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Not Enough Male Force Using Romance Companions...


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In fact...there are none.


We don't have a force user to romance, we just get non-force users. The guys get Nadia, Kira, Jaesa, and Ashara...who do the girls get? No one...The guys get plenty of each sort...non force user and force user.


I don't understand why the ladies don't get a male force user. It would be nice to have a little variety....


List is a bit off balance:


Girls (Non Force User choices) Quinn, Andronikos,Vector, Torian...Doc, Iresso, Corso and Aric. /Theron

Girls (Force users) No one. There is only Scourge and we can't romance him.


Guys (Non Force User choices) Vette, Kaliyo, Temple, Mako...Akaavi...Risha and Elara

Guys (Force using choices) Jaesa, Ashara, Kira, Nadia and Lana.

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It's nothing to me if they add them in or leave them out, but what is the big deal? Most characters of both genders are saddled with pretty sad romance companion choices, Force-users and otherwise: Andronikos, Ashara, Risha (but Akaavi makes up for that), Corso, Quinn, Felix, Kira, Kaliyo (but again we have Rayna), Mako, Jorgan.
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It's nothing to me if they add them in or leave them out, but what is the big deal? Most characters of both genders are saddled with pretty sad romance companion choices, Force-users and otherwise: Andronikos, Ashara, Risha (but Akaavi makes up for that), Corso, Quinn, Felix, Kira, Kaliyo (but again we have Rayna), Mako, Jorgan.


As Damask_Rose said in the other thread, male force users are hot :D I would really like to have the option...I see no harm in it :D As you say, some of the choices are pretty sad, but some make up for it. And the girls are woefully lacking a sexxxy force user male romance companion :D

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Since when does it matter if they use the force or not.... shouldn't personality be more important than being a Gary stu....??? A lot of the people I read these suggestions from seems like they want a man in shining armor of there dreams to manifest into this game. For instance... "Body type 3, nice hair, cute face, oh... and uses the force!"
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As Damask_Rose said in the other thread, male force users are hot :D I would really like to have the option...I see no harm in it :D As you say, some of the choices are pretty sad, but some make up for it. And the girls are woefully lacking a sexxxy force user male romance companion :D

This is all a matter of opinion, of course, but in my opinion, the 2 sexiest female companions are Vette and Akaavi. And if I can step into my gay suit, the 2 sexiest male companions are Vector and Doc (the way Doc is portrayed, he comes across as a person who really cares and wants to make the galaxy a better place, despite his arrogant bluster). All non-Force-using. DS Jaesa is OK if you want a crazy-a** [w]itch for a lover, I guess and Nadia is OK but kinda bland (probably because she enters the story so late).


But I find Ashara as appealing as a whiny, spoiled teenager and Kira to be a failure at her chosen profession of Sarcastic Wit-meister ("Eat light saber, jerk!" is one of the stupidest things said by any companion in the game). And I'm not sure why anyone would even want an option to romance an emotionless, amoral hulk with shark genitalia on his face.

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I'm more wondering HOW you'd romance a person who literally can't feel emotion...


You spend several chapters finding the right ritual to undo the Emperor's. Then you spend a few more gathering the right artifacts and building up your power. Last chapter you perform the ritual and then cry because he prefers dour Chagrian soldiers over Jedi.

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You spend several chapters finding the right ritual to undo the Emperor's. Then you spend a few more gathering the right artifacts and building up your power. Last chapter you perform the ritual and then cry because he prefers dour Chagrian soldiers over Jedi.


Rose LOL! That's horrible.


I wouldn't mind a male force using LI. At the end of the day personality counts more than anything obviously but take the male SW for example. He has the luxury option of sharing a romance, starting a future with someone also gifted in the Force. Who understands the Force and everything that comes with being a Force user. Now I'm not saying being a Force-user is an omgwtftrauma experience that you NEED to be able to share with a partner who 'gets it' but it's nice to have the option. Doc is supportive of his JK wifey, he tries to understand 'the life' best he can but he'd never be able to fully get it, you know?


Either way I'm all for it. And purposely ignoring any comment related to the big red hunkasith because I'm behaving. :D

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He barley has a personality aside from ''Vitiate bad guy, I bad guy, but temporarily nod bad guy!"


I thought he said more then that in my two playthroughs :p Either way, just like women enjoying accents, Scourge could read the Financials section of the paper aloud and id just enjoy the sound of his voice not even paying attention to what hes actually saying... :D


Same with Marr & Jadus, some seriously enticing voices in this game...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I thought he said more then that in my two playthroughs :p Either way, just like women enjoying accents, Scourge could read the Financials section of the paper aloud and id just enjoy the sound of his voice not even paying attention to what hes actually saying... :D


He does say more then that, but the bulk of his personality is revolving around saying we need to stop Vitiate and that he'll never join the light. And if the only interesting thing about a character is their voice... Yeah, they're badly written (Though I don't think Scourge is badly written)


I mean, I love Marr, but it has nothing to do with his epic voice (Te voice that could tell me about the butter all day long...). His personality is what interests me.

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He does say more then that, but the bulk of his personality is revolving around saying we need to stop Vitiate and that he'll never join the light. And if the only interesting thing about a character is their voice... Yeah, they're badly written (Though I don't think Scourge is badly written)


I mean, I love Marr, but it has nothing to do with his epic voice (Te voice that could tell me about the butter all day long...). His personality is what interests me.


Mmm. There's also parts where he speaks of his youth on Korriban and reminisces about things in life he's no longer able to experience, the color of his first love's eyes. It's that tiny peek into the man's soul I suppose that shows there's more to him than just "Boo Vitiate" and "Jedi suck, let me raise your kids as Sith."


There's something to be said too for the power of ones voice. Take Elara.. aside from her, in my perspective, boring conversations it's actually mostly her voices that sends me into half a blind rage. It's not the psychotic words that come from Vaylin's mouth when she speaks that make me hammer down on my spacebar, it's the voice in which she says those things. Ones voice is only a small part to their entire being but if it's overly annoying, or in fact highly seductive, yeah it does start to weigh in more heavily than it probably should.

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There's something to be said too for the power of ones voice. Take Elara.. aside from her, in my perspective, boring conversations it's actually mostly her voices that sends me into half a blind rage. It's not the psychotic words that come from Vaylin's mouth when she speaks that make me hammer down on my spacebar, it's the voice in which she says those things. Ones voice is only a small part to their entire being but if it's overly annoying, or in fact highly seductive, yeah it does start to weigh in more heavily than it probably should.


Yeah, but if it's the ONLY factor, that's where it's a clear problem.

Also, my problems with Vaylin are far more then her nails-on-a-chalkboard voice and 'I smoked so much crack...' face. Mostly how it's clear Bioware want you to be awed by how uber powerful and threatening she is, yet the only thought that runs through my mind upon watching her is 'A BLIND, DEAF LABOTAMY PATIENT COULD OUT WIT HER!'

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We actually have a male Force user companion.

Can't you see he's a Jedi? Don't make him use his lightsaber.

Technically, he's "just" Force sensitive, but that may change in the future, if speculations are right. Someone spotted on NS or Zakuul with a saber instead of a blaster (Just like he appeared before being recruited in vanilla story), so 2+2=5

Edited by JeKoCZ
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We actually have a male Force user companion.

Can't you see he's a Jedi? Don't make him use his lightsaber.

And just as a coincidence, he's also one of the companions with the best dialogues, which are funny both in story and war cries during combat.


If you're referring to who I think you mean.. no. World of no. And he may be a male FU companion but he's not romancable. Nor would I ever. No. :p

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If you're referring to who I think you mean.. no. World of no. And he may be a male FU companion but he's not romancable. Nor would I ever. No. :p


It doesn't have to be a love interest. It's just odd that the only 4 vanilla companions who use a lightsaber in combat are also all 4 females. Not being sexist because I don't care about that bs, but it's kind of an odd choice. But perhaps the only interesting story they could tell for a male companion would have been "These are 1001 ways to handle my morning wood using the Force". Pretty sure even Jedi have to struggle with that on a daily basis.


Perhaps Scourge? Completely forgot about him, but still the former Emperor's Wrath-gone rogue wouldn't be interested into banging some-few-centuries-younger Jedi or something. He's all "War and manly things which involve swinging around his glowing stick, no time for love".

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Ah alright! I thought you were suggesting him as a LI since that's what the threads basically about. My b! ;)


I think the female JC could do with a male Force using LI. Replace Tharan for instance with a male Jedi, hell I'd even settle for a Voss at this point as I genuinely despise the female JC LI options.


The female JK could, if 'fixed', hook up with Scourge or otherwise I'd even find say Lord Praven acceptable, minus the semi bdsm helmet thing. I got this thing about Purebloods somehow, I don't know why.


While I think Andronikos is cool as f-, the option to have a male Sith as a LI for the SI wouldn't withstand. Granted she at least gets to wrestle between the sheets with Thingy Whatshisface on Alderaan. Before he dies.. .


The SW is the only one where I kinda have no complaints because Quinn is pretty awesome.

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To be honest, I think force users are more interesting/cool in terms of visuals. Lightsabers are fun, Force user companions are more fun to watch in battle, and in general I like the look of Jedi/Sith style outfits more than I like the look of soldier/mercenary/smuggler type outfits (and I find it silly to dress up tech users like Jedi or Sith). Just my opinion of course.


I also prefer to use male companions. I like and use females too (Akaavi, Elara, and LS Jaesa are my currrent go-tos for their respective classes), but all else equal I would usually go with the male.


So, for these reasons I would like more male Force user companions. And c'mon, if Force users weren't considered desirable as love interests, I don't think Bioware would have given ALL of the male Force user characters a pretty Force user lady to romance, and then added Lana for everyone. ;)


I'm actually not too fussed about whether they are romanceable or not, though I would want them to be pleasing to both the eyes and ears -- so no, silly looking Shiny Jedi Man with his goofy voice does not fit the bill. :p Lord Scourge does, but he's Knight only. And IMHO, if they do add a new male Force user like that, it'd be nice if he was written to be romanceable.

Edited by Gwena
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Wow, you guys have been busy...thank you! :D So replies, here we go!


Since when does it matter if they use the force or not.... shouldn't personality be more important than being a Gary stu....??? A lot of the people I read these suggestions from seems like they want a man in shining armor of there dreams to manifest into this game. For instance... "Body type 3, nice hair, cute face, oh... and uses the force!"


Of course personality is important, but the point is it would be nice to have an interesting male force using love interest companion...The thing is, why shouldn't girls get their dreams manifested by the game? Guys get theirs all the time, they get loads of pretty girls ranging the gamut from hot and wild to sweet and adorable. Like...Mako...nice body type one, interesting hair, cute face and she can slice the internets! I don't see why some of us girls getting a force using cutie with a nice personality and voice is too much to ask for.... :D


This is all a matter of opinion, of course, but in my opinion, the 2 sexiest female companions are Vette and Akaavi. And if I can step into my gay suit, the 2 sexiest male companions are Vector and Doc (the way Doc is portrayed, he comes across as a person who really cares and wants to make the galaxy a better place, despite his arrogant bluster). All non-Force-using. DS Jaesa is OK if you want a crazy-a** [w]itch for a lover, I guess and Nadia is OK but kinda bland (probably because she enters the story so late).


But I find Ashara as appealing as a whiny, spoiled teenager and Kira to be a failure at her chosen profession of Sarcastic Wit-meister ("Eat light saber, jerk!" is one of the stupidest things said by any companion in the game). And I'm not sure why anyone would even want an option to romance an emotionless, amoral hulk with shark genitalia on his face.


In my opinion, of the romanceable comps, the two sexiest female comps are Jaesa (DS) and Vette, (SW is lucky lol) and the two sexiest males are Quinn and Vector. (I like Doc too, he's cute and funny, and I don't mind his 'pervery' lol)


I like Kira more than Ashara. I just want to hit Ashara with a plank repeatedly...she irritates me lol. I do agree that Kira's battlecry is a bit stupid.


And I guess to each their own...I guess I like Mr. Amoral hulk with Shark Genitalia, cause he can be poetic in the way he describes things...and his voice is...*flail* awesome. :D Honestly I'm a slave to the voice. A good voice is very compelling.


You spend several chapters finding the right ritual to undo the Emperor's. Then you spend a few more gathering the right artifacts and building up your power. Last chapter you perform the ritual and then cry because he prefers dour Chagrian soldiers over Jedi.


Well...that just makes me a bit sad. And it makes me dislike Rusk all the more. The bahstahd!


Clearly, us men are better adherents to the Jedi code and are strong enough to resist the wiles of a Sithly woman than women are (Oh, God, I'm only kidding, please don't kill me...)


You didn't actually think you'd get away with that...*thwap* :p


He has an interesting personanity, a -very- sexy voice, and look at those shoulders... :D


Mmm yes, quite lovely. I personally tend towards default Scourge...but...I see the reasoning sister! *high fives*


Mmm. There's also parts where he speaks of his youth on Korriban and reminisces about things in life he's no longer able to experience, the color of his first love's eyes. It's that tiny peek into the man's soul I suppose that shows there's more to him than just "Boo Vitiate" and "Jedi suck, let me raise your kids as Sith."


There's something to be said too for the power of ones voice. Take Elara.. aside from her, in my perspective, boring conversations it's actually mostly her voices that sends me into half a blind rage. It's not the psychotic words that come from Vaylin's mouth when she speaks that make me hammer down on my spacebar, it's the voice in which she says those things. Ones voice is only a small part to their entire being but if it's overly annoying, or in fact highly seductive, yeah it does start to weigh in more heavily than it probably should.


I agree completely, the power of voice is important. Very important to me. And I agree wholeheartedly about Scourge. :D


We actually have a male Force user companion.

Can't you see he's a Jedi? Don't make him use his lightsaber.

Technically, he's "just" Force sensitive, but that may change in the future, if speculations are right. Someone spotted on NS or Zakuul with a saber instead of a blaster (Just like he appeared before being recruited in vanilla story), so 2+2=5


No. Just no. I don't want to romance a guy I could easily have turned into a sandwich. Tuna...Tuno....Coincidence...I think not. :p


To be honest, I think force users are more interesting/cool in terms of visuals. Lightsabers are fun, Force user companions are more fun to watch in battle, and in general I like the look of Jedi/Sith style outfits more than I like the look of soldier/mercenary/smuggler type outfits (and I find it silly to dress up tech users like Jedi or Sith). Just my opinion of course.


I also prefer to use male companions. I like and use females too (Akaavi, Elara, and LS Jaesa are my currrent go-tos for their respective classes), but all else equal I would usually go with the male.


So, for these reasons I would like more male Force user companions. And c'mon, if Force users weren't considered desirable as love interests, I don't think Bioware would have given ALL of the male Force user characters a pretty Force user lady to romance, and then added Lana for everyone. ;)


I'm actually not too fussed about whether they are romanceable or not, though I would want them to be pleasing to both the eyes and ears -- so no, silly looking Shiny Jedi Man with his goofy voice does not fit the bill. :p Lord Scourge does, but he's Knight only. And IMHO, if they do add a new male Force user like that, it'd be nice if he was written to be romanceable.


This! 100% this. :D


So, here is hoping we get some nice romanceable male force users for companions! :D

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