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I loved the opening line in italics, beautiful.



I'd half expected Ravage to lay low but of course, being who he is, he had to go into a raging pursuit instead and start a scene. Poor Liaseph. I get that in his own weird way he loves her or cares about her but I hate the way she's spoken about. Bought, leased, paid for. She's not an object. Was it ever said why Vowrawn 'gave' her to Ravage like, was he trying to win Ravage's favor or did he just know Ravage was greedy enough to pay a high sum for a woman like Lia? Originally I thought Vowrawn knew exactly who Lia was when he obtained her and gave her to Ravage on purpose to play him and Marr out against each other while keeping Lia out of the picture so she wouldn't distract Marr from what Vowrawn wanted him to do.


I enjoyed the fight that broke out between them, very nice imagery but I'm disturbingly grateful for the assassin who shot Marr because it seems otherwise, Ravage wouldn't have walked away from that fight...


I spent a moment wondering who the hell could have shot Marr but then as Vowrawn was explaining to Liaseph, I remembered the stuff from Foundation and it clicked. Very nice how you've worked that in, the SIS really does have it in for Marr specifically.


I'm curious about the entity who's with Marr in the Force-tide. My first inclination is Liaseph or Liatrix but Liaseph isn't a Force sensitive so I don't think she'd be there. Liatrix might be if she either died as well or perhaps as a side effect of her carbonite prison but then there's also Scourge's vision which may indicate she's not dead... and then an even scarier thought hit me and I figured perhaps Satele, somehow but that would be silly right? It's mostly the calm and authoritative thing that has me wonder. Trying to think of other suspects, female and Force sensitive... perhaps Marr's birth mother though I'm not sure if it was ever said she was a Force user. Gah.


I'm glad Ravage is doing the right thing and they've captured Zane and stuff but... sadly... ergh should just kill him now Ravage to spare others in the future. :rolleyes:


Ahhh Vowrawn smoochies... at least that's what it seemed like. Bad man...? Sigh. Despite that though I really hope they'll leave Lia and Marr alone now but who am I kidding? lol.


Oh and one more thing... cybergenetic heart and fake lung? Nice touch but I have to wonder if not having a real heart, his own heart, will contribute to Marr being who he is. His words in the end when he awoke were sweet but I dunno. Then again is it our heart that holds our deepest feelings or something else? It doesn't seem to affect transplant patients in the real world. Sorry probably overthinking things, I'll shush. :D



Anyyyyways, wonderful chapter I really enjoyed it!! Oh crap that's a lot of yapping, sorry.

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I loved the opening line in italics, beautiful.



I'd half expected Ravage to lay low but of course, being who he is, he had to go into a raging pursuit instead and start a scene. Poor Liaseph. I get that in his own weird way he loves her or cares about her but I hate the way she's spoken about. Bought, leased, paid for. She's not an object. Was it ever said why Vowrawn 'gave' her to Ravage like, was he trying to win Ravage's favor or did he just know Ravage was greedy enough to pay a high sum for a woman like Lia? Originally I thought Vowrawn knew exactly who Lia was when he obtained her and gave her to Ravage on purpose to play him and Marr out against each other while keeping Lia out of the picture so she wouldn't distract Marr from what Vowrawn wanted him to do.


I enjoyed the fight that broke out between them, very nice imagery but I'm disturbingly grateful for the assassin who shot Marr because it seems otherwise, Ravage wouldn't have walked away from that fight...


I spent a moment wondering who the hell could have shot Marr but then as Vowrawn was explaining to Liaseph, I remembered the stuff from Foundation and it clicked. Very nice how you've worked that in, the SIS really does have it in for Marr specifically.


I'm curious about the entity who's with Marr in the Force-tide. My first inclination is Liaseph or Liatrix but Liaseph isn't a Force sensitive so I don't think she'd be there. Liatrix might be if she either died as well or perhaps as a side effect of her carbonite prison but then there's also Scourge's vision which may indicate she's not dead... and then an even scarier thought hit me and I figured perhaps Satele, somehow but that would be silly right? It's mostly the calm and authoritative thing that has me wonder. Trying to think of other suspects, female and Force sensitive... perhaps Marr's birth mother though I'm not sure if it was ever said she was a Force user. Gah.


I'm glad Ravage is doing the right thing and they've captured Zane and stuff but... sadly... ergh should just kill him now Ravage to spare others in the future. :rolleyes:


Ahhh Vowrawn smoochies... at least that's what it seemed like. Bad man...? Sigh. Despite that though I really hope they'll leave Lia and Marr alone now but who am I kidding? lol.


Oh and one more thing... cybergenetic heart and fake lung? Nice touch but I have to wonder if not having a real heart, his own heart, will contribute to Marr being who he is. His words in the end when he awoke were sweet but I dunno. Then again is it our heart that holds our deepest feelings or something else? It doesn't seem to affect transplant patients in the real world. Sorry probably overthinking things, I'll shush. :D



Anyyyyways, wonderful chapter I really enjoyed it!! Oh crap that's a lot of yapping, sorry.



Ravage...lay low? Nah, I don't see that about him, he's going to kvetch about something if he's upset. :D It isn't pleasant to be spoken about that way at all, but that's how it is if you're viewed as property, I think. I haven't stated exactly why Vowrawn did this, but suffice it to say it was to manipulate the situation in his favor, he really did want to expand on his slave trading aspects of his crime/business empire and proceeds of that would be used to fund the upcoming war. Vowrawn is tricky, he might not have started out as knowing, but once he did he made use of it, and I never actually said when he found out. :)


And you're right, Ravage wouldn't likely have walked away, so it had to unfold in a way in which he would, cause I need him in the future lol.


The SIS/Republic and Chancellor have had in for Marr for a long time. The operation (Cornerstone) where Liatrix and her mother were 'killed' wasn't the first time they'd tried. And in Foundation, I did say that Aruna Var (Nanny Una Vara) was married to Zane--one reason he was carrying a grudge too. In the game too, in the BH story, Darth Tormen, that contracted BH to go after the Supreme Chancellor, was one of Marr's people. So it's a thing it seems, they try to stick it to Marr, and he sticks it right back at them...Janarus dies and then of course when Saresh gets in, she just continues the bs against Marr.


The entity in the Forcetide...there is only one person it can be if you think about how the story unfolds. :) The answer isn't that silly or difficult.


Ravage does, what Ravage does, and everything has a reason.


That was a Vowrawn smooch, yes. Couldn't describe it beyond that because the POV character can only hear not see...much like some comatose people can hear and not see.


The cybernetic heart was alluded to in Foundation. There are several references when Liatrix is with him, especially when she embraces him, about how his heart was too tempered, too measured, synthetic. There are at least 3 points in Foundation where the cybernetic heart is hinted at. This is when he got that. The lung is made from his own tissue, so eventually that acclimatizes and becomes more a part of him, the heart doesn't.


What can I say, maybe Marr was waxing poetic under the pain medication. Of course true feelings are in the mind, that's where you truly form your attachments, but hey I like it this way and went with it. Then again, in the real world, how many people have cybernetic hearts? Pacemakers, maybe...but heart transplants tend to be real tissue that someone donated.


Anyways, it is what it is, I worked hard on it and was happy with it. Glad you liked it. :)


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A nice balance of fight and dialogue, and I had read somewhere that Ravage was quite proficient with the lightsaber, so his being able to match Marr did not surprise me. Even in the heat of the fight, Marr wanted to see Liaseph safe and even stayed the darkness to appease her appeal.


Although, I am not sure that Ravage is going to let this go so easily, I'm wondering when his moment of realization will come that she is no longer his. He spoke in terms of ownership, not endearment, so I have zero pity for him where she is concerned. Screw all his Life Day shenanigans, may his loins burn in hell.


Vowrawn to the rescue again, although Liaseph did have a point when she mentioned that the parade was a perfect place to lure out a would be assassin. I still enjoy his character so much, and that little tender pause between him and Liaseph makes me wonder. He is salacious, in his gleeful way, and his mind is still a wonder to me.


I do remember someone from Marr's past saying that she would not fight him, and damned if I can remember which chapter, I think it was in Tulak's tomb. Gah, now I need to go find that passage. Curses to my bad memory.


As for Marr's heart. It is the head that ignites love, fear, anger, etc. but all those things are usually reflected by reactions of the heart. It speeds up, beats harder, even skips, and I believe it is those things that Marr will miss the most. The passion is still there, always will be, but he will no longer be able to experience it in quite the same way. A rather sad insight.



Delightful chapter, per usual. Is it Friday yet?

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Ravage...lay low? Nah, I don't see that about him, he's going to kvetch about something if he's upset. :D It isn't pleasant to be spoken about that way at all, but that's how it is if you're viewed as property, I think. I haven't stated exactly why Vowrawn did this, but suffice it to say it was to manipulate the situation in his favor, he really did want to expand on his slave trading aspects of his crime/business empire and proceeds of that would be used to fund the upcoming war. Vowrawn is tricky, he might not have started out as knowing, but once he did he made use of it, and I never actually said when he found out. :)


And you're right, Ravage wouldn't likely have walked away, so it had to unfold in a way in which he would, cause I need him in the future lol.


The SIS/Republic and Chancellor have had in for Marr for a long time. The operation (Cornerstone) where Liatrix and her mother were 'killed' wasn't the first time they'd tried. And in Foundation, I did say that Aruna Var (Nanny Una Vara) was married to Zane--one reason he was carrying a grudge too. In the game too, in the BH story, Darth Tormen, that contracted BH to go after the Supreme Chancellor, was one of Marr's people. So it's a thing it seems, they try to stick it to Marr, and he sticks it right back at them...Janarus dies and then of course when Saresh gets in, she just continues the bs against Marr.


The entity in the Forcetide...there is only one person it can be if you think about how the story unfolds. :) The answer isn't that silly or difficult.


Ravage does, what Ravage does, and everything has a reason.


That was a Vowrawn smooch, yes. Couldn't describe it beyond that because the POV character can only hear not see...much like some comatose people can hear and not see.


The cybernetic heart was alluded to in Foundation. There are several references when Liatrix is with him, especially when she embraces him, about how his heart was too tempered, too measured, synthetic. There are at least 3 points in Foundation where the cybernetic heart is hinted at. This is when he got that. The lung is made from his own tissue, so eventually that acclimatizes and becomes more a part of him, the heart doesn't.


What can I say, maybe Marr was waxing poetic under the pain medication. Of course true feelings are in the mind, that's where you truly form your attachments, but hey I like it this way and went with it. Then again, in the real world, how many people have cybernetic hearts? Pacemakers, maybe...but heart transplants tend to be real tissue that someone donated.


Anyways, it is what it is, I worked hard on it and was happy with it. Glad you liked it. :)



Well I'm actually re-reading the beginning now because I feel like I know but much of the very early chapters is a little lost on me by now, at least on the surface but I need answers so. :o So sorry if I sound like a babbling buffoon, my brain isn't always where it should be lol.


And I remember Zane all too well, and his dead wife, that's why I wish Ravage would end him now but we all know he doesn't, unfortunately. >.>


Just re-read Chapter 5, can't believe I spaced that piece of information.


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Well I'm actually re-reading the beginning now because I feel like I know but much of the very early chapters is a little lost on me by now, at least on the surface but I need answers so. :o So sorry if I sound like a babbling buffoon, my brain isn't always where it should be lol.


And I remember Zane all too well, and his dead wife, that's why I wish Ravage would end him now but we all know he doesn't, unfortunately. >.>


Just re-read Chapter 5, can't believe I spaced that piece of information.


That's the thing when a piece is started months ago, the beginning is a bit forgotten unless you're the one doing the work. I would think it comes across better if it's read in one go at the very end, but I'm glad people aren't waiting to do that, the lack of feedback would probably kill me lol. I'll have to go back and review all four stories before I write the last one...lots of reading ahead lol.


You don't sound like a babbling buffoon at all, it's all good. I just can never be sure if people remember everything as I do, because I'm the one making it up lol.


I'll say this, chapter 5 doesn't really shed any light on who is in the void, but hey, I guess it's cool if the mystery is still alive, I figured I'd have killed it by now lol. :o

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A nice balance of fight and dialogue, and I had read somewhere that Ravage was quite proficient with the lightsaber, so his being able to match Marr did not surprise me. Even in the heat of the fight, Marr wanted to see Liaseph safe and even stayed the darkness to appease her appeal.


Although, I am not sure that Ravage is going to let this go so easily, I'm wondering when his moment of realization will come that she is no longer his. He spoke in terms of ownership, not endearment, so I have zero pity for him where she is concerned. Screw all his Life Day shenanigans, may his loins burn in hell.


Vowrawn to the rescue again, although Liaseph did have a point when she mentioned that the parade was a perfect place to lure out a would be assassin. I still enjoy his character so much, and that little tender pause between him and Liaseph makes me wonder. He is salacious, in his gleeful way, and his mind is still a wonder to me.


I do remember someone from Marr's past saying that she would not fight him, and damned if I can remember which chapter, I think it was in Tulak's tomb. Gah, now I need to go find that passage. Curses to my bad memory.


As for Marr's heart. It is the head that ignites love, fear, anger, etc. but all those things are usually reflected by reactions of the heart. It speeds up, beats harder, even skips, and I believe it is those things that Marr will miss the most. The passion is still there, always will be, but he will no longer be able to experience it in quite the same way. A rather sad insight.



Delightful chapter, per usual. Is it Friday yet?


Thank you Misha! You're right there is a big difference on how Liaseph is regarded by her men, but that just serves to fuel the animosity between them. Ravage is like a dog with a bone, he doesn't like to lose and he doesn't like to give up on things. So he will pursue it. While he can be enjoyable to be with, if you're on his good side, woe if you're not...and he would never really see her as a partner so much as a pet.


I'm glad you're still enjoying Vowrawn too. I worry that he'll outstay his welcome, because he can be such an enigma. He has reasons upon reasons for everything he does. He doesn't always tell me what they are, either lol.


I think the passage you're thinking of is from a previous encounter with the void, I do believe the one before he reaches the Alderaan leg of the tour lol. It's a ghost realm, so whoever it is, has to be dead...and it's not Liatrix. :D


And thank you for your observation about the heart. It's dead on, and articulated in such a great way, I wish I'd said it myself. I wasn't terribly articulate last night lol. What you said, is what I hoped to put across. How strange a thing it is, to be excited or in love, or even afraid and your heart is always the same.


I appreciate your insights and do thank you and Jenny and Fox and the others for reading. The comments mean the world. ^^

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That's the thing when a piece is started months ago, the beginning is a bit forgotten unless you're the one doing the work. I would think it comes across better if it's read in one go at the very end, but I'm glad people aren't waiting to do that, the lack of feedback would probably kill me lol. I'll have to go back and review all four stories before I write the last one...lots of reading ahead lol.


You don't sound like a babbling buffoon at all, it's all good. I just can never be sure if people remember everything as I do, because I'm the one making it up lol.


I'll say this, chapter 5 doesn't really shed any light on who is in the void, but hey, I guess it's cool if the mystery is still alive, I figured I'd have killed it by now lol. :o



Well this is driving me nuts because re-reading it, I thought Lilin Shan then perhaps... but you're saying no to Chapter 5 so now I'm back at Satele Shan which is an option if you end up taking KOTFE aspects and the fact she and Marr do have twisted/distant family relations. Whatever it is, you haven't killed it and I'm still wracking my brain lol.


And I get what you mean. I've had 'reveals' in my story that weren't reveals at all and I'm like "Why are they surprised?"... well the chapter that originally revealed it was posted 6 months ago so there's that, lol. I also couldn't bear NOT reading this until it's finished. I'm like a junkie on crack, I need more the moment you're finished posting the current chapter. :o


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As I said over in Misha's thread, I am sorry for staying silent.

I am still here, reading and enjoying, when I find the time.


Once more an exciting chapter. You did a great job with the fight scene immo, I like the pacing.

I am so glad Lia and Marr are both safe. Even if it may not stay this way.

I am looking forward to reading about them both getting reacquainted, and hope they'll get some well earned time to rest and enjoy each other's company. Marr needing time to cure before going back to battle may not be such a bad thing. I like that you described how his new organs felt to Marr. A Force-user surely has a deeper perception of his own body.


Kudos! <3

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Well this is driving me nuts because re-reading it, I thought Lilin Shan then perhaps... but you're saying no to Chapter 5 so now I'm back at Satele Shan which is an option if you end up taking KOTFE aspects and the fact she and Marr do have twisted/distant family relations. Whatever it is, you haven't killed it and I'm still wracking my brain lol.


And I get what you mean. I've had 'reveals' in my story that weren't reveals at all and I'm like "Why are they surprised?"... well the chapter that originally revealed it was posted 6 months ago so there's that, lol. I also couldn't bear NOT reading this until it's finished. I'm like a junkie on crack, I need more the moment you're finished posting the current chapter. :o


Well, thank you :D I wish I could write faster lol. I hope that by the time the 'mystery' is revealed that you won't feel let down. As I said, when you think of how my story went and how the game story went...but anyways...


It should be fun to go and read from the start again, even with a good memory, there are liable to be things forgotten. :)



As I said over in Misha's thread, I am sorry for staying silent.

I am still here, reading and enjoying, when I find the time.


Once more an exciting chapter. You did a great job with the fight scene immo, I like the pacing.

I am so glad Lia and Marr are both safe. Even if it may not stay this way.

I am looking forward to reading about them both getting reacquainted, and hope they'll get some well earned time to rest and enjoy each other's company. Marr needing time to cure before going back to battle may not be such a bad thing. I like that you described how his new organs felt to Marr. A Force-user surely has a deeper perception of his own body.


Kudos! <3


Welcome back. I understand, I know real life can be a real bear sometimes and that's ok. It's just nice to know I haven't lost you. It's going to be a bit weird writing some calmer scenes, because it feels like it's been action, action, action for me lately. That's part of the purpose of what happened too, was to give Marr a bit more time at home before he goes off again, so shooting him let me accomplish a few things I needed to.


And I agree, I'm inclined to think Force users would be very aware of themselves and their body and mental state, more so than average non force using people. I'm glad you liked it, and that you're still on the journey. ^^

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Star Wars: The Old Republic



~Chapter Thirty-Five~



Love and loyalty cannot thrive without honesty.


The fire had dwindled to almost nothing. The embers had fractured into countless spiders, large and small. Their legs twined to form complex webs. Some blazed brightly while others fought to keep their spark, but they all had one thing in common: their eyes burned through the darkness keeping me from finding my peace.


So many spiders. Too many—like the confessions I needed to make.


I could hear the rain patter beyond the walls, subtly competing with the crackle of the dying fire.


The sound invited me to close my eyes. The smell of smoke rising from the firebox carried me to another time where I walked amid man-sized flames and ruins and the cries of dying men carried like music over the land.


My heartbeat kept time with the marching troops and I craved war like the starving crave sustenance.

War was my purpose. I lacked the ability to sit idly, to find peace. I couldn’t find it because I didn’t want to find it.


The scent of alpine flowers mingled with the smoke and reminded me that war was no longer my only concern.


The door to my sanctuary stood ajar and I sensed Liaseph on the other side of it debating whether to interrupt or not.


Though I was relieved to have her close again, this is what we had become in a few short days—two beings furtively shadowing one another, the truth stalking us both like a predator.


Her hesitation wasn’t lost on me—she’d changed, but she wasn’t the only one and we both feared the truth would irrevocably change what we were, or rather what we wanted to be.


She made her choice and swept into my chambers, trying for something resembling her old self.


“There you are!” She declared cheerfully. Her hands gripped my shoulders and she stooped to kiss the side of my neck and I tilted my head to allow it. “This place is enormous. I’ve been looking all over for you. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were avoiding me.”


Her words caught me off guard and my response came too slowly.


“Unless of course…you were avoiding me. Am I interrupting?”


She fidgeted with the aurodium lamé tassels dangling from the embroidered sash about her waist.


“Liaseph, sit with me.” I shifted to one side of the short chesterfield to make room for her.


She settled across from me, tucking one leg under her body. She smoothed her skirts and looked at me cautiously.


“Is something wrong?”


“Yes…and nothing will be right until we speak. We’ve avoided it for too long.”


“You don’t feel the same way anymore, do you…”


“I think it would be dishonest to say that after a year apart, and all that we’ve endured—that you’ve endured, that we would remain the same as we were on Alderaan. I’m not the same man you knew and you’re not the same woman.”


“All that matters to me, is that you still love me…do you?”


“I do.”


“Then what’s all this about? I don’t understand, Ares. I love you and I always will.” She shifted closer to me and wheedled herself into my arms.


“Perhaps you will feel differently, once I tell you what I’ve done and what I know.”


“Now you’re scaring me.” She sat up straighter and turned to face me more directly.


“Then…I won’t prolong it any further.” I stared at the embers. I couldn’t look at her. “Your father, your sister, Malon Baliss and his Matron are all dead.”


“I know.”


“And do you know that I killed them?”


She nodded.


“How long have you known?”


“About a year…give or take…”






I fought the grimace forming on my face but said nothing.


“He found out about us. At first, I thought he was lying to hurt me, but then I realized you would’ve come looking for me after the Thuls took me away.”


We sat in silence for some time, our words lingering in the air between us. She shivered against me. “You’re so cold. It’s freezing in here…how can you stand it?”


I patted her knee and without explanation, I rose to stoke the fire. I prodded it idly with the poker, but I knew the growing flames would do little against the cold—it was a cold that no fire could remedy. “There’s more you need to hear.”


“Like what?”


“I know, Liaseph. I know all of it. I know about the mercenaries and the slavers—what they did to you. What they took. I doubt it’s of any comfort, but I killed them for it.”


“You knew about the baby?” Liaseph’s eyes widened and her breathing hitched. “How did you find out? Did Lennie tell you? Did my father?”


“No—I watched your father’s security recordings after they refused to help me find you.”


“After you…killed them. Did you torture them?”


“I did what was necessary.”


She shook her head warily and I could see judgment sparking in her eyes. “You didn’t need to do that…You tortured Lennie…why?” Her voice cracked.


I hurled the poker into the flames. “Because she cared more about protecting that degenerate you call a father than about your well-being. She knew about the child—and yet she refused to help you. She knew what your father was, what Baliss was. Had she any semblance of a spine, this past year would never have happened.”


“She was probably scared—of him, of you. She never wanted to hurt me. She probably thought she was protecting me.”


“No, Liaseph. She was protecting him. He was all that mattered to her. Not you. He sold you for eight million credits! He knew what they would do to you, to the child. He referred to you as damaged! His own flesh and blood!”


“Stop shouting at me! It’s not helping. And why do you refer to him as the child? He was ours.” She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. “Ours.”


I turned away from her and paced before the fire. I ran my hands through my hair and growled to release the building rage. “Forgive me—you…you are not responsible for my anger,” I managed. “I regret your suffering. I do not regret theirs. And I most certainly do not regret their deaths. I regret the loss of our child.”


“I’ve shed my tears, Ares. Fighting you isn’t going to bring Lennie or the baby back. This isn’t accomplishing anything.”


“You’re wrong,” I murmured. “I will not base our lives on avoiding the truth. I won’t pretend, Liaseph. I can’t. This is who I am. I’ll understand if you wish to leave.”


“Is that what you want?”


“No. I only wanted you to understand. Look at us…existing in the same rooms, but never speaking our minds. You…you are not beholden to me in any way. If you can’t accept what I’ve done…then so be it.”


“Are you finished?”


I nodded.


“Good…because I have some things to say too.”


“Very well, proceed.”


“I’m not one of your troops.” She looked at me matter-of-factly. “The truth is, I don’t want to lose you a third time.”


“What do you mean?”


“The holonet said you’d been killed. When I heard that,” she shook her head slowly and kept her gaze fused to her lap. “I…I lost hope.”


Her eyes shone with tears and she drew a staggered breath. “The thought of never seeing you again...I couldn’t stand it. I wanted to die.”


I looked up slowly as the gravity of her confession sank in. “But someone stopped you…was it Ravage?”


“No…an agent. He came from…I don’t even know where he came from, he was just there. He told me the holonet made a mistake, that you weren’t really dead. Then I asked him if he could send a message to you, but I was a fool. He must’ve been working for Ravage…because after they spoke, he knew about you—about us.”


“Did the agent identify himself?”


“He said his name was Damars. I don’t remember his last name.”


“Was it Pallaron?”


“Yes, I think so.”


I swore under my breath. “He’s technically one of mine. I haven’t met him personally, but I trust his commanding officer.”


“Are you sure? Why would he tell Ravage then?”


“He was assigned to gather intelligence against him. I can only surmise, that Pallaron used you to further his own agenda—my agenda.”


“He propositioned me! What kind of place is this Empire of yours? That you need spies and liars in your service? How could you even employ someone like that? Didn’t it matter to him what Ravage would do? What he did do to me after?” Liaseph winced and held herself. “This Empire you protect…it’s a twisted and evil place.”


“If you’ll recall, I warned you, that being a part of my world would require certain sacrifices.”


“Can’t we just leave it behind us? We could go anywhere…be whoever we want. Who would know?”


“The Emperor would know. I would know. I am a member of the Dark Council and it falls to me to protect the Empire. Understanding that—accepting it…that is the cost to being with me. I am no coward and I will not run.”


“Is this how it’s always going to be between us?”


“I prefer this to avoidance.”


“You say that, but we’re avoiding the most important discussion…” Liaseph stood and crossed her arms. “It’s like you don’t want to talk about the baby.”


“Perhaps I don’t. What will it serve?”


“Maybe sharing our grief would make it hurt less…I don’t know.”


“I suppose I can see the wisdom in confronting it…I heard you tell the Matron that you did it on purpose. Is that true?”






“I was afraid you’d die. I wanted to keep a part of you with me…I didn’t think you’d like the idea.”


“I don’t.”


“Are you saying you don’t want children some day?” Her brows pinched miserably as if I’d wounded her. Perhaps I had.


“It wasn't something I’d considered, no. What you fail to understand, is that my duty keeps me away. If we were to have a child, I would rarely see it. Do I seem the sort of man to father a child only to abandon it?”


“The war can’t last forever…” She said sullenly.


“There will always be a war, Liaseph. War defines the Sith.”


“I’m not Sith. But isn’t that all the more reason to have a family? Is it so terrible to want a part of you all to myself?”


“Yes. Have you considered what would happen if the child is born Force-sensitive? What that would mean?”


She shook her head.


“At age nine, the child would be required by law to leave home to train at the Sith Academy.”


“Education is a part of everyone’s life. I understand that, Ares. A few months of the year isn’t forever. We’ll have summers, there will be vacations and—”


“Liaseph…no. Not here. You leave home as a child and then perhaps one day you return as an adult. Most don’t. More die at the Sith Academy than graduate. Anger the wrong overseer or a rival and you die. One careless moment and you die. You mourn our child—a child neither of us knew or cared for or taught. Now imagine what would happen if an Academy herald appeared on our doorstep. I would never wish that pain upon you.”


“You talk like I’m the only one who’d be suffering.”


“You would be. Our ways are not your ways.”


“What if the child didn’t have any Force powers? Then what?”


“Then they would attend the Imperial Military Academy.”


“This…is a miserable place…void of any joy or anything to live for,” she murmured.


I drew her into my arms and held her. “I told you…being with me would not be enough and I don’t fault you for that. I’ve only ever wanted your happiness and I fear I’m not the one to give it to you.”


She pulled away just enough to gaze into my eyes. “Don’t say that!” She pressed her fingertips to my lips. “You said we could have a house…what if we made that house our own private world? A place, just for us. No Empire, or war. Just us. If we had a daughter…I could raise her as a proper lady. She wouldn’t have to go to the Military school would she? I could keep her and one day she could marry a fine officer or even a Sith lord.”


“Liaseph…” I groaned.


The disappointment in her eyes burned its way through the darkness and it pained me. I sighed heavily. “I suppose…a tutor could be arranged in that case…but by no means does that imply that I want a child. In the end, it would only cause you suffering…”


“If I have to be alone so much, surely you can’t begrudge me the company of children. Please…at least think about it.”


Grudgingly, I nodded. “All right. I’ll consider it further. Is there anything more you wished to discuss?”


“There is…I want to talk to Master Rylister.”


I frowned. “I could arrange a meeting, but beyond that,” I shook my head. “Vowrawn said he was on Korriban. There is only one place he could be…there’s a hermit there. He teaches those believed to be beyond our reach.”


“Please. I need to speak to him…to apologize for all that’s happened.”


“It’s not your fault. He was captured because he was careless and stupid. You owe him nothing.”


“I have to try and help him, he’s my friend. You said you wanted honesty between us and that’s what I want to do. He doesn’t belong in the Empire.”


“Of that, I have no doubt.”


The silence between us grew thick once more and I wondered if we would ever reclaim what we once had.


“There is something, I wish to show you…”




I took her hand and led her to my desk and as I rounded it, her gaze settled on the holographic display unit on the corner of it. “This…this belonged to my father.”


“Yes. I took it.”


“Why?” She depressed the button on the side and her holographic portrait rose from the center of the device and I glanced over at her, as the hologram assumed its poses.


“I feared I would never see you again...I didn’t wish to forget.”


She banished the images with a flick of her thumb and rounded the desk to stand before me. “I know it hasn’t been easy…but I love you and I want to try.”


“I had hoped you would.” From inside the desk, I withdrew a holopad and after summoning the correct file, I set it before her.


“What’s this?”


That…is a map of Kaas City and its surrounding territories. This is the land I claimed for our home. I think you would be happier in a home of your own design, than here. Make it everything you need it to be. I only ask that I have one room set aside for my own use.”


“You mean it? Can we hire an Alderaanian architect?”


“If that’s what you wish…as I said, do whatever makes you happy.”


She threw her arms around me and held me tightly. “I’m going to make you so happy, you won’t believe it.”


“Your presence already does.”


((to be continued…))

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I loved the description of the entire opening sequence, the embers fractured into spiders, the crackling fire competing with the rain and Marr's musings of war. Nicely done.


I'm glad to see Marr's choosing honesty above all else, even if it hurts, and that he's not up for a masquerade where they pretend all is well. The conversation between him and Liaseph is a tough one but I'm glad they had it. I liked how she felt inclined to defend her sister and how that angered Marr, it showed so much what she means to him. And mourning the loss of their child was very touching.


I was wondering if Damars would come up again. He did as he was supposed to but it caused Liaseph an extra level of pain she could have done without and I can't blame her for her fierce reaction where life in the Empire is concerned.


I also get the feeling, based on her reactions, that in some ways she's still a little naive and childlike innocent where her future with Marr, having children and the consequences that come with that, are concerned, despite all she's been through already and I think she's in for a few more rude awakenings yet. Still, at least they have each other again now and tough as things seem to be, I'm glad to see Liaseph and Marr reunited. Also a sweet touch that he's letting her design their new home, a place where she can feel happier.


I love your Marr. Possibly due to my own bias I think he's very easy to love and fall for and yet, he's difficult to love as well because of the man he is and how he's chosen to live his life. You navigate it well and I appreciate the small details that give us a peak at his heart, like the picture he kept of Liaseph. Defending her honor is wonderful of course and very warrior like but a small sentimental touch like that speaks volumes too.


Great chapter Luna, so worth the wait.

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Well worth the wait, but this chapter made me incredibly sad. There is so much distance between them it's like they are standing on different sides of a canyon, reaching, but not really connecting. Marr knows war, he is comfortable with war, and seems to find it uncomfortable to even carve out the tiniest niche of happiness for himself, although, he will try for her, I doubt he will glean much from the experience.


Truth is not always a pleasant thing, which Liaseph is beginning to understand, it can be as ugly as it is beautiful. I think she will try to find some joy in his child because somehow she knows it is the only small piece of him she will ever truly have. I admire her strength in trying to find something positive despite all that has happened, and I suppose Marr also, just for the fact that he will try to honor her wishes and provide what happiness he can given the constraints of his position. A nasty place to be for both of them.


Vowrawn dances on the edge of a razor and loves the thrill of the danger, Marr is mired in his absolute obedience to the empire, Ravage uses his power like a noose, Nox hoards power like gold, and it goes on and on. What a desolate existence it paints. And poor Liaseph caught in it all. I hope she finds some small comfort in the chapters to come, and I hope that Marr can find a moment or two to enjoy a few rays of joy before everything is stripped away.



Thank you for another incredible read. :)

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Though I was relieved to have her close again, this is what we had become in a few short days—two beings furtively shadowing one another, the truth stalking us both like a predator.

Great sentence to capture the sadness of this chapter

It's good that they are honest with each other. On the other hand I am more than a bit worried for Liaseph if she already feels in need of a child to patch up their relationship before it even started in earnest. That's one of the things that seldom work in RL. I hope these two will be one of the rare exceptions.

Looking forward to the next part.

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Hi, took me a while but I just caught up to the latest chapter. Wow, what a ride the Marr and Liaseph have been through. He does have the right idea, in having them talk. It could be so much worse to live in silence and let the tension grow. He also makes a fair good points in his views, as does Liaseph. It might likely end in tears, but at least they aren't going in completely blind to the likely situation the relationship could be.
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I loved the description of the entire opening sequence, the embers fractured into spiders, the crackling fire competing with the rain and Marr's musings of war. Nicely done.


I'm glad to see Marr's choosing honesty above all else, even if it hurts, and that he's not up for a masquerade where they pretend all is well. The conversation between him and Liaseph is a tough one but I'm glad they had it. I liked how she felt inclined to defend her sister and how that angered Marr, it showed so much what she means to him. And mourning the loss of their child was very touching.


I was wondering if Damars would come up again. He did as he was supposed to but it caused Liaseph an extra level of pain she could have done without and I can't blame her for her fierce reaction where life in the Empire is concerned.


I also get the feeling, based on her reactions, that in some ways she's still a little naive and childlike innocent where her future with Marr, having children and the consequences that come with that, are concerned, despite all she's been through already and I think she's in for a few more rude awakenings yet. Still, at least they have each other again now and tough as things seem to be, I'm glad to see Liaseph and Marr reunited. Also a sweet touch that he's letting her design their new home, a place where she can feel happier.


I love your Marr. Possibly due to my own bias I think he's very easy to love and fall for and yet, he's difficult to love as well because of the man he is and how he's chosen to live his life. You navigate it well and I appreciate the small details that give us a peak at his heart, like the picture he kept of Liaseph. Defending her honor is wonderful of course and very warrior like but a small sentimental touch like that speaks volumes too.


Great chapter Luna, so worth the wait.


Thank you! ^^ I was a bit worried about it, cause this week has sucked for a variety of reasons, but on the upside, I'm starting to feel a bit better, so maybe I've finally kicked this virus in the hutt.


I have plans for Damars yet, but for this story he's on his way to being tied up. :)


I think Liaseph is a bit naive, because she hasn't really seen much of the galaxy, but mostly I think what she's in for now, is a huge culture clash. Alderaanian culture and Sith culture I think are quite different, even if some of the elements are similar...like the class snobbery...in the Sith culture, it just takes on a whole new level of awful, which is something I doubt she'd be expecting. She's also used to a world where children have tutors and they're around a lot, and in no real danger of dying. So, yeah, she'll be in a for some rude awakenings.


I really appreciate what you said about Marr, that means a lot. I find him to be a very complicated man in some ways, and in others he's quite straight forward. I'm happy and relieved that I've been able to communicate the sort of person I think he is, both in large and small ways. :) Thanks again for the kind comment and for reading. ^^


Well worth the wait, but this chapter made me incredibly sad. There is so much distance between them it's like they are standing on different sides of a canyon, reaching, but not really connecting. Marr knows war, he is comfortable with war, and seems to find it uncomfortable to even carve out the tiniest niche of happiness for himself, although, he will try for her, I doubt he will glean much from the experience.


Truth is not always a pleasant thing, which Liaseph is beginning to understand, it can be as ugly as it is beautiful. I think she will try to find some joy in his child because somehow she knows it is the only small piece of him she will ever truly have. I admire her strength in trying to find something positive despite all that has happened, and I suppose Marr also, just for the fact that he will try to honor her wishes and provide what happiness he can given the constraints of his position. A nasty place to be for both of them.


Vowrawn dances on the edge of a razor and loves the thrill of the danger, Marr is mired in his absolute obedience to the empire, Ravage uses his power like a noose, Nox hoards power like gold, and it goes on and on. What a desolate existence it paints. And poor Liaseph caught in it all. I hope she finds some small comfort in the chapters to come, and I hope that Marr can find a moment or two to enjoy a few rays of joy before everything is stripped away.



Thank you for another incredible read. :)


Thanks Misha :D I feel badly for them, but at the same time, I just couldn't see them being able to quite pick up where they left off after so much time and stuff happening. I think they genuinely love each other and want to have a life together, but they manage to fall short for a variety of reasons.


Like you say, Marr is going to great lengths to make life good for her. He wants her happiness, he's just always had doubts about whether he was the one who could truly provide it. I think that's something that follows him his whole life.


The Sith Empire like you say is a crazy and treacherous place. Even for a noble-born girl who is used to seeing gossip and a bit of treachery between houses...it's just not the level that it is in the Empire. It's the difference between being a bit malicious to downright cruel and decent allies are hard to come by. I do think they'll enjoy a bit of happiness, I'm actually looking forward to that. :) Thanks again for the lovely comments and insights. Means a lot. ^^


Great sentence to capture the sadness of this chapter

It's good that they are honest with each other. On the other hand I am more than a bit worried for Liaseph if she already feels in need of a child to patch up their relationship before it even started in earnest. That's one of the things that seldom work in RL. I hope these two will be one of the rare exceptions.

Looking forward to the next part.


Thanks :) It's hard to go back in time, especially after so much has happened to each of them. Sometimes, it's not even possible. As you say, Liaseph thinks a child would help them, but when you think that they've really not been together very long. As Ravage said, he's known her longer. He's not wrong. I think he has a better understanding of who she is than Marr does. She and Marr love each other, but is it enough...When there is so much against them? Thanks for reading and for the lovely comment. :)



Hi, took me a while but I just caught up to the latest chapter. Wow, what a ride the Marr and Liaseph have been through. He does have the right idea, in having them talk. It could be so much worse to live in silence and let the tension grow. He also makes a fair good points in his views, as does Liaseph. It might likely end in tears, but at least they aren't going in completely blind to the likely situation the relationship could be.


Hi :D Thank you for reading! And for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. You're right about Marr, he's never really been on for false fronts and pretending, at least not with his personal relationships. They each have valid points, but there is a lot for them to overcome, not the least of which is the lifestyle change. Even though she's been on DK for a while, she hasn't gotten to experience the full spectrum of life in the Empire, so she's in for a few shocks I think. And Marr isn't the easiest man to relate to either...especially because he's beginning to struggle with losing his humanity to the darkness, but as you said, at least they're going in with their eyes open. It's not always easy to pick up where you left off with someone, no matter how much you might want to. Thanks again for reading! I appreciate the feedback. :)

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Just a heads up...technical and real life issues are keeping me from being able to post this week's chapter tonight. I expect I'll be able to post it tomorrow night or early Sunday morning. Sorry about that. :(

Can I be sad about that without making you feel bad? :( Because I am. I need my Friday dix but no pressure either just letting you know sad face but understanding face. ♥

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Just a heads up...technical and real life issues are keeping me from being able to post this week's chapter tonight. I expect I'll be able to post it tomorrow night or early Sunday morning. Sorry about that. :(


Well, damn. RL stuff comes first, but my Friday just got a little emptier. Hope all is well with you and whatever it is sorts itself out soon.

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Well, damn. RL stuff comes first, but my Friday just got a little emptier. Hope all is well with you and whatever it is sorts itself out soon.


Can I be sad about that without making you feel bad? :( Because I am. I need my Friday dix but no pressure either just letting you know sad face but understanding face. ♥


Thanks guys. It's not any huge deal, just having some issues with my monitor, it's no displaying as it should. I steal moments here and there on the hubby's pc, but it's not quite the same, and all my stuff is on my computer...and not being able to decipher what I'm seeing makes it a real bear to try and even transfer things. When I get things sorted, I'll try and figure out a way to make it up. <3

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Thanks guys. It's not any huge deal, just having some issues with my monitor, it's no displaying as it should. I steal moments here and there on the hubby's pc, but it's not quite the same, and all my stuff is on my computer...and not being able to decipher what I'm seeing makes it a real bear to try and even transfer things. When I get things sorted, I'll try and figure out a way to make it up. <3


*coughs* Steal hubby's monitor. ;) But in all seriousness though, I hope whichever malfunction is an easy fix and that you're not forced to look for a replacement. Good luck and I'll be waiting with impatient patience (yeah, I just made that a thing).

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*coughs* Steal hubby's monitor. ;) But in all seriousness though, I hope whichever malfunction is an easy fix and that you're not forced to look for a replacement. Good luck and I'll be waiting with impatient patience (yeah, I just made that a thing).


I don't want to mess up his system and it's a bit of a pain in the neck to change things around the way he has it. The spare monitor we had is toast as well, so it looks like I'm going to be stuck til Tuesday anyways because Monday is a national holiday. :/



Hope you'll find an acceptable solution for your problem soon.

Not being able to use your computer when you want to sucks.

*offers hugs*


Thanks Frauzet. *hugs* It does suck, but like anything else, I'll get through it...hopefully on Tuesday I'll be good to go again. :)

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Star Wars: The Old Republic



~Chapter Thirty-Six~



Love breeds the foulest darkness.



I’ve never believed in coincidences and I wasn’t about to start believing in them now.


The passage was lined with rough-hewn stones, each one carved into the shape of a skull. At the end of the corridor, a pair of ornate doors stood open to the dancing shadows created by the torchieres flanking the entrance.


My mouth hung open and I was struck speechless. Firmly rooted in place, I struggled with the enormity of what it could mean. How could she have known? How could this room exist here?


Each step I took across the glossy floor felt as if my feet had been weighted with stones. On and on I shuffled toward the chamber. Unlike my leaden feet, my mind was terribly alert as I took in the details with wide unblinking eyes.


Every step taken forward seemed a step back in time.


The chamber boasted vaulted ceilings held up by thick black columns. The sconces roared to life as I passed them until the entire room was bathed in firelight. At the center stood a large altar—a rough-edged slab of ebony granitite with runes carved into the edge.


A brazier graced the far end and I was met with the comforting sound of snapping wood and crackling flames. The air carried a pleasant blend of smoke and burning orowood.


Rows of niches lined the walls, but unlike the ones I’d seen in Tulak Hord’s tomb on Dromund Fels, these were empty waiting to be filled with my own holocrons. A greel wood bench stood before the brazier, tempting me to sit.


With every measured step, I was a boy again, a beggar lord marveling at his legacy. I expected the Sithspawn beast to emerge from the shadows to greet me and when I ran my hand along the edge of the altar, I thought I would again see the visions of past and future generations conceived upon it.


Liaseph clasped my elbow and I remembered where I was and that I wasn’t alone. The boy vanished and the man took his place.


“Ares? Don’t you like it? I wanted to surprise you.”


“If that was your goal, I believe you’ve succeeded.”


“You look upset. You hate it don’t you,” she said glumly.


“No—but I must admit I’m mystified. How did you know? Did Vowrawn help you?”


“Vowrawn? No, of course not. Why would you think that?”


“Because he’s the only other person alive to have seen this place.”


“Are you telling me there’s actually another room somewhere that looks like this?”


“Liaseph…it’s an exact replica of Tulak Hord’s tomb. You’ve never been to Dromund Fels and if Vowrawn didn’t help you—how is this possible? Tell me.”


“You’re going to think I’m mad...”


“Liaseph…surely you understand how unsettling this is.” I stared at her matter-of-factly.


“Alright. Ever since you showed me the holo map, I’ve been dreaming about this room. Please don’t tell me I’m crazy. Our decorator already did that. I believe his exact words were, ‘this is so Ruusan Dark Ages. It clashes with everything.’ Then he walked away muttering something about eclectic adornments. I haven’t seen him since.”


“I don’t give a damn about the decorator.” I seized her shoulders and stared into the depths of her eyes. “Are you unwell? As if you’re not yourself? Do you hear any strange whispers? Voices?”


“No!” She swatted my chest playfully and laughed. “Of course not. I’m fine. If you don’t like it, change it. I just wanted it to feel…Sithy enough for you. I thought you’d want a break from the Kriin-wood paneling.”


“The paneling is fine.” I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “If you have any other unusual recurring dreams, I want you to tell me, is that understood?”


“Understood, my lord.” She mock saluted me and clicked her heels together. “You worry too much.” She hefted herself up onto the altar and sat, her legs swishing to and fro.


“And you…you don’t worry enough. What are you doing?”


“Sitting. What’s it look like?” Her mouth curled up at the corners and she gazed at me with impish eyes. “I have an idea…come here.” She beckoned me closer with a curling index finger.


Warily, I edged closer, until I stood at her knees. “Did anything happen in these dreams that I should know about?”


Her cheeks flushed and she stifled a giggle. “No, why?” Her eyes narrowed as they searched mine. “You’re acting like you’ve seen a ghost.”


“In a way I have.”


Her fingers played over my abdomen and hovered over the line of buttons fastening my cassock. I caressed her cheek and then moved beyond her reach. She pouted and her shoulders slumped.


“I see that you’re disappointed. It’s not what you’ve done. It’s that I—” I sighed. “I never thought I would set foot into that tomb again. I have my reasons. And yet, here stands its twin—a room you had created from a dream. Can you at least acknowledge that it’s odd?”


“When you put it like that…yes and I’m sorry. I didn’t do it to upset you. All I wanted, was for it to be perfect. I want everything to be perfect for us.”


“Liaseph…don’t set yourself up for disappointment. No life is perfect and often times it is the imperfections that make it worth living.”


“What more can I say? I’m sorry.”


I took her hands in mine and kissed her fingertips. “I know, but I am concerned that you’re being manipulated by forces you don’t understand—or for that matter, perhaps, I’m the one being manipulated.”


“You think this darkness you speak of is responsible.” She frowned and averted her gaze. “I don’t think it likes me very much.”


“What makes you think so?”


“Because I don’t approve of it. I’m scared that one of these times, it won’t let go of you. I don’t want to lose you. I love you.”


“And I you, but what you fail to understand, is that I am its master—it’s in my blood.”


“Does that mean you’re a descendant of this…Tulak Hord person?”


“Yes. He was the first master…and through him, I too became a Lord of Hatred and Master of the Gathering Darkness.”


“Does that mean our children will be involved with the darkness too?”


I couldn’t deny her question chilled me. “It’s a possibility…a choice to be made when they’re old enough.”


“Ares, what aren’t you telling me? There’s more to this, I can tell.”


“I could say the same about you. When I asked you if anything else happened, you denied it, but you’re lying.”


She blushed. “Lying is a bit strong, I wasn’t lying. I was embarrassed. I thought it was just a silly dream.”


“Then something did happen. What?”


“We…made love here in my dreams. Is that so terrible?” She turned her gaze up and eyed me mischievously.


“This is not the time to make levity. ”


“Fine, I’ll be serious. What aren’t you telling me? I want to know.”


I drew a deep breath and blew it out. “I was conceived in the Tomb of Tulak Hord, on this altar’s twin, as was my father and his father before him, for generations—a tradition that marks us as descendants of the Hord line—except that he had a hand in my creation.”


“What does that mean?”


“It means my father was incapable of fathering a son—in the usual way. Hord made my existence—possible.”


“But he’s a ghost…”


“Yes, but his knowledge did not die with his physical body. He used his knowledge of the Force to create a life.”


“So…they did some kind of ritual?”


I nodded and eyed her curiously. “Did anything else transpire in your dreams?”


“No, nothing else. So what now?”


“I need to think on this and I would prefer to do so away from here. Come.” I drew her away from the altar and led her out of the chamber.


“You haven’t seen the gardens yet. Maybe some fresh air would do us both good.”


“Agreed. I have something for you.”


She beamed up at me. “A gift?”


“If that’s what you choose to make of it.”


“Now you’ve got me wondering,” she mused aloud. “Where is it?”


We passed through a circular gate flanked by thick hedges and Dromund Kaas was at once transformed into the world where we’d met.


The gardens were of Alderaanian design, with a dry garden dominating the landscape, but at its heart was a lush water garden. A stone sundial served to punctuate the dividing gravel path and I was reminded of our stolen nights behind the Thul palace.


I scanned the property until my gaze landed on the bulbous yellow-green eyes peering at us from the edge of the waterfall. The ginx croaked either in recognition or protest at being disturbed and Liaseph gasped.


“Our ginx! But how? How did you manage to get him away from the Thuls?”


I snickered. “Stealing garden vermin isn’t exactly difficult. Having it smuggled onto the Imperial homeworld, now that was a different matter entirely but it would seem the creature has important allies.”


“I never thought I’d see him again.” She took a few steps toward it and I snatched her wrist to reel her body in against mine.


Her breath caught at the surprising swirl of motion and I set her atop one of the flattened boulders lining the path and crushed her body to mine. I caressed her cheek with the backs of my fingers and lost myself in the warmth of her eyes.


“There’s only one thing I need to make this home perfect, Liaseph…never doubt it—”


“—You’d better not say it's that ginx,” she teased.


“Then I won’t.” I cupped her face in my hands, and her fingers crept up my wrists to rest on mine. Our lips touched and at once a powerful current of need drove me to claim her mouth. Her lips were as pliant and heady as sweet blossoms. She nibbled my lower lip and I understood that it wasn’t tenderness she craved.


I stripped her to the waist, allowing gravity to complete the task. She stepped free of her clothing, her fingers rapidly unbuttoning my cassock to return the favor. Her mouth moved fervently over my skin, nuzzling and suckling my flesh until I could take no more.


I swept her into my arms and carried her into the pond adjacent to the waterfall and we clung shivering to one another, the water droplets on our bodies glistening under the larger of Dromund Kaas’s moons.


I gazed down at her, taking a moment to appreciate the effect of the moonlight dappling her wet skin. I lifted her to me and she coiled her legs, locking them over the small of my back. I growled as I slid into her and she shuddered against me.


The ginx gawped at us and croaked.


“I don’t think he likes sharing.” Liaseph giggled and splashed the creature until it hopped out of sight.


“Neither do I.”


She swatted me. “I was referring to the pond.”


“And what makes you think I wasn’t?”






The next morning, Tersus strode into my office in the north-western corner of the Sith Sanctum and honored me with a crisp bow. “My lord, you look well. It’s good to see you.”


“Likewise. I trust given the circumstances that we have much to discuss.”


“Yes, my lord, that we do.”


“Proceed.” I indicated that he sit in one of the chairs facing my desk.


“Thank you, my lord. We’ve examined all of the rounds your people submitted after the attempt, and we’ve concluded that they are a positive match to the suspect’s slugthrower cycle rifle.”


“A primitive and unusual choice, especially for an SIS agent.”


“Agreed, but they are capable of hitting targets at extreme ranges and penetrating energy shields, not to mention heavy armor. I’ve seen similar weapons before, during my time on Tatooine. The Tuskan raiders favored them. A fellow agent had his arm blasted clean off by one of them…ending a rather promising career before it truly began.”


“Yes, I’ve studied these savages—but to my understanding, they’re xenophobic to the extreme, how would Zane come into one of these weapons?”


“I examined the rifle myself and I believe it’s a replica of a Tuskan weapon. When I was stationed there, I heard rumors of a cell specializing in training assassins deep within the wilds. They’d masquerade as Tuskans, I daresay an effective cover.”


“A Republic cell?”


“I don’t think so, but we’ve been unable to determine anything for certain. They’re ghosts.”


“And you believe Zane may have trained with them?”


“It’s a possibility. He’s been interrogated by several of your finest inquisitors, but not even they have been able to extract anything useful.”


“What about Ravage?”


“Yes, my lord. He’s had access to the suspect, but I’ve been led to believe that he’s had no better success than any of the others.”


“He’s lying. This is his stock and trade. I think it’s time I interrogated this agent for myself.”


“I can arrange that, my lord. If you so wish.”


“I do.”


The edge behind Tersus’s gaze sharpened. “My lord…permission to speak freely?”




“Prior to your departure last year, I expressed my concerns regarding the Jedi Master Rylister and the means by which you two are connected. Given your response, I suspected that you may have been protecting someone. Forgive me, my lord, but it is my belief that I could better serve you if I were privy to all the details. Rylister has ties to the SIS, specifically to Aruna and Torin Zane. The Jedi did, after all, betray your location to the double agent on Zygerria. I have little doubt that further attempts on your life will be made. The Republic clearly wants you dead…”


“Hmph, it’s not as if I haven’t given them ample reason. What is it you’re asking precisely?”


“You’ve neither confirmed nor denied my suspicions…but my instincts tell me there is a missing piece…an important one.”


“Your instinct serves you well.” I sighed. “Last year, to disclose her involvement in the matter would have risked endangering her. I kept her identity a secret—a decision I’ve come to regret most deeply. Had I entrusted you with the information, I believe matters would have unfolded quite differently.”


“It is only out of the earnest desire to perform my duties as efficiently as possible, that I bring this up, my lord.”


“During my tenure on Alderaan, I became acquainted with Master Rylister on the battlefield. He was a trusted advisor to House Teraan—and mentor to Lady Liaseph Teraan—perhaps you recognize the name.”


Tersus blanched.


“I see you do.”


“Yes, my lord—forgive me. I-I must confess, I was remiss in my duty, where she was concerned.”




“You see, we became aware of a young woman confined to an apartment leased by Darth Ravage—my agent disclosed her name, her frame of mind and her desire to contact you,” Tersus steeled himself and drew a deep breath. “I won’t hide behind excuses. Had I believed she was of any importance at all, I would have found a means to deliver the information to you. I see now in retrospect, it was not my place to make that call, but yours. I take full responsibility.”


“At ease, Tersus. I value your integrity given the risks. Mistakes were made, but they were not yours.”


“Thank you, my lord. That is most gracious of you, I appreciate your understanding.”


“Your man Pallaron however—his actions are not above reproach. I’m told he propositioned Lady Teraan—his assistance would not come without a price if you take my meaning.”


“I apologize on his behalf, my lord. He is a gifted agent, and I request clemency where he is concerned. He has served the Empire with distinction. It would be a shame to dispose of an agent of his caliber due to one misstep…a regrettable one, but still…”


“It is only because of your endorsement that he lives. See to it he’s reassigned. I don’t care where so long as it’s not within the Empire. I never want to see or hear the name Damars Pallaron again. Do you understand?”


“Yes, my lord.” Tersus swallowed hard. “Forgive me—but you have ascertained beyond any doubt that she is worthy of your trust? Given her connection to Rylister…you don’t think it’s possible she is part of the Republic’s scheme to gain access to you?”


“I trust her unequivocally—you could say, I trust her with my life.”


“I believe I take your meaning, my lord.”


“Is there anything further?”


“There are two other items on the agenda…”




“I have received reports that the Republic has captured the Dread Masters and executed them.”


“Lies. They’re not dead. I would have sensed their passing in the Force. Power such as theirs would not vanish unnoticed—not by any Sith, least of all our Emperor. Who was responsible for their capture?”


“Master Jaric Kaedan.”


I chuckled. “I greatly doubt he captured them single-handedly. If not for his master, Ngani Zho, he wouldn’t have survived our encounter with only a scar to show for it.”


“He had several battalions of special forces at his command. Apparently, they were able to overcome the Dread Masters through his battle meditation.”


“Yes—a specialty of Zho’s, I understand. He trained most of their current council—including Kaedan and Satele Shan.”


“Speaking of which, she’s disappeared, my lord. No mean feat.”


“Last I heard she was on Alderaan with Havoc Squad against Malgus. She’s still alive?”


Tersus nodded. “Yes, I believe so. A few months have passed, but it would seem, she has withdrawn on her own terms. The reasons are as unknown as her location.”


“What of Malgus?”


“He did not leave Alderaan unscathed. He wears a respirator now.”


“If you learn anything further, keep me apprised. There’s more to this, I’ve no doubt.”


“Of course, my lord.” Tersus scanned his datapad, brows furrowed. “I believe that concludes my report. Is there anything further I can assist you with my lord?”


“Set up the interrogation with Zane. Aside from that, no. That will be all—dismissed.”




((to be continued…))




Sorry for the delay in posting, as some of you know I had some issues with my monitor. For now, I've got it worked out. Thanks for your support and encouragement, especially to Misha, Jenny and Frauzet. *hugs* Thanks for your patience and for reading. :)


Edited by Lunafox
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Happy days are here again!


First of I love your description for the room and area Liaseph had created for Marr, quite beautiful. I assume Marr's concerned Tulak Hord somehow managed to touch Lia's subconscious, encouraging her to build the room the way she did and tempt Marr onto the altar? That would trouble me as well, but given Marr's birth, Hord's reach does seem to go far. And Liaseph made me smile with her reactions and playfulness, a lighter side to her and it seems for the moment unburdened by everything she's gone through. I did worry for a split second, when they joked about the ginx and not sharing and Marr said he doesn't like to share either which I thought might serve as a painful reminder of her past but luckily it didn't and they got to experience a happy moment together.


I enjoyed the conversation between Marr and Tersus as well and the regret the latter expresses when he realizes what Liaseph means to Marr and had he known, things might have been different for her and the both of them now. It was good to clear the air on that one, at least as a reader I appreciated the exchange because I do have an overly suspicious mind so it was good to read neither Tersus or Damars really had any sort of clue. I also liked how Tersus stood up for Damars, and the way Marr has Damars reassigned.


I really liked the last part as well, discussing the Republic, Jaric Kaedan, Master Zho, Satele and Malgus too that was a very nice touch and nod at whereabouts we are in the time line, as well as recognizing some of the game-lore and characters his future child will deal with and I did sit here telling my screen "Because she's pregnant with Theron!!" because lol. That kinda had me giddy.


Loved the chapter and thought it was really well done, worth the wait for sure and on the upside, I hope, no full week of waiting now, right? It's almost Friday again already. :D Although you have been hindered by not having a new screen until now so likely didn't get much writing in either in which case I'd understand if upcoming Friday is pushed back a little too. I'm just glad you're back and I got to read more. :D

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So happy you are back, :D.



The description of the replica tomb is quite detailed from the vaulted ceiling to the sconces and lighting to the alter. Now I wonder if Liaseph's dreams are some sort of effect of the darkness or Tulak himself, which could, or could not be one in the same thing. Marr, likely, has cause for concern here.


Their little moment in the garden was lovely and a happy moment for both of them. I liked that you brought the little ginx back, and like Jenny, I was afraid that Marr's comment about not liking to share would be taken wrong, but thankfully it was not. Both the garden and the tomb showed a more light hearted Liaseph and I am happy that she has this time for a little joy and happiness.


The meeting with Tersus was quite brilliant in the way it introduced so many of the future characters, Master Zho, Kaedan, Malgus, and Satele Shan. Nice way to include her disappearance, like Jenny I was thinking, 'because she is preggers with Theron'.


Now we know how and why Darmas Pollaran ended up on Nar Shaddaa, hah, nicely done. And Tersus being apologetic regarding his early knowledge of Liaseph, but not her importance to Marr. At least that point is cleared up between Marr and Tersus.


Marr instantly assuming that Ravage is lying about information he may have gotten from Zane, it does show that Marr trusts Ravage not a whit where anything is concerned.


Oh, almost forgot the bit about the Tuskan raider slug thrower guns and wonder if this group will show up again in the future. Ah, and what about Liaseph's meeting with Rylester, has it happened yet or will that be in a future chapter? Inquiring minds want to know. :) Ah well, we have Marr's interrogation of Zane coming up, that should be interesting, and hopefully enlightening.



A wonderful read, as always, and, as always, eagerly waiting for the next. Friday is closer this week, but I do understand any delay that might occur since you were held back for the better part of three or four days.

Edited by MishaCantu
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