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A request to add RP as a status choice.


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We need this. Preferably the RP-tag should be returned as new players will now be confused with where to go and, over time, the RP community will be divided and spread thin.


If this is impossible, however, at least give us an RP-focus. The server-designations used to be PvP, PvE and RP-Pve/PvP. RP is thus already defined by YOU, Bioware, as an official play-style. For this reason I am puzzled by the lack of an RP-focus and honestly disappointed that the loyal RP-community has been forgotten yet again.


Save the roleplayers of SWTOR and listen to our request, please.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again-- There is nothing so special about rp that it needs its own realm. Nothing is stopping the rp community from playing make believe within the pve or pvp instances aside from the need to feel special while doing so. Any new realm would be pvp or pve, so they might as well just get used to doing it in the ones already established.
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I don't RP, but play on an RP server and find it friendlier, for the most part.


Likewise, though I do sometimes RP with people in my tiny guild. I really wish they would bring back the RP designations for the former RP servers. I don't think there are enough RPers in the game to establish healthy communities on every server.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again-- There is nothing so special about rp that it needs its own realm. Nothing is stopping the rp community from playing make believe within the pve or pvp instances aside from the need to feel special while doing so. Any new realm would be pvp or pve, so they might as well just get used to doing it in the ones already established.


You don't understand what RP is...


It's not a case of going through in-game content and play make belief that's just called immersing yourself in the game experience. No, roleplaying is to actually make a character and life in the world you're apart of, making up a background story, a believable character and interact with other characters as well. Removing the server specification means that roleplayers won't know where to find fellow roleplayers, and that is a problem.


Unlike PVE and PVP players roleplayers don't need much from the game developers. We just need a platform and a way to find each other, and then we will create our own content together.

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You don't understand what RP is...


It's not a case of going through in-game content and play make belief that's just called immersing yourself in the game experience. No, roleplaying is to actually make a character and life in the world you're apart of, making up a background story, a believable character and interact with other characters as well. Removing the server specification means that roleplayers won't know where to find fellow roleplayers, and that is a problem.


Unlike PVE and PVP players roleplayers don't need much from the game developers. We just need a platform and a way to find each other, and then we will create our own content together.


Create a public rp channel and advertise it on fleet for any interested parties. Problem solved. Having played for years on ebon hawk & jung-ma, I can say with full confidence that rp was all but dead, with a few here & there acting out scenes in the nar shaadaa cantina and fleet. That's it. They were simply pve servers with rp as a quaint curiosity at best. Even the role players would complain in general that there were too few people role playing. So the rp community can attempt to exaggerate its numbers like they were having some major renaissance before all this, but we know that's not true. The lack of interest doesn't extra merit investment in an extracurricular activity that only a few were doing. Make do with what you have now, as it's what you had before.

Edited by Aeristash
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Create a public rp channel and advertise it on fleet for any interested parties. Problem solved. Having played for years on ebon hawk & jung-ma, I can say with full confidence that rp was all but dead, with a few here & there acting out scenes in the nar shaadaa cantina and fleet. That's it. They were simply pve servers with rp as a quaint curiosity at best. Even the role players would complain in general that there were too few people role playing. So the rp community can attempt to exaggerate its numbers like they were having some major renaissance before all this, but we know that's not true. The lack of interest doesn't extra merit investment in an extracurricular activity that only a few were doing. Make do with what you have now, as it's what you had before.



And you know nothing, as there is robes of RP on Ebon Hawk during the peak hours. But thank you for bumping up the thread by trolling about something you know nothing about.

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And you know nothing, as there is robes of RP on Ebon Hawk during the peak hours. But thank you for bumping up the thread by trolling about something you know nothing about.


^this pretty much.


RP is active, alive and well on both Ebon Hawk and the Prog. A lot of it simply take place in hubs or strongholds when RP events are not scheduled. Besides the RP Community is simply asking for a tag besides a server name saying "RP" so that potential new players know what servers to join if they're looking to RP. Otherwise you end up having people split across several servers and thus you'll end up with several small communities instead of a few big and diverse ones.

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Have I rustled the jimmies of enough players yet? I can go on if I need to. When you treat other members of the community like crap and type stuff like this, your bound to rustle the jimmies and it doesn't serve anything constructive and simply turns it into a US VS THEM situation. Role playing is a important niche of this game as are several other areas of the game, and content should be made for all of them. Be honest, more often that not the Role playing community falls into what I quoted above.

Man, I'm glad I read the whole thing, Peter. About halfway through your opening diatribe, I was gearing up unleash the hell hounds of erudition in a pincer movement that would envelope your position between rebuttal and chastisement. And, yeah, it's always fun to use the other guy's words/argument against him. Well played.


I do, however, offer one correction: RP does not need content. We make our own. We just want the same (or similar) tools to find each other that other aspects of the game (e.g., PvP) have. As I said, RP flags would suffice. If we can't get that, then EA/BW should restore the RP designations to the servers.


Create a public rp channel and advertise it on fleet for any interested parties. Problem solved. Having played for years on ebon hawk & jung-ma, I can say with full confidence that rp was all but dead, with a few here & there acting out scenes in the nar shaadaa cantina and fleet. That's it. They were simply pve servers with rp as a quaint curiosity at best. Even the role players would complain in general that there were too few people role playing. So the rp community can attempt to exaggerate its numbers like they were having some major renaissance before all this, but we know that's not true. The lack of interest doesn't extra merit investment in an extracurricular activity that only a few were doing. Make do with what you have now, as it's what you had before.
And no other segment of the player population ever complains about silly things like waiting for queues to pop, right? If it's a playstyle I enjoy, I will always want more people playing that way. And no, what we have now is not what we had before. Long, long ago, in the misty, before-time times (i.e., two weeks ago), we had servers tagged for RP so players interested in RP knew where to go.


If one does not RP, then one is no more suited to commenting on RP than I (who has never raided) am to comment on the state of raiding.

Edited by Thoronmir
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And you know nothing, as there is robes of RP on Ebon Hawk during the peak hours. But thank you for bumping up the thread by trolling about something you know nothing about.


What a curious word choice. And when exactly are these peak hours you've so casually omitted? I'd like to investigate this asap before I attempt to once again trump this up to bluster & exaggeration.

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What a curious word choice. And when exactly are these peak hours you've so casually omitted? I'd like to investigate this asap before I attempt to once again trump this up to bluster & exaggeration.


They say between the hours of 27:00 and 35:30 you can hear the faint whisper of a god mode sith trying to force people to do what he tells them. if you listen carefully, you can hear every scoundrel pretend he's got some sort of illegal shipment the empire wants so bad and yet.... he's in the cantina, trying to get laid.


people smirking left and right while they pretend they actually know what goes on in real bars.

a jedi, begging for a padawan on tyhon all hours of the day.

bounty hunters running around yelling in some pretend language...so quaint.

and let us not forget the advertisements for ERP (extremely ridiculous premise) as they hover above fleet chat.


or perhaps you're more the type to seek out the thrill of beating on level 8 players as you pretend like they have "more promise than you've ever seen but they must overcome whatever the hell it is you tell them is wrong with them before they can truly master themselves".


Yes folks, it's the witching hour. When sensibility is taken out back and shot in the face.


That, is where you shall find rp.


Best wear soft gloves so you don't injure your face while you observe. Rp, is not for the faint of heart.

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They say between the hours of 27:00 and 35:30 you can hear the faint whisper of a god mode sith trying to force people to do what he tells them. if you listen carefully, you can hear every scoundrel pretend he's got some sort of illegal shipment the empire wants so bad and yet.... he's in the cantina, trying to get laid.


people smirking left and right while they pretend they actually know what goes on in real bars.

a jedi, begging for a padawan on tyhon all hours of the day.

bounty hunters running around yelling in some pretend language...so quaint.

and let us not forget the advertisements for ERP (extremely ridiculous premise) as they hover above fleet chat.


or perhaps you're more the type to seek out the thrill of beating on level 8 players as you pretend like they have "more promise than you've ever seen but they must overcome whatever the hell it is you tell them is wrong with them before they can truly master themselves".


Yes folks, it's the witching hour. When sensibility is taken out back and shot in the face.


That, is where you shall find rp.


Best wear soft gloves so you don't injure your face while you observe. Rp, is not for the faint of heart.


^ LOL. That's hilarious!! :D

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Peak hours would be between 7pm to midnight server time. And even before that there is plenty of activity when it comes to RP. I think you don't see it, because you don't care about it so you wouldn't know where to look, and what to look for. Edited by vadess
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They say between the hours of 27:00 and 35:30 you can hear the faint whisper of a god mode sith trying to force people to do what he tells them. if you listen carefully, you can hear every scoundrel pretend he's got some sort of illegal shipment the empire wants so bad and yet.... he's in the cantina, trying to get laid.


people smirking left and right while they pretend they actually know what goes on in real bars.

a jedi, begging for a padawan on tyhon all hours of the day.

bounty hunters running around yelling in some pretend language...so quaint.

and let us not forget the advertisements for ERP (extremely ridiculous premise) as they hover above fleet chat.


or perhaps you're more the type to seek out the thrill of beating on level 8 players as you pretend like they have "more promise than you've ever seen but they must overcome whatever the hell it is you tell them is wrong with them before they can truly master themselves".


Yes folks, it's the witching hour. When sensibility is taken out back and shot in the face.


That, is where you shall find rp.


Best wear soft gloves so you don't injure your face while you observe. Rp, is not for the faint of heart.



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How about this?

:)Chat bubbles show-up, only if you are flagged for RP. :)

I think that would make everyone happy!


Well, they have already said that they can't do chat bubbles for technical reasons. I wasn't there in early beta, but I have heard that they had chat bubbles in one build and the lag they caused was horrific.


Since technology has changed, it might be worked out now, but not with the skeleton crew EA is allowing them. After all, courting gifts have been broken since 4.0 came out, and some romances are still bugged.

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Well, they have already said that they can't do chat bubbles for technical reasons. I wasn't there in early beta, but I have heard that they had chat bubbles in one build and the lag they caused was horrific.



Hi Cedia, I apologize for not being more clear.


What I was trying to imply was that if chat bubbles only showed up for people flagged for RP,

it would probably solve the lag problem associated with them.


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Hi Cedia, I apologize for not being more clear.


What I was trying to imply was that if chat bubbles only showed up for people flagged for RP,

it would probably solve the lag problem associated with them.



True, but we don't know that for sure. :)


It still wouldn't solve the problem of new roleplayers not knowing what server to go to, though. :(

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I seem to recall... maybe it was in EQ1...


That RPers had a different color of text for their names.

I would think that would be simple to implement.


But yes, they would still need to designate certain servers as RP friendly.




Or RPers will spread to the wind and start feeling isolated because they can't find one another.

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How about a website where RP'rs can meet safely and send secure messages to each other, all leading up to an eventual in game meet up.


I see the process working like this...


You create an account on the site and setup your profile. This part is free and easy. You'll upload a picture of your toon and answer some basic questions like, how often do you play? and, do you pvp? Then you'll get into some of the more personal questions like, how many credits do you have?


Next, you'll be able to browse some of the available profiles. Should you chose to subscribe to this service, you'll be able to send messages to other users. The first few messages will be canned, meaning you can't draft them yourselves, something like "Hey, I saw your profile and thought you looked interesting". Should the other person opt to respond to you, then you can send personalized messages to each other.


If you feel comfortable with the way the conversations have gone, you can then chose to share your character name and invite the other person to the server you play on for some RP, confident in the knowledge that you've found a fellow RP'r for you.


I call this service eRP-SWTOR.com. Short for "Electronic Role Play - Star Wars: The Old Republic". 39.99/mo, first month is free with 3 month minimum commitment.


*erp-swtor.com is not responsible for the content of user profiles or dudes pretending to be chicks.

Edited by Darimund
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How about a website where RP'rs can meet safely and send secure messages to each other, all leading up to an eventual in game meet up.


I see the process working like this...


You create an account on the site and setup your profile. This part is free and easy. You'll upload a picture of your toon and answer some basic questions like, how often do you play? and, do you pvp? Then you'll get into some of the more personal questions like, how many credits do you have?


Next, you'll be able to browse some of the available profiles. Should you chose to subscribe to this service, you'll be able to send messages to other users. The first few messages will be canned, meaning you can't draft them yourselves, something like "Hey, I saw your profile and thought you looked interesting". Should the other person opt to respond to you, then you can send personalized messages to each other.


If you feel comfortable with the way the conversations have gone, you can then chose to share your character name and invite the other person to the server you play on for some RP, confident in the knowledge that you've found a fellow RP'r for you.


I call this service eRP-SWTOR.com. Short for "Electronic Role Play - Star Wars: The Old Republic". 39.99/mo, first month is free with 3 month minimum commitment.


*erp-swtor.com is not responsible for the content of user profiles or dudes pretending to be chicks.


lololololol!!! :D

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How about a website where RP'rs can meet safely and send secure messages to each other, all leading up to an eventual in game meet up.


I see the process working like this...


You create an account on the site and setup your profile. This part is free and easy. You'll upload a picture of your toon and answer some basic questions like, how often do you play? and, do you pvp? Then you'll get into some of the more personal questions like, how many credits do you have?


Next, you'll be able to browse some of the available profiles. Should you chose to subscribe to this service, you'll be able to send messages to other users. The first few messages will be canned, meaning you can't draft them yourselves, something like "Hey, I saw your profile and thought you looked interesting". Should the other person opt to respond to you, then you can send personalized messages to each other.


If you feel comfortable with the way the conversations have gone, you can then chose to share your character name and invite the other person to the server you play on for some RP, confident in the knowledge that you've found a fellow RP'r for you.


I call this service eRP-SWTOR.com. Short for "Electronic Role Play - Star Wars: The Old Republic". 39.99/mo, first month is free with 3 month minimum commitment.


*erp-swtor.com is not responsible for the content of user profiles or dudes pretending to be chicks.




Hate to tell you this but you're late to the party- that

already exists. And it charges $0.00/all eternity.
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