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Have you ever been wrong about doomsaying in SWTOR?


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this was however a long time ago and looking at the changes bioware made for the past 2 years i could say that now you get less for more. This applies to everything the game had to offer before, there is just too much recycling around and some of the most unique aspects that made swtor stand out amongst so many others has been changed to, just imo ofc, make things easier for bioware to keep track off and spend little to no time "tweaking" issues. Feel free to argue and/or dispute anything that comes to mind but i do not feel being wrong when i say the game is much simpler today.


more doom

there are however so many fails that i can not but see swtor having turned into a milking machine, just running on life support until they pull the plug for good.


yet more doom

to all those saying nothing has changed since kotfe, the population spikes can be seen clearly whenever a new chapter is released...and it lasts for a few days at best. As many have mentioned, if you have been around for the few past months you should have noticed the changes in que times, fleet numbers during prime time etc.

Maybe it is not a perfect way to track sub numbers or ppl playing the game in general but the few i have on my friends list are barely around anymore...who knows, they still might be playing on different toons. ;)


oh look, even more doom

i wish to be wrong but this game has certanly turned into a revolving door for me, so i can not hope but wonder if it is not the same for many who have been around for years.

Since my main focus was and is on pvp...not gonna indulge into doomsaying but unless they fix a few things it will keep going downhill, until we hit rockbottom and just do not bother with "their" door anymore....


last i checked the topic was if ppl were ever wrong about doomsaying. Pretty sure i answered that part, and you might wanna take your time reading my post again if that was not clear to you.

I read your doom-laden post. Not sure I'll read any more from you or the other persistent doomsayers though; I'd rather not have to deal with other people's inability to cope with change.


there's been a lot of things announced in swtor over the years that people on the forums really hated. Maybe something was announced that you didn't think would be fun, or would kill the game. We all like to sling mud at each other and bioware, but was there ever a time when you were outright, unequivocally wrong about something swtor did that you thought would be terrible?


please note that this isn't about "i never thought bioware would screw up the game! Boy was i wrong!". This is about "boy, was i wrong when i fought so hard on the forums to keep this feature from happening! This is great!"

what about you?



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I don't think I've ever made a wrong prediction of doom about SWTOR, but then, I long ago learned that I'm strange, and that my preferences aren't so often widely shared, and something that makes the game worse for me is not by default going to make the game worse for most people.


That is, I've often said that I don't like a change, or that something I like about the game needs help... but I don't think I've ever been so myopic as to predict the death of the game over it.

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I don't think I've ever made a wrong prediction of doom about SWTOR, but then, I long ago learned that I'm strange, and that my preferences aren't so often widely shared, and something that makes the game worse for me is not by default going to make the game worse for most people.


That is, I've often said that I don't like a change, or that something I like about the game needs help... but I don't think I've ever been so myopic as to predict the death of the game over it.


Closest I think you came was expecting level sync to affect the time-to-clear on dailies in the run-up to 4.0; but that wasn't a prediction of doom for the game so much as a prediction for you to drop your sub when it ran out after 4.0. (And it did affect clear times somewhat, from my somewhat unscientific testing before and after). And you waited to see if your prediction came true before taking action.

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Must admit, on my original swtor account, at EU launch, played with a close friend from wow till max level,

Both hit cap and it was "erm ok, there's nothing to do"

The game was very frustrating back then, and I remember saying "well this game won't last a year"

Happily I was proved wrong about that, as it is by far my fav mmo now

I do worry however, what will happen to swtor if it carries on with the light content each month, especially when games like wow have an upcoming expansion.

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Well, too early to judge my doom saying for this game, since IIRC the only "doom!" I've said about this game was that 4.0 would kill it because it became so damn easy, and because KotFE sucks. Last I read, SWTOR's license was good until 2023, but IDK if it's all paid, or if they have to pay in installments. If it's all sunk cost, might as well keep the game alive on life support for the duration, but if they have to keep ponying up money every year, then it probably won't last until 2023 at this rate.


I did say way back when this game would never go F2P because EA had a history of not doing F2P, based on UO and DAoC remaining sub only games despite pops much smaller than this game ever reached, and closing down Warhammer. Boy, was I wrong there lol.

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Last I read, SWTOR's license was good until 2023, but IDK if it's all paid, or if they have to pay in installments.

There is no SWTOR license.


EA has the license to create Star Wars games...ALL Star Wars games (several exclusions were in the deal). They don't pay installments, they pay a royalty based on revenue created from the Star Wars name, most likely, along with whatever their licensing fee was. Since it's exclusive, I assume the licensing fee was an upfront cost, not yearly.

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You seem to have an issue with doomsaying, Gaspodia.

No matter if it turns out to be right or wrong...I had 1 deleted post in my history and it was because I attacked Bioware outright, with somewhat harsh language but nothing really offensive.

I know better now that bashing your head against a (silent) wall is bad for your health, and will too apply it to finish up my involvement in this topic.


Just these few lines.


Reading through some of the posts back I would say plenty of ppl predicted the state the game is in today. I would even go further and agree with some of the "new" doomsaying theories, and if they turn out to be wrong...no harm done, as long as you are mature enough to make your own decisions regarding them.

Maybe that is the problem, that some1 might take the time to write their views and you had to read them, realizing there is some truth that might hurt your own views...or maybe you just do not like negativity in general, it takes all sorts I guess.


On a serious note and to take the route you wish to take, they say ignorance is bliss so I am going to do that in regard to any of your efforts to get me to respond further....

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