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Marr and Satele


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First, because we see them at the end of chapter 9. Second, because I find the behaviour of Satele very similar to post-Clone Wars Yoda (pretty sure Bio writers did this on purpose). And Marr, well, how many sith would order a ceasefire on their supposedly mortal enemies under any circumstances? His evolution, so to speak, doesn't surprise me that much. Maybe they truly believe they are to blame for all the deaths and losses but all I can learn from their mistakes is to not underestimate the Eternal Fleet. I suppose that's what cost them the war, seeing Marr took like 4 ships to investigate the attackers that pretty much roflstomped Korriban.

I'm all for character development, but for me, it was a pretty jarring and suspicious jump from "I WILL NOT KNEEL!" to "not bending my knee cost millions of lives, I regret it now." (paraphrase)

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I'm all for character development, but for me, it was a pretty jarring and suspicious jump from "I WILL NOT KNEEL!" to "not bending my knee cost millions of lives, I regret it now." (paraphrase)


Yeah that was really fishy. You could say... it's a trap! I should show myself out now.


But in seriousness it would make sense if Valkorian created the "ghost" of Marr to get Satele on his side of things as well as the outlander. We know he is not physically restricted to being in close proximity to us, so could be while we were napping he went and started planting seeds of doubt with Satele, so years later, both her and the "ghost" of Marr are telling you to do what Valkorian wants. Valkorian KNOWS we have no good reason to trust him, but using our mentors to influence us would be really effective. Like you said Marr was enraged when he refused to kneel and didn't really care about being in charge. Now he's basically saying "kneeling was the correct dialogue option" and "you need to take the throne when Arcann's gone." Those 2 statements are so opposite of Marr's personality that it does seem likely it's more like a Valkorian puppet.

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I'm all for character development, but for me, it was a pretty jarring and suspicious jump from "I WILL NOT KNEEL!" to "not bending my knee cost millions of lives, I regret it now." (paraphrase)


Where are some reasons to kneel, but saving lives of other people is not one of them.


If Marr bowed what would change in the outcome of that audience? Valky would be alive? He would leave Empire and Republic alone? After sending Arcann and Texann to attack both? Riiiiiiigth.


I think, Marr and Outlander would be just another pawns in Vitiate games. Constantly being measured against unknown scale, doing as Valky says without any explanation, being kept in the dark – only in the name of some “grand” vision master have.


Valky enslaves, breaks and discards people. Look at anyone who ever was loyal to him. Greatest kindness he ever done to someone close to him – leaving that someone (Senia) alone. And still she is not free.


Besides, death never stopped Valky before, only slowed him. Slightly.


So why Marr says that he regrets his decision? He thinks that he could pull another Scourge on Valky? I do not think that it would be possible.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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