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Advice on commando survival in PvE?


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Hello all,

I'm new to the commando (level 52) only and have no problem most of the time. I mow trash mobs down easily, on bosses it's usually a 2v1 with my companion so no problem at all. However once things get tough (flashpoints for example), and I go into "survival mode" I feel I can't do anything, like I'm only good as long as someone else has higher threat to tank for me. If for some reason I find myself alone, I 'm mostly sure I'm done for and can't turn the tides.


I mean if I'm ever using my offheals on myself during battle, I know it's gameover as I won't be able to heal through the damage anyways. Concussion charge (pushback) is okay but on melees they just run back 2 seconds later.


Adrenaline rush, cryo grenade and diversion I find useful but I was wondering if other people feel vulnerable on their commando as well. Maybe because I'm spoiled coming from melee classes. Should I be using a mix of offensive and defensive mods? Or at least stack up on endurance? Any tips is welcome!

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Basic rule of clearing trash is weakest to strongest and since you are probably playing gunnery killing the weakest shouldn't take long (often the weakest are ranged adds on the periphery) . If you are pulling trash as a 52 mando then you are leaving youself open to getting all the threat, let someone else pull or if you HAVE to pull (because of a gf with all lowbies) make sure you have most or all of your defensives on CD (LoS the trash if need be). Also try to avoid AOE on trash unless you have a tank, the more targets you hit the more threat you will gain.


In summary don't pull, don't aoe (unless there is a tank) kill one target at a time (weakest to smallest) and survival shouldn't be an issue and NEVER stack endurance for PVE.

Edited by MuskyBoy
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Thanks for the input. I don't pull and I do go for the adds first. But the sometimes the tank doesn't take all aggro or sometimes the tank dies and that's when I have to get into survival mode. When I'm in survival mode I'm not doing any good damage and eventually go to a wipe.
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Thanks for the input. I don't pull and I do go for the adds first. But the sometimes the tank doesn't take all aggro or sometimes the tank dies and that's when I have to get into survival mode. When I'm in survival mode I'm not doing any good damage and eventually go to a wipe.


you should be able to face tank even a gold star and kill it without issue. but, if you are pulling more than 2 or 3 adds or "if the tank dies" that is not your fault. hm flashpoints mobs, especially, are not supposed to be survivable if pounding on a dps. the groups are set up the way they are (tank, heals, dpsX2) for a reason, and if some parts of the group are not doing their job effectively, there isn't a lot you can do about it.

Edited by sumquy
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sometimes you have to throttle back your dps. Mercs/Commandos have terrible survivability (more squishy than cloth) in both PVE and PVP. The only real option is not to pull aggro in the first place.


that is not true. for pve, they have just as good survivability as most classes. for pvp, the only thing they are lacking is a leave me alone button (stealth, god bubble, lol your dam heals me to full). the reason they get focused is because everyone figured out that there isn't anything they can do about it. no class except jugg survives multiple enemies pounding them.

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Is it just flash points your having issues with? or is it soloing planetary heroics as well? If you can bring you companion out as a healer you should be able to solo pretty much everything everything this side of a tactical flashpoint.


Im assuming its tacticals and not hardmodes that your encountering issues with at your level. The truth of the matter is it might not be you: a few of those tac fps are way overtuned and aren't doable for a normal person/group if the group doesnt have a healer. You'll be better served by learning which fps need a tank/healer combo and which can be done by 4 dps. I have found that its the shadows of reven fps that have not been properly tuned. Stay clear of Rishi bloodhunt and mannan. I just leave group if I enter one of those and we don't have tank and healer.


Everything else you have posted shows at least basic competence and you seem aware of all your abilties. That really does suggest to me that its not in fact you.

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