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logged on to dead character


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This morning I logged on to my Vanguard in one of my strongholds and found her dead in front of my legacy storage unit. I had only been crafting before that and had no dot or other condition eating hitpoints. The stronghold is locked.


I submitted a bug report on this but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

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This morning I logged on to my Vanguard in one of my strongholds and found her dead in front of my legacy storage unit. I had only been crafting before that and had no dot or other condition eating hitpoints. The stronghold is locked.


I submitted a bug report on this but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


Happene to my toon on our guildship. I was like WTH? How did this happen. Must be a bug. Been playing since launch and that was the first time it ever happened for me.

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Just respawn and move on. I can't believe something this minor actually drove you to complain to cs.


Actually I didn't complain to cs. I submitted a bug report. There's a big difference.


And thank you to those who confirmed that it happened to them. It wasn't a big deal...just revived and moved on, but I was curious to know if this had happened to anyone before.

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You were not plague infected when you logged out were you?


No. This has nothing to do with the event.

It might have only happened to a couple of characters that were recently copied over to the pts. I'm not sure. Since it was a very minor issue affecting only a couple of alts I didn't pay real close attention to it. I'm pretty sure the characters were in my stronghold , dead on the floor right near where I have the mailbox, gtn, cargo and legacy storage.

Edited by JediRelentless
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No. This has nothing to do with the event.

It might have only happened to a couple of characters that were recently copied over to the pts. I'm not sure. Since it was a very minor issue affecting only a couple of alts I didn't pay real close attention to it. I'm pretty sure the characters were in my stronghold , dead on the floor right near where I have the mailbox, gtn, cargo and legacy storage.


Not sure if connected but I just logged in to find Qyzen dead at my feet. I could hear a grunt from him as if he'd fallen from a great height whilst the screen was loading. This was on Makeb, fwiw.



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Not sure if connected but I just logged in to find Qyzen dead at my feet. I could hear a grunt from him as if he'd fallen from a great height whilst the screen was loading. This was on Makeb, fwiw.




Things like that have happened periodically since release, via some lifts, taxis and certain loading zones. No big deal, revive and be on your way.

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The victim was found in the early hours of the mourning, the tatooine sun was pouring through the top balcony. The body was face down only a few inches away from the legacy storage unit. No sign of bruises, marks or any evidence of the murder weapon. The lab boys say there's no sign of any foul chemicals. If he didn't have that blinding green light comming from his chest, we would of just assumed he was sleeping. Whoever did this was one sly bastard.
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At least you guys can get into the game, I just get error code 310 and the game won't download the latest patch, now the launcher itself won't even work. And I'm reluctant to reinstall the whole game as internet speeds in Australia are 3rd world at best.
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The victim was found in the early hours of the mourning, the tatooine sun was pouring through the top balcony. The body was face down only a few inches away from the legacy storage unit. No sign of bruises, marks or any evidence of the murder weapon. The lab boys say there's no sign of any foul chemicals. If he didn't have that blinding green light comming from his chest, we would of just assumed he was sleeping. Whoever did this was one sly bastard.




Thank you!

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This reminds me of these various threads about "explosions on the own ship", which in fact happened to a few people in their Strongholds as well. In a few cases, even Companions died or disappeared within such explosions, I read !


I have seen a few of these explosions myself, only 3 or four, if I remember correctly. One indeed happened at my Stronghold's elevator (Coruscant).


I read that these explosions might be from Cartel Market crates, but I really don't know, I don't have any clue myself.

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I had this happen on a lot of alts when 4.3 dropped. The reason is they were all flagged for PvP. When they made the change to PvP/PvE focus {with PvE being the default} any flagged toons I had, no matter where they were, logged in dead. This is my theory anyhow...based on observations of "N" toons lol. {Any toons I was not flagged on logged in alive}.
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I had this happen on a lot of alts when 4.3 dropped. The reason is they were all flagged for PvP. When they made the change to PvP/PvE focus {with PvE being the default} any flagged toons I had, no matter where they were, logged in dead. This is my theory anyhow...based on observations of "N" toons lol. {Any toons I was not flagged on logged in alive}.




Doesn't apply in my case as I don't PvP. But maybe Qyzen does when I'm offline! :p

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Doesn't apply in my case as I don't PvP. But maybe Qyzen does when I'm offline! :p


Totally...yeah would not apply in your case since Qyzen is not a player character. But not sure what the deal was there. Though over the years seen a lot of odd companion deaths. Usually when QTing from different global heights like on Makeb etc.


I did have this happen to player character of mine the other day {post 4.3}...where I died upon QTing. Never had that happen {that I recall} to a player character of mine ever. My guess was that it was related to the PvP/PvE instancing also. I was in a PvP instance on Hoth {yes the only Rep toon in the instance lol} and went to QT and was killed by the transition in the same fashion that all my flagged toons logged in dead after 4.3.


Just a guess anyways. As to Qyzen the game probably got confused and "threw" him lol.

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Not sure if connected but I just logged in to find Qyzen dead at my feet. I could hear a grunt from him as if he'd fallen from a great height whilst the screen was loading. This was on Makeb, fwiw.




This is actually a good clue.


To me this indicates that the client, while loading in to the game, has lost track of the actual character or companion position until login is completed. Which means it could very well have logged out at position x, then thinks when first logging in that the character is at position y and has essentially "fallen" to it's death. I can see this more common in a Stronghold since we do have balconies and long falls outside the boundary of our Stronghold.


I have had a few instances where when I logged in..... I found myself on fleet at the starter planet shuttle area. This happens I believe because for whatever reasons the server and the client confused where my character location was.

Edited by Andryah
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This morning I logged on to my Vanguard in one of my strongholds and found her dead in front of my legacy storage unit. I had only been crafting before that and had no dot or other condition eating hitpoints. The stronghold is locked.


I submitted a bug report on this but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this.


Well I haven't been on for three months or so and all my characters were dead on the floor when I first logged in again so far. I didn't think much about it though. After all:


There is no death. There is respawn.

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