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Have you ever been wrong about doomsaying in SWTOR?


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There's been a lot of things announced in SWTOR over the years that people on the forums really hated. Maybe something was announced that you didn't think would be fun, or would kill the game. We all like to sling mud at each other and Bioware, but was there ever a time when you were outright, unequivocally wrong about something SWTOR did that you thought would be terrible?


Please note that this isn't about "I never thought Bioware would screw up the game! Boy was I wrong!". This is about "Boy, was I wrong when I fought so hard on the forums to keep this feature from happening! This is great!"


Since it isn't easy to admit to being wrong, I'll start with mine: I hated when they announced that leveling was going to be replaced with the new "planet+class only" experience. To my surprise, I enjoyed it more than 12x xp. In fact, I was able to recruit a buddy to play with me because of the new leveling curve. He had played back in 2.0 and got burned out by how slow it was.


What about you?

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Not gonna lie when they announced level sync I was like well this is going to be pretty stupid and ridiculous.


Turns out I like level sync and being able to get level appropriate drops even if I go back to older planets. I'm sure some people still don't like it. Overall it was nice to see that I felt differently about it after they implemented it. The only downside is I can't face-roll world bosses, solo HM FP, or 3 man OPS like I used to but who cares I like doing those with big groups now. :)

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Sorry that it's not what you want to hear, but I was wrong about a solo story NOT being awful. I'd gladly pay a monthly recurring subscription for story that was dynamic, alt-friendly, and where choices truly mattered. As it stands, the story I was so excited for has decimated my guild (all of whom took a "wait and see" approach) and turned this game from something I played every day to something I occasionally log into for a once-in-a-blue-moon ops runs. Edited by TheSeventhJedi
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Sorry that it's not what you want to hear, but I was wrong about a solo story NOT being awful. .


Don't worry, I'll do one of those later. This isn't about having hopes dashed by Bioware's decisons--this is about wrongly predicting something was going to be terrible but it turned out to be great. Anything from the Legacy system to datacrons to level sync to color crystals to collections to (Insert your favorite pleasant surprise here).

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have to agree, i thought the kotfe story would be good but short but it turned out to be bad and short.


massive disappointment

I actually enjoyed the story 1-9...10 was just horrible and 11 felt like any other companion recruitment mission, but shorter.


I've never been wrong though because I've never been a doomsayer. I'm just a realist who has an opinion on things that I feel would improve/harm the game.

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Yeah, but if all you let yourself see is doom....

Nothing I said is "doom". It's fact. Disagree if you like but I'm not doomsaying. I like this game and want it to thrive for another decade...but it won't at the rate it's currently going.

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Nothing I said is "doom". It's fact. Disagree if you like but I'm not doomsaying. I like this game and want it to thrive for another decade...but it won't at the rate it's currently going.


Fact? Any chance you can post your figures so I can have a look?

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OP I haven't done doomsaying in the context I think you're referring to. Critique,complain, and **** post yeah. Like others though I thought BW would be putting more into KOTFE though. After the trailer and some decent first chapters I expected more than old companion fetches and thin story, having played and enjoyed past BW SP games.



No, you're right, that doesn't sound like something a doomsayer would say


Sounds like a realistic statement, and he claimed to be a realist. It can be hard for folks that feel more than they think and get much emotionally invested to comprehend that others aren't necessarily like themselves.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Fact? Any chance you can post your figures so I can have a look?

Proof? How about you try to disprove it. Any dolt who logs in can see the population is in decline and anyone who plays the game can see we're in the midst of severe stagnation.

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Proof? How about you try to disprove it. Any dolt who logs in can see the population is in decline and anyone who plays the game can see we're in the midst of severe stagnation.


To be fair, Tux. When you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

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Proof? How about you try to disprove it. Any dolt who logs in can see the population is in decline and anyone who plays the game can see we're in the midst of severe stagnation.


Again - figures? You made the claim, you have to back it up

Edited by CrazyCT
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Sounds like a realistic statement, and he claimed to be a realist. It can be hard for folks that feel more than they think and get much emotionally invested to comprehend that others aren't necessarily like themselves.

Exactly Joe...addictions blind people.

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Exactly Joe...addictions blind people.


And apparently makes them think that they can rewrite the rules of the internet.


"Oh look it's a quote I plucked from some other thread and am reposting without any context! You gotta defend yourself, that's how it works!" :cool:

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To be fair, Tux. When you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

Again - figures? You made the claim, you have to back it up


It's not a claim, it's a statement. It's factual based on my experience in-game. Without any official numbers from Bioware (which you both know we don't have access to), it's all I we to go by.


The whole "burden of proof" thing is for court...this is a gaming forum.

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And apparently makes them think that they can rewrite the rules of the internet.


"Oh look it's a quote I plucked from some other thread and am reposting without any context! You gotta defend yourself, that's how it works!" :cool:


I can ask for proof in the other thread too if it'll make you feel better. Either way, he can't, cause he doesn't have any. But he is content to spread his doomsaying and try to pass it off as fact.

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It's not a claim, it's a statement. It's factual based on my experience in-game. Without any official numbers from Bioware (which you both know we don't have access to), it's all I we to go by.


The whole "burden of proof" thing is for court...this is a gaming forum.


Ooh, torstatus. Where do I click to see the actual figures? Or at least how much the servers can hold, what range each level portrays, how many are subs, how many are spending on the CM, anything with a number attached that we can compare with any other time? Anything?

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Anyone going to point out the irony involved when a person [1] snarks about the thread being "dragged, kicking and screaming, off-topic" after two off-topic posts, and then [2] makes six off-topic posts in a back-and-forth argument in that same thread? Anyone?


On topic: it wasn't so much "doomsaying" as it was saying "ugh, I understand why they're doing this in terms of cost / practicality, but I think I'm personally going to hate it" but I was surprised how little I ended up disliking both the Discipline system and having hooks for the player housing.

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