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A request to add RP as a status choice.


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RP would be bad and redundant and it would only further divide a dwindling population. Real RPers should have PvP turned on by default cus it is out of character to not be able to kill or be attacked by opposite faction members. I don't care how much someone hates PvP, that's the truth.


Sadly, it's a bit of "realism" that the RPers have to "sacrifice" for the sake of avoid a certain brand of in-game troll and griefer.

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In my experience across games, the "RP" status does somewhat change the atmosphere of a server and how people are treated for RPing in places that others might overhear.


Makes sense then just make a rp server and then a pve/pvp pve players usually pvp most of the time anyway just combine those

Edited by NakodaTheJedi
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I just don't understand this thread. Just go role play you don't need your own server or something that labels you as a role player. Just do it go have fun. If someone gives you crap there is this handy ignore feature.


One doesn't usually roleplay alone. And how do you propose roleplayers find other roleplayers?

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I just don't understand this thread. Just go role play you don't need your own server or something that labels you as a role player. Just do it go have fun. If someone gives you crap there is this handy ignore feature.

One could make the same suggestion for PvP under the old system. Why do open world PvPers need a flag to designate them as such? Why can't they just try to attack every opposite faction member they see to find out which are also willing to PvP? The answer ... now ... is that flags are superfluous. If you're on a PvP instance, you're PvPing. RPers have no flag and no instance to help us find each other.


In LOTRO, they have an arduous procedure for identifying your character as an RP character. I lack the technical knowledge to fully explain all of the downloads, updates, and additional hardware needed to complete this procedure, but I will try ...


We type "/rp on". Well, we type "/rp on" and press the Enter key. RP-tagged characters' names appear in a different color than characters whose players did not type "/rp on". It helps us find other RPers without scrolling through the Who screen spamming tells, "u rp?".

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Chiming my support here too.


This game had four server designations: PVP, PVE, RP, RP-PVP. With the new "Focus" system, you - BioWare - have essentially decided to remove the RP and RP-PVP designations. This decision - in the long run - will have several very specific effects that have been observed in every mmorpg ever:



  1. People that want to Roleplay will spread to more servers, without a visible clue on "preferred" Servers, thus thinning out the community further and reducing the number of people to play with. Something a pvp or pve player won't have an issue with - thanks to their Focus!
  2. RP Servers have - traditionally - carried certain 'rulesets' on behavior and naming. Even if never enforced, this is not even implied anymore.
  3. As time passes and the PVP / PVE community spreads - much like the roleplayers will - Roleplayers will become a minority. And a minority that is often harassed by PVP or PVE players, even if some roleplayers can compete as well as any of the other two groups


Please, take this thread and posts as a reminder that Role Players are paying customers as well, and in fact probably pay a lot more in CC in order to perform simple cosmetic changes, or buying "that one suit" or the other to fit their play style.


There are a number of ways to handle this already suggested, from the simplest of changing a couple of label fields in the Server Names to add (RP) and (RP-PVP) on them up to creating separate RP and RP-PVP instances using your otherwise fantastic Focus System.


In fact, if your instancing allows cross-server communication, then by simply introducing rp and rp-pvp instances you will have given us a marvelous tool, rather than take away a convenience that only helped us congregate in one place.


Ignoring a target audience - no matter how niche - that has been more than loyal to your brand will only drive it away and while at the moment SWTOR may be the only Star Wars MMORPG out there, this doesn't mean that an important segment of the community can be simply ignored with impunity




I am running a large roleplaying guild on the Prognaitor. and have been doing so for more than a year. The RP community is alive and well and we don't complain when you don't release content, we create our own.


Only to do that we need other people and your senseless decision will invetiable result in a drop in RP activiety because roleplayers can't find each other. You haven't even left any indication of where to look. What are you thinking!?

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I believe this is the perfect opportunity to create an RP server for roleplayers where all areas are un-instanced, no quests appear or can be done. Just one giant instance where the NPC's (though no hostiles) are there sure, but only everything is designed for the roleplayers among us.


I believe removing the RP servers is a huge mistake and could indeed thin the RP community. Bioware, don't forget a great part of your playerbase are roleplayers. Keep it possible for us yo RP, give us an RP status in this new "Focus" possibility.

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In LOTRO, they have an arduous procedure for identifying your character as an RP character. I lack the technical knowledge to fully explain all of the downloads, updates, and additional hardware needed to complete this procedure, but I will try ...


We type "/rp on". Well, we type "/rp on" and press the Enter key. RP-tagged characters' names appear in a different color than characters whose players did not type "/rp on". It helps us find other RPers without scrolling through the Who screen spamming tells, "u rp?".


EQ2 has this as well, though they use the same color flag as Anonymous, which is really stupid...

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There are a number of ways to handle this already suggested, from the simplest of changing a couple of label fields in the Server Names to add (RP) and (RP-PVP) on them up to creating separate RP and RP-PVP instances using your otherwise fantastic Focus System.


I agree to either of these options, but especially with restoring the RP tags in the server selection screen. There has to be something that helps new players choose the right server if they're looking for RP.

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I believe this is the perfect opportunity to create an RP server for roleplayers where all areas are un-instanced, no quests appear or can be done. Just one giant instance where the NPC's (though no hostiles) are there sure, but only everything is designed for the roleplayers among us.
I'm not sure I want go so far as to create such an isolated environment. The best solution, in my experience, is an RP flag. It comes closest to preserving the status quo of RP-PvE and RP-PvP options. I can set my Character's Focus as PvE and hoist my RP flag ... essentially replicating the experience on the "old" RP-PvE servers.


But if they can't or won't allow us to identify as RPers, then, yeah, we deserve our own homeland.

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I'm not sure I want go so far as to create such an isolated environment. The best solution, in my experience, is an RP flag. It comes closest to preserving the status quo of RP-PvE and RP-PvP options. I can set my Character's Focus as PvE and hoist my RP flag ... essentially replicating the experience on the "old" RP-PvE servers.


But if they can't or won't allow us to identify as RPers, then, yeah, we deserve our own homeland.



Such a RP flag is a way better indeed haha. In any case, I fully agree with it to add RP status to the "Focus" thing.

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*add my stamp of approval*


RP flag, or RP designated server, would be awesome!


Same. Either of these would work for me. Especially if they did it like another MMO i played where RP flagged people names were purple :D


(Another suggestion that would never see the light of day is make another flag for the ERP crowd so they have a different color name as well, and those seeking ERP just look for a yellow or green name and not whisper me with incredibly lame/pathetic requests for it :p)


"No, I'm not interested in aquiring a "special" slave, I already have problems remembering to buy Nexu kibble, you'd starve. Im also not interested In bringing you to my ship/stronghold so I can "Inspect you". :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I personally think that we should simply keep the RP-server option rather than anything else.


having an instance on every server for PVP, RP, PVE is something I as a Roleplayer fear will just result in some trolling PVP'er or PVE players just changing instance for the sake of trolling RP'ers (such people does exist plain fact.)


Keep the Servers as they are now, unless there is more logic or sense making solution.


I hope the best for us RP'ers atleast.



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I personally think that we should simply keep the RP-server option rather than anything else.


having an instance on every server for PVP, RP, PVE is something I as a Roleplayer fear will just result in some trolling PVP'er or PVE players just changing instance for the sake of trolling RP'ers (such people does exist plain fact.)


Keep the Servers as they are now, unless there is more logic or sense making solution.


I hope the best for us RP'ers atleast.




The problem is, as of now, there are no RP servers, since they stealth-removed the tag from the server status.

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It'll fall to we rpers to tighten things up and make sure prospectives know where the now unofficial RP servers are.


Game devs don't give a crap about us. They wouldn't turn their heads to spare us a bad day let alone actually, actively do something to improve our QoL when they've blatantly disregarded it in their present change in the first place.


I suggest making it easily findable on Internet searches which the now unofficial RP servers are.


Waiting for Bioware to to help isn't something I'd advise holding one's breath for.


Roleplaying is truly blood boring and simply doesn't appeal to the game anymore as its more of a single player RPG, so it serves as nothing but a niche for those few people who wish to role-play. It's simply to much of a human simulator to find those large RP areas and guilds and only fits for people who want a career in human simulating.


Role-players often believe that they're the most driven, most committed, most loyal, most dedicated and most worthy of being serviced by changes made to a given game. They have their perceptions swaddled up in justifications and rationalizations galore, from pretensions of noble calling to conceits of how vital it is to mmo communities. Despite their every claim and prediction, the game continues to thrive.


Despite their feverish obsessions with trying to prove that snubbing their favorite way of roleplaying is the immediate path to complete failure of an mmo, the entire mmo industry continues to move away from catering to their playstyle, and this mmo in particular has flatly slapped it off the table.


SWTOR might be declining as we go, but little to none of that is because of the lack of roleplaying. Just like nearly none of what made it succeed at all was because of roleplaying.


It turns out that we can, in fact, have civilization without aristocracy and mmos without exclusively tuned content aimed at a fraction of the actual players.


Don't expect the whining to stop soon though, or for them to stop pointing at everything wrong with everything and take whatever creative leaps are required to connect the decline of mmos to the decline of interest in catering to their preferred form of Skinner box.


Have I rustled the jimmies of enough players yet? I can go on if I need to. When you treat other members of the community like crap and type stuff like this, your bound to rustle the jimmies and it doesn't serve anything constructive and simply turns it into a US VS THEM situation. Role playing is a important niche of this game as are several other areas of the game, and content should be made for all of them. Be honest, more often that not the Role playing community falls into what I quoted above.

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When you treat other members of the community like crap and type stuff like this, your bound to rustle the jimmies and it doesn't serve anything constructive and simply turns it into a US VS THEM situation. Role playing is a important niche of this game as are several other areas of the game, and content should be made for all of them.


QFT - regardless of PvP, Ops, Pve Solo story, vet, or new player; rustling jimmies and flinging bantha byproduct doesn't help your cause.


There are obvious limitations in resources that mean various communities will get shorted from time to time; usually in proportion to whatever the metrics say is popular. But engaging in forum PvP against the Other isn't going to help them sympathize with your pet desire.

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(long post)


We were quite happy with servers being designated as RP. We don't want anything special beyond that. Sure, a flag would be nice, and chat bubbles would be nice, but we were fine.


And then BioWare decided that we were no longer worthy of a server tag. That's what we're upset about.


It's as if:


Raider speak - suddenly all raids were no longer being given questlines after a random patch, but this was not in the patch notes


PvP speak - suddenly there was no leaderboard after a random patch, but this was not in the patch notes


Those are the only other two particular playstyles I can come up with off the top of my head. Suddenly what we had was taken from us, with no announcement and nothing given in return.

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We were quite happy with servers being designated as RP. We don't want anything special beyond that. Sure, a flag would be nice, and chat bubbles would be nice, but we were fine.


And then BioWare decided that we were no longer worthy of a server tag. That's what we're upset about.


It's as if:


Raider speak - suddenly all raids were no longer being given questlines after a random patch, but this was not in the patch notes


PvP speak - suddenly there was no leaderboard after a random patch, but this was not in the patch notes


Those are the only other two particular playstyles I can come up with off the top of my head. Suddenly what we had was taken from us, with no announcement and nothing given in return.


Most of my post was direct quotes from the person I was responding to back on their thoughts when it came to raiding. I thought I would return the favor and replace or literally just copy/paste parts of their post to see how mundane that viewpoint is, and that a MMO should have content for everyone.

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Most of my post was direct quotes from the person I was responding to back on their thoughts when it came to raiding. I thought I would return the favor and replace or literally just copy/paste parts of their post to see how mundane that viewpoint is, and that a MMO should have content for everyone.


Well, that went right over my head. :D

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