I expected that maybe you would have to have 216-220 gear to do it effectively.


Why would you expect that you would need gear that is greater than any of the rewards to complete. The best reward this offers is 216 so all 10 bosses must be designed for players in gear between 208 - 216 to complete.


Honestly what I would have done is grant a bolster to your gear to 224 standard, taking gearing out of the equation completely meaning that EC comes down to skill not gear. Also it may have been easier to tune if you were not trying to balance around players who could be in anything from 188 rated gear upwards.

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oh no. making it require gear several tiers higher than what it actualy awards is contradiction of part of its purpose - to help new lvl 65 characters gear up.


it will be challenging in that you cannot just brute force the mechanics and actualy have to interrupt, stay out of bad, etc in order to succeed . by it will NOT be locked away behind gear that takes weeks upon weeks to farm up for a solo player.


Yeah I think what Eric said was that it would be "Challenging" is the word he used and I was pretty excited because yes it's solo content, but like, they said the first 5 bosses are going to be really easy, and that completing higher tiers would be harder, so I thought they were going for like a Mass Effect multi-player feel.


Like How bronze was really easy, but then once you get to platinum it's really crazy and you have to have like top gear and mad skill. Figured the mechanics would go from like PvE Story Boss to Flashpoint boss in the first 5 then in the next 5 the mechanics would go from like SM Ops boss to NM Ops boss. Just when he used the word "Challenging" I got the wrong impression. Not trying to complain or anything, just a little disappointed.


I guess I'll just try to complete it naked for the added challenge.


Thanks for your replies and input guys.

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Come to think of it, they should make a HM version of it. So everyone can complete it, but those that want a challenge can still have one. I would not even mind if the rewards were similar.


I'd be thrilled if there was a hard mode even if the rewards were exactly the same (other than achievements and maybe some decoration for doing the achievements.)


I hope the game starts progressing more in that direction. It seems like making a hard mode shouldn't really be that difficult to code--just get rid of stuff like healing boxes and have the boss hit harder, for instance.

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Why would you expect that you would need gear that is greater than any of the rewards to complete. The best reward this offers is 216 so all 10 bosses must be designed for players in gear between 208 - 216 to complete.


Honestly what I would have done is grant a bolster to your gear to 224 standard, taking gearing out of the equation completely meaning that EC comes down to skill not gear. Also it may have been easier to tune if you were not trying to balance around players who could be in anything from 188 rated gear upwards.


that is actualy a fantastic idea! and they already have this technology in place in form of ops bolster.


as for the whole "challenging" I personally understand it as having to be quick on your feet, not just solely extra output that gear gives. after all the biggest challenge of NIM ops from some experience - is coordination. yes output is important, but placement and movement - much more so usually. and even in story mode, this is why so many pugs wipe on lurker. because they are uncoordinated and screw up positioning.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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