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Have you ever been wrong about doomsaying in SWTOR?


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I wasn't responding to your argument on if the servers are declining or not, I do not know enough about the site linked, nor do I ewatch the server numbers enough to have any grounds there. I was responding to you making a claim, then when asked for evidence to back it up, say that the poster in question has to disprove your claim before you give the evidence.

That is not how any decent point presented as fact works. If you want something to be taken as fact that isn't common sense by this point, you have to put forward evidence before it can be disproved. Though this is only if you want it to seriously taken as a fact as you say it is.


I've seen the evidence too. It's unequivocal fact. You just weren't there to see it yourself. Shame nobody thought to make a documentary for your later review and approval.

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IF they did a full revamp of the game that went with SWG faction system, Pre-CU combat/skill system, open space, open world pvp and housing, and made Jedi a unlockable class along with end game content like raids? They would be rolling in the money.


Story isn't what drives people to MMO's it's massive group content.


I was more talking about having the players add stuff... But the other stuff is awesome too, if done right. Though I think most people would be put off if you had to unlock the jedi class in a star wars game.

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Also, those who whine about not being able to do simple puzzles (looking at you chapter 11). I am still angry about them making every companion basically worth-less. I LIKED gearing mine with left over crystals and gear I didn't need. Giving them augments. I had some killer companions that way. Instead they dumb down the game. People ************ the leveling is too slow (PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFT!), nothing to do at end game when they space bar the **** out of the stories trying to do end game as fast as possible. Have no idea how to do SIMPLE flashpoints like the Tacticals...doesn't matter if a flashpoint was originally made for it or not, it's NOT kriffing hard. Seriously. I'm really getting tired of Bioware dumbing this game down for the Call of Duty generation and the extremely casual casuals.


I don't care if there are new players, young, old, casuals, etc. But when you make a game that was hella easy to begin with way too easy? You kinda wonder what the point is.


I do think that this has something to do with the decline in population. Unfortunately what they havent figured out, is that the CoD crowd and the super casuals are a very fickle group. The tend to migrate and spend as little money as possible.

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I've seen the evidence too. It's unequivocal fact. You just weren't there to see it yourself. Shame nobody thought to make a documentary for your later review and approval.


My tiny mind is confused, are you agreeing with me or making fun of my snooty and smug attitude?

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I do think that this has something to do with the decline in population. Unfortunately what they havent figured out, is that the CoD crowd and the super casuals are a very fickle group. The tend to migrate and spend as little money as possible.


If they tend to spend little money, how the hell is CoD successful? :D

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This thread was interesting until the bickering started :rolleyes:


I don't recall ever doomsaying about anything in-game really. I tend to be one of those "don't knock it until you try it" people. It's how I ended up spitting escargots halfway across the restaurant once.

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Back in 2013 when RotHC was out, there seem to be a shift of focus away from the story to group contents and ops, there is also this emphasis of end-game grinding through daily and via reputations system. Makeb the new area at that time as a whole felt very dreadful and frustrating to solo due to the insane respawn rate and density of enemies. All these start to either burn out and\or frustrated the more casual players especially those who don't group often, many who are in for the story also getting disappointed that there is no more unique story for their class and many of them started quitting the game during that period of time.


I was one of them who quitted around the later half of 2013, though I didn't actually come to the forum to whine about quitting (but back then the forum is just as salty and gloomy as now, just that people are complaining about the opposite thing like games too hard\too time consuming, too much grouping\ops etc) and just simply quit when my sub ended, I do thought that the game will be dying at this rate and will not last another year or two. So much so that I actually didn't bother to give the game another chance when I heard SoR and KotFE are released and that the dev may be shifting the focus back to casual game play and story content.


I only come back to the game in Dec because of the movie effect, was surprised with all the new changes and loving the new SWTOR so far.


So now I know I was wrong in the past, the game was not dead, it seem that it is still alive and kicking.. Guess people who do enjoy and love the game will be busy playing it than to come to forum, so we tend to see mainly the salty and gloomy post in most if not all MMO forums. :(

Edited by MDChen
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Back in 2013 when RotHC was out, there seem to be a shift of focus away from the story to group contents and ops, there is also this emphasis of grinding through daily and via reputations system. Makeb the new area at that time as a whole felt very dreadful and frustrating to solo due to the insane respawn rate and density of enemies. All these start to either burn out and\or frustrated the more casual players especially those who don't group often, many who are in for the story also getting disappointed that there is no more unique story for their class and many of them started quitting the game during that period of time.


I was one of them who quitted around the later half of 2013, though I didn't actually come to the forum to whine about quitting (but back then the forum is just as salty and gloomy as now, just that people are complain about the opposite thing like games too hard, too much grouping\ops etc) and just simply quit when my sub ended, I do thought that the game will be dying at this rate and will not last another year or two. So much so that I actually didn't bother to give the game another chance when I heard SoR and KotFE are released and that the dev may be shifting the focus back to casual game play and story content.


I only come back to the game in Dec because of the movie effect, was surprised with all the new changes and loving the new SWTOR so far.


So now I know I was wrong in the past, the game was not dead, it seem that it is still alive and kicking..


Thanks! This is what I was looking for. I'll give another one to try to get the topic back on track:


I thought that the Cartel Market rancors were going to devalue the Giradda's rancor for season 1 PvP. As it turns out, the CM Rancors don't look nearly as cool as Giradda's, and the PvP rancor is easily recognizable. It gives me hope for the Rancor coming up in the Eternal Championship.

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This should be someone's signature. So we never forget.....


That is a very good idea.


OT: I was wrong about the level sync. I thought that it would punish me for being too powerful, but instead, it just makes it so that I don't feel like I'm wasting my time when I feel the urge to re-run a heroic.

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In trying to put us back on track a bit.


So far no. What I've posted about as far as doomsaying goes hasn't really been all that good for the game or retention of players.


So far, I don't feel as if I was wrong. Be it to much reliance on story. The massively uninteresting down leveling and 4 year old heroics, all the way to the lack of new end game group content for PVP and PVE.

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There aren't many of us around that fought along side me on the forums and I could quote my pervious warning posts but most are deleted, due to my other account being banned. Can't even search for them. I made a lot of points over the years that is obvious the devs and forum community manager want to keep hidden. :confused:


Sure was funny during the announcement of 3.0 I called the 4.0 expansion and level increase over a year in advance to work along side the movie released. I still have that feather in my cap. Though it was such a letdown. Devs failed veteran subs.


It wouldn't take much to take the best of SWG and combine it with the best of SWTOR and have a killer game.


We don't agree often and have had out battles but this I do agree with.


But we will see this game in the future. It's in the works and is the death of the SWTOR IP.


But not sure if it will satisfy everyone. LoL

Edited by knowmyname
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Yes, very wrong.

So way back in the launch era it got to a point that on a weekend night I would spend a couple hours doing nothing but the Illum circle looking for gear bags, with -maybe- one or two pvp matches that would pop that night, no flashpoints and no ops. It was dismal and it seemed like the game had truly died at that point.

I was so wrong I actually unsubbed.

Happily, three weeks later Bioware announced server mergers and I was soon resubbed and playing the game again.


It's a little too close to being this now, really wish Bioware would announce another server merger or cross server queues. But I think this time I'll try to wait it out., at least through KOTFE and EC.

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did not like level-sync before don't like it now and still think its a total waste of time.


other than that don't think I have been that against anything bw has done, sure there are things I don't like but that's not the same. even with level-sync I don't believe I said it would kill the game. think my brother did and did leave over it.

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When I first started in 2012 and was on the Veeboo Lunx server and couldn't find groups to run hm flashpoints let alone EV/KP story mode even and EC HM was the hardest content at that stage. That's when I thought the game was dead already and told what little friends I had made on the server that the game was dead, not long after they finally added server transfers and or merges if you will and I was able to find groups to raid with and actually have fun outside of playing story time. So I guess I was wrong lol. Edited by Lil_Fusion
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There's been a lot of things announced in SWTOR over the years that people on the forums really hated. Maybe something was announced that you didn't think would be fun, or would kill the game. We all like to sling mud at each other and Bioware, but was there ever a time when you were outright, unequivocally wrong about something SWTOR did that you thought would be terrible?


Please note that this isn't about "I never thought Bioware would screw up the game! Boy was I wrong!". This is about "Boy, was I wrong when I fought so hard on the forums to keep this feature from happening! This is great!"

What about you?


Quoted as a reminder to those with an auto-hate agenda / reading comprehension fail :)


I was vociferously against the way strongholds and decorating were going to be implemented when they were first announced; My first MMO was EQ2, which had an endless variety of ways to decorate your house and I was convinced this was going to be an *awful* pale copy of that system. I was also convinced it was going to be quietly ditched in favour of other content, once everyone realised there was little point to decorating as their stronghold would always look almost identical to everyone else's.


Very glad to say I was wrong though. The hook system the game uses has just enough flexibility to allow the more talented decorators (not me, sadly) to personalise their strongholds to a large extent and many people have done an *amazing* job with what I had previously thought were inflexible tools. Just goes to show, you can't take the imagination away from an imaginative player :)


I also welcome the recent announcement that we would be able to have a stronghold that we can decorate at leisure without incurring a penalty for conquest purposes. Time for me to have another go at decorating properly; no more wall-to-wall pictures of Soa for me on the fifth one! :D

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It could be that I too made statements saying the game is going to die or is dying. Quite a few times actually...


This was however a long time ago and looking at the changes Bioware made for the past 2 years I could say that now you get less for more. This applies to everything the game had to offer before, there is just too much recycling around and some of the most unique aspects that made Swtor stand out amongst so many others has been changed to, just IMO ofc, make things easier for Bioware to keep track off and spend little to no time "tweaking" issues. Feel free to argue and/or dispute anything that comes to mind but I do not feel being wrong when I say the game is much simpler today.


The game itself is still fun, probably even more so for any1 new to it. Being a Star Wars fan makes it appealing to even those who do not like these kind of games.

There are however so many fails that I can not but see Swtor having turned into a milking machine, just running on life support until they pull the plug for good.

Besides, what is the point of doomsaying anyway, like the 1 above. :D

If you are right you still feel like you are at the recieving end, and if you are wrong you wasted your time with something you apparently did not like in the 1st place.

I admit to have announced leaving the game for shorter or longer periods of time, more than once but I guess it is an ego issue or just the hours spent enjoying parts of the game where I started feeling cheated and baffled at the shortcomings on Biowares part, and yet I still hope they wish to do something to kick the sub numbers up again.

Something game changing you might say, as in giving ppl more than a "months" content, but patience is a virtue....


To all those saying nothing has changed since Kotfe, the population spikes can be seen clearly whenever a new chapter is released...and it lasts for a few days at best. As many have mentioned, if you have been around for the few past months you should have noticed the changes in que times, fleet numbers during prime time etc.

Maybe it is not a perfect way to track sub numbers or ppl playing the game in general but the few I have on my friends list are barely around anymore...who knows, they still might be playing on different toons. ;)


I wish to be wrong but this game has certanly turned into a revolving door for me, so I can not hope but wonder if it is not the same for many who have been around for years.

Since my main focus was and is on PvP...not gonna indulge into doomsaying but unless they fix a few things it will keep going downhill, until we hit rockbottom and just do not bother with "their" door anymore....

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I wish to be wrong but this game has certanly turned into a revolving door for me, so I can not hope but wonder if it is not the same for many who have been around for years.

Since my main focus was and is on PvP...not gonna indulge into doomsaying but unless they fix a few things it will keep going downhill, until we hit rockbottom and just do not bother with "their" door anymore....


... but actually, you will anyway because staying on-topic is less important than spouting your unwanted doom-gloom? :rolleyes:


There are several threads for you to indulge your doomsaying in without derailing one that is on a completely different topic. Doing so is rude at best...

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In trying to put us back on track a bit.


So far no. What I've posted about as far as doomsaying goes hasn't really been all that good for the game or retention of players.


So far, I don't feel as if I was wrong. Be it to much reliance on story. The massively uninteresting down leveling and 4 year old heroics, all the way to the lack of new end game group content for PVP and PVE.


So when you say "a bit" you actually mean an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow little tiny bit? :D


I didn't return until about 2 months ago and was honestly dreading level sync. I actually enjoy it very much, I'm on my second twink leveling up and love it. I used to hate leveling tanks - in tank stance - because I felt forced to take a dps comp as fights with a Heal comp were just awful as a tank, but w/o one I was forced to regen after every/every other fight due to there being no out of fight regen to speak of. Now, it's actually fun.


I will drift off a little, though, because it's just to tempting. I'm still very p*ssed off they shadow-patched our Blaster sounds out exactly one patch prior to introducing the CM, to drive the demand up on the new Blasters with their unique sounds, i.e. Black Nebula. That was just done, all protest and bug reports ignored and buried. My Slinger died that day and was never resurrected.

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but was there ever a time when you were outright, unequivocally wrong


Once actually, it was back in 2013 when I wrote this:

I think you didn't get what I was saying. I never said anything about how long SWTOR will run, rather that the time needed for a Dev to answer here in the suggestion forum might be longer than the time the game still has.

I do believe a Bioware employee actually has answered to a post in the suggestion forum since, though I don't remember when it was. :rolleyes:

Edited by trueKieran
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... but actually, you will anyway because staying on-topic is less important than spouting your unwanted doom-gloom? :rolleyes:


There are several threads for you to indulge your doomsaying in without derailing one that is on a completely different topic. Doing so is rude at best...


Last I checked the topic was if ppl were ever wrong about doomsaying. Pretty sure I answered that part, and you might wanna take your time reading my post again if that was not clear to you.

I even made a joke on my behalf as to having indulged into doomsaying, aswell as reffering to myself only doing so again. If that is a problem for you than you might want to read the other posts too, as ppl have gone even further than me, doomsaying the game already died, is dying, has problems, will have future problems leading to this and that and so on.


But since I am apparently rude at best I will go with my views on strongholds, since you enjoy them so much.

Take your time once more and figure out what a huge credit sink it is and how little effort was put into it. As much as I enjoyed decorating my 1st stronghold I have not bothered with any other, for what it is worth mentioning it.

Sorry if I derailed from the topic of this thread again, giving my "own" views on another feature in Swtor and thus somehow wasted your time by reading through all this which was not on topic, but I did anyway....:eek:

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I was also a little wary of the level synching. In the beginning it just seemed to be the end of fp in general. It seems to have gotten better lately though. Did a run through last night that went off without a hitch. The only snag with the new grouping is they seems to have lost the balance scale. A lot of times a group will que that's composed entirely of tanks or dps. No healers as far as the eye can see. Edited by h_weber
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I was excited when BW announce KotFE. They promised us focus on original storytelling, choices that matter etc.


I never thought Bioware would screw up the game! Boy was I wrong!


In fact, they bring us simple and foolish story like endings in ME3 without respect to any of player choices. You may click any of 1, 2, 3 - the same final are doomed for you.

And they just abandon any others aspects of MMO - PVP, end-game PVE, RP.

Edited by RangerPCW
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