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Not Enough Male Force Using Romance Companions...


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Of course personality is important, but the point is it would be nice to have an interesting male force using love interest companion...The thing is, why shouldn't girls get their dreams manifested by the game? Guys get theirs all the time



Not true, I still can't romance M1-4X. I love my Vette-boo-boo, but that droid is the only star wars that steps foot in my dreams!





No. Just no. I don't want to romance a guy I could easily have turned into a sandwich. Tuna...Tuno....Coincidence...I think not. :p


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And I guess to each their own...I guess I like Mr. Amoral hulk with Shark Genitalia, cause he can be poetic in the way he describes things...and his voice is...*flail* awesome. :D Honestly I'm a slave to the voice. A good voice is very compelling.

Then we should never voice chat.

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Then we should never voice chat.


Oh Bran...are you telling me you sound hawt? *eyebrow twitch* Now I'll never look at your posts the same way again...I will automatically read them with the late Mr. Rickman's voice. :cool:

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Jennifer Aniston.


You've already seen mne for Jenny.


Urgh really? You couldn't have said Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman? LOL. Wow, Jennifer Aniston huh? I suppose it could be worse.


Okay...here is yours. You sound like David Spade. I happen to like David Spade, so consider it flattering lol. :D We need to start this thread in General lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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Urgh really? You couldn't have said Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman? LOL. Wow, Jennifer Aniston huh? I suppose it could be worse.


Okay...here is yours. You sound like David Spade. I happen to like David Spade, so consider it flattering lol. :D


I thought I was Danny Devito or Jeff 'Uh' Goldblum :D

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I thought I was Danny Devito or Jeff 'Uh' Goldblum :D


I think Jeff Goldblum could work too, but really I think David Spade lol. So, I started the game in General...hopefully it's not too weird for people to have some fun with lol.

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Im afraid to know who people think i would sound like... -laughs-

The first thing that actually came to mind was Kate Beckinsale, don't ask me why and don't hit me!


There's a guy on the forums who seems to be slightly more 'mature' aged than the average gamer, very polite and sophisticated in his responses with a nice touch of humor. I tend to read him as Jeremy Irons.


I guess a lot of people turn British in my head somehow but since that's closer to my neck of the woods it's not that far fetched. :p

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Oh Bran...are you telling me you sound hawt? *eyebrow twitch* Now I'll never look at your posts the same way again...I will automatically read them with the late Mr. Rickman's voice. :cool:

"You asked for a miracle, Theo, I give you the F ... B ... I." Maybe I can turn this into a movie quotes thread.


"Where do those stairs go?"

"They go up!"


I tend to hear posts by who i assume are male posters narrated in my head by Nicholas Cage... lol

Mon dieu!

Edited by branmakmuffin
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"You asked for a miracle, Theo, I give you the F ... B ... I." Maybe I can turn this into a movie quotes thread.


"Where do those stairs go?"

"They go up!"



Mon dieu!


"Turn to page 394..." :D Maybe, movie quotes are fun lol. I was gonna post the 'yippy ki yay m_______ker' one but...

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